GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #5

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Given the fact that MAS knew the details of AH's murder and drew from that knowledge for dismembering JL, here are my thoughts.....

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't ZB dismember AH in the bathtub?
If MAS used one aspect of the ZB/AH crime it's not to far of a stretch for her to use other aspects of that same crime.
I'm starting to think that MAS and TS brought JL to the house in Kenner. I now think she was killed there and dismembered in the bathtub (like AH). Easy clean up because it's a contained location with access to water to wash blood away. This scenereo makes sense to me because they needed time and privacy to pull this off. To transport the body, they may have used a large plastic tote, ice chest or garbage bags. I think they then drove to the rigolets or ms coast to dispose of JL' body.
All will be revealed once forensic tests come back on the Kenner house.

Jaren's friend HM was also found dead in a bathtub on March 8 2012... I believe that LE is taking another look at her case... Just makes me wonder if she was murdered (...not a suicide) if whoever "did it" wasn't planning on doing the same and for whatever reason didn't/couldn't go through with it...
Maybe not but that thought has been nagging at me.

I hope so Vann. I truly hope so!

LOL I wish they would hurry up. I am out of things to sleuth so I have been re-examining the case.
After watching MAS on Final Witness and learning about that crime, it aloud me to get a better understanding of her train of thought (scary).
Given the fact that MAS knew the details of AH's murder and drew from that knowledge for dismembering JL, here are my thoughts.....

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't ZB dismember AH in the bathtub?
If MAS used one aspect of the ZB/AH crime it's not to far of a stretch for her to use other aspects of that same crime.
I'm starting to think that MAS and TS brought JL to the house in Kenner. I now think she was killed there and dismembered in the bathtub (like AH). Easy clean up because it's a contained location with access to water to wash blood away. This scenereo makes sense to me because they needed time and privacy to pull this off. To transport the body, they may have used a large plastic tote, ice chest or garbage bags. I think they then drove to the rigolets or ms coast to dispose of JL' body.
All will be revealed once forensic tests come back on the Kenner house.

You are correct! ZB did cut up AH in the bathtub. However, ZB took his time doing it. His landlord also noticed that ZB would leave the bathroom light on throughout the night till the early morning. I think it would have been impossible for them to commit the crime at the house, because of the close proximity of their neighbors. I could be wrong, because LE were all over the house and the yard looking for evidence. I think they would have chosen a place that was more hidden from the public's view.They would have probably commited this crime closer to a large body of water. (Just my thought.)
You are correct! ZB did cut up AH in the bathtub. However, ZB took his time doing it. His landlord also noticed that ZB would leave the bathroom light on throughout the night till the early morning. I think it would have been impossible for them to commit the crime at the house, because of the close proximity of their neighbors. I could be wrong, because LE were all over the house and the yard looking for evidence. I think they would have chosen a place that was more hidden from the public's view.They would have probably commited this crime closer to a large body of water. (Just my thought.)

I thought that too at first but am now rethinking things. I was baffled by why JL was dismembered to begin with until I saw Final Witness. Certain aspects of the crime were copied because of what MAS knew about it (her point of reference). They would have had time and privacy in the Kenner house. Not all bathrooms have windows and they were known by neighbors for being night owls anyway.

They would have gotten to the house no later than 2:30a.m. If they drove straight from NO to kenner. Plus, it was a weekday so most neighbors would have been at work most of the day. I am focused on the house because the lure was so TS could have a "treat". Wouldn't that be the most likely place to go?
But I respectfully am not ruling out your scenereo.

ZB took his time but obviously MAS and TS did not since JL was found the next night a state away.
I thought that too at first but am now rethinking things. I was baffled by why JL was dismembered to begin with until I saw Final Witness. Certain aspects of the crime were copied because of what MAS knew about it (her point of reference). They would have had time and privacy in the Kenner house. Not all bathrooms have windows and they were known by neighbors for being night owls anyway.

