Found Deceased LA - Mark Bakotic, 21, New Orleans, 30 Dec 2016

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
To find out where someone is, you need to find out where they were. We know he was at the club. We know where his wallet was last used. If I started feeling sick at a party, I would want to head home. Where does he live? Which direction was he heading? Was he heading to his house, or was he going in a completely "random" direction? What information did the police get from the two women who were using his credit cards? Did they say where they got them the cards? If we can find out where he was heading, maybe we can find out where he is. All of these questions are yet to be answered. If we can find out where he wanted to go, maybe we could find out what happened in-between.
A lot of these questions have been answered in a combination of Facebook posts/comments by his father ( ) and within the Find Mark Bakotic Facebook group ( )

He lived in an apartment in New Orleans but never returned. Did not go the direction of his apartment, he got in a cab and asked the cab driver to stop (I read the location he stopped on a post I am having trouble hunting down now, as there are so many), and ran out leaving his phone and wallet in the cab. One of the women caught using his credit cards was connected to the driver and received the cards from him.

There have been multiple sightings of Mark throughout the city, and his father seems to think that Mark is leaving areas when the missing flyers appear there:

A woman who spoke to Mark on Jan. 9 said he did not know his own name:

So it seems Mark is drifting in the city and is psychologically impaired in some way. Dissociative amnesia or fugue states are extremely rare and wouldn't quite account for paranoia (assuming paranoid thoughts are what is leading him to leave areas where he is being searched for). I also saw his father say maybe it is not amnesia and he is suffering from "false memories"; not sure what that would mean, Maybe that Mark thinks he did something wrong and is in hiding?

It's a really obscure story but the most theoretically sound theory I could think of is schizophrenia. A psychoactive drug can trigger the onset of schizophrenia, he fits the cusp age of onset, and would account for paranoid thoughts and disorientation... it would be a very sad diagnosis and explanation for the circumstances... at least his family knows he has been seen.

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A lot of these questions have been answered in a combination of Facebook posts/comments by his father ( ) and within the Find Mark Bakotic Facebook group ( )

He lived in an apartment in New Orleans but never returned. Did not go the direction of his apartment, he got in a cab and asked the cab driver to stop (I read the location he stopped on a post I am having trouble hunting down now, as there are so many), and ran out leaving his phone and wallet in the cab. One of the women caught using his credit cards was connected to the driver and received the cards from him.

There have been multiple sightings of Mark throughout the city, and his father seems to think that Mark is leaving areas when the missing flyers appear there:

A woman who spoke to Mark on Jan. 9 said he did not know his own name:

So it seems Mark is drifting in the city and is psychologically impaired in some way. Dissociative amnesia or fugue states are extremely rare and wouldn't quite account for paranoia (assuming paranoid thoughts are what is leading him to leave areas where he is being searched for). I also saw his father say maybe it is not amnesia and he is suffering from "false memories"; not sure what that would mean, Maybe that Mark thinks he did something wrong and is in hiding?

It's a really obscure story but the most theoretically sound theory I could think of is schizophrenia. A psychoactive drug can trigger the onset of schizophrenia, he fits the cusp age of onset, and would account for paranoid thoughts and disorientation... it would be a very sad diagnosis and explanation for the circumstances... at least his family knows he has been seen.

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Good synopsis! His father says he jumped into a cab, jumped out a few blocks later, around Harrah's casino. He reported that the cab driver was a boyfriend or father (different versions were posted) of the women and he gave them the wallet that was left in the cab. That's all I had to add to your great post.
This is such a compelling story. In the above posted link, the mother is tagging men on surveillance video who are of average height. It seems she is desperate and her desperation has caused her to not be discriminating in who she believes is her son.

He's 6'4". These two men appear to be average height - and in the one pic next to the strawberry blonde woman, she'd have to be 6'2" if she's standing next to Mark. Their height is almost identical.

