GUILTY LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

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This... I'm numb. For anyone to have known little Levi, or any baby, and set them on fire while alive, they have no soul. Couldn't. No person with part of a soul could do such. BUT... then to see the Mom KNEW?!?! WTH?!?! Drugs must be linked to the devil. Only thing I can figure would cause a Mom to do such evil has to be the devil involved. Of course that's my opinion...

Daggone... Just no words...

Oh, the go funds... says being returned and not to donate now....

The grandparents of little Levi... how they must be hurting.

Oh. Yeah. The . supposedly for funeral expenses. Mom was asking for 10 grand. Wants to make money off the murder of her baby. Disgusting
Don’t want to take this too far off topic but How hard is it to terminate your parental rights? I’ve never looked at it from a legal aspect. I know the drop off age at fire stations, etc is limited. I’ve seen so many of these cases, is there a safe place to take children if you decide you can’t do it anymore. I would like to think these “mothers” would use this instead of the awful alternatives if it was available. Quit killing/neglecting the children, if you want to be a f-up quit involving your kids. Take them here, we won’t prosecute if they are in good health.

Edited to add: I know Nebraska had a case awhile ago about a couple that dropped off their kids and the oldest was like 18 and it was sensationalized. Isn’t dropping them off a better alternative to what we have been seeing for cold-blooded murder? I for one would rather support a child in the system than a murder on death row, IMO.
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I was waiting because every snatched and grab seems to end in a big ole lie. Here's the thing that gets me most. Killing your own child or sending someone else to do it, inconceivable. But to burn him alive? ?? Like, not even kill him before burning him? Just set this alive baby, clinging and hugging your neck on fire? That is beyond soulless. That poor baby. I wonder what other abuse went on before this murder. You cant go from perfectly tended to to burned alive.
I was waiting because every snatched and grab seems to end in a big ole lie. Here's the thing that gets me most. Killing your own child or sending someone else to do it, inconceivable. But to burn him alive? ?? Like, not even kill him before burning him? Just set this alive baby, clinging and hugging your neck on fire? That is beyond soulless. That poor baby. I wonder what other abuse went on before this murder. You cant go from perfectly tended to to burned alive.
What they did to baby Levi was so vicious that coming up with a motive is near impossible. But yeah, it's difficult to believe Barker would be okay with burning baby Levi alive.

I wonder if she mistakenly believed she killed Levi and called Smith to help her concoct a story to cover it up. They may have thought that burning his body would conceal his injuries. Smith would have to have known he was still alive - maybe that's why NPD is expecting to bring an additional charge against her?

JMO but it also could have been a revenge murder, possibly against the father or other relatives who wanted to take Levi. One of those "I can't take good care of my kid and I don't even want him but I'll be damned if I give him to you" situations.

Hopefully we'll get the rest of the story in the next few days. Poor baby Levi - not just thrown out like trash but burned like it too. What sick people these are.
BREAKING: Mother of infant burned to death arrested
I didn't think for a second she was involved, not even after her crazy kidnap story!
This woman wouldn't even have had to take two steps to find a better home for her child, her family clearly loved Levi very much. So unnecessary cruel and vicious.
article; posted by cybervampira said:
On July 25, 2018, Hannah Barker, W/F, 22 years of age, was charged with Principal to 1st Degree Murder in the killing of her 6 month old baby boy, Levi Ellerbe. Barker was booked into the Natchitoches Parish Detention Center awaiting a 72 hour hearing.

so 72 hour hearing - Friday?

Oh Levi.... your own mother....
What they did to baby Levi was so vicious that coming up with a motive is near impossible. But yeah, it's difficult to believe Barker would be okay with burning baby Levi alive.

I wonder if she mistakenly believed she killed Levi and called Smith to help her concoct a story to cover it up. They may have thought that burning his body would conceal his injuries. Smith would have to have known he was still alive - maybe that's why NPD is expecting to bring an additional charge against her?

JMO but it also could have been a revenge murder, possibly against the father or other relatives who wanted to take Levi. One of those "I can't take good care of my kid and I don't even want him but I'll be damned if I give him to you" situations.

