LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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do you think a truck could hit a girl on a bike in front of a busy circle k with patrons and no one hear it? MS more than likely would have screamed. bike+truck impact. bike+asphalt impact. You guys think it's under the truck so there would be scrapping noises. Also BSL would have to reverse the truck backwards in the road(further scrapping noises as the bike becomes unstuck from under the truck - and wow that would get your attention someone going backwards in the road!) and get out and get the bike and MS into the truck. You don't think any of this would have been seen or heard by the multiple people at Circle K or other drivers driving by? Also there's a camera right there. LE would have known from the start of the investigation where she was taken, the truck she was taken in and the description of her abductor. None of this happened. Crime scene tape was put up further down the street. People searched further down the streets. We didn't know a description other than profiling from an expert. We had multiple cars that were seen in the area that had to be ruled out 1st. So no, I think it's slim chance to none that that bike is under that truck. Plus I don't think LE is stupid, and wouldn't be stupid enough to release such a sensitive photo like that to the public. A photo of a missing girl's bike under a truck. How insensitive and horrible would that be without warning what is in the photo? Also LE stated the abduction happened further down the street between St Landry and St Mary and Blackham Coliseum. I don't know how more definitive info you can get that it didn't happen in front of Circle K than that. I mean c'mon, that's deliberately ignoring LE evidence released because you think you see something in a picture. Of course there is always a chance of anything being possible but with all the things that I listed above, and I'm sure I forgot some other good points, it's just highly unlikely/next to impossible that this is the case. I wish it was the case because we would have gotten our perp a hell of a lot sooner. We would have known the truck was the perp from day one, would have lead to our perp probably within the week or next couple of days. Who knows how the story could have changed?

btw I'm not trying to push you away. I'm trying to tell you why I think this isn't possible. This is logic, not a personal attack. I think that maybe some are getting confused between the two. Because of seen lots of logic on this site but never personal attacks. So forgive me if you think this is attacking in anyway. I never want any sleuther to leave

There is logic on both sides.

Police knew, not suspected, they KNEW this white truck was the perp from the beginning. They may not have known who it belonged to. There very well may have been a witness from Circle K. Police interviewed hundreds of witnesses.

All of the above can be iffy but one thing is for certain...police release stills and videos all of the time of crimes being committed in order to locate witnesses. A bicycle under a truck is extremely minor compared to some of the pictures and videos I have seen on the local news. Just a few weeks ago I saw a man being shot outside a strip club. Last week I aw video of what police thought was two men putting a girl in a trunk. So, yes, with 200% certaintly I know police would release a picture of the bike under a truck.

A normal person would not cause a commotion right there but Brandon is not normal. It appears he may have had witnesses to his attack on Lisa so why shut out the possibility that this made a difference to him.

I am not saying I and others are right or that what others think is wrong...but I am saying there is logic on both sides.
I find myself personally going back and forth with this one with my 5'4" 100# self ... could it b possible?
Maybe if he was caught of guard momentarily grasping a weapon wrapping my arm behind stabbing his back, the neck would occurs when he grasps my arm and pulls it around. certainly a life or death struggle causing the chest wound and the hand wound grasping the blade. Hmm. Then I consider maybe self inflicted wounds.. but then why so many?

Anyway certainly we all go back and forth in our own minds with the endless possibilities, much less with each others theories. Just some food for thought


This is why it would be helpful to know if he was drinking or on drugs that night. It would have been easier to harm him if so. Really anything could happen but he would have had to have been sloppy or she would have had to have been armed.
I think Satanist serial killer Richard Ramirez, who by the way was wed on CA's death row says it best;

Richard Ramirez; night stalker, said to the San Diego, CA jurors that sentenced him to death, " I don't expect you to understand me, I am beyond good & evil... the devil dwells within us all, Lucifer will avenge me"

Footnote; Ramirez wore a white gold wedding band while his new bride's band was yellow gold..

For some reason he has scared me more than any other criminal I have studied.
Here's my thing:

Mickey was hit, right there in front of Circle K. Now, where's Mickey?

