LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #39

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It is very common for Louisiana sheriff's to get in trouble because inmates are doing personal work on their properties. It happens all the time.

If you do a search on the latest Winn Parish sheriff who was indicted for drug trafficking, you will note that also he had inmates doing private work on his property. It happens so often if I don't hear it during a campaign mud-slinging contest it is unusual.

Now that we know he was transferred three times, was in Winn parish and calcasieu and someone reported he had, of all things, a Transportation Worker's Identification Card (TWIC) -- which is hard to get if you have a criminal background -- he would have had to file a waiver and SOMEBODY would have had to signed off on that -- and I just wonder who that somebody was -- IF he had one that is (strictly rumor at this point, but an interesting rumor). Again -- I would like to know if there is a thread for murders he was involved with because knowing this most recent piece of information, I have a particular unsolved murder that I think fits his modus operandi perfectly and the location is about right.

i wonder if he put the plate on his new truck to make his new truck seem like his old truck. this way, he wouldn't have had to tell LE at his next RSO check in that he purchased a new vehicle.

i also think he wanted LE to think the new truck was the same white truck so that if they ever searched it, they wouldn't find any evidence of Mickey and it would clear him.

in the media at that time, LE was only looking for that white truck, so he thought that if they ever linked that picture to him, they would simply search his truck and he could say, you see there's nothing in there.

either he thought the VIN would burn or he didn't think about the VIN at all OR he tried to remove one of the VINs before burning it. He may not have known that there were multiple VINs on vehicles? Well being that he was a mechanic, i guess he did?? Who knows? I'd like to know if the new truck had the old plate on it.

Where has ACI been, BTW?
Very good thoughts that I agree are very feasible.

Please come home Mickey...... Justice WILL prevail.
from itching. i thought of that too, so i googled poison ivy rash and the images that came up were mostly of a nasty looking red rash with blisters and sores. the ones with scratches seemed to be on the bodies of children. but yes, it is possible that the scratches are from him scratching

I'm sure if it's the same everywhere poison ivy grows but around here it often grows with wild blackberry vines, which will leave scratches.
I really need to start proof reading or just go to bed. I meant I'm NOT sure if it always grows with blackberries in other parts of the US.
Just busted out laughing--I have done the same thing! No worries. Am usually a reader and a note taker.

Well, I'm a newbbie here and still trying to get used to the forum so I keep getting myself confused. I have laughed at myself a few times when I'm reading your posts and wondering if I fell asleep typing or something. Since I found this site I'm cutting into my sleeping hours reading everyone's interesting theories.
Well she sure as heck had something or got ahold of something! Looks like she got him pretty good!
Tiny (in comparison) but Mighty Mickey!
kkdj, I love what you said.

Awesome words "Tiny but Mighty Mickey"
May Mickey :angel: come home soon.
I'd love to read/see your ideas too!
Can a serial killer also be a serial rapist at times?

Well, from what I have studied, (therefore, my semi educated opinion) serial killer killings and sexual assaults are common to occur together.
However, serial rapists arent necessarily serial killers.
Does that make sense?
ohhhhh. :crazy:

i was thinking that txlam worked at the Texas hospital and was saying that his story there was different than the got knifed in NOLA at an unknown gas station in an unknown location - the story at Ochsner. so he or she was saying that his story was different at different places - not necessarily just the hospitals?

His story was different to multiple people at the same place of business here in Lafayette. I don't know what his story was at the Texas hospital.
I really need to start proof reading or just go to bed. I meant I'm NOT sure if it always grows with blackberries in other parts of the US.
I have wild blackberries and also poison ivy (lots of both!) on my property up here, but don't know if one naturally grows with the other. It seems the blackberries are mostly in the sunny spots and the poison ivy is in the shadier spots.
I have wild blackberries and also poison ivy (lots of both!) On my property up here, but don't know if one naturally grows with the other. It seems the blackberries are mostly in the sunny spots and the poison ivy is in the shadier spots.

