LA - Baton Rouge. 3 officers killed/3 wounded, 17 July 2016

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jmo- but that feels like censorship to me. Feel the same way when FB and all of em yank sites cause THEY have decided no one should see them . China does that with its internet!!

Public domain-- it kind of like *advertiser censored* - if ya dont like - dont look!! But who knows maybe someone would read something on all these killers posts and discover something - but more of it imo is censership.

The N Korean midget does the same stuff!! So does PUtin!!!

And the FB dude Zucker is all about "social" stuff -- kinda hypocritical!


Meh. Amazon and B&N start selling new books and stop selling old ones every day. I understand why they chose not to carry this title any longer.

Unfortunately, his books will probably become more valuable after this. There is that sick crowd of people that likes murder memorabilia.
jmo- but that feels like censorship to me. Feel the same way when FB and all of em yank sites cause THEY have decided no one should see them . China does that with its internet!!

Public domain-- it kind of like *advertiser censored* - if ya dont like - dont look!! But who knows maybe someone would read something on all these killers posts and discover something - but more of it imo is censership.

The N Korean midget does the same stuff!! So does PUtin!!!

And the FB dude Zucker is all about "social" stuff -- kinda hypocritical!


If his books sell now who gets the money? Nobody wants to be associated with making money off a cop killer.
You can find the amazon pages of this books by going to "cached" pages. There are reviews dated yesterday, but also a few older ones. Try this: https://webcache.googleusercontent....ebook/dp/B016PCQFRI+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Isnt this amazing, Inthedetails - when you went there were there 22 reviews - I just tried and it loaded, but said reviews not available -unreal

and it appears it is not going to load the "look inside" feature!!

Isn't that just scary on a big level- truly!!

Gives me chills - sounds like a movie opening next Friday with a tag line like:

"What if everything that was there yesterday is gone today?"


Opens Friday at a theatre near you!!
More from his book....

Long closes the book with a call for unity. '"Let us all, every race, creed, color and religion stop succumbing to the divide and conquer tactics of the few,' he writes. 'I am risking my life for speaking out about this and for writing this book, but enough is enough. We cannot keep fighting each other because of the small-petty differences that exist between us, while a small select few sit back laughing and reaping rewards from our strife and division.'"

No comment.
Isnt this amazing, Inthedetails - when you went there were there 22 reviews - I just tried and it loaded, but said reviews not available -unreal

and it appears it is not going to load the "look inside" feature!!

Isn't that just scary on a big level- truly!!

Gives me chills - sounds like a movie opening next Friday with a tag line like:

"What if everything that was there yesterday is gone today?"


Opens Friday at a theatre near you!!

Really? I can still see the reviews. Weird.
Oh I perfectly understand that civilians can have PTSD due to abusive relationships and trauma. I have been diagnosed with PTSD when I was 38 years old after I finally sought out a therapist for the abuse and trauma I had suffered as a child and in my first marriage.

I just haven't heard of anyone who never saw any trauma in a combat zone say they have PTSD when they didn't go through or see any trauma. I am not saying it doesn't happen but I have never seen it. Would you mind giving me an example of non-combat trauma? I know doctors/medics/nurses can suffer from it since they do treat those who have been severely wounded and have seen many fatal casualties. But if their MSO does not interact with any combat soldiers, Marines, etc. in some type of way how can they have PTSD? That's all I am asking. thanks blue.

I doubt it is PTSD. Gavin Long was always smoldering with rage and he was good at hiding it from most people.
My own amateur theories ONLY: Seems like he has some serious narcissistic and paranoiac qualities. Both are found in Cluster B personality disorders, and I think it is also common to have some Cluster B disorders comorbid with others. That does NOT necessarily mean that LEGALLY he did not have the capacity to know right from wrong. Have no idea to what affect any PTSD could have exacerbated stuff like that but I think it's possible. For a person like that to be exposed to hate group propaganda would be like pouring gasoline on a fire.

If he identified differently, he probably would have just been susceptible to different types of hate propaganda. I think this is why we have to fight all of it, whoever it is aimed at, because the next guy like this is already out there, I guarantee it.

I am thinking that too. Paranoid is Cluster A personality disorders.
The way he spoke reminds me of Elliot Rogers, SB killer. NPD all the way. Condescending and a total worthless human being. JMO

Elliot Rodger: An Analysis

Of interest.