Mickey was struck further down the road. Now, where's Mickey?

bsl took Mickey. For now, the exact location he took her from will remain a mystery. To move beyond that point and start with a history of where he has been, what he does, etc. may help bring searchers to Mickey. And IMHO, his past will reveal the present.
There is logic on both sides.

Police knew, not suspected, they KNEW this white truck was the perp from the beginning. They may not have known who it belonged to. There very well may have been a witness from Circle K. Police interviewed hundreds of witnesses.

All of the above can be iffy but one thing is for certain...police release stills and videos all of the time of crimes being committed in order to locate witnesses. A bicycle under a truck is extremely minor compared to some of the pictures and videos I have seen on the local news. Just a few weeks ago I saw a man being shot outside a strip club. Last week I aw video of what police thought was two men putting a girl in a trunk. So, yes, with 200% certaintly I know police would release a picture of the bike under a truck.

A normal person would not cause a commotion right there but Brandon is not normal. It appears he may have had witnesses to his attack on Lisa so why shut out the possibility that this made a difference to him.

I am not saying I and others are right or that what others think is wrong...but I am saying there is logic on both sides.

When police release pictures of crime they warn you that it is graphic and tell you what it is in the picture. They don't just release it as a VOI. You also forgot all the points I mentioned about they would have known were abduction was, had witnesses, saw the abduction, known the perps appearance, it would have been on video, they would have been after him and not a vehicle of interest, etc. It wouldn't have taken weeks to get him.

It's true BSL isn't a normal person. That's the only logic you have. You're ignoring the camera pixelation, physics, LE evidence they released, crime scene and searches further down the road... i really could go on and on.

Looking at photos is just using your eyes and then believing in what you see. There's not much more to it. And that's not accurate. Just do some research on how wrong witnesses can be on trial just using what they see.
I put my money on her being taken in the dark neighborhood right after raising canes and taco bell.
To me, that is Bundy just saying its not my fault, its cable T.V.'s fault, not wanting to take responsibility himself to the very end. I don't doubt, though, that those like Bundy are drawn to depictions of sexualized violence. And, I'll never disagree that everyone needs to take more responsibility in their lives...that's never a bad thing.


I was thinking the same thing. People like Bundy never want to take responsibility for their actions. Even when they're supposedly admitting to evil behavior, they can find a way to point their finger at someone else.
I don't think it matters so much where he hit least not now, as far as knowing where she might be. He didn't leave her where he hit her, obviously. And I can't glean anything into his mind from knowing whether he hit her on this block or that one.
One thing I didnt quite understanding was LE got a warrant for a tracking device on his new truck?? Is that a reference to OnStar also, or were they physically going to put a tracking device on his new truck? If the latter, it seems like that would be useless if it didnt happen before he was arrested...and if it did happen before then WHEN did it happen??

Given the involvement of the Plaquemines jurisdiction, I'd say that a device was physically installed onto his truck while it was parked at an offshore dock. Permission, obviously, was needed from the local jurisdiction. And perhaps assistance as well.
I don't remember hearing BSL vomited during questioning? Where did you hear this info?

I had read it in another thread. I have been attempting to go back and find it but I just can not locate it! I don't believe it was established as fact. It was more of an "I heard this happened during questioning" thing. Sorry.
There's like no light there during ten o clock when raising canes and such is packed. At 2 something, I can only imagine.
When police release pictures of crime they warn you that it is graphic and tell you what it is in the picture. They don't just release it as a VOI. You also forgot all the points I mentioned about they would have known were abduction was, had witnesses, saw the abduction, known the perps appearance, it would have been on video, they would have been after him and not a vehicle of interest, etc. It wouldn't have taken weeks to get him.

It's true BSL isn't a normal person. That's the only logic you have. You're ignoring the camera pixelation, physics, LE evidence they released, crime scene and searches further down the road... i really could go on and on.

Looking at photos is just using your eyes and then believing in what you see. There's not much more to it. And that's not accurate. Just do some research on how wrong witnesses can be on trial just using what they see.

I think the police act in whatever manner they feel helps the case. My father has been in law enforcement for his entire career and I can assure you the police are under no obligation to warn us of anything or to tell us the truth about anything. Their only concern is the integtrity of the case.