I do have to think he's out there - if multiple witnesses are seeing a man 6'4" and 185 pounds, young, with a beard and receding hairline, you kind of have to believe it. But I wonder - do the witnesses really picture what a man 6'4" looks like, when it seems his mother doesn't?

Prayers he's out there.
levity is nice here sometimes as I chuckle at anyone LITERALLY sleeping under a rock for a year. =)

I know. I like levity too. "Literally" is "literally" my pet peeve. It does seem like no one knows what "literally" means. It means, this guy slept under a rock for two years. Which no one could do, because they'd be dead by about the 7th day from dehydration.

But anyway - yes, thanks for the chuckle in an otherwise depressing story.
This is such a compelling story. In the above posted link, the mother is tagging men on surveillance video who are of average height. It seems she is desperate and her desperation has caused her to not be discriminating in who she believes is her son.

He's 6'4". These two men appear to be average height - and in the one pic next to the strawberry blonde woman, she'd have to be 6'2" if she's standing next to Mark. Their height is almost identical.

I do have to think he's out there - if multiple witnesses are seeing a man 6'4" and 185 pounds, young, with a beard and receding hairline, you kind of have to believe it. But I wonder - do the witnesses really picture what a man 6'4" looks like, when it seems his mother doesn't?

Prayers he's out there.

Well, my fear is there was one guy they posted that looked very similar. So much so that both mom and dad thought it was a strong possibility it was him- standing in a doorway of Bourbon St. So, someone went down there and the owner said that guy has been going there, he is a local homeless guy, not Mark. So, what if THAT is the guy people have seen? I just have such a hard time putting all my faith in sightings without some solid proof- a video camera still, a photo, a piece of clothing, a reported name, a missed call from him, anything! I am very concerned that important info is slipping away by chasing something that may or may not be accurate.

I haven't wanted to say this publicly, but here it goes--- I mean, lets think about this----
chance of going missing in New Orleans- well, pretty high
chance of going missing and not wanting to be found- very high
chance of going missing after doing drugs- high
chance of going missing and getting amnesia- low. Very low, I think
chance of going out, doing drugs, getting amnesia and going missing because of those drugs and amnesia- even lower that that very low
chance of going missing, having amnesia, seeing posters of people looking for you but you are too scared to find out why they are looking for you- next to zero, right?

I mean, if there thing is that he might not know his name BUT he is seeing his posters and is moving because of them--- well, the posters have his name! He would know his name, if only from the poster. I dont know. Im having a hard time with this case. I want it to be true that he has amnesia from a night of drug use and now he's scared of people looking for him, but that seems like way too many things that have to coincide for that to happen that way for me to hop on that train, yet. Doesn't mean it isn't true, but I'm not ready to have that as the main option yet.
Well, my fear is there was one guy they posted that looked very similar. So much so that both mom and dad thought it was a strong possibility it was him- standing in a doorway of Bourbon St. So, someone went down there and the owner said that guy has been going there, he is a local homeless guy, not Mark. So, what if THAT is the guy people have seen? I just have such a hard time putting all my faith in sightings without some solid proof- a video camera still, a photo, a piece of clothing, a reported name, a missed call from him, anything! I am very concerned that important info is slipping away by chasing something that may or may not be accurate.

I haven't wanted to say this publicly, but here it goes--- I mean, lets think about this----
chance of going missing in New Orleans- well, pretty high
chance of going missing and not wanting to be found- very high
chance of going missing after doing drugs- high
chance of going missing and getting amnesia- low. Very low, I think
chance of going out, doing drugs, getting amnesia and going missing because of those drugs and amnesia- even lower that that very low
chance of going missing, having amnesia, seeing posters of people looking for you but you are too scared to find out why they are looking for you- next to zero, right?

I mean, if there thing is that he might not know his name BUT he is seeing his posters and is moving because of them--- well, the posters have his name! He would know his name, if only from the poster. I dont know. Im having a hard time with this case. I want it to be true that he has amnesia from a night of drug use and now he's scared of people looking for him, but that seems like way too many things that have to coincide for that to happen that way for me to hop on that train, yet. Doesn't mean it isn't true, but I'm not ready to have that as the main option yet.

