LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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The court record filed by the DA's office also claims the following information is fact: On or about May 19, 2012, Lavergne forcibly seized Mickey Shunick and carried her to another place where he refused to release her. It is alleged Lavergne "forced her to engage in non-consensual acts, and inflicted physical injury and/or sexual abuse". The document says Lavergne killed Mickey and moved evidence of the murder, including her body and belongings, "to locations with the intent to distort the results of the criminal investigation." Lavergne is also accused of obstruction of justice and the continued tampering of the body of Mickey Shunick. The state also adds that anyone knowing where Mickey's body may be could be charged with Accessories After the Fact.

The portion that I bolded is disturbing to me. Does LE/prosecutors believe he moved MS more than once? They say continued! Also, the fact that they state that anyone knowing the whereabouts of her body could also be charged makes me feel like he possibly told others...maybe to brag?? I would assume that anyone with information would come forward but sometimes family members protect each other. Just my opinion, of course
Listen, I think my posts have been deleted, I don't see them.

Can someone please contact me?

Thanks. xo

Mods delete posts sometimes if the content is rumor or they don't like how you're responding to other posters, etc. just so ya know...
I think Satanist serial killer Richard Ramirez, who by the way was wed on CA's death row says it best;

Richard Ramirez; night stalker, said to the San Diego, CA jurors that sentenced him to death, " I don't expect you to understand me, I am beyond good & evil... the devil dwells within us all, Lucifer will avenge me"

Footnote; Ramirez wore a white gold wedding band while his new bride's band was yellow gold..

creepy. but do you think BSL is similar to these killers that are proud to be doing the Devil's work? I think he wants to be normal and in a sick and twisted way actually considers himself normal rather than evil. But he's the first killer that i've ever actually "studied", so this is new territory for me.
The portion that I bolded is disturbing to me. Does LE/prosecutors believe he moved MS more than once? They say continued! Also, the fact that they state that anyone knowing the whereabouts of her body could also be charged makes me feel like he possibly told others...maybe to brag?? I would assume that anyone with information would come forward but sometimes family members protect each other. Just my opinion, of course

"Continued tampering" IMO could mean he is still tampering with a body by not revealing where it is/preventing body to be found.

Also the accomplice part could just be to cover all bases, to warn anyone, if there is anyone, who may know where she is.
As far as the other truck is concerned, I will not declare myself as an expert on trucks, but I have been involved with them every since I was a child so lets say about 40 yrs. My grandpa drove Chevys, my dad drove Chevys and I drive Chevys. I've had one or more of every type/body style of Chevy trucksince I was about 14 which would be about 1978. The truck in question is of the previous body style than the current style which began in 07. Thats the style that BSL burned and then bought another one of the same style. I can tell by the lines, tail lights and where/how the door handles are made. Or the more simple answer is that truck has chrome rims and the rims on the newer style truck are an aluminum alloy. It's also not a ZL1. Sure it's sticker could of been removed, but the truck sets wrong to be a Z71 and is lower that a Z71.

snipped by me for the point i want to question

so the truck in the opposite direction is NOT BSLs right? your above paragraph can sort of be interpreted either way. i know you were in a hurry. i've been wondering about the truck in the opposite direction. most of us agreed that it was not BSLs truck, but another white truck. that's what you are saying too, correct??
do you think a truck could hit a girl on a bike in front of a busy circle k with patrons and no one hear it? MS more than likely would have screamed. bike+truck impact. bike+asphalt impact. You guys think it's under the truck so there would be scrapping noises. Also BSL would have to reverse the truck backwards in the road(further scrapping noises as the bike becomes unstuck from under the truck - and wow that would get your attention someone going backwards in the road!) and get out and get the bike and MS into the truck. You don't think any of this would have been seen or heard by the multiple people at Circle K or other drivers driving by? Also there's a camera right there. LE would have known from the start of the investigation where she was taken, the truck she was taken in and the description of her abductor. None of this happened. Crime scene tape was put up further down the street. People searched further down the streets. We didn't know a description other than profiling from an expert. We had multiple cars that were seen in the area that had to be ruled out 1st. So no, I think it's slim chance to none that that bike is under that truck. Plus I don't think LE is stupid, and wouldn't be stupid enough to release such a sensitive photo like that to the public. A photo of a missing girl's bike under a truck. How insensitive and horrible would that be without warning what is in the photo? Also LE stated the abduction happened further down the street between St Landry and St Mary and Blackham Coliseum. I don't know how more definitive info you can get that it didn't happen in front of Circle K than that. I mean c'mon, that's deliberately ignoring LE evidence released because you think you see something in a picture. Of course there is always a chance of anything being possible but with all the things that I listed above, and I'm sure I forgot some other good points, it's just highly unlikely/next to impossible that this is the case. I wish it was the case because we would have gotten our perp a hell of a lot sooner. We would have known the truck was the perp from day one, would have lead to our perp probably within the week or next couple of days. Who knows how the story could have changed?

