GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #5

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Maybe its just the frame of mind I am in right now but IMO a defense attorney would have a field day knowing that JL visited MS's house on many occasions to plant the seed of reasonable doubt. I also wonder would this be before JLs car broke or after. I always got the impression that whenever JL was off work she wanted to spend time with her family and little girl. Maybe I will read this later and see it from a different stand point. Please forgive me if I sound defensive, it just struck me oddly..........

Perhaps you are correct, the defense attorneys will have a field day knowing that JL and MAS knew each other. However, if you review the murder trial of S. Peterson - malice can be established through circumstantial evidence. He was the man who was convicted for the murder of his wife and unborn child. He knew his wife very well, did he not? Ironically S. Peterson dyed his hair too. Please see one of my previous postings regarding the circumstantial evidence showing that how MAS & TS behaved after the video was released. It definitely does not look good for this couple and I am confident that justice will come soon.

Also, why come MAS & TS can't answer a simple question - When was the last time you have seen JL - after you walked out on Boubon St. together?
I was talking to my hubby... about MAS and showed him a short clip of her "interview"... I said WAIT til you see the orange "things" she is wearing on her hands... He said "Yeah? They are bike gloves! She rides a bike"...

:what:I said no.... she has a car ADDIE RODE A BIKE!

He said "well... Why else would her best friend be wearing freaking ORANGE bike gloves?"

I get she might just be a weird dresser but... any ideas as to why she'd wear bike gloves? - she CLEARLY wasn't a health nut! ~may mean nuthin~

At 4:00 min into video... I can't get a screen cap!

or were they these? costume fishnet gloves???

These are gloves often sold right on bourbon st. where lots of dancers as well as tourists go to shop for sex toys..outfits etc.. I dont believe these are bike gloves.. I've seen lots of the dancers I worked with wear these...the bright neon colors stick out when ur on stage!
You said earlier, in a different post than the one I am quoting, that you personally know MAS' mother and her family.

Are you getting this info from them?

You are stating these things as 'factual', but in fact, they are, at this point rumor only. Did you personally see MAS and JL engaged in sexual activity, or are you repeating hearsay?

Did you personally know Jaren as well?



I have given this site facts, do with them what you will. <modsnip>
I have given this site facts, do with them what you will. <modsnip>

I feel unworthy posting sometimes as well (long story). You came here for a reason as I did. If everyone runs off... the truth will fade away.
OT, been on a break and not great at double quoting... Thanks Bessie on the lawyer info, and WBG, the movie with Cate Blanchett (sp?)
I have given this site facts, do with them what you will. <modsnip>

PLease don't be discouraged by what other people post. We are all seeking the truth on here, and some of us are much further away from the people related to this case than others. the fact is, no one should be taking what is said on here as factual, esp. not what is reported in the news or speculated on by people far removed from the case. As I stated before, your input is invaluable, essential to putting the pieces together for those of us who are trying to do that. Don't pay attention to the naysayers. Speak your mind to defend, clarify or whatever you feel compelled to do.
Since I am scientifically trained, I tend to preface what I say with "it appears, and it has been reported, and I have at times observed....." Then I have people coming behind me and saying in a huff "It's not that it appears this way, it actually IS this way." Let people get huffy...that's their issue. You are here for a reason and YOU ARE IMPORTANT.
Since I am scientifically trained, I tend to preface what I say with "it appears, and it has been reported, and I have at times observed....." Then I have people coming behind me and saying in a huff "It's not that it appears this way, it actually IS this way." Let people get huffy...that's their issue. You are here for a reason and YOU ARE IMPORTANT.
If you're referring to my reply earlier, it was not said "in a huff". LOL I was merely backing up your statement with what I know from personal experience to be true.
PLease don't be discouraged by what other people post. We are all seeking the truth on here, and some of us are much further away from the people related to this case than others. the fact is, no one should be taking what is said on here as factual, esp. not what is reported in the news or speculated on by people far removed from the case. As I stated before, your input is invaluable, essential to putting the pieces together for those of us who are trying to do that. Don't pay attention to the naysayers. Speak your mind to defend, clarify or whatever you feel compelled to do.
Since I am scientifically trained, I tend to preface what I say with "it appears, and it has been reported, and I have at times observed....." Then I have people coming behind me and saying in a huff "It's not that it appears this way, it actually IS this way." Let people get huffy...that's their issue. You are here for a reason and YOU ARE IMPORTANT.
&#9829; kinda O/T
I'm not point a finger at anyone here... just an observation...
If it is someone new to the board, who is a local don't they usually say as much on their first or second post?

I lack tact in a BIG way! BUT if someone could type up a polite invitation to become verified as a local and why it is important for a local to be verified, I'd be happy to post it in my siggie and whenever I see a nooobie ask them nicely to consider it... as well as a link to acronyms LOL! (and have it mod approved before adding it :))

People were nice to me when I came on board! Suggested that I register as a "professional poster". Once I realized why I did it... I think they do not understand that ALL their personal info won't be public knowledge... or consumption.

There will always be that people that are trolls... and people that don't READ all the things they should before posting (like me!) sorry

Heck I am STILL trying to figure out forum finesse!

