LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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Find mickey--find mickey--find Mickey
Acres upon acres of possibilities. For weeks I looked at every D/FWT I saw. Eyeballing the drivers wondering is that it?
Since the arrest I find myself looking around for areas she could maybe be hidden. Not having a criminal mind its hard to fanthom.
This is gonna sound crazy but I find myself thinking "OK I really have to pee :please:, where would I go where no one could see me, yet I feel safe being 'exposed":banghead:
snipped by me for the point i want to question

so the truck in the opposite direction is NOT BSLs right? your above paragraph can sort of be interpreted either way. i know you were in a hurry. i've been wondering about the truck in the opposite direction. most of us agreed that it was not BSLs truck, but another white truck. that's what you are saying too, correct??

Yes that's what I was trying to say. It was not BSL's truck.
:panic: I doubt it too, but wouldn't it be great if, about the time he was throwing-up, he said something to shoot himself in the foot?


I found it! This does not prove he vomited during questioning but it proves I'm not the only one who heard this tid bit of info! I was starting to think I was crazy.
The description of how LP and Mickey were taken are different. I think the difference between LP being "persuaded or forced" is a very different description of Mickey being "carried." I'm not sure what I think about that except that it's significant. My first thought would be that she was injured to the point of not being able to walk or run. I believe a plausible scenario, if he carried her, would be that she could get stabs into the upper portion of his back and his neck, especially if he threw her over his shoulder.

Quote from

"It is alleged Pate was persuaded or forced to another location, where she was forced, for her release, to "engage in non-consensual acts, and/or inflicted physical injury, and/or sexual abuse upon Lisa Pate."

"On or about May 19, 2012, Lavergne forcibly seized Mickey Shunick and carried her to another place where he refused to release her. It is alleged Lavergne "forced her to engage in non-consensual acts, and inflicted physical injury and/or sexual abuse"."

I think they are talking about him putting her into his truck and refusing to release her.
I'm pleased to see that this site gives you the outlet you need to express your opinions and discount everyone elses to make you feel better about yourself. I'm either gonna get banned or just fed up, either way, this is the one and only time I will lower to your level and 'feed the troll'. The police clearly have this all figured out and we aren't really needed. This is sad. I'm embarassed for you. Goodbye the few of you who are genuine and not attention seekers. You should go fill out some job applications or donate your time to women's shelter if you want to help that badly.

And I meant to say 'Now'. I hope that misspelling didn't cause you to feel this way. I switched from a little ipad keyboard recently to a large laptop and I hit the wrong keys often.
I know this is a "beaten horse" but can someone send me, via PM the info on the 1999 rape. Did the name of the vic ever get released? I jut need this for my private files....would greatly appreciate.
The description of how LP and Mickey were taken are different. I think the difference between LP being "persuaded or forced" is a very different description of Mickey being "carried." I'm not sure what I think about that except that it's significant. My first thought would be that she was injured to the point of not being able to walk or run. I believe a plausible scenario, if he carried her, would be that she could get stabs into the upper portion of his back and his neck, especially if he threw her over his shoulder.

Quote from

"It is alleged Pate was persuaded or forced to another location, where she was forced, for her release, to "engage in non-consensual acts, and/or inflicted physical injury, and/or sexual abuse upon Lisa Pate."

"On or about May 19, 2012, Lavergne forcibly seized Mickey Shunick and carried her to another place where he refused to release her. It is alleged Lavergne "forced her to engage in non-consensual acts, and inflicted physical injury and/or sexual abuse"."

It seems they think BSL had a conversation of some sort with Lisa Pate before taking her. She might have actually been persuaded to leave to go somewhere with him, while with Mickey, BSL didn't leave time for negotiation. He threw her in the vehicle and left.
Umm... That's my neighborhood :what:

Not disputing, Why do you think that? I don't think she would have gone that way.

You can get to her home from that way. It's less busy, and especially would be at 2 o clock.
And if she thought someone was following her, she might purposely go off track to be sure or not.

I'm not saying for sure, I don't know. Only LE knows for sure.

I'm just saying, that is my guess.
I think she went through that neighborhood, and that is where she was taken.
Everywhere else is pretty risky.

Not directly in the neighborhood, but the street running through the two neighborhoods, right after passing Raising Canes and the apartment complex right there.
It's a good shot to her house that way in my opinion.

I think they are talking about him putting her into his truck and refusing to release her.

I'm not sold on them meaning that because the word "forced" would have been a better word to use for him putting her into his truck and refusing to release her. The word "carried", imo, states specifically how she got in the truck. They didn't use the words push, shoved, forced or persuaded. They used a word that specifies the manner in which he got her into the truck.
It seems they think BSL had a conversation of some sort with Lisa Pate before taking her. She might have actually been persuaded to leave to go somewhere with him, while with Mickey, BSL didn't leave time for negotiation. He threw her in the vehicle and left.

