LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #37

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Thank you for everything SomeGuy. Do not say more than needed especially if told not to. The whole ordeal is just terrible. You never know what causes someones actions. A troubled past, insanity, etc. I believe BSL just snapped due to everything in his life. I'm really hoping BSL ATLEAST gives the location of Mickey. I would really like for him to tell all if he was involved with more murders. After trial he will not have anything to lose as I feel confident he will get the DP or life in prison. I am actually hoping for life in case he does talk. We will never understand anyone's actions but our own. We can only try to contemplate what goes on in someone's head. I guess when all is said and done atleast there's one less killer on the loose. I am glad atleast the Pate's will have some sort of closure. I can only still hope the Schunick's will too!
I don't know. Maybe he was in some kind of half way house between prison and his official release date.

Very good question, jujube.. Things aren't always as they seem....

If BSL committed a murder while encarcerated.. Ths would not be public record..

BSL was a mechanic and on one of the background checks, it stated that he worked for the State of LA for 6 years. No where did it state that it was the LA State Department of Corrections..
Its very very very sad. Over the past few days I have been uncovering extremely horrifying things he went through as a child pretty much from the time he was born. The pain and hatred he must have felt had to be incredible. I feel very very sad for brandon that he was so twisted in the head that he was driven to do these evil things. what he did was unforgivable and heart breaking, yet somehow I feel as if he is a victim of his father and a victim of his own twisted reality that resulted from years and years of extreme physical and mental abuse. It makes me very very very sad.

I want to just tell everybody everything i know but ive been told not to talk about it, but I feel that everyone should know the truth however im very conflicted right now im not sure what to do honestly.

thanks to everyone who sent me a kind PM sorry my inbox got full very quick and i missed quite a few messages.

Thank you for posting. I would imagine that you are conflicted. I appreciate your caring about us at all. I can't imagine what you are going through. You are obviously very caring, and very strong at the same time.

I am somewhat confused, but I can also wait until it all comes out.
I am going to assume that you are speaking of his adoptive father, since his adoptive mother stated he was adopted at birth, and only his birth mother has been mentioned so far. I don't know if my assumption is wrong or not.

Again, thank you for posting.
Finally caught up. Wow, I was not expecting all of this. So many different feelings...I have some questions/ideas and I'm hoping some people might be able to answer or entertain them: BSL had two, or at least more than one property, right? I get the feeling LE found a lot when they searched his place..I wonder if he utilized one property over the other in his crimes, if he used one for his crimes and one for his "normal life". Like, one of his houses was where he entertained people, it wasn't suspicious or had any trophies and such. Maybe that's a long shot. Then again, maybe everyone he knows has been suspicious of him the whole time.

Anyways, I'm also wondering if they could have found her removed bike grips on his property..I always thought it was weird that they were missing. Whatever the reason, I wonder if he kept them.

Lastly, how quickly would BSL be getting information about what LE has on him? Do his lawyers get to update him on what they know when they find out? Probably a dumb question, but I don't really understand why he'd be confident at this point knowing what has been released about him to the public..which isn't even comparable to the rest of info LE has. I'd be interested to how his convos between his attorneys go..ha

Just thinking outloud I guess. Sending good thoughts to everyone innocently involved..and all of the others still missing :(
Antisocial personality disorder is a considered a mental illness. A person with this cannot control their impulses. However, they DO know that what they are doing is wrong and therefore, they are legally culpable.

The standard for legal insanity can differ from state to state. (I do not know what Louisiana uses.) What you state is basically the McNaughton rule, I believe. There is another standard that also considers an inability to conform conduct to the law.

The McNaughton rule, which many U.S. states adopted, hinges on cognitive factors, excusing people from legal responsibility because they lacked understanding of the crime’s meaning. Some states now employ the looser guidelines set out by the American Law Institute in 1962, which broadened the insanity defense to also include cases in which a person cannot control his or her impulse to act because of a psychiatric disorder.

from an interesting article at:
He was the model prisoner, and he completed the Sex Offender program in prison which very few do...this was posted in an earlier thread. Correct? Does not sound like a candidate for any insanity plea IMO
Everybody take a break from all this posting. Take your hand off the mouse, put the iPad down. Say a few prayers for the two victims.
Very good question, jujube.. Things aren't always as they seem....

If BSL committed a murder while encarcerated.. Ths would not be public record..

BSL was a mechanic and on one of the background checks, it stated that he worked for the State of LA for 6 years. No where did it state that it was the LA State Department of Corrections..