They would have gotten to the house no later than 2:30a.m. If they drove straight from NO to kenner. Plus, it was a weekday so most neighbors would have been at work most of the day. I am focused on the house because the lure was so TS could have a "treat". Wouldn't that be the most likely place to go?
But I respectfully am not ruling out your scenereo.

ZB took his time but obviously MAS and TS did not since JL was found the next night a state away.

That's good that you are thinking "outside" of the box. But, when ZB cut up AH, there were not many neighbors around, because it was a year after Katrina. Also, it would have been too time consuming for MAS & TS to go back to the house and then dump the body. Plus - it would have been too messy. They would have to work very quickly-before the sun came up,to make sure that there are no witnesses. Think about the timeline before sunrise.Only MAS & TS know what really happened and they are not talking.
Unless there was a tip to LE that we are not aware of. Again... just my thoughts.
That's good that you are thinking "outside" of the box. But, when ZB cut up AH, there were not many neighbors around, because it was a year after Katrina. Also, it would have been too time consuming for MAS & TS to go back to the house and then dump the body. Plus - it would have been too messy. They would have to work very quickly-before the sun came up,to make sure that there are no witnesses. Think about the timeline before sunrise.Only MAS & TS know what really happened and they are not talking.
Unless there was a tip to LE that we are not aware of. Again... just my thoughts.

Good point...but that's why the tub makes sense to me. It's contained and easy enough to flush with water and bleach especially if it has a shower head with a hose.
Who knows...hopefully we will all find out soon cuz my brain hurts LOL
I'm staying about 4 blocks from the Kenner house where MAS and TS were living. I wondered if they had brought Jaren to that house as well. From what I observed, LE spent about a day in the house and then left. There was no crime scene tape left up or any notice that the house was not to be entered so I thought perhaps that they did not find obvious evidence of Jaren being there, being killed or cut apart there. Of course I could easily be wrong on that. I know they are waiting for certain test results and such to come back.

However,in the Charles Atwood case we learned that he was able to dismember a body in a tub with a tarp and leave only minimal traces of evidence. Those who saw the Luka Magnotti video saw that there was little blood involved when he was being cut up because the blood apparently coagulates and is not flowing anymore. (And believe me, it pains me to seem so casual about discussing cutting Jaren apart as though she were just a piece of meat. I hate having to even type those ugly words about such a beautiful and loved young woman.)

I'd say that based up the obvious interests that both MAS and TS had in gory subjects and such that they would have gained knowledge on how to do it and leave little trace behind. I do believe they thought that Jaren would never be found. They thought she would disappear and that the NOPD wouldn't care but they didn't count on how many people loved Jaren and they didn't count on Jaren outwitting them, even in death by being found. They thought they would destroy her but she will end up destroying them. There will be Justice for Jaren.

They didn't count on 11 LE agencies being involved in the investigation or that it would end up in the hands of the FBI. They surely thought it would be just another NOPD missing person. And we ALL know just how diligent and upstanding the NOPD is (insert sarcasm here).

I don't see any chance that these 2 will get away with this. It is taking a long time and LE is being mostly mum but I think that is because there is so many LE involved with this case and they don't want to make any mistakes that would go in the perps' favor at all.

I thought MAS would cut a deal for leniency by spilling it all and playing the victim. Perhaps she thought her sham marriage would protect her from having to testify against "her man". Her silence only makes me more certain that she was an equal partner in this and not coerced or frightened at all. So let her keep her silence. The FBI and forensics will ensure that Jaren will tell her story and MAS's refusal to cooperate will backfire against her.
I think the reason MAS hasn't turned is because her own guilt in that it was her IDEA, and I bet the first knife insert to kill Jaren was made by MAS that is why MAS hasn't spilled the beans.
The 'J' y'all are speaking of still goes into Temptation's, and still makes a bee line for the clique that Jaren had started running with in the last few months.

