GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #5

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I feel as though MAS had very few friends. People in the FQ described her as being strange. Thats saying a lot since it is a general mix of colorful characters to begin with. The environment itself attracts outcasts and people wanting to hide in plain sight (TS). I think the two of them were a lethal combination and JL lost her life because of that (being at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people).

MAS and TS were hunting for a "treat" that night. I have a feeling this was at TS's request. MAS agreed to keep her man happy. Because of her bipolar personality something happened to make her snap. I think as I've said before that TS was enjoying his "treat" a little to much and MAS lost it and stabbed JL.
Some reports said she was "stabbed in the back" and others say she was "stabbed in the chest" I think through short hand and media interpritation it could be that she was actually "stabbed in the back of her chest".

It's what plays out in my mind as a logical scenereo given the people involved and their MO's. Heat of passion type crime with two lunatics at the helm.
Fast forward to "what do we do with the body". That's when the dismemberment seed comes to life within MAS. It would have been a natural point of reference for her. Without that point of reference, it would have been simply to dump the body and run like hell.
Does anyone know AH brothers age? I thought I had read him and TS were the same age an I'm pretty sure I know his name now and wanted to look up something.

Was there just one brother? Do we know? Did she have a sister?
I've never heard for sure.
Was there just one brother? Do we know? Did she have a sister?
I've never heard for sure.

The life of crime site has a comment at the bottom that states a brothers name but we don't know how accurate the info is.
Many here have tried to dig up info about AH's family but have hit dead ends.
Did you see the comment made by a Margaret in 2010? I am almost positive it is MAS.

Pretty sure it is her. Same story about the bike in the bar as the one in final witness.
Ingredients for a train wreck waiting to happen....
MAS was bipolar, socially awkward, a liar, a druggie and an outcast
TS was a reoffending criminal hiding from LE , a liar, a druggie, and an outcast

Guess who was crossing the Train tracks at the wrong time when those two collided........
The life of crime site has a comment at the bottom that states a brothers name but we don't know how accurate the info is.
Many here have tried to dig up info about AH's family but have hit dead ends.

I finally found them! I got nothing using "Addie" I found "Adriane Mathias Hall" 36 and "Adriane M Hall" 36

Not sure if I am allowed to say where though? I know not to mention family members names! but they are there when Adriane is located...

I can link if allowed...

I should say I found "names" only! I can't and won't sleuth beyond that...and it has been said sometimes they are wrong, but the names line up as well as the "towns".
Didn't some investigator state how they are looking into MAS connection to Addies death? Even LE is unsure, and given how NO police have a bad'm not closing that door. Sure She didn't push Zack, sure she might not have done the dismemberment but she might have egged Zack on, she is a master at manipulation MOO
About MAS being upset about the "fake" marriage. IMO this is an act put on to try and walk from the current charge! I'm hoping she is in there running that mouth big time! She just seems like that type of person.....imo! I think she knew....or at least had an idea! He was caught wacking off in front of the neighbors! I know she had to have seen signs! This is all moo of course.
This is my first time posting so not sure if i did it in the right place or in the right way. I have been following this case pretty closely as well as the addie hall case. As much as I want to find a link between jaren lockhart and addie hall through MAS, I am more inclined to think that it is just the nature of new orleans culture and more precisely, french quarter culture for people to know one another. This is a really small town. Addie waited on me in a bar a few days before she died. I was with a friend who recognized her from NC and I am from NC also. Looking at a relative of MAS' facebook page, I see that we have in common several friends. That means I am separated from MAS by only 2 degrees. Everyone in this subculture knows someone who knows someone who knows her. This is the smallest big town i know.
I really do wonder if Addie even was a biological child to both her parents...
Maybe adopted? Maybe just raised by them but the birth mother was a family member?
Maybe a 1/2 or step sibling and her name was changed??? I looked everywhere I could find! I did see a baby girl middle initial "M" born in California on 1/15/1976... to a "Hall" (mother's last name)~ not the baby's...
And a baby girl born in North Carolina on 1/15/1976- no father was listed... I guess it's possible??? Strange the family won't answer any questions! Even as to her place of birth! (maybe she was abducted as a child!!!and there is no birth cert!) ~ no not really - just odd...
guess she was just one of those people that families prefer to not speak about...

eta: her brother's is there online from 1973...:waitasec:

All I can figure out is she must NOT have been born in the same town he was, or NC for that matter...
:dunno: oh well! my brain hurts!
This theory put forward in the following quote, more specifically the part where MAS commits the murder, really resonated with me. I had been confined to thinking that TS committed the murder, was waiting for MAS to get antsy sitting in jail and finally rat him out, once she realized what a terrible person he was and got sober (if she had addiction issues, pure speculation). This would make sense, why JL was stabbed in the back. MAS wanted to give TS a treat and then when she saw the act unfold before her eyes, became enraged and stabbed her while they were in flagrante delicto.I also think the morbid fascination that MAS might have had following AH's death could have influenced her.

MAS and TS were hunting for a "treat" that night. I have a feeling this was at TS's request. MAS agreed to keep her man happy. Because of her bipolar personality something happened to make her snap. I think as I've said before that TS was enjoying his "treat" a little to much and MAS lost it and stabbed JL.
Some reports said she was "stabbed in the back" and others say she was "stabbed in the chest" I think through short hand and media interpritation it could be that she was actually "stabbed in the back of her chest".

