LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

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From Ted Bundy's final interview:
" there are those loose in their towns and communities, like me, whose dangerous impulses are being fueled, day in and day out, by violence in the media in its various forms - particularly sexualized violence. What scares me is when I see what’s on cable T.V. Some of the violence in the movies that come into homes today is stuff they wouldn’t show in X-rated adult theatres 30 years ago."
We need to pay attention to this, I believe. I think it's really important info. There's an over-abundance of access to so many forms of violence, today more than ever.
The exposure to this is chiefly what Bundy attributes his actions to.
We have to learn from this.
As parents...we need to take on more responsibility.

I have been cautious of watching/reading too many interviews regarding SKs. But, this was one that I did:

[ame=""]FULL VERSION: Ted Bundy, Interview by Dr. James Dobson in 1989 Before Execution - YouTube[/ame]
No, there is no proof. We do have LE statements of a blurry image though, from a camera farther down. LE never clarified if the image was too blurry to ID a bike, or too blurry to ID a specific rider.

We also need to remember that LE may be withholding evidence that she was seen on the HooptyCam at 216 St. Landry.

There is no way to tell until trial.

CF...I will respectfully disagree. I think you articulately laid out much of the proof in your immediately preceding post. To add to that prior post, my point had always been that a cyclist traveling a conservative estimate of 10 m.p.h. would travel approximately 15 feet in 1 second. Therefore, even if the truck reached the spot Mickey was shown at just 1 second after her, she would have been 15 feet further down the road.

I too would add that I haven't seen personal attacks. I have seen people agree/disagree over the DWT, and the stronger the assertion was made the stronger the denial of the assertion was, but that is also true of so many other issues. When we don't have all of the answers, we have to allow some room for theorizing, but when theorizing, we have to also allow room for people to question or disagree with that theory. I'll be the first to admit I have put out theories that others have disagreed with and on occasions have actually "seen the light" or changed my opinion. Obviously all JMHO.
For a full-blown discussion of demonic possession and exorcism by the Catholic Church -- in the full presentation of five victims and their true stories -- I would read "Hostage to the Devil" by Malachi Martin. Warning: The book is very graphic. Having read it 20 years ago, I still can recall its contents and its graphic description of how demonic possession is introduced (Most of the time by sexual abuse of a child) and slowly grows into all-out demonic possession. Its affects on the priests and his assistants helping with the exorcism is included. Read at your own risk. It will change how you think about evil in the world.

The thought of demonic possession just terrifies me to my core. I try not to even think about it or I won't be able to sleep.

My very close family member is very high up in the Archdiocese in St. Louis and he has told me many details about real possession cases. In particular about the boy that the film, The Exorcist, was based on. And how they took great measures to seal a hospital wing forever, where the furniture is being stored and how they are not supposed to discuss it. All quite chilling.
This line confuses me..............There are also two warrants to install tracking devices. One was from the 15th JDC in Lafayette; the other warrant was for the 2009 Silverado, belonging to Lavergne, from the 25th JDC in Plaquemines Parish.

Tracking devices.... okay so one was for a 2009 Silverado okay so what was the other one for or does this merely mean that two separate parishes had warrants to install the tracking device on the same truck? OR could it be possible that they were on to BSL before the burnt truck and they had already put a tracking device on the DWT between the dates of May 19 and May 31?

Well I'll leave the orginal question up but after further reading I think I interpret it to mean that there were two warrants for the same truck.

I would think it's just a technicality due to jurisdiction. The probably wanted to put the device on the truck while it was parked in Venice.
From Ted Bundy's final interview:
" there are those loose in their towns and communities, like me, whose dangerous impulses are being fueled, day in and day out, by violence in the media in its various forms - particularly sexualized violence. What scares me is when I see what’s on cable T.V. Some of the violence in the movies that come into homes today is stuff they wouldn’t show in X-rated adult theatres 30 years ago."
We need to pay attention to this, I believe. I think it's really important info. There's an over-abundance of access to so many forms of violence, today more than ever.
The exposure to this is chiefly what Bundy attributes his actions to.
We have to learn from this.
As parents/as a society...we need to take on more responsibility.

To me, that is Bundy just saying its not my fault, its cable T.V.'s fault, not wanting to take responsibility himself to the very end. I don't doubt, though, that those like Bundy are drawn to depictions of sexualized violence. And, I'll never disagree that everyone needs to take more responsibility in their lives...that's never a bad thing.
I would be interested to know if any toxicology reports exist. Particularly the day of his arrest and in NOLA.
Regarding his hospital visit in NOLA. I would expect that le collected his clothing, especially considering at that point to le he was a "victim" of a crime. Seems that would be standard procedure.
the report filed that I saw didn't seem to prod him much regarding the "friend" he was going to visit in the area. Sorry I don't have the link. But I believe I recall reading he was interviewed by 2 different departments and I only recall ever seeing only one of the reports.
To me, that is Bundy just saying its not my fault, its cable T.V.'s fault, not wanting to take responsibility himself to the very end. I don't doubt, though, that those like Bundy are drawn to depictions of sexualized violence. And, I'll never disagree that everyone needs to take more responsibility in their lives...that's never a bad thing.

