LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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I understood it as 2 different renters at 2 different times. Obviously the man died in the car accident so was no longer renting there after that and someone else moved in in August?

It is unclear just who all was living there at those times. Was BSL living there with these people during these times?
My understanding is...
CH and "a man" lived in the house together (I thought) CH BSL and "a man"
were in a wreck "a man" died, CH wheelchair bound, BSL had some injuries.

I thought their property bordered BSL's? (not sure)
***didn't CH say BSL followed her and moved in next door or across the street or something? IMO that had to be prior to 2000

ANYWAY! CH didn't move back and "a man" was deceased, so the home was re-rented in August 1999???

I also (thought) BSL blamed "a man" who was deceased for killing Ms. Pate???
With no solid link BSL was just suspected until the search warrant was done?

BSL was only 20 can't imagine he "owned" land
I'm sure he bullied her and picked on her but STUFF GOT REAL the night of
the accident when she was paralyzed and the man she lived with was killed.
All MOO!!!

Nothing to back this up. Saw it on a blog but it sounded as if the poster was local and familiar with the incident.

The poster said that CH and her boyfriend were living in the rent house and that BSL ran them off the road. No mention of a fatality.

If this is true and if in fact BSL was harrassing and/or stalking her, it's really interesting that LP's body was found on the property of the house that CH and her boyfriend were living in at the time.

I know everyone's been digging for info on this. Hopefully we'll get some MSM on it soon.
Heard some unsettling news today via a friend (albeit hearsay) that an attorney said that there is not enough evidence to win a conviction re: the MS case, that's why the LP case was pursued. God, I certainly hope that this attorney is just not "in the know" about the particulars and he is wrong. This man needs to be off the streets before he harms yet another innocent beautiful woman and all the individuals impacted by this.
I don't know enough to say your friend is wrong, but these statements by Captain Judice give an opposite impression.

“We are confident about Lavergne’s connection to these two cases,” Cpt. Judice, noted. “At this point in time, I am unaware of any other cases that we have such strong evidence.”

He also says:

“We are pretty confident we know how he accomplished Mickey’s homicide,” he continued. “The information is limited in the Pate case."

He's talking about M.O. here and goes on to say:

"Yes, we have a clue, but we don’t expect an offender to commit the same crime the same way. For example, Pate wasn’t riding a bike, but Mickey was. The girl in Evangeline Parish was an associate of his, so he knew her, but we don’t think that he knew Mickey or Pate. We have a lot to look at.”
Now I know M.O. does not equate evidence pointing to a specific suspect. You can figure out the "how" in a crime without the "who". Still, Judice's statement about unprecedented evidence is pretty bold. And note the plural "cases". I'm not led to believe the evidence in either case is weak. But if weighted, the evidence might be heavier in the Pate case, assuming there is a living witness who can testify to things seen and or heard first hand in the aftermath of LP's murder. JMO
I've gotten tangled up in all the rumors on this part, too, Prof.

I tend to think WS verified local Laffy Taffy knows what he/she is talking about on this -- but that poster (probably wisely, I feel) is limiting what he/she reveals here.

I think we are going to have to just sit tight and wait until more comes out "officially" on these details.

seriously this is like a lifetime murder mystery movie. beauty queen in a wheelchair from a bad accident on a dark cajun country road the same night as a pretty bartender gets murdered and beauty queen's boyfriend dies in the accident. all the while the murderer lives on to kill again.......

beforehand, however, he gets married and impregnates his wife right before she files for divorce due to his attempt to smother her. he shows up at her work and hits her to the ground while she's pregnant. and somewhere in that fiasco he sexually assaults an ex girlfriend's cousin while she's blindfolded, yet she recognizes his deep voice!!! craaaaaazy evil madness!!!!

oops i forgot about his burning the house down -- TWICE!!! oh and digging up graveyards, a visit to the looney bin, and prison!

seriously, was his family deaf and blind!!!
Derrick Todd lee was believed to have killed a man and a woman while they were in a graveyard making out in a car and he attacked them w an axe.

The couple both survived the attack because a police cruiser pulled up by the car.
"Eubanks shone his flashlight into the car. It was a couple of kids, all right, but they weren't making out. They were covered in blood, but still alive. A three-foot-long cane knife lay on the ground beside the car.The attacker had fled at the sight of Eubanks' police cruiser."

DTL had also broken into a man's house and beat the 74 year old man pretty badly & robbed him.

He hasn't been definitely linked to the death of any man, but came pretty close to killing the man (and woman) who were making out by the cemetery and the man he beat in the home invasion/robbery. I posted a link up thread a little about his possible connection in the disappearance of Glenn Tankersley. He may be responsible for killing/disappearing men in the area and we just don't know about it (and likely never will unless he comes clean).
I understood it as 2 different renters at 2 different times. Obviously the man died in the car accident so was no longer renting there after that and someone else moved in in August?