I remember reading on this site that he was in a "mental"hospital in central Louisiana. I asked exactly where and why, but I never got a response. At least not one that I saw.
I'm guessing it's correct since it's on an official site. He was sentenced to 10 years and got out in 8 for good behavior. He was on parole for 2 more years. BSL would have had to check in for life thogh because he's a tier 3 sex offender. His last verification date was May 28th, 2012

You're welcome ! :)

So -- I know the hand scar has been on his RSO info ever since we've been looking at it -- but is it possible it was added at the May 28 check-in?
I do not see how that would be added pressure, the DP is on the table for both cases but he can only die once!

Could kill him, resuscitate him and kill him again. There you go!
Its very very very sad. Over the past few days I have been uncovering extremely horrifying things he went through as a child pretty much from the time he was born. The pain and hatred he must have felt had to be incredible. I feel very very sad for brandon that he was so twisted in the head that he was driven to do these evil things. what he did was unforgivable and heart breaking, yet somehow I feel as if he is a victim of his father and a victim of his own twisted reality that resulted from years and years of extreme physical and mental abuse. It makes me very very very sad.

I want to just tell everybody everything i know but ive been told not to talk about it, but I feel that everyone should know the truth however im very conflicted right now im not sure what to do honestly.

thanks to everyone who sent me a kind PM sorry my inbox got full very quick and i missed quite a few messages.

I'm sorry for the pain that you are experiencing. Thank you for being so open and candid with this group. We respect your privacy and can only imagine the heartbreak and conflicts that you are facing. I so appreciate that you have shared what you felt you could with us.

Please allow WS to be there for you - we are sad for any evil that happens to anyone (and especially when a child is the victim). I pray that you have the support you need and deserve to find your way through this discovery.
Lisa Pate was the only unsolved murder of a woman in Acadia Parish I could find in the newspaper archive database through my work (at the university). I posted what I found a few days ago. All I found was she was from Lafayette and found dead several months after she went missing in 1999 under boards on someone's property in Acadia Parish and I figured she had to be his other possible victim when the Acadia Parish LE told the paper in Crowley that BSL was a suspect in an unsolved 1999 murder of a woman. I believe she was 35 when she died (and BSL would only have been 20).

I am trying to catch up and I apologize if this has been pondered already, but I wonder if knowing the location of Ms. Pate's body may help investigators to locate Mickey's body. I don't know much about how serial killers operate but I do wonder if Mickey may have been left in a similar place.
Can someone tell me where you are seeing or hearing about "bags of evidence"

Could someone please point me to the cry a river for Brandon post? I fail to see why he is garnering so much sympathy because of a poor childhood.

ETA Prior comment to mine seems more appropriate than all the sympathy.

Go visit the defense table.:twocents:
Its very very very sad. Over the past few days I have been uncovering extremely horrifying things he went through as a child pretty much from the time he was born. The pain and hatred he must have felt had to be incredible. I feel very very sad for brandon that he was so twisted in the head that he was driven to do these evil things. what he did was unforgivable and heart breaking, yet somehow I feel as if he is a victim of his father and a victim of his own twisted reality that resulted from years and years of extreme physical and mental abuse. It makes me very very very sad.

I want to just tell everybody everything i know but ive been told not to talk about it, but I feel that everyone should know the truth however im very conflicted right now im not sure what to do honestly.

thanks to everyone who sent me a kind PM sorry my inbox got full very quick and i missed quite a few messages.

So sorry for what you and your family are going through Someguy.

Here is something I came across months ago that can help explain why some people that are abused as children can turn into what they are as adults. The documentary that is in the article, "Child of Rage" is very good. Sad that adult abuse can lead to the horrors that we see so often
It also makes me sad to read that BSL was severely abused. It surely isn't an excuse for murder..but it is sad that he probably never had a chance at a normal life if those suggestion that he was "mentally and physical abused" and bullied are true. I'm cursed with empathy, I always feel for peoples struggles in life. The more that comes out, the sadder it makes me for everyone. I also can't help but think of SL right now and how the suspect in that case still hasn't talked, that makes me so angry. I think his court date is coming up too.
He was the model prisoner, and he completed the Sex Offender program in prison which very few do...this was posted in an earlier thread. Correct? Does not sound like a candidate for any insanity plea IMO

I recall reading he was a model prisoner and he completed the Sex Offender program. Thanks for bringing that up again!
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