LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #40

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I did take screenshots as well of allllllllllllllllll the correctional institutes that are involved in this as it seems from the time I took the screenshots they are now no longer available.

I will post those if required as well.
a few days ago, from that page, we were able to click on the institution and it listed the education and training each facility was offering, now they are not
Yet they were not ruling out foul play as per LPD statement of May 21st.

This leads me to believe they knew something we did not.

I think something must have happened between him and that girl he was seeing. Seems like he has a pattern of rage,anger, and aggression when he gets dumped or feels like his woman is against him. After his trouble with his wife,he goes and sexually batters that young girl. After his troubles with this new girls family or maybe her questioning and starting to doubt and distrust him,maybe he blew up again ...mad as heck and took it out on poor Micky. Just a thought.
OK. I thought this was still a problem with DNA testing.

"Also useful to note is the fact that not all bodily fluids contain sufficient information to gain a DNA comparison."
"A 'non-secretor' will not have sufficient levels of protein in their bodily fluids to determine a match between blood and bodily fluids found at a crime scene."

I just read the article you linked. I see why you were confused. Both of those statements hold some truth, but one does not relate to the other.

Semen from a non-secretor might not reveal his ABO blood type because it won't contain the antigens needed to make that identification. But, it will suffice to develop a DNA profile (if properly collected and stored).

This NSFTC link is a good one to bookmark:
I think something must have happened between him and that girl he was seeing. Seems like he has a pattern of rage,anger, and aggression when he gets dumped or feels like his woman is against him. After his trouble with his wife,he goes and sexually batters that young girl. After his troubles with this new girls family or maybe her questioning and starting to doubt and distrust him,maybe he blew up again ...mad as heck and took it out on poor Micky. Just a thought.

That's what I was thinking. That there are negative catalysts in BSL's personal life that set off his violent actions against innocent victims.

When I've studied BSL's face in the various photos posted on WS, I see a person full of rage that will erupt given certain negative circumstances.

I get the impression that those who knew BSL were intimidated by him and quite possibly fearful of him. For the most part, they didn't want to cross him because they knew there would be unpleasant consequences, IMO. :what:
I agree. His DNA profile would have been entered into the state database and CODIS back in 2000. A DNA sample recovered from a victim/crime scene would have turned up a hit a long time ago.


Any in depth discussion of BSL's possible assocation with crimes against other victims (besides Mickey and Lisa Pate) belongs in the other thread.

LA LA - Brandon Scott Lavergne, Acadia Parish, indicted July 18 2012 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Just curious, if he plead guilty would they have needed to take a DNA sample?
I've read almost every thread associated with the MS case since I was originally apart of the thread at TD where the BIL of BSL's GF at the time posted about BSL's RSO status and concerns for his SIL and children. I like everyone else hope that MS is found and her killer brought to justice. :please:
I would like to address one issue. I continue to read about concerns that he may have committed crimes while on work release and people upset that inmates receive an education and work opportunities while in prison. I hope that we can allow the details of the case play out before we unfairly criticize LE, the jails and prison system. I used to volunteer for a transition home for women prisoners and continue to do training at sites that use trustees from the Louisiana state penitentiary. The experience that I have had is that they are allowed some freedoms but are not allowed to run loose as some have indicated. There are some that work in work release programs that are bussed in from the prison to job sites, work for the day, and then are picked up and returned to the jail in the evenings. By and large, these people are on their best behavior because the last thing that they want to do is mess up and get the little bit of freedom they have revoked. That is not to say that there haven't been cases, but they are not at all common. Once these people go to jail, without an education, job training, and transition skills, they are much more likely to become repeat offenders. If we don't aim to try to rehabilitate and reform people then we just as soon give them a life sentence because that is where the majority will be without such measures. Also, just as an aside, the recidivism rate (Or return to prison rate) for Louisiana is below the national average and has continued to improve over the past 10 years. My point being that hindsight is 20/20 and it is easy to look back and say how could they ever let these people back into society to commit another crime. Afterall, BSL has proven to be a master of the skill of manipulation, not only by appearance, but also by behavior and has fooled many. Now, if you want to argue that he should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the oral sexual battery (charged with forcible entry or burgalary also) and given a longer sentence, then by all means I understand your point. However, this knee jerk reaction and anger towards the LE because of speculation that he may have committed a crime while in prison, or was treated too lenient in prison to me is unfounded at this point. It is just an opinion, but I find it very unlikely that he is responsible for any murders committed during the time of his incarceration.

