GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #3

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I think everyone should relax. This is not a guy who killed his wife. This is a couple believed to have lured a person to an unknown location, stabbed her and you know the rest. Sorry, I can't talk about the post part. It would be public relations hell if they let either of these people walk out of jail.

Remember, too, that LE doesn't want these two to know what LE knows. I.E., video rumor is problematic. If they can trip up the two with facts that show they are lying, there is a chance that one of them is going to get frustrated and give up the truth. If something is leaked, attorneys are going to alert the two, and they're not going to try lying about those things. My guess is that an employee of Business X shot off his/her mouth, and that led to the so-called video "rumor". I imagine that cat is completely out of the bag for now. But, since we haven't heard it from mainstream media, I suppose we should just let it rest for now...

Now, in my opinion, police have almost nothing to charge these two, and I don't think it's going to be any easier as the clock ticks. That makes a confession extremely important. That may change if they locate a site. I doubt there are many places you can spend the night in BSL, Mississippi, that do not require a credit card/driver's license. These two likely didn't stay anywhere for that reason. Otherwise, we'd probably already have a location in Mississippi that is being searched. And, to my knowledge, they haven't found a location. That leads me to believe they used a secluded outdoor area.

Lastly, there has been some talk about the Luca Magnotta case. For the record, the video, which I have not seen, does not show the murder. The video was edited to leave out the actual murder. It is believed by many that this is why there is not much blood loss. In other words, the blood loss occurred off-camera. I think the popular opinion is that it occurred while he was in the shower. As for it being a copycat killing, I think there is a 50/50 chance that the Magnotta case planted a seed. If they can find evidence of that, it might indicate that this is the first murder for the two. If not, there is a greater likelihood that there have been multiple killings.

Somebody give this man a Heineken :D
At the risk of sounding naive...

Could MAS's ties to her children be a factor in her minimal chances of being a flight risk?:waitasec:

Just wondering....

Perhaps. I'd hazard to guess her lack of criminal history is more of a factor. And remember, she's only actually gone to court on a traffic violation. I don't think there's much legal course in claiming someone is a flight risk for that.
Might sound like a stupid question and I'm just wondering. If this is the case, could they be held as accessories to the crime that was eventually committed(ignorance to a crime is no defense). And could they be held until an actual perp is found?

I doubt they could make anything that sticks. If they dont have evidence that they hurt her, being the last people to see her alive isnt going to send them to jail. And you dont want to throw spitballs of charges hoping something will stick. That will get you only so far until MAS' lawyers start filing writs and appeals and you end up not being able to charge them with anything.
Perhaps. I'd hazard to guess her lack of criminal history is more of a factor. And remember, she's only actually gone to court on a traffic violation. I don't think there's much legal course in claiming someone is a flight risk for that.

I thought it was for the 'harboring a fugitive' charge.
As always, we don't know what LE knows. They may not be ready to charge them with anything regarding Jaren at this point, as long as they have other ways to keep them locked up. And they may be waiting on testing from items taken from the house.
Hello, all. I live in Nola and worked in the FQ until the last year. I have been reading and following along for almost a week now, and I am moved and motivated by both the information and the critical thinking shown here. I will admit, the first few days I was dismayed at some member's willingness to judge and provide no real insight other that said judgement, but the intelligence and sharp wit of the many has outweighed the annoying aspect of the holier-than-thou few, at least for this reader. Most of the people on here are very thoughtful, intelligent, and respectful; a veritable Sherlock posse. I can see this site and many of you who frequent it providing valuable info to LE as well as to the media, not to mention food for thought. The world needed an online forum where worldwide intelligent minds could compare notes and sort out the facts, hopefully helping to solve these tragic cases, for the betterment of mankind. Good job, and Thank You.

That said, here are a few things no one has mentioned thus far, that could be useful, or are at least worth pondering. If anything I have said is inappropriate, please edit with my sincere apology.
Other than the facts, everything is, of course, IMHO.