There are going to be many pieces of this puzzle that will come together in the end that will likely surprise us all. None of us may be right.

And in the end, it does not matter who is right. But I don't think any theory can be completely discounted because you just do not know what can be learned from it.
I don't think it matters so much where he hit least not know, as far as knowing where she might be. He didn't leave her where he hit her, obviously. And I can't glean anything into his mind from knowing whether he hit her on this block or that one.
True, very true. I was always amazed/puzzled that there was no evidence left behind of where he struck her bike.. you would think there would be something...
I don't remember hearing BSL vomited during questioning? Where did you hear this info?

Pretty sure that was yet another rumor/fantasy that morphed into fact once people started talking about their feelings on it.
Here's my thing:

Mickey was hit, right there in front of Circle K. Now, where's Mickey?

Mickey was struck further down the road. Now, where's Mickey?

bsl took Mickey. For now, the exact location he took her from will remain a mystery. To move beyond that point and start with a history of where he has been, what he does, etc. may help bring searchers to Mickey. And IMHO, his past will reveal the present.

Now to that I will say a big AMEN!!
Alright guys, I've said what I'm going to say. I think this site is great. I will hate DWT FOREVER! I don't think anyone on WS personally attacks anyone, we do a great job using our brains to help find Mickey. There are some really amazing and intelligent people on this site and I've really enjoyed sleuthing with you guys! Thanks mods for letting us hash this out and get to bottom of this!! You guys really do a great job at keeping this a legit site. Now back to sleuthing where Mickey could be or whatever yall want to talk about... I'm said what I've got to say, I'm done for a while! :)
The description of how LP and Mickey were taken are different. I think the difference between LP being "persuaded or forced" is a very different description of Mickey being "carried." I'm not sure what I think about that except that it's significant. My first thought would be that she was injured to the point of not being able to walk or run. I believe a plausible scenario, if he carried her, would be that she could get stabs into the upper portion of his back and his neck, especially if he threw her over his shoulder.

Quote from

"It is alleged Pate was persuaded or forced to another location, where she was forced, for her release, to "engage in non-consensual acts, and/or inflicted physical injury, and/or sexual abuse upon Lisa Pate."

"On or about May 19, 2012, Lavergne forcibly seized Mickey Shunick and carried her to another place where he refused to release her. It is alleged Lavergne "forced her to engage in non-consensual acts, and inflicted physical injury and/or sexual abuse"."
It wasn't because it was going in a different direction than I thought that it's the wrong track. I'm not a egotistical person like that, sorry. I had multiple people sending me messages about the same subject. You were arguing with others etc. It was a crazy night and I hadn't see you on here before then, I think you just joined. That night you seemed to be a troll. Since then you haven't been. That's all I meant. You have been helpful since Cajunstrong. I didn't mean it as a personal attack. Trolling is against this sites TOS, it's as simple as that. I'm not used to people getting so easily offended I guess.

This is the last I plan to ever address the subject of me being a troll...

There was no arguing in my opinion. I am a very light hearted person and tend to tease a lot. I can be a little sarcastic because I like to tease. I had some comments removed as snark but I was truly just joking at the time.

I was the same then as I am now, I do not care where anyone believes the bicycle hit took place. I am not trying to convince anyone to to come over to my side.

But I will stand up for the right for each person to express what they feel and if that makes me a troll then so be it I guess.
I'm pleased to see that this site gives you the outlet you need to express your opinions and discount everyone elses to make you feel better about yourself. I'm either gonna get banned or just fed up, either way, this is the one and only time I will lower to your level and 'feed the troll'. The police clearly have this all figured out and we aren't really needed. This is sad. I'm embarassed for you. Goodbye the few of you who are genuine and not attention seekers. You should go fill out some job applications or donate your time to women's shelter if you want to help that badly.

It is the opposite of that and I really feel awful that you would feel that would ever be my intention.

I actually would never ever discount anyone's opinion, not ever. And I am very sorry you would think this. I have merely stated my theory and why I think it. I have said all along that everyone is entitled to say what they want. I have no problem being the minority in my beliefs.

My only intention is that we can all have different opinions and still be helpful in finding Mickey together. That we can agree to disagree and still be one team.
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