It is unclear just who all was living there at those times. Was BSL living there with these people during these times?
I don't see how he could have been living there in June/July 1999
... BSL married in Sept 1999 - at that time I believe he was enlisted in the Army
If the wreck happened in June 1999... I'm not sure how long basic training was in 1999 say 6-8 weeks??? When would he have even been able to meet his wife? I guess he could have left right after...
Sounds like he was "on leave" or AWOL at the time! moo

Maybe he murdered Pate and took her body to the place he used to live? IDK!
I read something about his quarters being searched. I'm not sure if that was about Pate or the 19 yr old he raped...
seriously this is like a lifetime murder mystery movie. beauty queen in a wheelchair from a bad accident on a dark cajun country road the same night as a pretty bartender gets murdered and beauty queen's boyfriend dies in the accident. all the while the murderer lives on to kill again.......

beforehand, however, he gets married and impregnates his wife right before she files for divorce due to his attempt to smother her. he shows up at her work and hits her to the ground while she's pregnant. and somewhere in that fiasco he sexually assaults an ex girlfriend's cousin while she's blindfolded, yet she recognizes his deep voice!!! craaaaaazy evil madness!!!!

oops i forgot about his burning the house down -- TWICE!!! oh and digging up graveyards, a visit to the looney bin, and prison!

seriously, was his family deaf and blind!!!


I have been thinking this all day! A movie or 2 and a few books just on his life before prison!
Nothing to back this up. Saw it on a blog but it sounded as if the poster was local and familiar with the incident.

The poster said that CH and her boyfriend were living in the rent house and that BSL ran them off the road. No mention of a fatality.

If this is true and if in fact BSL was harrassing and/or stalking her, it's really interesting that LP's body was found on the property of the house that CH and her boyfriend were living in at the time.

I know everyone's been digging for info on this. Hopefully we'll get some MSM on it soon.

rumor has it that bsl was trying to frame the man living in the house for Pates murder, so that's why he buried her in the yard of the camp that the man was living. after accident, 2 new tenants moved in. they seem unrelated to all of this and are the ones who found the body.

laffytaffy says bsl was not driving the vehicle. there must be a twist like he took the wheel or something??

I have been thinking this all day! A movie or 2 and a few books just on his life before prison!

oh yeah and i forgot about the brother in law posting on TD for advice about his sister in law a week after the murder, but before he was even a suspect. yowza!!
Sorry I've still to catch up, so this may have been posted already.

"Lavergne was incarcerated from February 2000 to August 2008, meaning he could not have committed the murders of Loretta Lynn Chaisson, Ernestine Daniels Patterson, Kristen Gary Lopez, Whitnei Charlene Dubois or LaConia "Muggy" Brown.
The other Jennings murders — Crystal Shay Zeno, Brittney Ann Gary and Necole Guillory — all happened between September 2008 and August 2009, after Lavergne was released from jail.
The body of Guillory, 26, was found Aug. 20, 2009, dumped along Interstate 10 near Egan in Acadia Parish, between Crowley and Jennings. Egan is about 27 miles from Church Point, where Lavergne grew up.
so the man and CH go and pick BSL up back in 1999....I wonder if "The Man" got out of the car and went in or up to the house and saw something....acted like he didn't see all 3 drove away, BSL figured he did see something, and caused the accident....MOO and RUMOR not based on any facts. Wonder if CH didn't remember much about that night, BSL wasn't sure she did or didn't, moved across the street to intimidate her and to be close in case he had to get rid of her. Or something like that


I have been thinking this all day! A movie or 2 and a few books just on his life before prison!

Scene from that looney bin: Visitor walks in to room which contains 25-30 men of various ages, some milling in circles, some snoring on benches, other staring out windows, some courtseying in front of woman visitor, nurses with heads poked in phone directory as payphone rings incessantly from another room, echoes of hello from different strange voices almost like roosters crowing, four televisions blaring from different channels, one on no channel whatsoever, the loudest one. Woman visitor approaches nurse's desk quietly as gentleman #1 approaches her from the side, playing a guitar with three broken strings, doing an Elvis impersonation. Woman visitor asks guitar-playing man "Are you Robert?", hoping the nurse sees her so she won't be molested by the guitar player...but the guitar player leaps in front of her, bangs the three strings and replies "Baby--I can be anybody you want me to be". Woman stranger asks the nurse for "Robert". Nurse replies "Don't put your keys there. Charles eats keys." without glancing up from her Yellow Pages. Oh yes, please let me choreograph the nut-hut scene. I am one of the few that could definintely get THAT one right.
rumor has it that bsl was trying to frame the man living in the house for Pates murder, so that's why he buried her in the yard of the camp that the man was living. after accident, 2 new tenants moved in. they seem unrelated to all of this and are the ones who found the body.

laffytaffy says bsl was not driving the vehicle. there must be a twist like he took the wheel or something??