Beyond his entitlement, lack of empathy, and sadism, Rodger was also what the FBI report on school shooters labeled an “injustice collector.” This was described as follows: “The student nurses resentment over real or perceived injustices. No matter how much time has passed, the “injustice collector” will not forget or forgive those wrongs or the people he or she believes are responsible” (O’Toole, 2000, 17). Rodger went through life accumulating a sense of having been wronged by women; he nursed his resentment until it drove him to murder. Such resentment appears to be a product of his narcissism — as he was quoted above, “How dare they” not give him the love and adoration he deserved.

A similar dynamic occurred with several psychotic shooters in the form of a masochistic personality. This refers to having an extreme sensitivity to emotional pain, and holding onto and exaggerating one’s suffering. Though in other writings I have used the terms “injustice collector” and “masochism” interchangeably, further reflection suggests that though similar concepts, they have a different dynamic. Psychopathic shooters rise in anger in response to what they perceive as injustice — “how dare they!” In contrast, psychotic shooters sink in anguish in response to what they perceive as cruelty — “woe is me!”

Rodger’s personality was notable for the intensity of his envy and resentment. Like masochism and injustice collecting, envy and resentment are similar concepts but they perhaps can be differentiated between psychotic and psychopathic shooters. To make this point, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold will serve as examples. Both were aware of hierarchies of status, but they had different responses for different reasons. Harris, a psychopathic shooter, looked down on people and resented those who had status in the eyes of the world because he thought he deserved to have the highest status. Klebold, a psychotic shooter, looked up to people and envied those who had status. In other words, psychotic shooters recognized that their peers were above them; this resulted in envy. Psychopathic shooters, however, refused to acknowledge that anyone was above them; this resulted in resentment toward those who thought they had, or were seen by others as having, higher status.

My Twisted World

His manifesto is filled with hate, resentment, and envy.

Gavin Long is most likely an injustice collector, a vicarious one. I saw a couple of videos and he is very narcissistic. He sees himself as the voice for Blacks and other oppressed people. He sees himself the at the true authority. Long is very masochistic about his suffering and harbors grudges that goes back to his childhood. From this, Long shares characteristics with Elliot Rodger, Omar Mateen, Micah Johnson, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, Eric Harris, Christy Sheats, and Lori Drew.
Elliot Rodger: An Analysis

Gavin Long is most likely an injustice collector, a vicarious one.
I saw a couple of videos and he is very narcissistic. He sees himself as the voice for Blacks and other oppressed people. He sees himself the at the true authority. Long is very masochistic about his suffering and harbors grudges that goes back to his childhood. From this, Long shares characteristics with Elliot Rodger, Omar Mateen, Micah Johnson, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, Eric Harris, Christy Sheats, and Lori Drew.

Snipped and BBM.

I don't know. After reading some of his writings (including what I've posted from websites and articles above), I'm not completely sure he was an injustice collector as much as I think he was floundering. I think he either really did think he was stalked (paranoid) or he used that as a way to manipulate people into following him (self-grandeur.)

He was a con artist, I suspect.

I do agree that he was very focused on himself, to an obviously very unhealthy level. He appears to be this guy who wants to help others, but really what he wants is to be admired as uniquely wonderful and insightful.

jmopinion at the moment.
I am thinking that too. Paranoid is Cluster A personality disorders.

Paranoid is the hallmark of some of Cluster A, but it is also something that can be seen in Cluster B (particularly with borderline)

This anti-violence sign is found on many lawns in the Kansas City, Mo., neighborhood where gunman Gavin Long lived. (Louis Sahagun / Los Angeles Times)
Mod add:

Wonderful, that ppl are planting anti-violence yard signs w this sentiment. Would be nice if everyone thought that.

Could not find website w url printed on ^ sign: "" Am I misreading?
Searching phone # on sign brings link to - so website itself is a commercial site, not a non-profit org, not a gov site? amirite?

ETA: New Reflections Housing Solutions of KC. " assist you in qualifying and purchasing your own home...".
Also services offered: "Homebuyer Training; Affordable Housing; Case Management." hmm, maybe connected w a govt program?
On its face, no apparent connection to any political group or faction. JM2cts.
I think this pattern is becomng clearer..

Stating: attended the University of Alabama is far different than the truth:

attended the University of Alabama for a semester.
I think this pattern is becomng clearer..

Stating: attended the University of Alabama is far different than the truth:

attended the University of Alabama for a semester.


Some MSM is doing a good job checking out what the shooter said about his life. Others, not so much.
100 percent agree...respect should be shown to these officers who have lost their life...this thread is about them...
Why is that whenever we have innocent cops who were just doing their jobs murdered and injured, we have posts about cops shooting black people? Is it an attempt to justify the shooting of cops?