btw I'm not trying to push you away. I'm trying to tell you why I think this isn't possible. This is logic, not a personal attack. I think that maybe some are getting confused between the two. Because of seen lots of logic on this site but never personal attacks. So forgive me if you think this is attacking in anyway. I never want any sleuther to leave

IIRC A.C.I also used luminal there to put that theory to rest...
Thank you Jkg005 because I often feel I am fighting a lonely battle. Not a battle for anyone to believe my theory but a battle in that everyone is entitled to an opinion and should feel free to voice it without feeling intimidated.

I agree. No sane person can make sense of why a predator kills a victim. Rational thinking goes right out the door. If it makes sense and seems logical then it is probably wrong. Any profiler knows that you cannot use rational logic in determining how and why these crimes are committed.

It makes sense to me why Brandon would not have hit Mickey in a public area but I am a normal person that would never do such a thing. He is not. If I had killed someone and they stabbed me, I would have stayed home and hid my wounds. He went to three different hospitals and came up with some crazy story. That is because he does not think logically...he is not capable of the same type of reasoning we are.

For all we know he may hear voices in his head that direct him to do certain things. He may feel so powerful that he didn't care that people saw. It doesn't have to make sense to me but it may have to him.

Regarding the high emotions over discussion of the DWT pictures, I think a lot of people got really turned off because of the plethora of wild speculation. People were seing owls, dogs, pepper spray, dreadlocked drivers and Muslim women in headscarfs in the Circle-K picture. It was extraordinarily unhelpful for one poster to actually paint in a black driver using Photoshop. By the time people like you started talking about it just being the bike, many had just had it with the Rorschachian pixelation fixation.

You are correct that it is a possibility that the bike was under the truck in the photo.

What makes this a low-percentage possibility, IMO:

1. Apparent lack of any evidence on the asphalt.
2. The unlikeliness of BSL doing that at a well-lit corner in front of a populated gas station.
3. The physical problem of the bike not moving forward one foot from where last seen, and suddenly the truck appearing on top of the bike, with no Mickey to be seen.]
4. Unlikeliness, IMO, of LE releasing to the public a photo like that.
5. LE statements that there was a blurry image farther down the road from an indoor camera that could have been Mickey.
6. Leaked third-hand statements from the guy who analyzed the videos for LE - that Mickey was seen farther down St. Landry than Circle K, statements that reached me independently from two unrelated sources.
7. LE statements that the crime happened between the intersection of St. Landry & St. Mary, and Coliseum Rd.
8. Multiple searches by LE down by Coliseum Rd.
9. A witness who approached me, a witness I find very credible, who told LE a couple days later that she saw a bicyclist who matched Mickey's description (big blonde hair, black bike, straght handlebars) near the intersection of St. Landry and St. Mary, between 1:45a and 2a.

All of the preceding leads me to believe that Mickey got past the Circle K photo, likely on her bike. It would have been a long way for her to run with a truck chasing her. I suppose one could respond that BSL ran over her bike, got her into the truck, and she escaped down by Coliseum.

We won't know until the trial. But I am one of those who - respectfully - don't believe the bike is under the truck in the Circle-K photo. But everyone has the right to his or her interpretation of the photo.
Please do not feel bad that you think it is a possibility. It is not that far fetched. Brandon passed that exact spot within a second to a minute after Mickey based on the time stamps. We know that he hit her bike as part of a kidnapping. We have no proof that she made it past this point as she was not seen on video at 216 St. Landry or at any point after.

Most of the reasoning that it could not have happened is based on logical thinking that he wouldn't hit her in a public area. I have thrown any logical thinking completely off the grid.

As Dr. Drew recently stated...You cannot come to a rational conclusion when you are dealing with someone that has unrational thoughts.