If you read this please know I WOULD NEVER say anything on purpose in an unkind way to any of you! People get frustrated... The only reason most of us ever signed up is because we became passionate about a case!
I lurked for YEARS because I was just scared! But I got my big girl panties on and signed up.
&#9829; that is all...
I've been so caught up in following the Mickey Shunick case, that I've lost track of many of the threads here for Jaren. I did watch Final Witness *Graveyard Love* though, and had to view it 3 more times, as I was fascinated/disgusted by Margaret's glee in telling part of the story of her *friend's* gory demise. I personally do not believe she was a real friend of Addie Hall - just someone who happened to work at the same bar for a little while - and also someone who was probably madly jealous of her popularity and her handsome boyfriend, Zach. JMO I also believe she had a touch of the *green eyed god* (jealousy) when it comes to Jaren Lockhart. I think the combination of drugs and drink and a fit of jealousy may have led to her stabbing Jaren - and then Terry Speaks finishing off the job. Then again, I have no proof..this is pure speculation/gut feeling. I hope and pray for justice for Jaren - may her killer(s) be incarcerated for the rest of their natural - and may beautiful Jaren rest in peace. Much love to her family. :beats:
I'm not sure if this has been posted already on a previous thread, but here is the link to the Sea Coast Echo newspaper in Bay St. Louis. It is published on Tuesday and Friday of each week.

There is an interesting timeline of events in the (archives) article "Suspects (MAS and TS) Jailed..." in Jaren's case. You can type in Jaren Lockhart in the archives search to pull up all the related articles.

Yesterday's edition features a story on a recent Meth case involving the sister of a well-known former NFL player. If you search the archives for other Meth cases, you will find that meth arrests have been up along the MS coast in the past year. Just another bit of info that might help connect MAS and TS to the MS coast.

Sorry, but I can't figure out how to edit my previous post. The Sea Coast Echo is published every Wednesday and Saturday. (I must have had the proposed changes to our local Times-Picayune deliveries on my mind when I originally posted this link.)

The (archived) articles about the recent meth busts in the Bay St. Louis area as well as the timeline of events on the night of Jaren's disappearance might have some relevance in light of the current discussions on this thread.?
I still think TCS looks like two different people. One of the people looks like the guy next door type with a nicely shaped mouth but slightly flared ears and the other guy looks as if he has less distinct features and a hard expression. The red headed guy looks the latter but uglier than the earlier hard expression guy.

Does this make sense to anyone else? Also, I'm not saying there are two different TCS's just that the pictures are deceptive imo.
I have given this site facts, do with them what you will. <modsnip>

I hear you, and by no means should you leave simply bc you were questioned. Questions mean you are being listened to.

There are many rumors I have heard and not posted.

I am new here too. For some reason I had thought that rumors were frowned upon, and that if it could not be linked to, that it would be deleted. I have seen mods delete rumors that could not be substantiated, I must have misunderstood why.

I read every single post before I say anything, so that I do not accidentally repeat misinformation, but should I ever do so, I apologize in advance for my lack of thorough reading.
I still think TCS looks like two different people. One of the people looks like the guy next door type with a nicely shaped mouth but slightly flared ears and the other guy looks as if he has less distinct features and a hard expression. The red headed guy looks the latter but uglier than the earlier hard expression guy.

Does this make sense to anyone else? Also, I'm not saying there are two different TCS's just that the pictures are deceptive imo.

I totally agree with you - he may have a bit of the old Jekyll and Hyde syndrome...perhaps drugs or his psycho nature actually morph him...I'm not joking here, as I have met people who do in fact change their appearance and demeanour - even the way they carry themselves from day to day. No plastic surgery required.
Sorry, but I can't figure out how to edit my previous post. The Sea Coast Echo is published every Wednesday and Saturday. (I must have had the proposed changes to our local Times-Picayune deliveries on my mind when I originally posted this link.)

The (archived) articles about the recent meth busts in the Bay St. Louis area as well as the timeline of events on the night of Jaren's disappearance might have some relevance in light of the current discussions on this thread.?

Does anyone know what drug/s Jaren would buy? Did she and bf use the same drug? Did they use several types? Did either of them use meth specifically? Was there an addiction? If so, we know that's a powerful problem that compels people to take great risks.
Re. the Addie Hall/Margaret Sanchez connection, I have to add one thing here that I read a few days ago. I will try to locate the correct link and repost if this gets deleted. After Zach Bowen murdered Addie, he went on a spree of drinking and living it up and it was also reported that he spent 2 days/nights in Metairie with a woman...un-named...but I'm curious as to who she was. Any ideas? What if it was Margaret! :what:
I've been so caught up in following the Mickey Shunick case, that I've lost track of many of the threads here for Jaren. I did watch Final Witness *Graveyard Love* though, and had to view it 3 more times, as I was fascinated/disgusted by Margaret's glee in telling part of the story of her *friend's* gory demise. I personally do not believe she was a real friend of Addie Hall - just someone who happened to work at the same bar for a little while - and also someone who was probably madly jealous of her popularity and her handsome boyfriend, Zach. JMO I also believe she had a touch of the *green eyed god* (jealousy) when it comes to Jaren Lockhart. I think the combination of drugs and drink and a fit of jealousy may have led to her stabbing Jaren - and then Terry Speaks finishing off the job. Then again, I have no proof..this is pure speculation/gut feeling. I hope and pray for justice for Jaren - may her killer(s) be incarcerated for the rest of their natural - and may beautiful Jaren rest in peace. Much love to her family. :beats:
:floorlaugh: Laughing at my self! I thought I was on Mickey's thread kept reading after this post and was like ?huh!

Wow Time for dinner! My blood sugar is low!
:floorlaugh: Laughing at my self! I thought I was on Mickey's thread kept reading after this post and was like ?huh!

Wow Time for dinner! My blood sugar is low!

Have a :cupcake: gngr~snap - I'm on double duty tonight - actually triple, as I'm following the Dylon Boudreaux case too - and even checking on Brittney Wood - I think my brain is going to explode :floorlaugh::takeabow::giggle:
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