From what I saw, the father never agreed that snapshot in the doorway from the Earth cam was not his son...

I do agree with you on the unlikelihood of amnesia in this situation. As I said previously, dissociative amnesia (amnesia causing loss of recollection of identity) is extremely rare. I also found no evidence of a drug causing dissociative amnesia. My only explanation for cause by a drug would be hallucinating something traumatic enough to cause dissociative amnesia. That being said, I still see it as a long shot.

As for your idea that he should know his name for having seen it on the posters -- the individual who spoke with him on Jan 9 did not know he was a missing person at the time, leading me to think that there were not yet posters in their area not that many circulating around to begin with. It leads me to think it is likely Mark had not yet seen them himself, either. Regardless, I can't quite agree that Mark should assume his true identity is that of the poster merely because it is associated with his photo, depending on what mental state he is in.

I have entertained the possibility that he has intentionally gone missing, but many things do not line up to me. It seems if it was intentional, it'd have required a high degree of premeditation to the point of convincing his friends he was so disoriented that he could no longer recognize them before getting into a cab and discarding his personal items there. Or at least a degree of premeditation that one would expect him to have planned some way to have extra belongings of his from his apartment or a plan to have money. Also, if he planned to intentionally disappear, why stay in New Orleans?

What are your thoughts on my theory of schizophrenia? There is evidence that the onset of symptoms of schizophrenia can be triggered by drug use:

"Certain drugs, particularly cannabis, cocaine, LSD or amphetamines, may trigger symptoms of schizophrenia in people who are susceptible."

(2CE is a synthetic drug which produces similar cognitive effects as acid.)

Also, his age
"Males reach a single peak of vulnerability for developing schizophrenia between the ages of 18 and 25 years. "

Additionally, if he truly is avoiding areas where it seems he is being sought, it implies paranoid thinking. Coupled with the concept of him drifting around without conviction and for no reason discernible by his friends and family, this behavior implies paranoid and delusional thinking, which are key symptoms of schizophrenia.

I will add, I am also sold on this theory because a friend of mine who studies clinical psychology had a client whose schizophrenia onset was triggered by drugs, and the individual unexpectedly traveled / few hours away and was missing for over three weeks. (Mind you, this occurred after they were already a client of my friends, and had not yet shown signs of schizophrenia)

Would like to know others thoughts to this theory. It seems to me at this point the only explanation that leaves no holes...

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Edit to above -- sorry mpnola, i meant "the father never agreed that snapshot in the doorway from the Earth cam was** his son"

Meaning he explicitly said "not Mark" before it was verified by the person who checked with the storefront's employees.

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I think all those sightings of Mark have been cases of mistaken identity and also the reason why his dad hasn't spotted him after all those days of searching.

One possibility is that he wandered into an abandoned warehouse and passed from the drugs. Even with that scenario you would think he would have been found by now.
I think all those sightings of Mark have been cases of mistaken identity and also the reason why his dad hasn't spotted him after all those days of searching.

One possibility is that he wandered into an abandoned warehouse and passed from the drugs. Even with that scenario you would think he would have been found by now.

The only reason I have an incredibly hard time with accepting mistaken identity as probable is due to the individual who is certain she spoke with him on Jan 9. She made it apparent she has been involved in the on foot search for him due to her upset for letting him leave unknowing that he was missing. The parents both have posted videos of Mark (recorded and posted by himself before his disappearance) which hold much more telling bits than appearance (mannerisms, vocabulary, accent, etc) and the individual has remained involved... while also being in close contact with his father. Seems the individual would be more likely to find their apparent contact with Mark untrue after seeing video if it were not him.

