LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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Yep, and other reports seem to say the body was found under boards sort of "out back" of the house, along or near a trail of some type -- I guess all that could be in a field. Somehow I'd pictured almost just outside the back yard (and that could still be in a field), but maybe just got the wrong image.

Help those out & come up with a timeline re LP...that way the sames questions won't be asked over & over.
The 'aura' spirit picture and the clairvoyant tipster are all that I can think of. I personally think that if you can focus on bsl, and keep talking it through... Then maybe we can figure out where MS is. If this was your child would you stick your fingers in your ears to avoid rumors? No, you would sort them out to find the truth, to find your baby.

Ok...obviously some kinda conversation went on & I'm not abut to go backm& read 40 + pages to catch up w/what was posted when I got offline yesterday when he storm hit.
The 'aura' spirit picture and the clairvoyant tipster are all that I can think of. I personally think that if you can focus on bsl, and keep talking it through... Then maybe we can figure out where MS is. If this was your child would you stick your fingers in your ears to avoid rumors? No, you would sort them out to find the truth, to find your baby.

Well, the angel picture is a trick of the light.. I posted yesterday that the blue lower part is a brighter reflection of the blue-sky light shining into the opening of the waterway from behind the camera, and the upper-greenish part is the dimmer reflection of the sun shining through the leaves. I have seen this very illusion many times while out on the Vermilion River and other places... beautiful - yes. The only difference with this photo is that a branch happened to break the reflection, creating the illusion of legs.

On that photo, it's best to back way off to understand the relationship of the two different light sources, and then to zoom in really close to see that the details of the "upper body" are created by vegetation.

Regarding the clairvoyant tipster - WS does not allow the discussion of psychics.

From what I saw last night, the tipster was a psychic from Vegas.
My feeling about psychics is that while some are for real, there are a lot more who are not - which makes it very hard to chase psychic tips. WS has chosen not to go down that road - possibly discarding some "real" tips - but also avoiding the deluge of wannabe psychic whose "tips" would create chaos in the search pattern.

Chicken...who mentioned gators? I guess, like I said, I must have come up when the storm hit here in SWLA...

A Lafayette Parish Grand Jury heard the state’s evidence regarding how accused

* killer Brandon Scott Lavergne allegedly took his truck to Texas after Mickey Shunick’s murder, burned it and

'was brought back home'.


The grand jury source, concerned about being linked to revelation of secret testimony, would not discuss what the jurors considered regarding how Lavergne got back to Swords after allegedly taking his truck to Texas and burning it or what they evidently considered a credible link between Lavergne and Whiskey Bay.

Read more: - Grand Jury hears truck burning Whiskey Bay details of state s case against Lavergne
Regarding establishing a separate thread for Lisa Pate, as some have suggested, at this point I feel it's more productive to keep them together. It's the same suspect, the same suspect's friends and family and community, and things may come out about the Pate case that will cross-pollinate with Mickey's. This would save duplication of effort, and prevent a "wall of separation" that could divide facts between two threads.

Otherwise known as "thread linkage blindness" ;)
Well, the angel picture is a trick of the light.. I posted yesterday that the blue lower part is a brighter reflection of the blue-sky light shining into the opening of the waterway from behind the camera, and the upper-greenish part is the dimmer reflection of the sun shining through the leaves. I have seen this very illusion many times while out on the Vermilion River and other places... beautiful - yes. The only difference with this photo is that a branch happened to break the reflection, creating the illusion of legs.

On that photo, it's best to back way off to understand the relationship of the two different light sources, and then to zoom in really close to see that the details of the "upper body" are created by vegetation.

Regarding the clairvoyant tipster - WS does not allow the discussion of psychics.

From what I saw last night, the tipster was a psychic from Vegas.
My feeling about psychics is that while some are for real, there are a lot more who are not - which makes it very hard to chase psychic tips. WS has chosen not to go down that road - possibly discarding some "real" tips - but also avoiding the deluge of wannabe psychic whose "tips" would create chaos in the search pattern.


