LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #11

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Heading out now to check out a house at Lafayette St. and Olivier St. .

paris_paris found what looks like the Olds on Google maps, satellite view!!!!

It's a close enough match that I'm driving up there right now. Looks like an Olds 98 grille.

And, the house owner has several cars being worked on AND, it looks like he/she has a boat, as well.

Rough section of town - I'm going to be careful. Have experience with the Census approaching strange houses/people.

But it's to good a match not to check it out in person, ASAP.


Please don't call this in, anyone!

I went looking in that whole area by car for two hours yesterday and didn't see the car. There are many pedestrians in that area and if you drive around real slow and circle back and such they start really staring at you. Wasn't very pleasant.
My old Lincoln is going to be perfect cover in that section of town. Going to dress the part with my Saints hat & shirt, along w/ the fleur-de-lis hood ornament.

I'll be careful. Always have protection too, in accordance with state law, so in an extreme situation I have some help.

Just going to scout.

Don't make us have to create a whole new thread for you later.

I hope the search leads to some information.

A few questions:

1) It says the bike was submerged except for a small section of the frame. Would a bike float if dumped in the water or does it depend on the weight of the bike?

2) If it doesn't float, did the perp purposely try to hide the bike by pushing it down into the water or put weights on it to "drown" the bike?

3) IMO, it sounds like the perp really went out of his/her way to hide the bike? Why? If the perp was a stalker, one would think he/she would have gloves on and/or wiped the bike of any evidence that would connect them to this case.

4) Does DNA (forensics) withstand water? In other words, could fingerprints, blood evidence or other fluid still be extracted?

I'm still stumped about the bike. I just don't see why anyone would take the bike and then go out of their way to dispose of it. Why the added burden of a bike? It doesn't make any sense.

Lafayette has a decent sized biking community. Mickey's bike was very distinct- one of 2 in the city. Maybe that's why?

The only problem with that is assuming the perp knew her bike was rare in Lafayette. Personally, I know road bikes vs trail bikes as far as basic looks go and that's it.
Not sure how good of an idea it is to shout out where you're going in a public forum. If that's the perps car and he reads these boards, then he's probably expecting you. That's if the guy is smart enough to browse the web, lol.

Be safe regardless! And good luck.
Heading out now to check out a house at Lafayette St. and Olivier St. .

paris_paris found what looks like the Olds on Google maps, satellite view!!!!

It's a close enough match that I'm driving up there right now. Looks like an Olds 98 grille.

And, the house owner has several cars being worked on AND, it looks like he/she has a boat, as well.

Rough section of town - I'm going to be careful. Have experience with the Census approaching strange houses/people.

But it's to good a match not to check it out in person, ASAP.


Please don't call this in, anyone!
I see it! Please be careful, chicken.
My old Lincoln is going to be perfect cover in that section of town. Going to dress the part with my Saints hat & shirt, along w/ the fleur-de-lis hood ornament.

I'll be careful. Always have protection too, in accordance with state law, so in an extreme situation I have some help.

Just going to scout.

u be careful out there.
Prayers you find something.
I thought it would be better to let people know where I'm going -
Playing the odds that the perp isn't on this board. I'll be careful.

Don't make us have to create a whole new thread for you later.

I hope the search leads to some information.
AND we will be on to thread #12 here in a little bit, just as soon as I clean up my kitchen!
I thought it would be better to let people know where I'm going -
Playing the odds that the perp isn't on this board. I'll be careful.

I know where you're going, and when you expect to be back. I've asked the mods to edit the address out of your posts.
Be sure to wave at all the cameras on your way through.

edit: and re-reading your posts... I'm getting the gist of why you think that boat is important.
I know where you're going, and when you expect to be back. I've asked the mods to edit the address out of your posts.
Be sure to wave at all the cameras on your way through.

edit: and re-reading your posts... I'm getting the gist of why you think that boat is important.

the address was also in at least one quote.

eta: 3 quotes to be exact
I don't know why... won't they go bad if you don't save them?