Additionally, I have found no evidence that 2CE is a drug that could cause death. I am aware, however, it is a synthetic drug, so there wouldn't be much literature available. But in drug forums like erowid and others that popped up upon searching this inquiry, majority disagreed the possibility of overdose due to personal accounts of mg consumption verse the VERY very few (only 1-2 accounts) propositions that a mg consumption could cause death. It is possible that Mark could have had a preexisting or unknown heart condition that would have caused death with the drug, but any speculation of this specific drug causing death is, speculation... i would post links to these forum posts but I do not find these drug forums proper evidence for anything, so my summary of this paragraph is as I began it - I cannot find evidence for this drug causing death, but it is a synthetic drug.

I do not mean to shut the idea down that he has passed and that all sightings have been mistaken ID... i just am extremely hopeful it is not the case. Agree it would be strange for this to be true given he hasn't been found yet, and the cab did not bring him very far from where they picked him up..:

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I think Schizophrenia is a very valid option. I worked deep, DEEP in the trenches of mental health for 16 years. And I agree- I would ask every single person that came through with a Schizophrenia diagnosis if they remember when they started feeling differently. It wasn't a question I had to ask, I was just curious. 99% of them all could name the day/ time/ moment it happened and it always had to do with a drug experience. The only non-drug experience was actually diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and he said he always felt that way. One guy was the very first time he smoked weed. Another guy was after years and years of abuse, but he vividly remembers being in the back of a car smoking weed laced with PCP and never "being right" again (his description, not mine). So, it is highly probable. Here's my issue, though. In the thousands of mental health packets that I read, I don't ever remember a person having onset of Scizophrenia and being adept at dodging people looking for them, especially not moving away from a location because they saw posters up (Mark's dad feels Mark2 is moving when he sees posters). It was generally way weirder than that! One walked down the center line of the highway with his eyes closed because God told him to. One drank antifreeze to stop the interference of the government. You get my drift. It is not "usually" the case where there is an onset of Schizophrenia, due to drugs, and the person then forgets who they are and is actively hiding from people. That would take a logical mind and plan to pull off. They are generally right out in the middle of people with behavior most most consider bizarre.

I'm not sure if that made sense. And you are right-- dad at first said he did not think door guy was him. But, as of yet, dad has not seen him. He is only going off what other people are saying, who also don't know him and could easily be seeing door guy! Or someone else.

I am still not convinced there wasn't a violent offense against him. This is New Orleans. If we were going to go with most likely, well, robbed/ jumped/ murdered (sadly) would be the norm. I reeeeally hope that is not the case, but I do think that is still a strong possibility. If he hopped out by Harrahs, they would DEFINITELY know which way he went. That is the only place in all of New Orleans I will hang out any time day or night. It is the place with instant security and more cameras being watched at all times, so I am never worried about my safety in there. But, the fact that there are all these "sightings" could mean many things were not looked into immediately. I dont know. Verdict is still way out on this one.

Oh, and I saw a comment from a few friends giggling at what he reportedly took versus what he actually took. It was a different drug, another synthetic. I dont find any of it funny. I find it frightening and disturbing that one is funny and one is considered much cooler to do. But whatever. My opinions on drugs (real or synthetic) won't find him, so I will leave it alone.
Update from the father:

"Update on Finding Mark. Sorry, this is going to be long. Two and a half weeks ago I believe that Mark was still living on the street, but it might be helpful to fully put the information out so others can help me try to figure it out. Right now I have a problem in that I cannot make any rational sense out of the facts that I have. People tell me that I should not try to make sense out of it because people on Drugs do not have to do thinks rationally. I will give you that point but after over 40 days there should be a coming together of some conclusions.