One last tidbit- on the arrest report it was listed that BSL's cell phone was confiscated when he was arrested. Now I don't want to violate any of the rules of this forum, so I'll just say that this is just speculation on my part but say hypothetically that LE was able to find incriminating photos on his phone. I don't know if BSL has a smart phone (iphone or otherwise), but if he did there is quite a bit of iinformation that can be retrieved from them by someone is an expert, including things that you think you may have deleted. Also, if he failed to disable location services on the settings of his phone, and took any incriminating photo, the photo is associated with a location. Just speculation on my part, but food for thought.
Just curious, if he plead guilty would they have needed to take a DNA sample?

Yes. All convicted felons and certain arrestees are required to submit a DNA sample. It's routine, just like being fingerprinted. With BSL, he was arrested just before the law became effective. So it might not have been taken until he was sentenced and processed into the prison system.
I've read almost every thread associated with the MS case since I was originally apart of the thread at TD where the BIL of BSL's GF at the time posted about BSL's RSO status and concerns for his SIL and children. I like everyone else hope that MS is found and her killer brought to justice. :please:
I would like to address one issue. I continue to read about concerns that he may have committed crimes while on work release and people upset that inmates receive an education and work opportunities while in prison. I hope that we can allow the details of the case play out before we unfairly criticize LE, the jails and prison system. I used to volunteer for a transition home for women prisoners and continue to do training at sites that use trustees from the Louisiana state penitentiary. The experience that I have had is that they are allowed some freedoms but are not allowed to run loose as some have indicated. There are some that work in work release programs that are bussed in from the prison to job sites, work for the day, and then are picked up and returned to the jail in the evenings. By and large, these people are on their best behavior because the last thing that they want to do is mess up and get the little bit of freedom they have revoked. That is not to say that there haven't been cases, but they are not at all common. Once these people go to jail, without an education, job training, and transition skills, they are much more likely to become repeat offenders. If we don't aim to try to rehabilitate and reform people then we just as soon give them a life sentence because that is where the majority will be without such measures. Also, just as an aside, the recidivism rate (Or return to prison rate) for Louisiana is below the national average and has continued to improve over the past 10 years. My point being that hindsight is 20/20 and it is easy to look back and say how could they ever let these people back into society to commit another crime. Afterall, BSL has proven to be a master of the skill of manipulation, not only by appearance, but also by behavior and has fooled many. Now, if you want to argue that he should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the oral sexual battery (charged with forcible entry or burgalary also) and given a longer sentence, then by all means I understand your point. However, this knee jerk reaction and anger towards the LE because of speculation that he may have committed a crime while in prison, or was treated too lenient in prison to me is unfounded at this point. It is just an opinion, but I find it very unlikely that he is responsible for any murders committed during the time of his incarceration.

One last tidbit- on the arrest report it was listed that BSL's cell phone was confiscated when he was arrested. Now I don't want to violate any of the rules of this forum, so I'll just say that this is just speculation on my part but say hypothetically that LE was able to find incriminating photos on his phone. I don't know if BSL has a smart phone (iphone or otherwise), but if he did there is quite a bit of iinformation that can be retrieved from them by someone is an expert, including things that you think you may have deleted. Also, if he failed to disable location services on the settings of his phone, and took any incriminating photo, the photo is associated with a location. Just speculation on my part, but food for thought.

First I would like to welcome you and thank you for an excellant post. I as well believe that there can be many pros to work release programs. It is very easy in hindsight to find flaws in many things/areas.

The purpose of posting the information I did above, is that the original information first posted was different than the information currently on the correctional website.