No, there is no proof. We do have LE statements of a blurry image though, from a camera farther down. LE never clarified if the image was too blurry to ID a bike, or too blurry to ID a specific rider.

We also need to remember that LE may be withholding evidence that she was seen on the HooptyCam at 216 St. Landry.

There is no way to tell until trial.
I thanked a poster last night that referred to the DWT as the FWT.

I don't think he meant famous!
"Continued tampering" IMO could mean he is still tampering with a body by not revealing where it is/preventing body to be found.

Also the accomplice part could just be to cover all bases, to warn anyone, if there is anyone, who may know where she is.

First time posting although I have been lurking from the beginning. I am also a local who was among the many volunteering in the initial searches.

I'm thinking along those same lines that the tampering may well be moving and not revealing a location. Also following the same lines with tampering with evidence. Such as loading the bike, moving the bike, dumping the bike.

I've also been quite perplexed with the bump and grab theory. Not being the physics expert, I imagine this being accomplished would require some pretty precise calculation(speed,velocity,impact) to cause damage to bike and not tossing a victum over/under vehicle. Possibly damaging windshield. Keeping in mine we have no clue if there was damage to the dwt. I find myself thinking the possibility of blocking a victim, overtaking and securing in a vehicle, beginning to take off hitting the bike and thinking crap can't leave that there. Making the bike an afterthought.
Again this being just yet a theory. And i haven't seen any mention of so thought I would toss it out there.

I pray daily that Mickey is found and brought home!!!!

*Evidence from the State:
Stutes outlines in the document what he is, and is not, required to turn over. Examples of items he says he doesn't have to give include names and address of witnesses or victims or anything that is public record.

Stutes will provide the initial reports, arrest warrants, search warrants, and the crime scene report. He'll also give the transcription of a voluntary statement Lavergne allegedly gave to a deputy in July after he was read his rights.
Wonder what his voluntary statement was? :waitasec:
In regard to the bolded portion above, I've said something like this before, but there is a program called: The First 24 Hours, or something, where detectives try to solve murders within a critical timeframe.

Anyway, I've learned from that show that oftentimes detectives will take the suspect into one interrogation room, and concurrently (at the same time), the girlfriend (for example) into another interrogation room, without either of them knowing that the other is there, in another room.

The detectives will then do a back and forth questioning--they are allowed legally to in essence "make things up" that one or the other persons being questioned "knows something," and present it to the other to elicit the truth.

I've also seen this technique used in a case I was following here.
Just want to post that I have never seen anyone personally attacked here on WS so the talk about the DWT and sticking up for other people getting attacked really has no standing and is getting old. It's not true. Mods wouldn't allow that to happen here and I have only seen kindness from posters on this site. I'm not sure why ever so often this same topic (not the DWT but the attacks over the DWT) keep coming up. It's not helpful to Mickey, it makes posters leave, etc. If you want to talk about how you see ET in the DWT or enhance the pictures until they are unrecognizable go right ahead but we have a right to say we think this sleuthing has already been done/isn't helpful, but please don't say we personally attack you because that's just not the case.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

I second your post. I didn't see much of what I considered personal "attacks," either. And the more that people repeat the story of all the personal "attacks" on Mickey/bike-under-the-truck (M/BUT) theory posters, the larger the legend grows. I did see a lot of folks - myself - HouDat - many others - trying to discuss the physics problem of how the bike went from standing straight up to being under the truck in the same spot. I saw a lot of M/BUT posters respond to attempted impersonal, forensic analysis of their theory with accusations that they were being personally attacked. For every poster who feels that folks were being personally attacked for saying that Mickey/bike were under the truck, there is a poster who felt that every attempt to analyze this theory was being categorized as mean and personal and so we couldn't make progress because some people were trying to discuss physics, while others confused discussion thereof with personal attacks.

Either way, I was sorry to see so many folks take it personally, when I think that the true thrust of the discussion, for many, was to analyze whether it were possible.
This line confuses me..............There are also two warrants to install tracking devices. One was from the 15th JDC in Lafayette; the other warrant was for the 2009 Silverado, belonging to Lavergne, from the 25th JDC in Plaquemines Parish.

Tracking devices.... okay so one was for a 2009 Silverado okay so what was the other one for or does this merely mean that two separate parishes had warrants to install the tracking device on the same truck? OR could it be possible that they were on to BSL before the burnt truck and they had already put a tracking device on the DWT between the dates of May 19 and May 31?

