LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #37

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from charlie's fb :

speculation = rumors
facts = truth

lets stick w the facts and quit adding fire to the rumors. yes cajunnet has been right several times. but the grand jury is tomorrow and time will tell! lets keep calm and find mickey!
I LOVE to read and have been in overdrive reading media articles BUT do we REALLY need to see that mug of his in almost EVERY article and FB post?
I wish we had a list of the names on those women's ID's.
from charlie's fb :

speculation = rumors
facts = truth

lets stick w the facts and quit adding fire to the rumors. yes cajunnet has been right several times. but the grand jury is tomorrow and time will tell! lets keep calm and find mickey!

What rumors is she trying to dispel, or doesn't she say?
I have not heard or read too many things that have not been printed in MSM.

When Lafayette police arrested Lavergne, they searched his home in the Swords area of rural St. Landry Parish. Among items taken was an undisclosed number of women’s IDs, according to sources with information of the ongoing investigation.


Imo, BSL's mask of normalcy is slowly being removed, and...the tragic truth is beginning to emerge of his evil past..

'The victims will speak to those that will simply listen'..

Guess, there must be darkness present before the light can shine through...

Mickey Schunick, is that shinning light...
I don't think anyone has ever accused BL of being normal...sounds like he has always presented as rather the opposite to me.
What rumors is she trying to dispel, or doesn't she say?
I have not heard or read too many things that have not been printed in MSM.

i cant answer that for her. just passing along what she posted this morning! :blushing:

When Lafayette police arrested Lavergne, they searched his home in the Swords area of rural St. Landry Parish. Among items taken was an undisclosed number of women’s IDs, according to sources with information of the ongoing investigation.

Wonder where they were found? Were they contained in a box? Was there a hidey hole? Was it underneath a trailer?
The TT put out something today--not anything new, mostly just combined snippets we've already read elsewhere days ago. But it's good that every day since BSL's arrest, there has been something with Mickey's name out there.

"If Mickey has been murdered, we have the right -- and the need -- to bring her to a place of rest where we can place her and shed our tears," Rowe said. "Right now we shed them everywhere, every day."|head
That makes no sense to me. He violated the RSO regulations AND kidnapped a
woman ... ... .... ..... who then what??? Took of on her own and is
happy and alive somewhere?

Makes my head spin!

He didn't do anything! yeah. right.
They should just put him back on the street! lol

First I want to make sure its clear I am only surmising why the defense attorney would file what he did, not whether I think it holds merit or not. Second, of the charges filed against BSL, I think it is unquestionable that the most difficult to PROVE will be the 1st degree murder, without a body. That's not to say it can't be done or else they wouldn't have even filed that charge. It can be done, its just the toughest. So the defense attorney is asking that bond be reduced on the other 2 charges and hopes that he's not indicted on the 1st degree murder charge.
Well-at least LE does and probably has checked to make sure they are all alive and accounted for...

Or not! I wonder if they would have to hold off on releasing that info until tomorrow. If any of those ID's belong to other women who cannot be accounted for....I wonder how soon we will hear about it.
Or not! I wonder if they would have to hold off on releasing that info until tomorrow. If any of those ID's belong to other women who cannot be accounted for....I wonder how soon we will hear about it.

I hope LE would go public with the names of any of the women they are unable to contact.
A word of caution- I have seen the Ind print wrong/false information in the past.

They may have jumped the gun with the RM story, and then it seemed doubtful when no other MSM followed suit, but it's true he WAS brought in for questioning. His family aired their frustrations about it weeks later. I have to say, it's interesting that this is coming from the IND and we haven't heard about it (yet) elsewhere, so I am keeping a look out for a backup source.
They may have jumped the gun with the RM story, and then it seemed doubtful when no other MSM followed suit, but it's true he WAS brought in for questioning. His family aired their frustrations about it weeks later. I have to say, it's interesting that this is coming from the IND and we haven't heard about it (yet) elsewhere, so I am keeping a look out for a backup source.

That's reasonable. On the other hand, this reporter may be one of only a handful of true investigative journalists left in this country.
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