LA - Baton Rouge. 3 officers killed/3 wounded, 17 July 2016

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The friend remembered Long entered the U.S. Marines after high school and slimmed down. He was discharged after a few years for health reasons, and spent some time in the hospital after a physical injury.

“While he was in Africa, he had talked about how he found Islam and he was writing a book,” the classmate said. “He had kind of — I wouldn’t call it gone off the rocker — but it was a little weird.”
Has this been posted yet? Provides background info on shooter, much of what we already know, but fills in a few gaps as well.

Thanks - that's an excellent article. He was really all over the place, wasn't he? Reading that he sounds nutty and angry but it's not like there's a giant arrow pointing out when and where he became unhinged enough to carry out this attack.

I think this:

“I just want everyone to know that if anything may happen to me or with me, I am NOT affiliated with anybody, any group, nationality, association, religion, corporation, business, etc.”

is all about his ego. He doesn't want to share this spotlight with anyone. It's all him.
Like I said - you don't have to have been in combat to suffer from or be diagnosed with PTSD. Civilians get PTSD too - some from abusive situations and some from things like traffic accidents. I believe VA Disability even specifies non-combat PTSD or combat-related PTSD. I have known veterans who never saw a battlefied but suffered from service-related PTSD.

If someone is a veteran and has symptoms of PTSD and is hurting I don't want him or her to think "But I never saw combat" and not seek help. There's enough stigma and obstacles already.

Oh I perfectly understand that civilians can have PTSD due to abusive relationships and trauma. I have been diagnosed with PTSD when I was 38 years old after I finally sought out a therapist for the abuse and trauma I had suffered as a child and in my first marriage.

I just haven't heard of anyone who never saw any trauma in a combat zone say they have PTSD when they didn't go through or see any trauma. I am not saying it doesn't happen but I have never seen it. Would you mind giving me an example of non-combat trauma? I know doctors/medics/nurses can suffer from it since they do treat those who have been severely wounded and have seen many fatal casualties. But if their MSO does not interact with any combat soldiers, Marines, etc. in some type of way how can they have PTSD? That's all I am asking. thanks blue.
The friend remembered Long entered the U.S. Marines after high school and slimmed down. He was discharged after a few years for health reasons, and spent some time in the hospital after a physical injury.

“While he was in Africa, he had talked about how he found Islam and he was writing a book,” the classmate said. “He had kind of — I wouldn’t call it gone off the rocker — but it was a little weird.”

Strange. The targeted individual. Like the tin foil hat.
Oh I perfectly understand that civilians can have PTSD due to abusive relationships and trauma. I have been diagnosed with PTSD when I was 38 years old after I finally sought out a therapist for the abuse and trauma I had suffered as a child and in my first marriage.

I just haven't heard of anyone who never saw any trauma in a combat zone say they have PTSD when they didn't go through or see any trauma. I am not saying it doesn't happen but I have never seen it. Would you mind giving me an example of non-combat trauma? I know doctors/medics/nurses can suffer from it since they do treat those who have been severely wounded and have seen many fatal casualties. But if their MSO does not interact with any combat soldiers, Marines, etc. in some type of way how can they have PTSD? That's all I am asking. thanks blue.

He was in Iraq for six months.
I,can't read cuz I have reached the limit. I don't want to delete history cuz then I have to enter all passwords again. Anything of interest?

Here are some tidbits:

He filed in 2015 change his name to the Cosmo name, but never followed through with the court, so the Cosmo name is not his legal name.

Made money as a kid by making loans and charging interest.

Attended college in San Diego and via distance learning, and earned an associate of arts degree.

Uncontested divorce in 2011. No children in the marriage. Shooter earned $500/month at that time, according to court records.

Attended University of Alabama for one semester, with a major in business. Also attended Clark Atlanta University.

No encounters with law enforcement in Alabama or in Missouri.

He claimed to be part of Washitaw nation, but someone from that group said they are about peace and not about killing police officers.

Court records show he did not pay local earning taxes and papers were served this year. Case dismissed shortly afterward.
The friend remembered Long entered the U.S. Marines after high school and slimmed down. He was discharged after a few years for health reasons, and spent some time in the hospital after a physical injury.

“While he was in Africa, he had talked about how he found Islam and he was writing a book,” the classmate said. “He had kind of — I wouldn’t call it gone off the rocker — but it was a little weird.”