Well I'll leave the orginal question up but after further reading I think I interpret it to mean that there were two warrants for the same truck.
So that means all personal stories should be deleted? Am I right?

I have no idea, I didn't see what you posted. There are lots of people that post personal stories so it must have been the content?? Contact mods if you have a question.
I thanked a poster last night that referred to the DWT as the FWT.

I don't think he meant famous!

haha me too! I may start to call it FWT from now on. I think it has escalated from DWT to FWT at this point. :floorlaugh:
I agree with you! I really can't stand watching or reading fictional horror - I see no logical reason for any of it and IMO it just feeds psychotic minds, or gives criminals a *road-map* and scares the bejesus out of the rest of us. I do like watching true crime shows, especially ones that show the bad guys getting caught. I'm really enjoying the Final Witness shows on ABC - here's a link:
From Ted Bundy's final interview:
" there are those loose in their towns and communities, like me, whose dangerous impulses are being fueled, day in and day out, by violence in the media in its various forms - particularly sexualized violence. What scares me is when I see what’s on cable T.V. Some of the violence in the movies that come into homes today is stuff they wouldn’t show in X-rated adult theatres 30 years ago."
We need to pay attention to this, I believe. I think it's really important info. There's an over-abundance of access to so many forms of violence, today more than ever.
The exposure to this is chiefly what Bundy attributes his actions to.
We have to learn from this.
As parents/as a society...we need to take on more responsibility.
I had completely forgotten about the information re: BSL throwing up while being questioned by the police. Some posters have been pretty certain in their opinion that drugs, specifically meth, played a roll in this crime. IMO, BSL would not simply throw up because he was nauseated by what he did to Mickey. Was he possibly having withdrawls? If he did have an accomplice, possibly his dealer or another meth user, they may not come forward for fear of being prosected (coupled with just a poor moral character in general). Just a thought....if he was having withdrawls, the "statement" he made could be pretty telling. As a side note, I don't BSL committed this crime because he was on drugs. IMO he is purely evil, and drugs may have just added fuel to the fire.
haha me too! I may start to call it FWT from now on. I think it has escalated from DWT to FWT at this point. :floorlaugh:

Yes, the truck description escalated along with my frustration. "Famous" sure we'll go with that's what I meant haha
I second your post. I didn't see much of what I considered personal "attacks," either. And the more that people repeat the story of all the personal "attacks" on Mickey/bike-under-the-truck (M/BUT) theory posters, the larger the legend grows. I did see a lot of folks - myself - HouDat - many others - trying to discuss the physics problem of how the bike went from standing straight up to being under the truck in the same spot. I saw a lot of M/BUT posters respond to attempted impersonal, forensic analysis of their theory with accusations that they were being personally attacked. For every poster who feels that folks were being personally attacked for saying that Mickey/bike were under the truck, there is a poster who felt that every attempt to analyze this theory was being categorized as mean and personal and so we couldn't make progress because some people were trying to discuss physics, while others confused discussion thereof with personal attacks.

Either way, I was sorry to see so many folks take it personally, when I think that the true thrust of the discussion, for many, was to analyze whether it were possible.

Thank you, you said this in even better words than I did. So hopefully others can understand that talking about logic/physics/camera pixels/reasoning of how this would be difficult, very unlikely to be true is not a personal attack. I know that every single time I post about the DWT the same poster always pounces on me about personal attacks, etc. I could argue that she is the one attacking, but I understand emotions are high. Maybe we can finally put this behind us! This site is for discussing the possibilities and bouncing ideas off each other, we need to really try not to be so sensitive and have our feelings hurt so easily because the posters are not meaning to do that, we are here for Mickey. If a poster were being rude/attacking the mods wouldn't let it stand.
I had completely forgotten about the information re: BSL throwing up while being questioned by the police. Some posters have been pretty certain in their opinion that drugs, specifically meth, played a roll in this crime. IMO, BSL would not simply throw up because he was nauseated by what he did to Mickey. Was he possibly having withdrawls? If he did have an accomplice, possibly his dealer or another meth user, they may not come forward for fear of being prosected (coupled with just a poor moral character in general). Just a thought....if he was having withdrawls, the "statement" he made could be pretty telling. As a side note, I don't BSL committed this crime because he was on drugs. IMO he is purely evil, and drugs may have just added fuel to the fire.

I don't remember hearing BSL vomited during questioning? Where did you hear this info?
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