Hmmm. A conversation. Persuaded. There has to be links, friends of friends maybe? 6 degrees of seperation possibly but feels like something is there.
No, there is no proof. We do have LE statements of a blurry image though, from a camera farther down. LE never clarified if the image was too blurry to ID a bike, or too blurry to ID a specific rider.

We also need to remember that LE may be withholding evidence that she was seen on the HooptyCam at 216 St. Landry.

There is no way to tell until trial.

Didn't LE come out and say that Mickey or her bike were under the truck? And that the rumors were false? And said that the picture was only a VOI? Anyone else remember that? I've wondered if they made the announcement due to the postings here.
Hmmm. A conversation. Persuaded. There has to be links, friends of friends maybe? 6 degrees of seperation possibly but feels like something is there.

Although I don't think Mickey was persuaded, despite the less than popular belief here that Brandon knew her somehow, I do think he knew her somehow.

If she knew him too, that's an entirely different story.
But I still will stick by saying he knew Mickey until LE releases something different.

He in a round about way "knew" any of the girls whose possessions he had, because he liked familiarity with them, even if they didn't know him.

But I can definitely see/respect why people think she was random, especially after LE saying "He seemed to be roaming the streets looking for a victim" but after all, LE doesn't have to tell us anything.
They could have found things that signified that he knew of her well before the attack, which lead them to their confidence of everything that much more with him.
do you think a truck could hit a girl on a bike in front of a busy circle k with patrons and no one hear it? MS more than likely would have screamed. bike+truck impact. bike+asphalt impact. You guys think it's under the truck so there would be scrapping noises. Also BSL would have to reverse the truck backwards in the road(further scrapping noises as the bike becomes unstuck from under the truck - and wow that would get your attention someone going backwards in the road!) and get out and get the bike and MS into the truck. You don't think any of this would have been seen or heard by the multiple people at Circle K or other drivers driving by? Also there's a camera right there. LE would have known from the start of the investigation where she was taken, the truck she was taken in and the description of her abductor. None of this happened. Crime scene tape was put up further down the street. People searched further down the streets. We didn't know a description other than profiling from an expert. We had multiple cars that were seen in the area that had to be ruled out 1st. So no, I think it's slim chance to none that that bike is under that truck. Plus I don't think LE is stupid, and wouldn't be stupid enough to release such a sensitive photo like that to the public. A photo of a missing girl's bike under a truck. How insensitive and horrible would that be without warning what is in the photo? Also LE stated the abduction happened further down the street between St Landry and St Mary and Blackham Coliseum. I don't know how more definitive info you can get that it didn't happen in front of Circle K than that. I mean c'mon, that's deliberately ignoring LE evidence released because you think you see something in a picture. Of course there is always a chance of anything being possible but with all the things that I listed above, and I'm sure I forgot some other good points, it's just highly unlikely/next to impossible that this is the case. I wish it was the case because we would have gotten our perp a hell of a lot sooner. We would have known the truck was the perp from day one, would have lead to our perp probably within the week or next couple of days. Who knows how the story could have changed?

btw I'm not trying to push you away. I'm trying to tell you why I think this isn't possible. This is logic, not a personal attack. I think that maybe some are getting confused between the two. Because of seen lots of logic on this site but never personal attacks. So forgive me if you think this is attacking in anyway. I never want any sleuther to leave

Danzn, in response to some of the above my opinion is

1. No one hearing or seeing anything, let's just suppose that the occupant of the one vehicle at the pump was inside paying for his gas does hear something but when he walks outside hears someone hollering and just thinks it a couple arguing and a truck stopped in the road or all he sees is a truck stopped in the road and just shrugs it off. I have neighbors continuously arguing outside but I don't interfere. The other vehicle drives up and all he sees is a truck stopped in the road and doesn't pay any mind to it. Then after the pictures were released they very well may have come forward and gave statements that we aren't privy to.

2. Just because IMO believe the bike is under the truck doesn't mean that I feel that she was me necessarily abducted at that particular spot.

3. Between St. Landry and St. Mary and Blackham. That statement is left to how the reader interprets it so it doesn't really clarify anything in my opinion.

4. The use of that particular picture. LE needed help in identifying the owner of the truck so if that Is the only picture they had then maybe it had to be cleaned up a little bit. I don't see cats, or Mickey under the sign but I do see things that have grabbed my attention. Nothing bazaar just things that I as a photoshop user recognize.

Do I believe it is probable? No
Do I believe it is possible? Yes

I am sure you as well as any of us feel very strongly about our opinions and when someone post a comment about people laughing about your theory with additional comments it would hurt anyones feeling who was the receipant of that type of response ( I hope that makes sense ).