So...he really did go to Africa? I'm still a bit skeptical. Would love firm confirmation that he really did go.

Under the pen name Cosmo Setepenra, Long wrote in the book that he had a "spiritual revelation" while in college and soon sold his cars and gave away his "material possessions," packing just two suitcases for a trip to Africa -- his "ancestral homeland." He wrote that he traveled across the continent learning from its "native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers" and was concerned in particular that people with darker skin lead healthy, holistic lifestyles.

"Not only have we not been taught how to treat our bodies and spirits in order to live a healthy and holistic lifestyle, we have also lost touch with the ancient teachings of our spiritual elders that would help us to live a healthy holistic life in harmony with nature," he wrote.

I knew a guy that got out and went back to europe with a buddy from the service and rode the euro train for 6 weeks, sounds plausible to me that cosmo would/could have went to africa.
I agree - strange.

This is new info on the shooter (new to me, at least). Worth the read about "targeted individuals" and perhaps some copy-cat violence.

Thanks for posting:

Yep - here he is, listed a "buddy" for people who think the government is tracking them. He's listed under BIRKINA FASO (West Africa). (There is also someone listed in his hometown of Kansas City, MO.)

FWIW, I still have doubts he actually was in Africa. Still looking for confirmation.

oops...forgot to add the link: It's from Jan 2016.

Under the pen name Cosmo Setepenra, Long wrote in the book that he had a "spiritual revelation" while in college and soon sold his cars and gave away his "material possessions," packing just two suitcases for a trip to Africa -- his "ancestral homeland." He wrote that he traveled across the continent learning from its "native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers" and was concerned in particular that people with darker skin lead healthy, holistic lifestyles.

"Not only have we not been taught how to treat our bodies and spirits in order to live a healthy and holistic lifestyle, we have also lost touch with the ancient teachings of our spiritual elders that would help us to live a healthy holistic life in harmony with nature," he wrote.

I knew a guy that got out and went back to europe with a buddy from the service and rode the euro train for 6 weeks, sounds plausible to me that cosmo would/could have went to africa.

It's totally plausible.....I just am skeptical until I hear definitive proof.

If I'm selling a story about spiritual enlightenment, a trip to the ancestral homeland sounds good. Doesn't make it true.

I've been hanging around WSers too long to just buy any ol' story just because it's plausible. ;)
After reading the comments, I wonder if there is any way for Americans to come together. I find myself hating at times and pray for forgiveness and guidance.


I totally understand how you feel, because I was raised in a home with a family that taught us to love one another, and hatred wasn't even an issue. Sure, I remember growing up in early years saying to my friends, boyfriends, even siblings and my mom..."I hate you"!!! But in words, it was all about the way I probably didn't get my way. I never thrived on hate growing up in college, where you come into contact with so many people with different beliefs, religions, colors, race or anything wasn't a problem for me. I always showed respect for anyone older than myself and treated people like I would like to be treated and respected.

As I look back at how things have changed, I am frightened for my family and friends. Sure there were bad times but again I feel the way I grew up in a loving environment made all the difference in the world.

Trident your post that I bolded made me teary eyed, because I feel the same way. ((hugs)) to you, all of us will make this world a better place, just like this "little girl I knew so well"!

People like the killer(s)will never prevail‼️

#PrayforBatonRogue 🎗
So...he really did go to Africa? I'm still a bit skeptical. Would love firm confirmation that he really did go.


From a video provided from a poster here, it shows him living/renting something like an apartment. He was video taping and yapping about it how he was in the middle class section part. Now if the was really there I, personally can NOT verify 👺

#PrayforBatonRouge 🎗
The titles of his other books !

“ancient esoteric secrets of the Pineal Gland”; and the “124 Universal Laws and their use in The Laws of The Cosmos.”


Paranid Schizophrenic moo!! If you think about it doing it on your birthday adds more "whatever" to it.
The titles of his other books !

“ancient esoteric secrets of the Pineal Gland”; and the “124 Universal Laws and their use in The Laws of The Cosmos.”


Paranid Schizophrenic moo!! If you think about it doing it on your birthday adds more "whatever" to it.

When a birthday comes up we always try to get someone what they always wanted. Now we know he planned to continue his attack so IMO this was something big he wanted for a long time and he probably thought of it as a gift to himself. JMO

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