LA LA - Crystal Dupuis Grebinger, 32, Lafayette, 8 February 2013

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Posted: Nov 25, 2013 10:15 PM
by Erin Steuber
Updated: Nov 25, 2013 10:49 PM

Sean told the newspaper he left the country and doesn't plan on coming back, but has reason to believe Crystal is alive, and with relatives in California.

"She is not with me in San Diego and I'm the only family that any of our family has west of Louisiana," said Crystal's Aunt and Godmother, Theresa Dupuis. "If only Crystal were with me, or I knew where she was, I'd be the first one to shout to the world that Crystal is alive."

But the family is skeptical. They think Sean knows more than he's letting on.
OK this is a bit disconcerting:

(from the same article)

The following is a more detailed history of their 16 year marriage:

Crystal and Sean Grebinger's relationship turned allegedly abusive almost immediately. The details are documented in numerous court filings and arrest records, beginning when Crystal filed her first protective order against Sean in May 1997, just a month after they were married.

At least four more protective orders in Lafayette and St. Martin parishes were filed by Crystal through 2012. A 2002 restraining order in St. Martin Parish followed an incident where, as Crystal described in court documents, "He and I were in the bedroom when the phone rang and I answered it. It was his girlfriend and he became very angry and violent.
"He then got on top of me and started choking me. Punched my ribs, back, arms, stomach, head and ears. He just kept hitting my head and I tried to call the police, but he threw the phone and broke it. He then picked up a box cutter and said, 'that he was going to kill me.'
"Then he started cutting the wall with the box cutter. I grabbed my keys to leave when he grabbed me and threw me on the bed. He was trying to keep the keys from me. Finally, he calmed down.
"I am very scared of him because I feel he could and would kill me and abuse my two daughters."

Posted: Nov 25, 2013 10:15 PM
by Erin Steuber
Updated: Nov 25, 2013 10:49 PM


I am certain I saw a post by someone in the family on the FB page saying that she didn't even have family on the west coast? Now this lady appears from nowhere and she DOES have family there? When he first said west coats they denied it was even possible because she had no family there and didn't know anyone there. Quite bizarre.

Actually here is the link to where the family member said that on the Adv site. These ppl need to get better organized.
Witnessed a missing flyer @ the Skate Zone on West Congress.
Complicated case of he vs she...but, SHE is missing. Still.
So...where are you, Crystal?
Her poor little children.
I saw a missing flyer for Crystal a few weeks ago in Girard Park.

Her family is desperately trying to find her. I commend them for their efforts. I hope 2014 brings answers for Crystal's loved ones.

Also, her husband has allegedly left the country...and left his FOUR CHILDREN behind (I know they are in a family member's custody, but still....). Smells all kinds of hinky to me.

ETA: for some reason, I doubt Sean is actually living outside of the country. I find myself doubting he has a passport. My guess is he's holed up somewhere in Louisiana (or maybe a nearby state) and sooner or later, he'll get himself seen/caught on those warrants. I'm sure LE knows if he has a passport, if he's used it, and if he's in another country.
In addition to Crystal's missing banner on the train overpass near the University & Cameron intersection, a few days ago I noticed a handmade white banner with dark letters (that looked like they were either glued or stenciled on) that reads "What Really Happened to Crystal Dupuis Grebinger?". It was/is hanging off the overpass on the side you'd see if you are coming down University from I10 towards Jonhston (locals- I hope that makes sense).

Something about it was just....haunting, for lack of a better word. The banner struck me as desperate yet strong in its bluntness.

Her family wants answers.

Someone knows what happened to Crystal.

I used to think it was somewhat likely Crystal was missing voluntarily. I do not think think that is the case anymore.
In addition to Crystal's missing banner on the train overpass near the University & Cameron intersection, a few days ago I noticed a handmade white banner with dark letters (that looked like they were either glued or stenciled on) that reads "What Really Happened to Crystal Dupuis Grebinger?". It was/is hanging off the overpass on the side you'd see if you are coming down University from I10 towards Jonhston (locals- I hope that makes sense).

Something about it was just....haunting, for lack of a better word. The banner struck me as desperate yet strong in its bluntness.

Her family wants answers.

Someone knows what happened to Crystal.

I used to think it was somewhat likely Crystal was missing voluntarily. I do not think think that is the case anymore.

I know that area and overpass. I'm going to try to pass by this area this week. I live in the same parish where Crystal grew up. There is little to no activity here. I believe the lack of LE involvement is a reflection of the long, long history of domestic abuse. I'm a retired case manager, having worked in school settings and healthcare with children and families. There's so much apathy from helping agencies b/c you struggle to put resources to keep moms and children safe and enhance their lives. Before you know it, the parents are back together and so the cycle goes on and on.
Not a great pic, but best I could get while I was waiting in traffic- Crystal's missing banner & "What Happened...?" banner on the overpass on University (heading towards UL) near the Cameron & University intersection I posted about upthread. (If you click on it, it will get somewhat bigger and better.)