Mark ran away from friends on the early morning of 31 December 2017 following a 30 minute period in which he not able to offer his address to them in order for them to give him a ride to his apartment in the Bywater area. At the time he ran away, he did not recognize his friends, and he had told multiple people that he thought he and others were “going to die” from the use of the drugs that night.
He ran a few blocks away and jumped into a cab, but after traveling a few blocks and repeatedly looking behind him, he asked to get out of the cab saying he was going to the “River”. After paying for the cab ride in cash, he got out of the cab and can be seen running toward Canal Street and the French Quarter. As a side line story when he got out of the cab, he left his wallet in the cab separating himself from as a minimum his ID, credit cards and most likely his cash.
Over the next 40 plus days, he has been seen in various locations and some of the reports are very creditable including at least one person who knew him as Perma Hero.
New Years and the days following, he was seen on Bourbon Street, Jackson Square and along the river. During this period, he was reportedly seen with some training hopping kids. Train Hoppers move between cities by getting rides on freight training and commonly stay in Safe Houses (abandoned house around the city). This could lead to the belief that Mark might have either left the city or was shown a safe house or two where he could stay. Fliers were posted and the reports of the person people thought looked like Mark ended.
Following Jackson Square we expanded the search and there were reports of sightings of Mark in the Esplanade Street and Louis Armstrong Park areas. Fliers were posted and the sightings of the person looking like Mark ended.
About the 25th and the week prior, he was reported to be living by himself on the streets… near but separated from the heavy drug users who reside under the elevated highway. Fliers were posted and the reports of seeing him ended.
In the last two and a half weeks there have been reports of seeing Mark, but no reports that I would say are completely creditable. I do not take a random claim of seeing him as being creditable by itself. Last night, after six hours on Bourbon Street, I saw no less than three tall, slender, white, dark curly haired, bearded men who could pass for being my son by people who do not know him.

Now let us add some more facts and unanswered questions.

When Mark ran off, it appears that everything changed. He did not appear to go back to his car to get valuable items which would have helped him out for living on the street; he did not go to his apartment; and he did not pick up his last paycheck from his work. Why would a person not pick up a paycheck if you are hungry on the street?
It appears that Mark has not been going to the homeless free meal locations. It also appears that it was not because I went to them, because he never went to them in the first place.
I have been told by homeless that the easiest way to get a homeless to poke his/her head up is for family to distribute fliers like we have, but it did not work with Mark.
The reward we offered to locate Mark is a big deal to many people in New Orleans. I have been told that the award is like the lottery and all the person has to do is find my son to win it. I hate that dynamic because I worry about my son or a stranger if the people think he is my son and that person does not want to play along.
So far the award has generated only one call of substance, and that caller knew my son’s shoes… make, brand and color. What makes that special is that Mark had bought those shoes on the December 30th and only people who saw him on the 30th or after would know that. The call came in on the 26th of January… one day after he apparently relocated.
If he had joined some train hoppers in a safe house, why did he move back out onto the streets?
The person who knew the shoes stated that my son was “worried” about the posters. Suggesting that Mark knew who he was and had a greater fear of being found than of staying lost. This could be because of the personal embarrassment of failing to stay straight as he told many family and friends he was going to do, or for fear of having upset the drug suppliers who I am sure hated the visibility his disappearance had to their operation.
After 40 plus days I no longer really know what my son might look like. He could have ¾ inch of beard and hair on his head or he can be clean shaved. He did not have tattoos or body piercings, but what about now? How hard is it to change your appearance? Having a hoodie or a hat can greatly change whether a person sees and recognizes him.
In 40 days I have not been able to get a Proof-of-Life picture. The picture would be a good thing because it might give me justification to get back on the local TV news. As it stands, it looks too much like a 22 year old male who has run away from home and that is hardly news worthy. Just the other day his mother thought a random picture taken on Bourbon Street might have been Mark, and I thought otherwise. Pictures are hard to get and difficult to be of the quality necessary to end debate. You have to know a time, a place and have a camera on that location and pointed in the right direction. Sometime in the afternoon is not good enough to get a picture and you usually need to work thought the police to gain access. Three days is the shortest period of time I have needed to get a picture.
After 40 days, posters of Mark are still posted in various parks and streets, and even if Mark does not know who he is… a new friends would. Even if Mark does not have a phone, many homeless do… so Mark or new friends might have even been reading this site.