He was the first person that came to mind when I heard that she had disappeared.
Hi Everyone! This is my first post and I apologize in advance for any mistakes I may make replying to post #253 by memoryfoam. I have been following since June 9th as that is when a neighbor at my gulfcoast beach home asked if I heard about the torso that washed ashore in BSL. Later that evening I googled and was mortified that there was truth to the story I just heard hours earlier and horrified the next day with all the beach activity by the ATVs on the beach. I later learned that my home was almost dead center between the other remains that had washed ashore. My heart goes out to Jaren's family and beautiful baby girl.

I chose to reply to this post as it continues to knaw at me and has heightened my curiousity. I have 2 questions that could easy this curiosity:

1. Can you elaborate on the type of crowd JL was running with the last few months?
2. How old is the mystery "J" man?
Hi Everyone! This is my first post and I apologize in advance for any mistakes I may make replying to post #253 by memoryfoam. I have been following since June 9th as that is when a neighbor at my gulfcoast beach home asked if I heard about the torso that washed ashore in BSL. Later that evening I googled and was mortified that there was truth to the story I just heard hours earlier and horrified the next day with all the beach activity by the ATVs on the beach. I later learned that my home was almost dead center between the other remains that had washed ashore. My heart goes out to Jaren's family and beautiful baby girl.

I chose to reply to this post as it continues to knaw at me and has heightened my curiousity. I have 2 questions that could easy this curiosity:

1. Can you elaborate on the type of crowd JL was running with the last few months?
2. How old is the mystery "J" man?

You are correct! ZB did cut up AH in the bathtub. However, ZB took his time doing it. His landlord also noticed that ZB would leave the bathroom light on throughout the night till the early morning. I think it would have been impossible for them to commit the crime at the house, because of the close proximity of their neighbors. I could be wrong, because LE were all over the house and the yard looking for evidence. I think they would have chosen a place that was more hidden from the public's view.They would have probably commited this crime closer to a large body of water. (Just my thought.)
Above BBM.. while I know that to some it may certainly appear as tho it'd be completely impossible for someone to actually dismember a body in a residential home within an actual neighborhood where each home is only mere feet from each other.. but I must state that its not only possible, but that its been done numerous of times in very close range of neighbors homes as well as apartments..

For example Matthew Hoffman who abducted Sarah Maynard for sexual purposes.. he killed all 3 of the other people that were in the home.. 2 adult women as well as Sarah's brother Cody, not to mention even their family dog, Tanner.. Hoffman thoroughly dismembered all of them prior to leaving the family home with an alive Sarah..

Their home not only located in a residential neighborhood and no one was any the wiser it happened.. along with atleast one person having come by the residence during the time he was dismembering the victims.. zero clue what was taking place inside the home.. even more telling is the fact that Sarah, who was tied up and restrained in the family home while Hoffman killed and dismembered all the others.. even Sarah who was somewhere in the actual home had ZERO AWARENESS THAT HER FAMILY HAD BEEN STABBED TO DEATH AND ALL OF THEM DISMEMBERED.. THE ONLY THING SHE SAYS THAT SHE HEARD REPEATEDLY WAS THE BATHROOM TUB BEING FILLED WITH WATER AND THEN THE WATER LET OUT ONLY TO BE REFILLED AGAIN..over and over for hours this repeated..


so, my point is simply that I know that many are under the impression that in order to dismember a human body that there must be very specific tools...some believing it could only be done with tools such as power tools.. thereby making it impossible for someone to dismember a body in such close proximity to neighbors..

This is not accurate in that there are definitely various ways of being able to dismember a body without use of even a single power tool.. Luka Magnotta also proves this point in his dismembering former lover Jun Lin..

IMO it is definitely a huge possibility that Jaren was at the very least dismembered in the bathroom of the Kenner home.. we don't have anything indicating either way that she was or was not due to the fact we haven't a clue of what evidence was collected from the Kenner home..such as bathroom tub traps, as well as thorough swabbing of every nook and cranny of the bathrooms and other rooms in search for any trace DNA that was left behind in the thorough clean up.. those tests that are currently underway at the FBI hold all the answers needed to know if it was in fact the Kenner home where this was done.. for now its just a waiting game for the slow process of the forensic testing to be completed.