A. I think that there are most likely hard drives (laptop or desktop) that contain valuable info. LE probably already has it, and I hope the feds are in charge of that aspect. I found MAS' cached fb profile, last updated 6/6, and it shows she had 1,140 pics. This is not a casual fb user. Here is that link-,a3a16f48&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=6HDKHQIY5luBM52kPs.DMQ--

Also, a previous link mentioned (I forgot by whom, my bad, and thank you!) showed a cached page from May 1, 2012, the day after MAS' bday, where a love message is left by an "Allen Rice". These two used fb often, and the fact that they are deleted is a serious sign. Here is that link once again-

B. No one seems to be questioning SD's story. Is this bc there is video footage confirming it? Has it been established as fact? I am not trying to detract from her testimony, per se, but would like it validated. It seems that when TS walked into Temptations, he walked purposefully and with intent, as though he knew what/who he was looking for. MAS trailed behind him, while he seemed to know where he was going and have an agenda. Perhaps he was just 'shopping' or maybe he knew what he was after.

C. Why does it keep getting reported that he worked at Stilletto's for 2 years, when his rap sheet clearly shows otherwise? The dancer who said that must be mistaken based on the San Diego arrest, etc. Perhaps off and on for 2 years? This needs to be examined...

D. While I really admire the positivity where LE is concerned, I have a different view on it. I think that the LE involved are treating this case like a hot potato; no one wants it. Everyone knows that it is being closely watched and getting national attention, and no one wants that kind of scrutiny. LE down here has a long history of problems, and a case like this could showcase and even magnify those problems, potentially. Basically, no one wants to screw this up. Case in point, that Hancock County Sheriff's Dept never issued a transfer of MAS, never even wanted her extradited, never filled out any paperwork to do so, etc. Glad they have a hold on her now, but they didn't yesterday.

*The same article points out that "Court records show a warrant was issued for Speaks’ arrest on Feb. 28...". Oddly enough, this date is Jaren's Bday.

So. Their stories don't add up, according to LE, their bad hair dye jobs, their deleted fb pages, the fact that TS ran into the woods and MAS lied to cops, all point towards guilt about something. Hopefully, with TS going to NC, MAS will crack under pressure, and hopefully, she is under pressure being grilled by some tough, case solving LE. The potential for this to remain unsolved due to LE failure to meet the challenge is a real one, IMHO, and I am concerned. Let us hope that a good, hardworking LEO gets the case and does his/her job. Being heroic is their job. Sorry if I sound worried on this topic, I am just trying to be realistic by saying "SNAFU"! By all means, LE, prove me wrong!!!

I truly wish he had been caught before this happened. Jaren's family has my absolute sympathy and remains intrenched in my thoughts. I am an older sibling who also feels protective, I am a parent who loves and does the best I can for my child. We are all only a few degrees from one another. Sweet, precious Jaren could have been any of our loved ones. It is a tragedy of monstrous proportions, and it makes my heart ache.
I thought it was for the 'harboring a fugitive' charge.

Unless they copped to it, youd have to prove she knew he was a fugitive. She may have been all messed up because she just learned her 'husband' was a sex offender named Terry.
Thanks for your information.

Your post made me think of another question...

Were computers taken from MAS's house when it was being searched?

I didn't see or hear of there being any thing like technology removed, but I may be wrong.

This would be interesting to take note of.


A lot of Gen Y-ers don't have or see the need for a desktop or even a laptop. If they're not writing papers or keeping spreadsheets, they use their mobile devices for internet access. 'Round here, anyway.

If they're not students, they see no need to invest in the hardware.

May be regional, though.
I agree. We're basing TS "flight risk" on his past criminal history.....MAS doesn't have a criminal history, so we really can't say whether or not she's a flight risk.
We can speculate that she has no way to finance leaving town, but we don't really know, do we? Maybe her Father, who she was soooo desperate to speak with, is willing to help her.
Well, thanks for the beer.

If it comes down to it, they can arrest her on charges of soliciting a prostitute, correct?
As always, we don't know what LE knows. They may not be ready to charge them with anything regarding Jaren at this point, as long as they have other ways to keep them locked up. And they may be waiting on testing from items taken from the house.

