LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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BSL's neighbor said that BSL brought him sausage to show his appreciation after the fire at his parents' home. I thought that was an unusual gift, but this would explain it.

Believe me, sausage as a gift is not all that unusual in South Louisiana.
Don't y'all mistake my register date as a newcomer! I have been lurkin through these threads since little Hailey Dunne went missing. My daddy is ret. law enforcement over in Terrebone.

Foremost I have said many a prayer for the Shunick family and I have prayed and prayed for little Mickey's safe return. Now I have prayers for the Lavergne family as well. Both of these families have some heartache ahead of them.


What has brought me out my hiding spot was a sweet little girl named Kimberly that made some comments here yesterday and was quickly put in her place. And now I just have to ask why some of y'all are so against this theory that our dear law enforcement did not see Mickey being taken in that video in front of the station?

Yet I have not seen any of y'all provide proof that this did not happen. How are y'all so sure? Our good Chief Craft did say that it could have been on St. Landry, St. Mary or Blackham and I take this to mean anywhere in is general area. Now this ain't no quote but I know what he said. Did any of y'all get that this was not a straight answer?

My daddy and I have studied those photos since they were released. Now that Brandon followed behind Mickey by one minute or less. Do y'all think he stopped and waited for her to get further down the road? Only common sense says he would have passed over or beside her within seconds. Do y'all think he passed her up and stopped somewhere to wait?

My thought is that something happened there on that video and that is why our good folks on this investigation stopped it where it was. I think the next frame showed something y'all and I don't want to witness.

For y'all that want to put that noose around my neck right now can y'all tell me why those good folks did not stop the video when there was a full image of the truck? Now it has been said by our good friend ACI that this was continuous video. Like my daddy has said, that is because they could not show us that frame.

I was trying to draw attention to Alexandria Lowitzer and the other girls that vanished in march-April 2010!!!

Being that this guy has ties to this area and may have. Been living there.....

Ali strikes me as a most obvious possibility...she was alone, walking, vulnerable, no boyfriend or history of running away, no apparent issues at all. She just disappeared. If not this POI, someone very like him.
There are a lot of women in the Houston area that could be his potential victims. If we ever find out the COD of Mickey, linking him to Texas crimes may be easier. And in Texas, he will get lethal injection and quick.
I have been lurking for a couple weeks now and have become hooked. I am fascinated by everyone's thoughtful theories on what has transpired in this case. The above post resonated with me a lot. I cannot believe what an amazing person Charlie is. She is just incredible and has basically devoted her life to bringing her little sister home. For Charlie's sake and for all her effort, I too am holding out hope that Mickey is still with us (though I know the circumstantial evidence thus far is grim). I will be moving to NOLA in a few months; my husband got a job at Tulane. I hope that those posters I saw everywhere last month on an apartment hunt are gone, because that family deserves answers.

I have nothing sleuth-y to contribute, but I wanted to finally enter out from my lurking, quiet ways.

Hi silsby, I'm glad you posted, I also waited a long time before I started posting. I'm glad you jumped in. Wish we could be meeting under happier circumstances but I guess that's part of being here too. Sometimes there is good news though and once in a while we might even get a miracle or two. :coffeews::heartbeat:
IF there is video of Mickey voluntarily getting into BSL's truck after her bike being hit, and from the press conference, it is stated that she WAS hit, AT SOME POINT, would that still constitute an aggravated kidnapping charge, and if so, why? LE stated that they believe he was out prowling for a victim. Would that be why? Even if she got into the truck under her own power? Is that a strong enough AGGRAVATED kidnapping charge to necessitate the first degree murder charge, as LE intimated? I am having to believe that we know very, very little of the concrete evidence that LE has, and I think we are going to hopefully be shocked that they were able to keep it under wraps..

Seems to me like they AT LEAST believe very strongly in the aggravated kidnapping charge.
I definitely do not believe there is an accomplice of any kind. This guy was "night stalking", in my opinion. If Mickey had not been out and about, he may have found some other woman, one with a less vocal group to send up the signal, and we might not even know about it. He may have ended up taking and killing a sex worker instead, or someone else who probably would not have been missed as quickly. He may have done that in the past, for all we know. I am guessing if he has other victims, they are probably not even women we are aware of. JMO

I agree, and that is exactly why all young people, but especially young women, need to be alert to the fact that there ARE bad people out there that do evil deeds to good people. I was young once. I remember that feeling of invincibilty too, but truth is, none of us is promised tomorrow, but we certainly increase our chances of seeing it if we realize there are risks and do everything in our power to minimize them. Even with this guy behind bars, you dont have to look far to see there are many, many more just like him. Look at all the cases we KNOW about right now, and who knows how many we dont know about. If nothing else good can come from this tragedy, maybe it will be the spark that keeps someone else from being the next innocent victim. JMO
IF there is video of Mickey voluntarily getting into BSL's truck after her bike being hit, and from the press conference, it is stated that she WAS hit, AT SOME POINT, would that still constitute an aggravated kidnapping charge, and if so, why? LE stated that they believe he was out prowling for a victim. Would that be why? Even if she got into the truck under her own power? Is that a strong enough AGGRAVATED kidnapping charge to necessitate the first degree murder charge, as LE intimated? I am having to believe that we know very, very little of the concrete evidence that LE has, and I think we are going to hopefully be shocked that they were able to keep it under wraps..