Moo is that LE have so very much more than we have any inkling about.. with the latest articles having the detective IMO extremely confident that not only they've got the right people in custody.. but even more important he's confident that the final evidence will prove more than sufficient to charge the two with the murder of Jaren.. i think as hard as it is we must be patient for just a short time more.. IMO justice is coming for Jaren.. of that i have zero doubt...


(Sorry, I get carried away with those ^^ smileys! They're just so darn cute and funny!)

congrats to ur sister!!!!!

I'm due in about 7 weeks for my first baby girl!!!

I'm so excited!!!!

What is her name??

We are naming our daughter Jersey Rayne!!

And we just love it bc it has a story behind it and it also contains atleast one letter from each person in the family's name!

We also love it because it is so different!

and of course there are those who don't like it but we are not worried bc no matter what name you pick there is always going to be that problem bc not everyone like the same things...That is what makes us who we are!!! But anyways Just thought I would say congrats and wish u and ur new baby girl lots of auntie and niece happy days together!!!


Take care hun!!:woohoo:
Her name is Bailey Renee. And congratulations on your little girl.

Note sure if this pic has been posted yet
I've thus far only gotten about 10+mins into the Final Witness episode but got far enough that I've seen several of the segments with Margaret.. and I come away feeling even stronger than I did when i initially brought up my feeling that Margaret had rewritten history regarding her close personal ties to Addie and Zack.. i believe she was nothing but a work related acquaintance and DEFINITELY IS NOT THE BS SHE IS CLAIMING(and I quote her, “everything a woman can be for another woman, that's what Addie was for me.")..I literally yelled at the screen of my tablet, "BULL*****"...

MARGARET IMO IMMEDIATELY BECAME OBSESSED WITH THIS GRUESOME MURDER / SUICIDE THE MINUTE IT WAS BROUGHT DOWN ON NOLA! ..I believe she immediately began to embellish her relationship and over time was the most willing to speak about the heinous murder to anyone who came to town asking.. with every telling of the story i believe Margaret made her way more and more into an important personal friend and therefore more and more involved.. when she talks of it as if she's daydreaming about a lover...her eyes glaze over with the romanticism she has now attached to what in reality is a heinous, grotesque murder!!! You damn well better believe its no coincidence that one of the two main players in this case is head over hills in love with and obsessed with the other dismemberment case in NOLA's recent history.. IMO she is the exact reason for why Jaren was dismembered and it has everything to do with this woman's obvious sick obsession with the heinous murder of Addie!!!

While I do hope tht Margaret is singing like a rockstar there behind bars about what happened that night.. I do however hope like hell that LE does not choose to make a deal with her in order to successfully prosecute Speaks and allow Margaret to walk.. IMO if that occurs then all I can say is that those detectives or LE whose decision and choice it was to barter with Margaret in order to get Speaks.. Well.. IMO they will very much live to regret that decision.. Because mark my words if that were to somehow occur.. Given what I personally to believe is the mindset and stability of Margaret and her obsession with a heinous dismemberment case, followed by personal involvement in a dismemberment Case.. If she strikes a deal and walks she very much will wreak havoc and hell on NOLA.. It's a known fact that the criminal mind very much works this way and if she were to find herself on the sweet end of a deal handing over Speaks on a silver platter in exchange for her freedom.. She sees that as victory and she very much got away with murder and ya better believe the criminal mind only escalates .. It doesn't stop or stay the same.. It escalates and if she is able to manipulate her way into a situation where they believe her to be the actual lesser of the two evils(tho, IMO if anything she is just the opposite).. And she manipulates her way into walking..

The monster and her evil will only grow ten fold.. So, I pray to God that they don't take that route of making a deal with Margaret just to ensure successful prosecution of Speaks..