I'm just really confused about why Claire would get in the car with someone who stalked her, put a handfull of ants in her mouth, and shoved her head against something. I mean, I know the ant/head slam incident happened when they were kids but I would remember that years later and still not willingly go anywhere with the guy. Even if my boyfriend was there. And I'd break up with any boyfriend who hung out with the guy who had stalked me and mistreated me since elementary school (and this behavior towards Claire seems to go back a long time...way before any accident).

I have heard that a few years ago there was an accident in Church Point where a man named Brandon (but NOT BSL, different last name) was drunk and/or high and driving with his girlfriend in the car. They hit another car and a female driver of the other car was killed. The man driving left his girlfriend trapped in the car while he went and hid, possibly after hiding the dead woman's body. He was found but nothing much happened to him. I have heard that this man is not Brandon Lavergne but another man named Brandon and the woman killed was not Lisa Pate.

Is it possible Brandon Lavergne used to stalk/threaten Miss Church Point Claire and that she is/was in a wheelchair (maybe due to an unrelated car accident), and these two stories got merged together/mixed up on the rumor mill?

Many locals were also saying they had heard that BSL had set a house on fire in Church Point with the bodies of two already deceased women in it and gotten away with it. Some newspaper database sleuthing showed me that this case happened while BSL was in prison and that a man was eventually arrested & charged for the murders/arson (Not BSL). I'm just thinking that BSL might be getting blamed for every single incident of arson & women's unnatural deaths in and around Church Point. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's guilty of A LOT just not everything bad that's ever happened in the area ever.

I'm not saying Laffy Taffy doesn't know what he/she is talking about, just throwing this out there in case...I am probably just not as in the know as Laffy is.
hi y'all.

been lurking since Mickey's thread started & just wanted to introduce myself.

also, this just got posted on - a body was found in the woods in Marrero this evening. no other information is available yet. Marrero isn't far from Gretna, one of BSL's work addresses.

much love & respect to you all, & thank you so much for all that each of you have done to help bring Mickey home.
hi y'all.

been lurking since Mickey's thread started & just wanted to introduce myself.

also, this just got posted on - a body was found in the woods in Marrero this evening. no other information is available yet. Marrero isn't far from Gretna, one of BSL's work addresses.

much love & respect to you all, & thank you so much for all that each of you have done to help bring Mickey home.

Welcome to WS...

Oh, dear...
An article that mentions the house where Lisa Pate was found states the name of the man who rented the house, and he only had lived in that house for a month. Mid August to mid September.

We know that Lisa went missing in June.

How does the accident rumor match up with what we know from MSM?

I have heard a few different versions of this accident rumor.

It is confusing, as Lisa was found September 21, and that would mean that CH would have moved in to this house in mid August after the accident?
If she was afraid of BSL, why would she move into a house owned by a BSL relative after an accident where BSL was driving ?

Sorry, but I am just confused by this.

Hopefully this won't add to the confusion. :)
What I understood was that the man who was seeing CH was renting the house at the time of the accident.
She must have moved out-if she ever lived there- after the accident.
Then a man moves in the house in August and finds Lisa's body in September.
oh yeah and i forgot about the brother in law posting on TD for advice about his sister in law a week after the murder, but before he was even a suspect. yowza!!

She even has a brother who works for LCS in Oberlin I think it is. It's one of those privately owned prisons.
Scene from that looney bin: Visitor walks in to room which contains 25-30 men of various ages, some milling in circles, some snoring on benches, other staring out windows, some courtseying in front of woman visitor, nurses with heads poked in phone directory as payphone rings incessantly from another room, echoes of hello from different strange voices almost like roosters crowing, four televisions blaring from different channels, one on no channel whatsoever, the loudest one. Woman visitor approaches nurse's desk quietly as gentleman #1 approaches her from the side, playing a guitar with three broken strings, doing an Elvis impersonation. Woman visitor asks guitar-playing man "Are you Robert?", hoping the nurse sees her so she won't be molested by the guitar player...but the guitar player leaps in front of her, bangs the three strings and replies "Baby--I can be anybody you want me to be". Woman stranger asks the nurse for "Robert". Nurse replies "Don't put your keys there. Charles eats keys." without glancing up from her Yellow Pages. Oh yes, please let me choreograph the nut-hut scene. I am one of the few that could definintely get THAT one right.

i wonder what he did while he was there. wasn;t he in the one you are describing?
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