There had been debate as to whether or not there was the possibility that BSL could of been on a work release program. When many of us first checked into the possibility, we found that indeed he could of been.

It was then stated of late this could not be the case as these programs were not available at the correctional institutions during specific time frames. I was perplexed, as the information recently posted was different than what I had originally seen. This creates confusion and misinformation.

The purpose of posting this was not with respect to the merits of work release programs, it was to maintain a record which could be referred to at later dates. I am sure many are aware how quick information can be updated/altered on the world wide web.

Maytay126, Thanx for joining us...Your expertese & insights are welcomed..

First let me say that I am working on my knee jerking issues, and am all for educating & training prisoners for their return to society as productive and law abiding citizens..
My concern is that BS Lavergne, who was convicted of a violent sexual crime and sentenced to 10 years, may have received special privileges & furloughs after 2003, only 3 years into his sentence..
The recidivism rate for those felons convicted of violent sex crimes is much higher than other felonies. The average recidivism rate for violent felons is aproximately 50% within 3 years of release..
I'm sure the LA Department of Corrections is doing an excellent overall job. Yet, one would have to conclude that Hurricane Katrina, has had an effect on the lower recidivism statistics since 2005..

U.S. Prison Population Sets New Record
Network NewsX Profile

Susan K. Urahn
Managing Director, Pew Center on the States
Friday, February 29, 2008; 10:30 AM

Pew Center on the States managing director Susan K. Urahn was online Friday, Feb. 29 at 10:30 a.m. ET to discuss the center's report (.pdf file) on the record-high U.S. prison population, which outstrips that of any other country, both numerically and as a percentage of the overall population.

Washington: Is there any data on what percentage of the prison population previously was incarcerated, released, and returned to prison?

Susan K. Urahn: Recidivism rates vary from state to state, but they average around 50 percent returned to prison within three years of release, either for a new conviction or for a technical violation of the conditions of their parole or probation.

California, for example, has a 70 percent recidivism rate -the highest in the country.
Yes. All convicted felons and certain arrestees are required to submit a DNA sample. It's routine, just like being fingerprinted. With BSL, he was arrested just before the law became effective. So it might not have been taken until he was sentenced and processed into the prison system.

Bessie, imo, an excellent question for our members of the media to ask is; 'was Brandon S. Lavergne's DNA entered into CODIS & if so, on what date'?

Due to the effective date of LA's DNA law, the wording of the law; conviction or date of arrest. It is very possible that BS Lavergne's DNA was not entered into the system due to BSL's arrest/conviction date..imo
Just wondering if he's a germaphobic on top of everything else. Rape without intercourse, seems to look for wholesome girls, burns his truck for whatever reason, and goes to the hospital for his injuries despite the risk. Don't know if this is true too, but I think I read somewhere his house was very clean.

I think we are somehow absorbing "goes for wholesome girls" as
A fact. I don't see how you are getting there. He raped a virgin. While I don't know what your definition of wholesome is, lisa pate was not a virgin and was addled with drug problems, and Mickey was likely not a virgin, smoked weed.

Note I am not condemning promiscuity or responsible drug use, particularly weed. I enjoy both and am not "unwholesome."
I think we are somehow absorbing "goes for wholesome girls" as
A fact. I don't see how you are getting there. He raped a virgin. While I don't know what your definition of wholesome is, lisa pate was not a virgin and was addled with drug problems, and Mickey was likely not a virgin, smoked weed.

Note I am not condemning promiscuity or responsible drug use, particularly weed. I enjoy both and am not "unwholesome."

She (Mickey) surely looks innocent and wholesome, and I bet she even looked moreso riding that bike all alone. :no:
She (Mickey) surely looks innocent and wholesome, and I bet she even looked moreso riding that bike all alone. :no:

I still fail to see how that means its his type. I think if there was someone there and isolated who looked like a *advertiser censored* star instead of Mickey, they would be missing.
I still fail to see how that means its his type. I think if there was someone there and isolated who looked like a *advertiser censored* star instead of Mickey, they would be missing.