Possible conclusions:

He is dead and the sighting reports were all a mistake and that is the reason why no proof of life photo has emerged.
He is still drifting in a dream world where he does not know who he really is. He is hanging out alone. He might know that people are looking for him but not why. He may or may not have left the city.
He is cognizant of who he is. He knows that people are looking for him and he is actively avoiding being found by his own choice. He may or may not have left the city. He might have new friends helping him out.
He is being held against his will for some unknown reason and the reward has not motivated the captures to offer him up.

Those are the only four options I can come up with and the problem I have is that my searches will only have a possibility of success if he is in a dream world and he has not left the city. The longer time goes by, the more I have a feeling that he is NOW cognizant and that is the correct conclusion currently. If he is actively working to not be found in the city of New Orleans, he will not be found. If he has left the city, he will not be found. The assessment of many is that if he was in the French Quarter he would have been found because of the high level of awareness of his missing person status.

Please add comments. Have I missed something? Have I misread my son in some way based on your past interaction with him?"

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I keep hoping this young man will be found. His situation reminds me so much of myself in my 20's and so many of the people I partied with. I've heard about bad trips that cause severe damage and from personal experience I can understand how this can happen. If he suffered long term damage from a hallucinogenic drug, he might not understand why someone is looking for him and seeing the posters is only scaring him.

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This story is heartbreaking - mainly because there are so many possible answers and not all of them good. I have some questions that I haven't seen answered and if they were, I missed it... how long had he been living in New Orleans? Did he have a roommate? How long had he been at his job and what did his employer have to say about what kind of worker he was, any problems at work, weird people showing up? Who were the friends he was with? Long term acquaintances or people he just met? Where did the drugs come from? Did one of the friends have them or did they acquire them from some other party when they were all together in a group? Per Dad's comments, it sounds like Mark may have had a drug problem or experimented with drugs before... had he ever had an adverse reaction? Did he have any history of mental or emotional issues? What was his relationship with his parents, family? Has anyone been able to check on the last calls, texts, posts from his cell phone? There are a lot of possible paths here... he chose to leave and not return due to problems with someone or fear of someone, he wandered off and was injured/ill and ended up in a location that is difficult to access - per previous post, lots of abandoned buildings along Canal, lots and lots of old buildings in NOLA with small closets, rotten floors, subbasements, cisterns, roof access, not to mention above ground tombs and mausoleums - places that someone that was ill, injured, disoriented or afraid could have hidden in or wandered into. Did an outside influence - someone other than himself - take him somewhere, lure him somewhere? Can someone have a complete psychotic break with their personality and surroundings with no forewarning? Seriously, I'm asking - I don't know. Was there any reason for Mark to be afraid of someone?
This is a new update from Mark Bakotic Sr.'s (His father's) Facebook page.

"Update on Finding Mark Bakotic. Sorry, this is going to be long. Two and a half weeks ago I believe that Mark was still living on the street, but it might be helpful to fully put the information out so others can help me try to figure it out. Right now I have a problem in that I cannot make any rational sense out of the facts that I have. People tell me that I should not try to make sense out of it because people on Drugs do not have to do thinks rationally. I will give you that point but after over 40 days there should be a coming together of some conclusions.
Mark ran away from friends on the early morning of 31 December 2017 following a 30 minute period in which he not able to offer his address to them in order for them to give him a ride to his apartment in the Bywater area. At the time he ran away, he did not recognize his friends, and he had told multiple people that he thought he and others were “going to die” from the use of the drugs that night.
He ran a few blocks away and jumped into a cab, but after traveling a few blocks and repeatedly looking behind him, he asked to get out of the cab saying he was going to the “River”. After paying for the cab ride in cash, he got out of the cab and can be seen running toward Canal Street and the French Quarter. As a side line story when he got out of the cab, he left his wallet in the cab separating himself from as a minimum his ID, credit cards and most likely his cash.
Over the next 40 plus days, he has been seen in various locations and some of the reports are very creditable including at least one person who knew him as Perma Hero.
New Years and the days following, he was seen on Bourbon Street, Jackson Square and along the river. During this period, he was reportedly seen with some training hopping kids. Train Hoppers move between cities by getting rides on freight training and commonly stay in Safe Houses (abandoned house around the city). This could lead to the belief that Mark might have either left the city or was shown a safe house or two where he could stay. Fliers were posted and the reports of the person people thought looked like Mark ended.
Following Jackson Square we expanded the search and there were reports of sightings of Mark in the Esplanade Street and Louis Armstrong Park areas. Fliers were posted and the sightings of the person looking like Mark ended.
About the 25th and the week prior, he was reported to be living by himself on the streets… near but separated from the heavy drug users who reside under the elevated highway. Fliers were posted and the reports of seeing him ended.
In the last two and a half weeks there have been reports of seeing Mark, but no reports that I would say are completely creditable. I do not take a random claim of seeing him as being creditable by itself. Last night, after six hours on Bourbon Street, I saw no less than three tall, slender, white, dark curly haired, bearded men who could pass for being my son by people who do not know him.