Hopefully we'll get the rest of the story in the next few days. Poor baby Levi - not just thrown out like trash but burned like it too. What sick people these are.
BREAKING: Mother of infant burned to death arrested

That sort of scenario is what I am wondering about, maybe the baby got burned in the bath and they wanted to cover it up? Maybe the 'mom' was scared and FS said she'd take care of it to keep the 'mom' out of trouble? But I can't say that scenario makes a lot of sense to me, I could sort of understand it if the baby had died in a hot bath or was left in a hot car or something and they concocted this to cover the injuries, but it was said baby was found alive, albeit barely alive. But if baby Levi was injured in some way why not take him to a hospital? Why murder him like this?

I wanted HB to be innocent of any connection to what happened, but I'm not entirely surprised to hear of her arrest due to the times and the distances and the oddness of two total strangers doing this to a baby. There are some horrific stranger crimes out there, but they tend to fall into 'types' and this one didn't seem to fall into anything familiar.

BREAKING: Mother of abducted baby boy lit on fire and murdered is arrested for his death
According to the Natchitoches Police Department, Hannah Barker, 22, mother of 6-month-old Levi Cole Ellerbe, has been charged with principle to first-degree murder, meaning the “actual perpetrator of a crime,” according to Law Shelf.
Natchitoches PD indicated that Smith will likely face an additional charge, although it’s unclear what the charge will be. Both women remain in jail without bond.
Accomplices - Common Law Classifications - LawShelf Educational Media

Principal in the First Degree:
The actual perpetrator of a crime.

Principal in the Second Degree:
A party who helps the principal in the first degree in the commission of a crime and who is present at the time and place that the crime is committed.

Accessory Before the Fact:
A party who assists or encourages a principal to commit a crime, but who is not present at the time and place that the crime is committed.

Accessory After the Fact:
A party who knows that a crime has been committed and who, nevertheless, helps the offender to escape detection, capture or punishment.
From reading elsewhere, this is pretty much what I figured was going to happen. I'm still somehow shocked. What in the hell were they thinking? Didn't I read that first responders heard the baby crying near the fire? He was crying!! Even if there were injuries before the fire, he was alive. I really can't think of anything more horrible.

(I've been trying to post this for quite awhile, but this site is giving me fits.)
That sort of scenario is what I am wondering about, maybe the baby got burned in the bath and they wanted to cover it up? Maybe the 'mom' was scared and FS said she'd take care of it to keep the 'mom' out of trouble? But I can't say that scenario makes a lot of sense to me, I could sort of understand it if the baby had died in a hot bath or was left in a hot car or something and they concocted this to cover the injuries, but it was said baby was found alive, albeit barely alive. But if baby Levi was injured in some way why not take him to a hospital? Why murder him like this?

I wanted HB to be innocent of any connection to what happened, but I'm not entirely surprised to hear of her arrest due to the times and the distances and the oddness of two total strangers doing this to a baby. There are some horrific stranger crimes out there, but they tend to fall into 'types' and this one didn't seem to fall into anything familiar.
Did Levi get burned while they were cooking meth? The "mother" supposedly had some kind of burns on her, too.
Oh. Yeah. The . supposedly for funeral expenses. Mom was asking for 10 grand. Wants to make money off the murder of her baby. Disgusting

I didn't have any help and I had my Grandson cremated and it was 400.00 so It can be done , however I wanted a burial and it really does bother me , I think that fund should go to the grandparents for a proper service for little Levi, he deserves it (although I think is already been done ??)

Image from BREAKING: Mother of infant burned to death arrested

What exactly does everyone think happened?

Image from BREAKING: Mother of infant burned to death arrested

What exactly does everyone think happened?

I cant even venture to guess what could led to this , I think he might have been hurt somehow , but finishing him off is CRAZY so I'm not sure or it could have simply been a plot to gain somehow thru go fund me ETC . I just am floored by how authentic her FB looks , I mean we all know FB makes life look like everyone is having a ball in life , but WOW hers was good !!!!!

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