Lastly , am I the only one that noticed the very obvious red, purplish, under and at the mid of each of her eyes????? Surely not as it seemed so very obvious to me and I'm wondering just what In the hell it is?? It's not anything remotely similar to what you'd see if say you'd been hit and got a "black eye".. This is totally different and was wondering just where in the hell it came from and what causes it??

TIA to anyone who knows or has any thoughts, opinions, or theories on what they believe it to be!?!?.. As I'm very curious to know what it is..
I've thus far only gotten about 10+mins into the Final Witness episode but got far enough that I've seen several of the segments with Margaret.. and I come away feeling even stronger than I did when i initially brought up my feeling that Margaret had rewritten history regarding her close personal ties to Addie and Zack.. i believe she was nothing but a work related acquaintance and DEFINITELY IS NOT THE BS SHE IS CLAIMING(and I quote her, “everything a woman can be for another woman, that's what Addie was for me.")..I literally yelled at the screen of my tablet, "BULL*****"...

MARGARET IMO IMMEDIATELY BECAME OBSESSED WITH THIS GRUESOME MURDER / SUICIDE THE MINUTE IT WAS BROUGHT DOWN ON NOLA! ..I believe she immediately began to embellish her relationship and over time was the most willing to speak about the heinous murder to anyone who came to town asking.. with every telling of the story i believe Margaret made her way more and more into an important personal friend and therefore more and more involved.. when she talks of it as if she's daydreaming about a lover...her eyes glaze over with the romanticism she has now attached to what in reality is a heinous, grotesque murder!!! You damn well better believe its no coincidence that one of the two main players in this case is head over hills in love with and obsessed with the other dismemberment case in NOLA's recent history.. IMO she is the exact reason for why Jaren was dismembered and it has everything to do with this woman's obvious sick obsession with the heinous murder of Addie!!!

While I do hope tht Margaret is singing like a rockstar there behind bars about what happened that night.. I do however hope like hell that LE does not choose to make a deal with her in order to successfully prosecute Speaks and allow Margaret to walk.. IMO if that occurs then all I can say is that those detectives or LE whose decision and choice it was to barter with Margaret in order to get Speaks.. Well.. IMO they will very much live to regret that decision.. Because mark my words if that were to somehow occur.. Given what I personally to believe is the mindset and stability of Margaret and her obsession with a heinous dismemberment case, followed by personal involvement in a dismemberment Case.. If she strikes a deal and walks she very much will wreak havoc and hell on NOLA.. It's a known fact that the criminal mind very much works this way and if she were to find herself on the sweet end of a deal handing over Speaks on a silver platter in exchange for her freedom.. She sees that as victory and she very much got away with murder and ya better believe the criminal mind only escalates .. It doesn't stop or stay the same.. It escalates and if she is able to manipulate her way into a situation where they believe her to be the actual lesser of the two evils(tho, IMO if anything she is just the opposite).. And she manipulates her way into walking..

The monster and her evil will only grow ten fold.. So, I pray to God that they don't take that route of making a deal with Margaret just to ensure successful prosecution of Speaks..

Lastly , am I the only one that noticed the very obvious red, purplish, under and at the mid of each of her eyes????? Surely not as it seemed so very obvious to me and I'm wondering just what In the hell it is?? It's not anything remotely similar to what you'd see if say you'd been hit and got a "black eye".. This is totally different and was wondering just where in the hell it came from and what causes it??

TIA to anyone who knows or has any thoughts, opinions, or theories on what they believe it to be!?!?.. As I'm very curious to know what it is..

My opinion on the relationship between MAS and AH....
It's easier to call a dead woman your BFF than I live one.
Who would question it?
Your theory makes sense that she glorified the relationship and was obsessed with the murder. Wasn't that interview for Final Witness done earlier this year?
This was a way for her to be somebody, anybody.

I thought that strange coloring was some sort of eye liner. Goth almost.
Are TS and/or MAS being represented by a, Public defender or Retained Attorney?
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