Also when he was 4 or 5 his relative woke up with kitchen knife points facing her and Bundy grinning up at her. A little too young for TV to have already affected him, especially since TV wasn't that violent back then. And admittedly he had a good family, they probably didn't let him watch violent TV at that age. He needs excuses. Remember he denied his murders for YEARS. He doesn't want any of this to be his fault.

But you may be right the violent TV may be damaging to people, especially those with MI. In Bundy's case I don't think it is though.
Seriously, I can say with 100% certainty that the bike is not under the truck. I can also say with 100% certainty that the truck headed in the opposite direction of Mickey and Brandon's truck are not the same. And yep when this stuff gets brought up again I quit reading and it looks like I'm headed down that road again. All I can do is hope there is an update on the news that she has been found or that there is some other info/update that has been released. I'm going to try and catch up this morning since I'm a few pages back, but it looks like its not worth it. Not that it will ruin the thread or anything lol. And it's JMO.

This is not directed at you dejavoodoo...just general.

I guess we are all just such different personalities.

In my opinion, I can say for 99% that Mickey did not inflict those wounds on Brandon. He is a military trained killer and she is a tiny young girl. He likely had her subdued before she even knew what happened. I think he had scratches, bite marks and cut his finger in his attack on her and the rest was accounting for those injuries because he knew as a sex offender it would single him out. I see it as a very desperate attempt to account for those injuries.

But when I see others post that they are certain Mickey was able to stab him, I don't get offended, upset or stop reading the posts. I would never dislike or be irritated with the poster. It is simply their view on what happened and I appreciate how and why they came to that decision.

And I would never, ever, consider downing an opinion or making it seem unwanted.

I think we are a better group because we do have such differing opinions on some things. Although, I do think there will be a lot of 'told you so's' when it has all come to light ;)
There's an order of missionary priests based in Texas that specialized in exorcism. One of their best rode on horseback along the Rio Grande searching & helping. He once told me that he had seen enough evil there that he hoped he could give his work over to another priest. He specialized in what he called the 'Toltec devil cult' that's allegedly still current along the border. He always scared the daylights out of me on th few occasions that I saw him. He had a stare...

Wow, I am quite familiar with this cult. They are very active.
Seriously, I can say with 100% certainty that the bike is not under the truck. I can also say with 100% certainty that the truck headed in the opposite direction of Mickey and Brandon's truck are not the same. And yep when this stuff gets brought up again I quit reading and it looks like I'm headed down that road again. All I can do is hope there is an update on the news that she has been found or that there is some other info/update that has been released. I'm going to try and catch up this morning since I'm a few pages back, but it looks like its not worth it. Not that it will ruin the thread or anything lol. And it's JMO.

Can you offer information as to what makes you 100% certain?
This is not directed at you dejavoodoo...just general.

I guess we are all just such different personalities.

In my opinion, I can say for 99% that Mickey did not inflict those wounds on Brandon. He is a military trained killer and she is a tiny young girl. He likely had her subdued before she even knew what happened. I think he had scratches, bite marks and cut his finger in his attack on her and the rest was accounting for those injuries because he knew as a sex offender it would single him out. I see it as a very desperate attempt to account for those injuries.

But when I see others post that they are certain Mickey was able to stab him, I don't get offended, upset or stop reading the posts. I would never dislike or be irritated with the poster. It is simply their view on what happened and I appreciate how and why they came to that decision.

And I would never, ever, consider downing an opinion or making it seem unwanted.

I think we are a better group because we do have such differing opinions on some things. Although, I do think there will be a lot of 'told you so's' when it has all come to light ;)

I don't really have an opinion as to how he got his wounds, until we know more, but I would not call Mickey a "tiny young girl". She was a strong, athletic young woman, aware of danger. Still she was likely overpowered, I agree.
Evidence of the State: "Stutes does inform the defense he will be bringing up other crimes Lavergne committed, including his guilty plea of Aggravated Oral Sexual Battery in Evangeline Parish in 1999. The document claims the offense was similar, if not identical, to the Pate and Shunick cases, but without murder."