Now let us add some more facts and unanswered questions.
When Mark ran off, it appears that everything changed. He did not appear to go back to his car to get valuable items which would have helped him out for living on the street; he did not go to his apartment; and he did not pick up his last paycheck from his work. Why would a person not pick up a paycheck if you are hungry on the street?
It appears that Mark has not been going to the homeless free meal locations. It also appears that it was not because I went to them, because he never went to them in the first place.
I have been told by homeless that the easiest way to get a homeless to poke his/her head up is for family to distribute fliers like we have, but it did not work with Mark.
The reward we offered to locate Mark is a big deal to many people in New Orleans. I have been told that the award is like the lottery and all the person has to do is find my son to win it. I hate that dynamic because I worry about my son or a stranger if the people think he is my son and that person does not want to play along.
So far the award has generated only one call of substance, and that caller knew my son’s shoes… make, brand and color. What makes that special is that Mark had bought those shoes on the December 30th and only people who saw him on the 30th or after would know that. The call came in on the 26th of January… one day after he apparently relocated.
If he had joined some train hoppers in a safe house, why did he move back out onto the streets?
The person who knew the shoes stated that my son was “worried” about the posters. Suggesting that Mark knew who he was and had a greater fear of being found than of staying lost. This could be because of the personal embarrassment of failing to stay straight as he told many family and friends he was going to do, or for fear of having upset the drug suppliers who I am sure hated the visibility his disappearance had to their operation.
After 40 plus days I no longer really know what my son might look like. He could have ¾ inch of beard and hair on his head or he can be clean shaved. He did not have tattoos or body piercings, but what about now? How hard is it to change your appearance? Having a hoodie or a hat can greatly change whether a person sees and recognizes him.
In 40 days I have not been able to get a Proof-of-Life picture. The picture would be a good thing because it might give me justification to get back on the local TV news. As it stands, it looks too much like a 22 year old male who has run away from home and that is hardly news worthy. Just the other day his mother thought a random picture taken on Bourbon Street might have been Mark, and I thought otherwise. Pictures are hard to get and difficult to be of the quality necessary to end debate. You have to know a time, a place and have a camera on that location and pointed in the right direction. Sometime in the afternoon is not good enough to get a picture and you usually need to work thought the police to gain access. Three days is the shortest period of time I have needed to get a picture.
After 40 days, posters of Mark are still posted in various parks and streets, and even if Mark does not know who he is… a new friends would. Even if Mark does not have a phone, many homeless do… so Mark or new friends might have even been reading this site.

Possible conclusions:
He is dead and the sighting reports were all a mistake and that is the reason why no proof of life photo has emerged.
He is still drifting in a dream world where he does not know who he really is. He is hanging out alone. He might know that people are looking for him but not why. He may or may not have left the city.
He is cognizant of who he is. He knows that people are looking for him and he is actively avoiding being found by his own choice. He may or may not have left the city. He might have new friends helping him out.
He is being held against his will for some unknown reason and the reward has not motivated the captures to offer him up.