My info says that they are searching the power line area today shared by the Vegas psychic..
Ok...obviously some kinda conversation went on & I'm not abut to go backm& read 40 + pages to catch up w/what was posted when I got offline yesterday when he storm hit.

You don't need to go back 40 pages.... the thread isn't moving that fast. you could go back to the time the storm hit and go forward.

Someone posted a photo taken by a searcher that looked like an angel hovering over the water. Beautiful photo. Definitely an illusion I have seen many times at the entrance to small waterways that have a tree canopy.

Last night (maybe 6 to 8 p.m.?) someone linked to a comment on a blog that said "go look up north of some power lines and you'll find something," and listed the Whiskey Bay exit, and State Road 395 - which could be 3-95, as there is one north of WB. That tip was traced to a Vegas psychic.
My info says that they are searching the power line area today shared by the Vegas psychic..

Hey, it's one more area to be searched, and close enough to WB that there's no reason it shouldn't be.

ETA: Who is "they?" Texas Equusearch? Or private searchers?
Somehow, California got OJ's trial underway within 6 months of the murders, and Scott Peterson's within 18 months. Why should it take two or more years, as we've heard is possible, to start the trial(s) in LA? If true, very frustrating and it seems more punishment for survivors of violent crimes to have to wait years.
Gator can be present pretty much anywhere there are waterways.

That said, I think that they would be less prevalent up around Church Point - the farther they get from the Gulf. The land up that direction is much more prairie, and less swamp. Gators do tend to live near swampy areas. There are a lot of little waterways and coulees with no gators. In the specific waterway in the photo - near Ellis Rd., I have seen, I would lean toward no gators, just due to its distance from the Basin and the Gulf.

Yet - looking at Google Earth, there are three watershed areas around Eunice that do connect to the Gulf. I'm sure that there are gators near and in those watersheds.


ETA: I see that Ellis Rd. has a Crowley address, further south than Church Point/Eunice. See my comment below.

Louisianians are known for being hospitable hosts to unexpected guests who might show up at their front door, but Shelton Carriere, nevertheless, was stunned to discover a 9 foot, 11 inch alligator on his front yard on Sonnier Road north of Church Point on Wednesday, April 4.

Carriere recounts how he telephoned Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries to report the big-toothed visitor sun-bathing in front of his home.

Read more: - Monstrous gator visits Church Point home

I live very close to where this Gator was found.
Respectfully, we sleuthed most of the last 12-15 hours on what he did with Lisa, and as far as I can tell, we have established nothing that hasnt been reported. I know that as a local, you hear all kinds of rumors, but many locals now are tossing out what they heard through the net. Almost none are verified, and even if they are, their source in the net isnt. Talk about confusing...I just dont see that as productive. JMO

Steve, with all due respect, "Rehashing information" with many different people causes those people to go off and research on their own. It causes memories to be jogged, especially amongst locals. Who knows what memories may surface? Yes, a lot of those memories will be "junk" and/or "rumors". But someone, somewhere, may remember something which ties into the Shunick case...Places the twerp-perp liked to go, hunting/fishing spots, places he visited as a teen/.soldier, etc. All it takes is one person to say, "Oh yeah! He used to talk ALL the time about going there..." for perhaps a dumping ground to be found.

I hear you... rumors cause problems. I don't know which state you live in, but a unique aspect of south Louisiana is the fact that the CajunNet is a real force in our lives down here, and real info does get out onto it. Just like we had to wade through theories about giant dogs and owls in the DWT issue, we will always have to try to vet rumors. IMO some degree of discussion of rumors does help in that it helps others reading, who may have heard the rumors, differentiate between rumor and fact. Due to the close-knit nature of south Louisiana communities, many facts about BSL's life are making it out there in the form of rumor, and so if we can shoot down the far-out rumors while giving more weight to those that did come from his community, we can make some progress, IMO.

It's definitely a fine line for all of us. Not every state has something as pervasive as the CajunNet, and I would hesitate to completely remove it from discussion. Many of the things that later were established as fact - his buying of the new truck - his altering of his license - his injuries - his comments to the hairdresser, etc., did start on the CajunNet. The CN has proved much more reliable than your average rumor-mill, and that's why I keep one ear to the ground on it.