It's what plays out in my mind as a logical scenereo given the people involved and their MO's. Heat of passion type crime with two lunatics at the helm.
Fast forward to "what do we do with the body". That's when the dismemberment seed comes to life within MAS. It would have been a natural point of reference for her. Without that point of reference, it would have been simply to dump the body and run like hell.
Usually I just lurk around Jaren's thread and keep quiet bc I have nothing of value to add really. But man it is quiet in here, especially today..dropping off some loves for Jaren..

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: I hope you haunt the hell out of the FBI and LE til they bring you and yours justice! :rocker:

Now where's Woe, Ladybug(lub?), and gngersnp to get this thread going??:please: I know there's many many more regular posters but my short term memory only lets me remember 3 at a time :floorlaugh: the rest of you are included too! Swapmama?! Justthefacts! BabyCat....or maybe it was mommacat LOL!

In all seriousness though, I want to thank each and every one of you that has kept Jarens thread going! Sleuth On!! :peace:

Just getting caught up needed to get away from this forum for a while...Sorry it was just taking a lot out of me..making me too dang emotional! I needed a break...but watch out I'm just catching up...I see a lot of things have been Snipped and modified and cut out bla bla bla so I'm having a hard time understanding some of the things being discussed but I will try my hardest to get up to real time by the end of my night...We'll see but I promise I am here just sleuthing hahaha!
snipped by me
MAS and TS were hunting for a "treat" that night. I have a feeling this was at TS's request. MAS agreed to keep her man happy. Because of her bipolar personality something happened to make her snap. I think as I've said before that TS was enjoying his "treat" a little to much and MAS lost it and stabbed JL.

Thanks for your theory. I envision a similar series of events with MAS being the one to stab Jaren. I just cant understand why they stuck around until they were arrested. They knew they would be suspects and were seen last on video with Jaren. Why didn't TS take off and go into hiding or revert back to his old ways flying under the radar. That they stayed really baffles me.

snipped by me

Thanks for your theory. I envision a similar series of events with MAS being the one to stab Jaren. I just cant understand why they stuck around until they were arrested. They knew they would be suspects and were seen last on video with Jaren. Why didn't TS take off and go into hiding or revert back to his old ways flying under the radar. That they stayed really baffles me.


This time he would not be leaving on his own. He had MAS to tag along with him. He would want to keep her as close as possible after what they did together. It is a lot easier to pick up and get out when you are alone but when you have someone that you need to leave with then it gets a bit harder. MAS had ties to the area, her family and most importantly her kids. I'm thinking they were on there way out just tying up something before leaving when they got arrested.
That theory was put forth by Vann in an earlier post but I used the quote button incorrectly, so that's why things are cut and pasted and slap dash. Sorry about that. Wanted to give credit where credit is due.
I am baffled as to why they didn't run either, except they were in another parish not far away when they were caught; they were not sitting around at home. MAS as a local would have had to have known that Bourbon Street is full of cameras, as crimes committed on that street are often caught on surveillance cameras, the tape is frequently aired on local news shows to enlist the public's help in solving crimes. For that reason I think that the crime was not premeditated. But of course the alternative explanation is that they are not the sharpest knives in the box.
This is my first time posting so not sure if i did it in the right place or in the right way. I have been following this case pretty closely as well as the addie hall case. As much as I want to find a link between jaren lockhart and addie hall through MAS, I am more inclined to think that it is just the nature of new orleans culture and more precisely, french quarter culture for people to know one another. This is a really small town. Addie waited on me in a bar a few days before she died. I was with a friend who recognized her from NC and I am from NC also. Looking at a relative of MAS' facebook page, I see that we have in common several friends. That means I am separated from MAS by only 2 degrees. Everyone in this subculture knows someone who knows someone who knows her. This is the smallest big town i know.

That theory was put forth by Vann in an earlier post but I used the quote button incorrectly, so that's why things are cut and pasted and slap dash. Sorry about that. Wanted to give credit where credit is due.
I am baffled as to why they didn't run either, except they were in another parish not far away when they were caught; they were not sitting around at home. MAS as a local would have had to have known that Bourbon Street is full of cameras, as crimes committed on that street are often caught on surveillance cameras, the tape is frequently aired on local news shows to enlist the public's help in solving crimes. For that reason I think that the crime was not premeditated. But of course the alternative explanation is that they are not the sharpest knives in the box.
What slowed them down...
Another possible reason is because they might have been very limited on money (if they had any at all). The more you got, the farther you can run and hide. Neither one of them had a steady job so funds had to have been low. Although, they were arrested after leaving a restaurant. That was brainless. Maybe it was a meal before heading out.
Possible Car trouble could have been a factor also.
JMO of course
Sorry I haven't been here lately!!! Have been SO son had fever for a few days so I took him to the Dr and found out he had walking pneumonia! But all is good!!

I have not given up....I think about Jaren all the time. I'm constantly catching myself praying for her and her family. The current page of this forum stays on my phone at all times! Even if I don't have time to log in! This is far from over and I will be here til the end!

Okay not sure if it has been posted yet but TS is in NC here's the link.......

Check out the pic.....did he cut his hair or is this an older pic that they are using?

Woah! He looks about 10 years older! Also, I noticed that they spelled his name incorrectly again. They have it as "Christoper" instead of "Christopher."
Woah! He looks about 10 years older! Also, I noticed that they spelled his name incorrectly again. They have it as "Christoper" instead of "Christopher."

I think he got the ole jail buzz cut! moo
I've been away for awhile, any murder charges yet?
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