There's no justification for these cops being killed IMO.
Quote Originally Posted by oceanblueeyes View Post
Oh I perfectly understand that civilians can have PTSD due to abusive relationships and trauma. I have been diagnosed with PTSD when I was 38 years old after I finally sought out a therapist for the abuse and trauma I had suffered as a child and in my first marriage.

I just haven't heard of anyone who never saw any trauma in a combat zone say they have PTSD when they didn't go through or see any trauma. I am not saying it doesn't happen but I have never seen it. Would you mind giving me an example of non-combat trauma? I know doctors/medics/nurses can suffer from it since they do treat those who have been severely wounded and have seen many fatal casualties. But if their MSO does not interact with any combat soldiers, Marines, etc. in some type of way how can they have PTSD? That's all I am asking. thanks blue.

I doubt it is PTSD. Gavin Long was always smoldering with rage and he was good at hiding it from most people.

Not sure if the reason for GL's unusual discharge after a 5 year term in the military/marines has been posted, but seems that it was due to health reasons.
Kansas City connections

It was unclear where Long was born or grew up, but he graduated from Grandview High School in 2005 and lived in the 4600 block of Craig Avenue in Grandview. Classmates remembered him as a big, quiet guy who was easy to get along with. He wouldn’t say a lot, but when he did, it was humorous, a friend who graduated with Long said.
The classmates who spoke to The Star asked not to be identified.

The friend remembered Long entered the U.S. Marines after high school and slimmed down. He was discharged after a few years for health reasons, and spent some time in the hospital after a physical injury.

Read more here:
Not sure if the reason for GL's unusual discharge after a 5 year term in the military/marines has been posted, but seems that it was due to health reasons.
Kansas City connections

It was unclear where Long was born or grew up, but he graduated from Grandview High School in 2005 and lived in the 4600 block of Craig Avenue in Grandview. Classmates remembered him as a big, quiet guy who was easy to get along with. He wouldn’t say a lot, but when he did, it was humorous, a friend who graduated with Long said.
The classmates who spoke to The Star asked not to be identified.

The friend remembered Long entered the U.S. Marines after high school and slimmed down. He was discharged after a few years for health reasons, and spent some time in the hospital after a physical injury.

Read more here:

There is a link above with info about his childhood, fyi.

I think he left the military because his stint was up. Until proven otherwise, I don't think there was any other reason except his five years were up.

If he was in the hospital as his friend stated, it was after his military service and seems to be for an injury not illness. But, I'd like more confirmation than a friend's vague recollection, ykwim?
USA Network has pushed back the premiere of the sniper series “Shooter” after three police officers were killed by a gunman in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the cable channel announced Monday.
“After further consideration, USA Network, Paramount TV and Universal Cable Productions have decided to move the premiere of SHOOTER to the fall,” USA said in a statement.
It was the second time this month that the drama has been postponed because of tragic real-life events.
The series had originally been set to debut July 19 but was delayed one week following the July 7 attack by a sniper on police officers in Dallas, which left five dead.

[FONT=&amp]Monday night, the stadium was lit in blue lights in a poignant tribute ....Baton Rouge

[h=1]How America’s Police Are Responding to Baton Rouge and Dallas[/h]
Baltimore, the police department is requiring that two cars respond to all calls. In Chicago, officers now patrol neighborhoods in pairs. And in Los Angeles, the department is shifting officers to serve as extra backup while increasing the number of helicopters flying above the city.
Following the horrific attacks on police officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas, which left eight cops dead and 10 wounded, law enforcement around the country are responding by adjusting strategy, changing tactics and adopting measures they hope will guard against similar plots.
Some of the most extensive changes are happening in LA, where on Sunday Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that officers from LAPD’s Metropolitan Division, which normally deals with crime suppression and community-based policing efforts, would temporarily assist those on patrol.
... mandating two cops in a car is the most common tactic he’s seen from departments following the fatal shootings. ...
........ Albuquerque, the police department has issued two mandates in the last couple weeks to make sure its officers use a “buddy system” in responding to calls. Police in Burlington, Vt., have suspended solo patrols. And in Chicago, the department has mandated two-officer
....... have an officer on the call for service and the additional officer can focus on the environment itself,” says Lt. Jarron Jackson, a Baltimore Police Department public information officer.
The shootings have concerned some police departments that rank-and-file officers will retreat from engaging with high-crime communities, something Chicago’s police leadership is monitoring. ....
“Police officers know this is a risky job,”


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