CajunNet existed long before the advent of the Internet...Seriously. It's a cultural thing, with historical roots in survival down here. You see, the Cajuns/Creoles of this area were, for the longest time, considered "second-rate", "uneducated", "coarse", etc. We learned to depend on one another for survival, because those not of our heritage were prone to discriminate against us (some still do!). Meanwhile, we spread the news about who had "the best"...Who had the best crawfish this year, who had corn seeds that produced more, whose father had managed to sell his soybeans last year before the prices dropped, who had a large slough whose muddy water supply enabled his hogs to get water when the rest of the area went dry from a drought...You get the idea. There was no welfare, there was no grocery stores, there was no "social entitlements"...There was just us. Woven between that was the Napoleonic laws governing estate dispersal (mandated that all heirs received equal portions of estate), and typical talking about who married who and who rejoined which family land through a wedding. So, news carried far and wide in this way through the area. Because we were considered "inferior citizens", we kept the information to ourselves, and developed trusted networks which, in many cases, passed through generations.

With the advent of the telephone, CajunNet became something else. Its ranges went far beyond just immediate small towns/localities. It spread between relatives and friends of the original news source. Now, we were able to know which farmer in which town had the best andouille, which scandal rocked which town, and EVERYBODY figured out who Rodney Milburn was.

CajunNet has its own disqualifiers, I think. It's not a "rumor mill" or carp like that. People have a way of weeding out the junk. If you hear something, more often than not, there's a grain (or a boulder) of truth in it. Those who do have a habit of throwing out untruths are quickly debunked...Publicly. You don't want a source who isn't trustworthy.

I've seen the CajunNet get it right long before the MSM media gets a whiff.

How prevalent are alligators there? Are they pretty much in all the waters? I guess what I am asking is, if she was dumped in water anywhere, not just Whiskey Bay, would she likely have been discovered by gators?

Department of Wildlife and Fisheries had a program in the mid to late 1990s, where they reintroduced gators to areas where the species was hunted out previously. Thus, from Morrow on down (that I know of), gators are in many of the waterways. They may not be plentiful, but they are there. Locals are still trying to eradicate the danged things.
Louisianians are known for being hospitable hosts to unexpected guests who might show up at their front door, but Shelton Carriere, nevertheless, was stunned to discover a 9 foot, 11 inch alligator on his front yard on Sonnier Road north of Church Point on Wednesday, April 4.

Carriere recounts how he telephoned Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries to report the big-toothed visitor sun-bathing in front of his home.

Read more: - Monstrous gator visits Church Point home

I live very close to where this Gator was found.

I can just see some good ole boy looking out his window at that sunbathing gator and saying, "Clotile, quick! Grab my .12 gauge...And put on a pot of rice. You got enough tomato sauce for a sauce piquante?" :floorlaugh:
I can just see some good ole boy looking out his window at that sunbathing gator and saying, "Clotile, quick! Grab my .12 gauge...And put on a pot of rice. You got enough tomato sauce for a sauce piquante?" :floorlaugh:

Oh how true dat!! Like many say here if it doesn't eat you first, grab the Iron Pot. :floorlaugh:
snipped cuz just want to comment on the gators:

Chardonnay said:
"Department of Wildlife and Fisheries had a program in the mid to late 1990s, where they reintroduced gators to areas where the species was hunted out previously. Thus, from Morrow on down (that I know of), gators are in many of the waterways. They may not be plentiful, but they are there. Locals are still trying to eradicate the danged things."

Here's a way to get an idea. I drove to NOLA from Baton Rouge several times last summer and saw a total of 3 alligators ON I-10 (on different trips). They were all roadkill, and were young gators, but that sheds a little light on the gators. There really are a lot of them. For non locals. Baton Rouge to NOLA is about 80 miles.
Angree Cajun: you might want to go back and read what was posted after you posted that pic. I think it will make you feel happy that it was appreciated by believers and nonbelievers alike.
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