Seems to me like they AT LEAST believe very strongly in the aggravated kidnapping charge.


If he ever threatened her (whether or not he ever brandished a weapon) and took her somewhere that she did not agree to go, that is still aggravated kidnapping.
IF there is video of Mickey voluntarily getting into BSL's truck after her bike being hit, and from the press conference, it is stated that she WAS hit, AT SOME POINT, would that still constitute an aggravated kidnapping charge, and if so, why? LE stated that they believe he was out prowling for a victim. Would that be why? Even if she got into the truck under her own power? Is that a strong enough AGGRAVATED kidnapping charge to necessitate the first degree murder charge, as LE intimated? I am having to believe that we know very, very little of the concrete evidence that LE has, and I think we are going to hopefully be shocked that they were able to keep it under wraps..

Seems to me like they AT LEAST believe very strongly in the aggravated kidnapping charge.

This is aggravated kidnapping in Louisiana froma google search:

R.S. 14:44, a person commits the offense of aggravated kidnapping when s/he with the intent to force the victim or any other person to give up something of value to grant any advantage or immunity, in order to secure the victim’s release:

&#9632;forcibly seizes and carries any person from one place to another; or
&#9632;entices or persuades any person to go from one place to another; or
&#9632;imprisons or forcibly secrets any person.
I think the chances that they have Mickie getting into his truck under her own power and will are slim, with the "aggravated kidnapping" charge as well. If he hit her and it is on video, it may be apparent that it was not accidental, which could also account for the charge, even if she DID manage to get up and agree to get into his truck.

In any event, they seem to know she left the scene with him one way or another and is now believed to be deceased as a result of his actions.

As far as tying him to any of the missing girls or women near Spring, the first thing LE could do is find out where he was the dates they vanished, which should not be that difficult, if he was working the same job, on and offshore, at the time. For instance, where was he in April 2010, when Ali disappeared?
Are you sure it's been deactivated? Unless I've found the wrong one.

Only thing I noticed on it is one of his friends (female) works at The Corner Pantry, where the "burn in hell BSL" sign is.

Also, on his Mom's FB... are those pictures of him?

Yes, those are picture of him on his mom's FB (the October 10, 2010 album, for example).

I think you may be looking at the other BSL that lives in Lafayette (different person), unless you bookmarked it like I failed to. I can no longer find his account linked off of his mom's account. The one I am talking about had his last name misspelled (g) missing and was friends with his mom's account. Is that what you are looking at?
Here is a big reminder:

Do Not post links to FB pages of anyone other than the suspect. And if you do, be darn sure you know it's the suspect's page.

Do Not copy and paste comments or pictures from FB pages of family and friends.
This is aggravated kidnapping in Louisiana froma google search:

R.S. 14:44, a person commits the offense of aggravated kidnapping when s/he with the intent to force the victim or any other person to give up something of value to grant any advantage or immunity, in order to secure the victim’s release:

&#9632;forcibly seizes and carries any person from one place to another; or
&#9632;entices or persuades any person to go from one place to another; or
&#9632;imprisons or forcibly secrets any person.

Ahhh, entices or persuades even applies for an aggravated charge... Thanks.
I think the chances that they have Mickie getting into his truck under her own power and will are slim, with the "aggravated kidnapping" charge as well. If he hit her and it is on video, it may be apparent that it was not accidental, which could also account for the charge, even if she DID manage to get up and agree to get into his truck.

In any event, they seem to know she left the scene with him one way or another and is now believed to be deceased as a result of his actions.

As far as tying him to any of the missing girls or women near Spring, the first thing LE could do is find out where he was the dates they vanished, which should not be that difficult, if he was working the same job, on and offshore, at the time. For instance, where was he in April 2010, when Ali disappeared?

Mickey had mace. I don't think someone who took the time to turn on her mace would then hop in a strangers truck. He probably got out and stuck a gun in her face. Would explain why no one heard anything.
Mickey had mace. I don't think someone who took the time to turn on her mace would then hop in a strangers truck. He probably got out and stuck a gun in her face. Would explain why no one heard anything.

I agree that she wouldn't get in his truck...was responding to the possibility as to whether it would still be "aggravated kidnapping" if she had. But I think he hit her on purpose and then grabbed her before she could get up, even if she was able. I don't think he would even have needed a gun.
BSL's neighbor said that BSL brought him sausage to show his appreciation after the fire at his parents' home. I thought that was an unusual gift, but this would explain it.

Not unusual in South Louisiana!
Manlet-you wrote:

"He may have dissociative identity disorder where he switches into a more sinister personality. It's also possible he may not even be aware of this other personality (it may have gone undiagnosed during psychological evaluations) that does certain deeds while his core personality is asleep."

I have been tossing this around as well, more so since rumors of how he was treated by others for years are emerging. Due to emotional abuse growing up defensive dissociation may have been become conditioned and repeatedly reinforced. It may have become an automatic means of escape that has continued into his adulthood. Supposedly there were questions being asked of him regarding his RSO status and this may have brought on intense anxiety and worry about losing a woman he had developed a relationship with and he may have felt very threatened.

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