I do not think they have anything from the house, I believe they were surprised by a lack of finding anything. It is looking more and more like TS has nothing to do with this if he truly is headed back to NC as reported. Time may change things back in their direction but at this point it looks like all they are guilty of with JL is being the last known persons to be seen with her.
Hello, all. I live in Nola and worked in the FQ until the last year. I have been reading and following along for almost a week now, and I am moved and motivated by both the information and the critical thinking shown here. I will admit, the first few days I was dismayed at some member's willingness to judge and provide no real insight other that said judgement, but the intelligence and sharp wit of the many has outweighed the annoying aspect of the holier-than-thou few, at least for this reader. Most of the people on here are very thoughtful, intelligent, and respectful; a veritable Sherlock posse. I can see this site and many of you who frequent it providing valuable info to LE as well as to the media, not to mention food for thought. The world needed an online forum where worldwide intelligent minds could compare notes and sort out the facts, hopefully helping to solve these tragic cases, for the betterment of mankind. Good job, and Thank You.

That said, here are a few things no one has mentioned thus far, that could be useful, or are at least worth pondering. If anything I have said is inappropriate, please edit with my sincere apology.
Other than the facts, everything is, of course, IMHO.

A. I think that there are most likely hard drives (laptop or desktop) that contain valuable info. LE probably already has it, and I hope the feds are in charge of that aspect. I found MAS' cached fb profile, last updated 6/6, and it shows she had 1,140 pics. This is not a casual fb user. Here is that link-,a3a16f48&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=6HDKHQIY5luBM52kPs.DMQ--

Also, a previous link mentioned (I forgot by whom, my bad, and thank you!) showed a cached page from May 1, 2012, the day after MAS' bday, where a love message is left by an "Allen Rice". These two used fb often, and the fact that they are deleted is a serious sign. Here is that link once again-

B. No one seems to be questioning SD's story. Is this bc there is video footage confirming it? Has it been established as fact? I am not trying to detract from her testimony, per se, but would like it validated. It seems that when TS walked into Temptations, he walked purposefully and with intent, as though he knew what/who he was looking for. MAS trailed behind him, while he seemed to know where he was going and have an agenda. Perhaps he was just 'shopping' or maybe he knew what he was after.

C. Why does it keep getting reported that he worked at Stilletto's for 2 years, when his rap sheet clearly shows otherwise? The dancer who said that must be mistaken based on the San Diego arrest, etc. Perhaps off and on for 2 years? This needs to be examined...

D. While I really admire the positivity where LE is concerned, I have a different view on it. I think that the LE involved are treating this case like a hot potato; no one wants it. Everyone knows that it is being closely watched and getting national attention, and no one wants that kind of scrutiny. LE down here has a long history of problems, and a case like this could showcase and even magnify those problems, potentially. Basically, no one wants to screw this up. Case in point, that Hancock County Sheriff's Dept never issued a transfer of MAS, never even wanted her extradited, never filled out any paperwork to do so, etc. Glad they have a hold on her now, but they didn't yesterday.

*The same article points out that "Court records show a warrant was issued for Speaks’ arrest on Feb. 28...". Oddly enough, this date is Jaren's Bday.

So. Their stories don't add up, according to LE, their bad hair dye jobs, their deleted fb pages, the fact that TS ran into the woods and MAS lied to cops, all point towards guilt about something. Hopefully, with TS going to NC, MAS will crack under pressure, and hopefully, she is under pressure being grilled by some tough, case solving LE. The potential for this to remain unsolved due to LE failure to meet the challenge is a real one, IMHO, and I am concerned. Let us hope that a good, hardworking LEO gets the case and does his/her job. Being heroic is their job. Sorry if I sound worried on this topic, I am just trying to be realistic by saying "SNAFU"! By all means, LE, prove me wrong!!!

I truly wish he had been caught before this happened. Jaren's family has my absolute sympathy and remains intrenched in my thoughts. I am an older sibling who also feels protective, I am a parent who loves and does the best I can for my child. We are all only a few degrees from one another. Sweet, precious Jaren could have been any of our loved ones. It is a tragedy of monstrous proportions, and it makes my heart ache.



I'm curious about what I bolded above. I'd like to know if LE corroborated it.
I do not think they have anything from the house, I believe they were surprised by a lack of finding anything. It is looking more and more like TS has nothing to do with this if he truly is headed back to NC as reported. Time may change things back in their direction but at this point it looks like all they are guilty of with JL is being the last known persons to be seen with her.

Even if TS didn't kill JL, he led her & transported her to the person that did.

"nothing to do with this" is a bit of a stretch
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