I say "save the dishes" and "get down at the store". My girlfriend from a different part of the state makes fun of me for both. But now she uses both phrases, lol.

"What are you saving the dishes from?"
"Get down? Like, break dance?"
The tire marks are a positive development. Tire marks helped identify col Russell Williams, a serial killer in Canada.

OT I think Cpl Mouton is nice looking.:blushing:



Tire marks also helped identify the other Baton Rouge serial killer- Sean Vincent Gillis.
Ok since there was a I said strictly postulating based on what we know of Mickey's character and some of the facts. I do not believe this was random but I also don't believe it was "completely" premeditated. I believe the perp was a socially awkward man known to Mickey through the university whether staff(think janitor, security) or student. I think that he was a sexual offender but not necessarily convicted previously..just weird as ****.
I think that he saw her either at artmosphere(he wasn't necessarily there, driving around perhaps) or another location and began to follow her. At some point whether he lightly tapped her or her bike malfunctioned(possibly something he did?) and when the chance was there he took the opportunity to approach her in a friendly way... I think that she accepted the ride out of a sense of responsibility to his feelings. I get the feeling he was not well treated but she was kind to him. He put her bike in the car and proceeded to drive not really certain what he was going to do.. At some point she got uncomfortable and tried to exit and he panicked and that's when he decided that she wouldn't leave his vehicle. I think that he has more than a basic knowledge of our area and left her bike in a place where there is high fisherman traffic so as to obscure his tracks and possible throw law enforcement off. I think he still has her and I don't think that he is inclined to kill her but as time ticks his precariously balanced mental state could over take that inclination.
I think that Mickey was picked up around the area of Lourdes hospital...the funeral home located near there has TONS of cameras so unless that is unreleased (very possible) they would have seen her.
I feel like he knows the area well enough to avoid most traffic cameras but his tracks aren't completely covered. There is something we are missing. I also think the driver of the olds 98 has very specific information and LE knows that. The likely reason this person hasn't come forward is a criminal record with current warrants. I think LE knows they saw something crucial that they are also missing. I really think this person has her still and she is alive but probably very unwell.
Does any of this resonate with anyone else? Sound plausible? I just can't bear thinking that she isn't coming home...maybe this is a product of those hopes but it is what I've thought from the very beginning.
I know I have more based on actual factual information but this theory has been bubbling in my gut for 9 days now and I just needed to get it out to rational folks who could dissect it and say "you're crazy lady! Or that could be plausible based on our info...
What do y'all think?
LE monitors these sites also. It wouldn't surprise me if Chicken Fried has a welcoming committee when he arrives.
I thought it would be better to let people know where I'm going -
Playing the odds that the perp isn't on this board. I'll be careful.

Be careful!

For those of you who dont know the area he is actually going a few blocks north of Ryan St on the north side of congress St.
Thread #12 up in the next five minutes; stay tuned.
after Katrina in this state, we have employed a huge labor force to rebuild. Virtually everyone I know has hired labor that must go through a background check. Many people who are having their homes rebuilt from Katrina or Gustav or Rita have employed help. I know many people who have 'accidentally hired' people with criminal backgrounds. Just FYI. The rebuilding is not complete; the transients are still here.

Boy am I having trouble keeping up with this thread! You guys can type faster than kgeaux can read!

Shelly, I have two sons who are in the construction business. You would be AMAZED at how few of the laborers are background checked! Lots of illegals, most of whom are law abiding, but there are those with criminal backgrounds, too.

Construction labor seems to be one of the few jobs that doesn't require drug testing. As my son informed me, "if we drug tested, we would have NO laborers."

We still do have many people who were displaced by Katrina. The whole tone of Lafayette suffered when we got the huge influx of people from the New Orleans projects. They brought their drugs, weapons, lack of education and complete absence of ambition with them.

Even with all that, I think it is an employed, white and probably educated person who is responsible for Mickey's disappearance. Those trucks aren't cheap!
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