I agree that the blackberries are generally in sunny spots and poision ivy can handle shade better, but around here they are both often found together on the edge of wooded areas because they are both trying to get as much sunlight as possible. At our hunting lease I've been tangled in a bunch of nasty stuff trying to get blackberries. Thankfully I'm not allergic to poision ivy because I love the wild blackberries!
Well, from what I have studied, (therefore, my semi educated opinion) serial killer killings and sexual assaults are common to occur together.
However, serial rapists arent necessarily serial killers.
Does that make sense?

Yes. It does.
I have wild blackberries and also poison ivy (lots of both!) on my property up here, but don't know if one naturally grows with the other. It seems the blackberries are mostly in the sunny spots and the poison ivy is in the shadier spots.

Well, I've had about 10 family members here (West Coast) get into poison ivy (oak perhaps?) and they all had scratch marks with the rash. Sure. they scratched like h e double toothpicks, but the scratch marks looked like very fine lines, like going the way of the poison.
Anyway, just wanting to know if he was in poison oak or ivy or if it was mace.
The only source I can find for the poison ivy is, which some say is not reliable...I tend to believe it is true, only because a mace burn would be far more salacious and interesting to report than poison ivy.
I really need to start proof reading or just go to bed. I meant I'm NOT sure if it always grows with blackberries in other parts of the US.

If often does, around here! If often grows ... just about anywhere it can get a foothold!
That's the $64,000 question.

What did they have in '08 in the Pate grand jury, and what added piece in '12 changes it from murder two to murder one?

Had to have been in BSL's home. I can't draw any other reasonable conclusion, unless the D.A. thinks that proving the Shunick case will establish that he's a killer, adding enough guilt to make the Pate charge stick this time.

The way everything played out with the arrest (out of the blue) of BSL for LP too, I'm guessing it was something significant from the search at his house. Because they say, "you can indict a ham sandwich," probably means whatever they took to the gj in 2008 must have been very weak, imo. Of course, I think bolstering her case by trying it along with Mickey's is a great strategy. But, possibly not enough to be the sole reason her case went to the gj again, considering how weak it must've been the first time around. So, I agree, they must've found something big at his house...
Yes. It does.

Whew! I have a lot of thoughts about BSL and other missing women. I do not think (my opinion) that he has not committed numerous other crimes against numerous women. I think the ball is just dropping. And I want to explore some logic. And hopefully help with this case and others.
I am not a fan of psychic thinking, clairvoyance, dream representing reality, or any of that. Not putting it down, just doesn't meet with my logic radar.
The only source I can find for the poison ivy is, which some say is not reliable...I tend to believe it is true, only because a mace burn would be far more salacious and interesting to report than poison ivy.

That goes back to what I was saying earlier though -- that, even to a medical eye, the rashes might look very alike -- and the diagnosis might depend partly on what the sufferer said: "Oh, I was doing yard work and not paying attention and just rubbed right up against a big old poison ivy vine" vs. "Oh, I was just minding my own business and some joker sprayed me with mace/pepper spray."

If a hospital-related source said "poison ivy", that's probably how they diagnosed it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's what it was!

Maybe they just are not as "sleuthy" as us, there at the hospital, LOL. (To be fair, they didn't have the "advantage", at the time, of knowing he was a murder suspect.)

I don't know which it was, of course -- both theories are interesting, though, IMO.
His story was different to multiple people at the same place of business here in Lafayette. I don't know what his story was at the Texas hospital.

ok. thanks. so now we know that "the smartest" thing is not always what he would have done. alot of people on here will say well he wouldn't have done that because that would be dumb because of xyz, but i think many on here are smarter than BSL. I'm not saying he's dumb, although I know alot of people think he is. I don't think he is, but I don't think he thought things through as well as everyone on here does. i do think that changing his story in the same place of business, however, was INDEED DUMB DUMB DUMB!
Well, I've had about 10 family members here (West Coast) get into poison ivy (oak perhaps?) and they all had scratch marks with the rash. Sure. they scratched like h e double toothpicks, but the scratch marks looked like very fine lines, like going the way of the poison.
Anyway, just wanting to know if he was in poison oak or ivy or if it was mace.
I know exactly what you mean. My husband is very sensitive to poison ivy and the rashes often look like they have fine line scratches in them.
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