Those are the only four options I can come up with and the problem I have is that my searches will only have a possibility of success if he is in a dream world and he has not left the city. The longer time goes by, the more I have a feeling that he is NOW cognizant and that is the correct conclusion currently. If he is actively working to not be found in the city of New Orleans, he will not be found. If he has left the city, he will not be found. The assessment of many is that if he was in the French Quarter he would have been found because of the high level of awareness of his missing person status.
Please add comments. Have I missed something? Have I misread my son in some way based on your past interaction with him?"
Poor dad! He is so honest and clear in his judgement. I love it when a family member is able to be both really present, but clear in a realistic way.

I am concerned that he said he was trying to go to the river. And to get out around Harrah's--- well, that's across the street from the river. Although, going towards the quarter is definitely the opposite way than the river.

I have no idea what happened to this guy. I really hope he is train hopping, just because that gives a real hope that he will contact and come home, soon. It sounds like drugs or mental health issues are at the very core of this.
Lots if replies on the fb page. Dad says that he has gotten several "credible" sightings, but none from anyone who actually knows him, so he doesn't consider them factual. I like the dad so much. He is open and honest and trying anything he can- including meshing with the homeless community.

I was concerned that some "sightings" might have an agenda of their own, even if for attention. It is starting to feel that way.

One interesting thing- mom said her sister was missing for 7 months before returning. I am definitely opening up a substance induced mental health crisis a little more.

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I have been on the Abby and Liberty thread, so I haven't kept up with this, but I wanted to check in.

They released a new missing poster:

Mark Bakotic, 22, was last seen on December 30, 2016 at the Republic Night Club in New Orleans, Louisiana. Original statements said he had walked away from the club in the 800 block of South Peters Street around 11PM however friends said they saw Mark leave in a cab at 3:30AM on December, 31, 2016. He was later dropped off near Harrah’s Casino Hotel and the Hilton New Orleans Riverside on Convention Center Boulevard and left his wallet in the cab. Mark has not been seen or heard from since. New Orleans Police Department 504-658-6050.
*Reward offered by NOLA Crimestoppers. Call (504) 822-1111.

That is updated info. I really hate to say this, but talking about the river, hoping in a cab, hoping out AT the river (Harrahs is across the street from the ferry access), and leaving his wallet in the cab all look like suicide, to me. I hope not, but that was an option that wasn't even on my radar until this new information. I worked in mental health for a long time. One of my ladies did almost just this. She called a cab, paid him while he was driving, left her shoes and her wallet in the cab so he could identify her and as he was driving over a bridge, she jumped out and over the railing into the water. The leaving of the wallet is fairly common for someone who decides to commit suicide. They certainly wont need it and they want someone to be able to identify that they were there.

We talked alot about how it is not real easy to get to the river near where he was. But, around the ferry is a bit of a different story. I would think he would have been found by now if he was in the river, but you never know. That sucker is mean and mad.

I hope he is hanging out in homeless camps, like others believe. It just feels less and less likely as time goes on.
Poor dad! He is so honest and clear in his judgement. I love it when a family member is able to be both really present, but clear in a realistic way.

I am concerned that he said he was trying to go to the river. And to get out around Harrah's--- well, that's across the street from the river. Although, going towards the quarter is definitely the opposite way than the river.

I have no idea what happened to this guy. I really hope he is train hopping, just because that gives a real hope that he will contact and come home, soon. It sounds like drugs or mental health issues are at the very core of this.

I just listened to the new episode of The Vanished about him and I agree, I really like his dad.
Hi all - checking in. I've been at Abby and Libby's thread as well. I see no new info has been found. So many possibilities, so many questions. I was surprised - and I don't know why - to see how many people within this age group have missing threads here on WS. And there are several from the same time period. Still praying - still hoping for some news.

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