I truly do agree with you on that. I think he's been given too much credit for being methodical. I think he's a predator and will scoop whatever's easiest.

I think what we're starting to notice is there seems to be a pattern of obsessiveness with him.

Someone had said that his house was immaculately kept, based on the pictures they had seen of the inside. He seemed to zoom in on the hairdresser...Owning all the cars...All the fires. Just so many things point to it.

There could be a number of reasons for any of these such things. I think everyone's just trying to wrap their head around this guy and look for anything. If a pattern of behavior could be established, it may be easier to find Mickey.
Hey FF,

You've mentioned this several times in your postings. What makes you say/think that?

IMPondering, many reasons, but mainly observations of patterns from researching sexual predators & psychopathic serial killers from the 1980s to the present.
There seems to be the common denominator of methamphetamine use/abuse. From Pastors to Politicians, seems no one is excluded. Meth seems to be the catalyst for psychopaths to act out their fantasies, and create new psychopathic tendencies in otherwise normal personalities..

Just my opinion and observations, IMPondering..
Wished some of our more studied members would contribute their thoughts on the possible Meth connection..

Blame the brain: Psychopaths are wired differently

The same reward system in the brain that hooks people to drugs might also explain why some people act like psychopaths.

We know that cold-blooded criminals lack empathy and fear — and are, by societal standards, a bit odd. But new research shows that it is not the traits that psychopaths lack that make them behave badly, it’s the traits that they do have. Not only are psychopaths impulsive, they like to take risks and seek out rewards.

So-called psychopathic traits have been linked to a disruption in the dopamine reward circuitry in the brain. And it is this disruption that drives psychopaths to want money, sex, or fame, in extreme ways.

First, we got a sample of these community volunteers. Then we measured their psychopathic inventory by giving them a personality test to measure psychopathic traits [ranging from manipulativeness, egocentricity, aggression and risk taking].

We gave them speed. And used positron emission tomography, or PET, to measure dopamine levels in the brain.

The people who scored higher on the measure of psychopathic traits, showed higher dopamine levels in brain reward regions after we gave them the drug.

* What’s next?

We’d like to do a study of incarcerated psychopaths to see if they show similar brain patterns.

_From the comment section__of this Study -says it best -_____________________________

RE: Blame the brain: Psychopaths are wired differently

There's a lot more to it than that. Psycopaths (now often coyly
labelled sociopaths) are the only real persons, places, things, in
their world. The rest of us are figments of their imagination, in
effect, to be manipulated and used in anyway appropriate and
convenient to their needs. If they believe it to be ultimately useful
to their purposes to be kind and generous and considerate towards
someone, they will -- without limit, if helpful to their ends -- or
if they believe it to be more convenient to destroy someone, they
will. There is no such thing as truth or lies external to them --
which explains why such persons can readily pass lie detector tests,
for example.
A quasi-religious psychiatrist I knew said they were born without
souls. A philosopher long ago came to literally believe that there
are people in this world who are actually not really human beings,
but who absolutely emulate the real thing and are basically
impossible to recognize as non-human. I think he was trying to
explain the psychopath.
I still fail to see how that means its his type. I think if there was someone there and isolated who looked like a *advertiser censored* star instead of Mickey, they would be missing.

To me, his "type" appears to be petite and vulnerable- simply someone he can get his hands on and overpower. I don't think Mickey was "chosen." I just think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sadly, if not her, it'd be someone else imo...

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BSL's girlfriend is a petite blonde. So my question is, how does he separate "oh, I'll be in a relationship with you". Or " oh, your my next victim"

BSL's girlfriend is a petite blonde. So my question is, how does he separate "oh, I'll be in a relationship with you". Or " oh, your my next victim"



His rape victim was his girlfriend's cousin. They may have resembled one another.

His last girlfriend was a petite blonde. His last victim was, too.

It would be interesting to know if whomever he was involved with back in July of 1999 resembled LP or had any of her characteristics.

Just. Ew.
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