I just want Mickey retuned to her family and if there was a slightest possibly of any theory being POSSIBLE that it would be considered.

Pre-OrderImperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey
Here's my thing:

Mickey was hit, right there in front of Circle K. Now, where's Mickey?

Mickey was struck further down the road. Now, where's Mickey?

bsl took Mickey. For now, the exact location he took her from will remain a mystery. To move beyond that point and start with a history of where he has been, what he does, etc. may help bring searchers to Mickey. And IMHO, his past will reveal the present.

Right, the focus now is where the suspect hid Mickey.
You can get to her home from that way. It's less busy, and especially would be at 2 o clock.
And if she thought someone was following her, she might purposely go off track to be sure or not.

I'm not saying for sure, I don't know. Only LE knows for sure.

I'm just saying, that is my guess.
I think she went through that neighborhood, and that is where she was taken.
Everywhere else is pretty risky.

Not directly in the neighborhood, but the street running through the two neighborhoods.

Oh, you are so confusing me... Can you give a me a street name? I think we are thinking of two different neighborhoods.

Mine is the first neighborhood to the right if you travel down Congress w/ Cane's to your right. This neighborhood does not get you to her's.

If you are talking about the neighborhood to her left, that one does not get to her neighborhood directly either.

NOW... if you are talking about the first neighborhood to the left immediately after Guilbeau (across from Shop Rite/behind St. Edmond's), then we can talk! (But this is further down from Cane's & TB)

This is the neighborhood I grew up in. It does get you directly to her neighborhood via Bonaire, and I have always thought she would take this route home. In fact a couple of days after she went missing I went drive around there. I just "knew" this was where it happened. I know now, chances are slim to none that this is where she disappeared, but that is what I felt then.

OK, just saw your map... That isn't my neighborhood. Next to it. But it still does not lead to Mickey's neighborhood. Her neighborhood is across Congress, down Ambassador in the direction of the mall.
Hmmm. A conversation. Persuaded. There has to be links, friends of friends maybe? 6 degrees of seperation possibly but feels like something is there.

Sorry I meant that in relation to LP. Regarding "persuaded or forced". I too feel MS was more random "carried".
all i can say is wow. i had one day off yesterday and didnt get to read and i come back today and am mindblown.

another thing that hasnt been mentioned per katc is that he does face insurance fraud. and the fly by night poster that told us like a good neighbor was indeed right.

once again i am going to remind ws'ers that that cops told us from the day he was arrested that his home was being treated as a major crime scene.

they probably didnt need to subp. his phone records because he turned it over at his arrest. even if you delete stuff off an iphone (dont know if he had one) there are ways to go back and see what was deleted. i know this bc i divorced my ex who thought the delete button was the save all be all.

i mentioned last week that charlie had taken her fb wall down. there are many reasons for this, but i figured some big stuff would break again and she didnt want people tagging her in pics of him or talking about him on her page. seems correct.

thats all i have right now. keep sleuthing and lets bring Mickey home!!
prayers for the families, law enforcement and the prosecution.
Oh, you are so confusing me... Can you give a me a street name? I think we are thinking of two different neighborhoods.

Mine is the first neighborhood to the right if you travel down Congress w/ Cane's to your right. This neighborhood does not get you to her's.

If you are talking about the neighborhood to her left, that one does not get to her neighborhood directly either.

NOW... if you are talking about the first neighborhood to the left immediately after Guilbeau (across from Shop Rite/behind St. Edmond's), then we can talk! (But this is further down from Cane's & TB)

This is the neighborhood I grew up in. It does get you directly to her neighborhood via Bonaire, and I have always thought she would take this route home. In fact a couple of days after she went missing I went drive around there. I just "knew" this was where it happened. I know now, chances are slim to none that this is where she disappeared, but that is what I felt then.

Regarding why Mickey didn't just take Congress, instead of detouring to St. Landry, I meant to post this a couple weeks ago, but forgot:

I drove that stretch a couple weeks ago, starting near Ryan St., and it became immediately apparent why Mickey didn't go that way. The first section of Congress, between the Ryan St. area and about Cajundome Blvd. is just not built for bikes. There is no bike path and almost no shoulder. To avoid the possibility of being sideswiped by a car, a cyclist would have to stick to an annoying and somewhat treacherous path of staying on broken sidewalks that began and ended repeatedly, with many opportunities to take a spill, especially at night. I looked at it carefully from my car and realized that if I had taken this route as a cyclist once, I wouldn't do it again. I don't even think it has anything to do with whether the neighborhood to the north is safe - it's just an awful place to try to ride a bike.
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