This makes me think that the State has some kind of concrete evidence, like pictures/video. How else could they call the crimes against both Mickey and Lisa the same, if not identical? I really think they found a world of evidence in his home. The details seem to get worse by the report, but clearer. That clarity has to be based on somethiing substantial. :(
I like the last line, "Thank God we have a Pope that wants to fight the Devil"

I was telling my mother in law about this case and how scary it is raising children these days with so much evil prowling about the Earth. She sensed my fear and reassured me that my keeping my family and myself close to the Eucharist may protect us. I pray she is right!

I got chills when you said that because I think you are right! My same relative in the Archdiocese is very aware of my fear and told me not to ever worry because as long as I have a strong faith, I am untouchable.

If possession is real then I do believe it preys on the weak willed and altered minds.
This is what I think is going on when people are seeing the image of a bike under the DWT. It happens all the time in every day life.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pareidolia: (*/pærɨˈdoʊliə/ parr-i-doh-lee-ə) is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records when played in reverse.

The brain is basically taking an image that it can't understand and is replacing or interpreting it with something that is familiar so that it can.

Does that make any sense?
This is what I think is going on when people are seeing the image of a bike under the DWT. It happens all the time in every day life.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pareidolia: (*/pærɨˈdoʊliə/ parr-i-doh-lee-ə) is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records when played in reverse.

The brain is basically taking an image that it can't understand and is replacing or interpreting it with something that is familiar so that it can.

Does that make any sense?

Yes it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is after logic/physics/LE evidence release that it doesn't change the mind or at least allow thoughts that it could possibly not be possible.
And once again pages and pages of thread is taken up by the FWT (brought up again by the same poster) and we haven't spent any of this time thinking of anything useful for Mickey.
This is not directed at you dejavoodoo...just general.

I guess we are all just such different personalities.

In my opinion, I can say for 99% that Mickey did not inflict those wounds on Brandon. He is a military trained killer and she is a tiny young girl. He likely had her subdued before she even knew what happened. I think he had scratches, bite marks and cut his finger in his attack on her and the rest was accounting for those injuries because he knew as a sex offender it would single him out. I see it as a very desperate attempt to account for those injuries.

But when I see others post that they are certain Mickey was able to stab him, I don't get offended, upset or stop reading the posts. I would never dislike or be irritated with the poster. It is simply their view on what happened and I appreciate how and

And I would never, ever, consider downing an opinion or making it seem unwanted.

I think we are a better group because we do have such differing opinions on some things. Although, I do think there will be a lot of 'told you so's' when it has all come to light ;)

I find myself personally going back and forth with this one with my 5'4" 100# self ... could it b possible?
Maybe if he was caught of guard momentarily grasping a weapon wrapping my arm behind stabbing his back, the neck would occurs when he grasps my arm and pulls it around. certainly a life or death struggle causing the chest wound and the hand wound grasping the blade. Hmm. Then I consider maybe self inflicted wounds.. but then why so many?

Anyway certainly we all go back and forth in our own minds with the endless possibilities, much less with each others theories. Just some food for thought

Just want to post that I have never seen anyone personally attacked here on WS so the talk about the DWT and sticking up for other people getting attacked really has no standing and is getting old. It's not true. Mods wouldn't allow that to happen here and I have only seen kindness from posters on this site. I'm not sure why ever so often this same topic (not the DWT but the attacks over the DWT) keep coming up. It's not helpful to Mickey, it makes posters leave, etc. If you want to talk about how you see ET in the DWT or enhance the pictures until they are unrecognizable go right ahead but we have a right to say we think this sleuthing has already been done/isn't helpful, but please don't say we personally attack you because that's just not the case.

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You make me proud. Arguing is not attacking. Pointing out that no one can see any details in blown up grainy photos is not attacking.
I just want to say for everyone who thinks violent movies and such should be banned because it sparks killers urges... Well, I disagree because yes, it can spark urges, but a psychopaths urges will be sparked over anything. Cable is a recent invention yet a few centuries ago, people would murder in the hundreds. Psychopaths are sparked without the help of violent movies.

In a way, they can help. I grew up watching horror movies, studying serial killer and crimes, and im now in college where I plan to pursue something in the investigation field. Studying the minds of psychos only helps you understand them. So, no, I dont think movies or music is to blame for murders like Columbine and Jeffrey Dahmer. There's an already lose screw waiting to be unraveled. A killers mind would be more horrific than any horror movie on television.

So while I will say some horror movies might spark an interest, it wasn't one that wasn't already there and present to be sparked. I watched movies like that since I was literally three, and it's only gave me a desire to help and prevent things like that from happening. I think if more people were less afraid of horror movies and such, more would get a glimpse of the horrific reality with murders every day and do more to stop and prevent it.
Sadly I feel that the "bloodied pictures" didn't contain only blood from his injuries. Probably more so, the one that gave it to him..
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