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I saw a missing flyer for Crystal a few weeks ago in Girard Park.

Her family is desperately trying to find her. I commend them for their efforts. I hope 2014 brings answers for Crystal's loved ones.

Also, her husband has allegedly left the country...and left his FOUR CHILDREN behind (I know they are in a family member's custody, but still....). Smells all kinds of hinky to me.

ETA: for some reason, I doubt Sean is actually living outside of the country. I find myself doubting he has a passport. My guess is he's holed up somewhere in Louisiana (or maybe a nearby state) and sooner or later, he'll get himself seen/caught on those warrants. I'm sure LE knows if he has a passport, if he's used it, and if he's in another country.

Yes. He looks downright guilty to me. He is either out of the country or lying... concealing his whereabouts in either case.
Somehow I missed that Crystal's shoe, a black sequined Sperry shoe, was found in Lake Fausse in March 2013 (according to the Help Find Crystal Dupuis Grebinger Facebook page's timeline:

The comments under the timeline indicate that Texas Equusearch did water & foot searches at Lake Fausse, but did not find Crystal.

Her shoe being found at Lake Fausee doesn't sound good. Even if TES did a water search, it is possible they missed her if she's in water, as their equipment missed Terrilynn Monnette and her car in New Orleans's Bayou St. John when they searched there (she was later found by a diver in a spot previously searched by TES). There's a lot of water and wilderness at Lake Fausee Pointe State Park. My guess is now that Crystal met with foul play and she's out there in that park (or water in/near the park) and just hasn't been found yet.

It's 53 miles from Faith House (a domestic violence shelter) in Lafayette (where Crystal was last seen) to Lake Fausse Pointe State Park.

Crystal allegedly left Faith House with her estranged husband. Then the estranged husband allegedly left for Brazil two days later.

Last seen leaving domestic violence shelter with estranged husband + husband allegedly leaves the country two days later + missing woman's shoe found in a state park = pretty obvious what likely happened....
Yeah, that shoe being found is an absolute game changer, in my mind! I am surprised the police haven't been more concerned when her shoe was found in a lake and the abusive ex went missing!?!?!? The shoe was found 2 weeks after she went missing! That was the time to do an intense search, I would think! Please, if I ever go missing, tell my family to get their own searches, divers, investigators, etc together. I know the police can't devote all their time and resources to one person, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to find! Ugh ugh ugh to that new piece of info!
I'm from this area and I had not heard via news stations or newspaper regarding the shoe being found at Lake Fausse Point. The lake covers a huge area...levees, camps, homes, a large state park with camping spots for RVs, primitive area for tents and cabins. I do not remember TES being involved in searches. I believe that someone stated on fb that a team was hired to search.
I'm from this area and I had not heard via news stations or newspaper regarding the shoe being found at Lake Fausse Point. The lake covers a huge area...levees, camps, homes, a large state park with camping spots for RVs, primitive area for tents and cabins. I do not remember TES being involved in searches. I believe that someone stated on fb that a team was hired to search.

They say in their timeline that TES was not made public. This just solidifies my point that releasing info to the public is often essential to a quick resolution. In the case of Hayley Howard this week, they gained 12000 Facebook supporters in less than 2 days. They refused to keep anything hidden or quiet and didn't wait for anyone! They formed their own searches, asked for volunteer divers and put the pressure on quick results... and it happened. I don't see where keeping so secretive has helped, but rather hurt this case. It has gotten little exposure and in the beginning, people were tired of hearing about info that couldn't be told. People stop helping when they aren't given info to help! I hope they start giving out info and asking for some real help real soon. This girl deserves to be found. This is all my opinion.
I have also noticed there has never been much interest in this case around Lafayette. In all honesty I think some of it has to do with the large amount of these missing cases where in the end about 2 days later the family says, "We found her nothing to see here mind your own business it's private". The reason I say that is for example there was a girl missing from Kaplan 2 days ago, she had apparently left with 2 African American males at 1am in the morning that she spoke to once on the phone from Meetme. Today a family member posted on the Abbeville paper feed that she had called someone and she's fine not to worry. I believe the families of the girls like the one from Kaplan have a hard time getting through to these females it's not good to run off with strange men for whatever rason they do it and started to realize that public support through a 'missing post' works great to get attention and 'call the girl out'. I have studied this for about a year and half now ever since Jessica Pratt in NOLA. The large number of times this happend in Lafayette within the last 18 months I believe is why so many ppl disregard and say, Oh just another run off to party.

I'm hoping people are heading out to Lake Fausee this spring/summer and someone will stumble upon something that leads to Crystal.

I'm hoping people are heading out to Lake Fausee this spring/summer and someone will stumble upon something that leads to Crystal.

We were there a couple of weeks ago kayaking!! I hadn't heard about her shoe bring found there before. That makes me think . She didn't run off.....

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