LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #15

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Putting this youtube video on this thread too so it doesn't get lost. It's a video of how strong the current is at Whiskey Bay Pilot Channel. I'm not sure if it is like this all the time or there was a specific reason for that particular day. It was mentioned on a previous thread that divers and searchers in boats were having trouble because the current was so bad the other day. Maybe someone on here can give a better insight on it.

I THANK you - mommyof6 - for posting this video of the size & flow at Whiskey Bay Pilot Channel. Until seeing your posted video, I had no idea of the strength and size of this waterway. Anything tossed in that water would easily be long gone. I am frankly surprised that MS's bike was located. It must have either been tossed "short" or immediately hung up on debris. Your video post was very helpful.
I'm interested in hearing it. Your posts have been excellent.

i speak bluntly and have been told i should bite my tongue more often...

when logic and reasoning have gotten you nowhere... when, if ever, is it ok to suspend logic and reasoning and come at something from a different angle?

please read this with a grain of salt...

before i came to this site, i found out about this topic on a conspiracy site. the conduct here is much more professional than there... and i will try to maintain the integrity of this topic here... while possibly going off the deep end at the same time...

If this was my daughter, i would want ALL possibilities explored... and aside from a ufo abduction or anything like that, i would listen with an open mind to about anything...

somebody from germany on this other site, very early on before anything was known, maybe saturday, somebody said something i immediately discounted as... unreliable i will say... he/she gave two locations of interest, including the area of the actual abduction/disappearance and one other.

The first place was on colosseum rd. some little metal roofed buildings where oddly enough on google maps... there is a white truck headed toward from the field.

the second was a three story building with blue pipes running along the side and one section of blue pipe appeared new...

then on seeing that sleuth made video of bikers route, there is a multi-story building with a bright blue stripe along the top.. and NOW we know st landry before colosseum is her last known area of travel...

ok, please... i don't buy into this type of thing but dang...

here is a harsh question... in the abandon hospital in that area.. were all areas inside searched? even those which require keyed access? Are there (LOOK AWAY) morgue body drawers in the basement that have been checked... possibly someplace that is easy to somebody with access to hide a body but not a bike from anybody looking?

i hope by posting this i hope have not discredited myself or this effort too much as a part of me feels out of line for posting any of it...

as a father, i KNOW she is still alive
as a critical thinker, i hope to god she is still alive

apologies ahead of time

i speak bluntly and have been told i should bite my tongue more often...

when logic and reasoning have gotten you nowhere... when, if ever, is it ok to suspend logic and reasoning and come at something from a different angle?

please read this with a grain of salt...

before i came to this site, i found out about this topic on a conspiracy site. the conduct here is much more professional than there... and i will try to maintain the integrity of this topic here... while possibly going off the deep end at the same time...

If this was my daughter, i would want ALL possibilities explored... and aside from a ufo abduction or anything like that, i would listen with an open mind to about anything...

somebody from germany on this other site, very early on before anything was known, maybe saturday, somebody said something i immediately discounted as... unreliable i will say... he/she gave two locations of interest, including the area of the actual abduction/disappearance and one other.

The first place was on colosseum rd. some little metal roofed buildings where oddly enough on google maps... there is a white truck headed toward from the field.

the second was a three story building with blue pipes running along the side and one section of blue pipe appeared new...

then on seeing that sleuth made video of bikers route, there is a multi-story building with a bright blue stripe along the top.. and NOW we know st landry before colosseum is her last known area of travel...

ok, please... i don't buy into this type of thing but dang...

here is a harsh question... in the abandon hospital in that area.. were all areas inside searched? even those which require keyed access? Are there (LOOK AWAY) morgue body drawers in the basement that have been checked... possibly someplace that is easy to somebody with access to hide a body but not a bike from anybody looking?

i hope by posting this i hope have not discredited myself or this effort too much as a part of me feels out of line for posting any of it...

as a father, i KNOW she is still alive
as a critical thinker, i hope to god she is still alive

apologies ahead of time


I think I've been to the-site-we-shall-not-name, saw some of that stuff.

As far as your idea of her being grabbed on the street in view of the Circle K, yes it's possible. Pretty risky for the perp. Would have been VERY quiet at that time in that area. Now, the folks in the cars at the station could have been inside and not heard anything. But I just have trouble with that. Either it was a LIGHTNING grab, with the perp risking someone come up behind, and - not to rile any feathers - if that had happened, the truck coming the other way - the one dismissed by LE, could have seen something.

So... it possible.... but, absent the failure of the camera at 215 that captured the car, which A.C.I. says was continuous (he has no link, but say he has inside info) to capture anything, she had to have been grabbed on the spot or turned off St. Landry. Those appear to be the scenarios.
But, you are assuming she did disappear from camera view. I am saying she may not have. I am thinking, and please don't take this the wrong way, that is faulty reasoning. Saying bc she does not show up on the camera footage means she turned down a road, is assuming 1) that what happened didn't happen prior to the camera's view, or 2) that LE has footage and is choosing to not release it. If there was no conceivable reason for her to turn down another unrelated road that night, then why even consider it? It's like saying, well she didn't show up on the next camera so, she must have turned around and gone the other way. We have no proof of that either.

This is all said with great respect, but until I hear a reason for her going down another path, I can't base my the theories on it. She was heading home. THAT is what we know. And if, as has been proposed, she was frightened, I think we would have footage of her - in the Circle K, safe and sound and we wouldn't be here.

Now, do locals think she may have taken Brashear bc it was her known route home?

The suggested bike route on google maps is the same way she appeared to be heading and then to take coliseum to Johnston. Coliseum is creepy at night so going brashear to johnston is more reasonable. But theres just no way to know if/what LE is holding back. So any number of things couldve happened and was seen on camera and LE just isnt telling us. Its IMO that they know exactly what is going on and what theyre looking for/where and we're just given enough information/misinformation to feel like we're being kept up to date. I expect major news soon
i speak bluntly and have been told i should bite my tongue more often...

when logic and reasoning have gotten you nowhere... when, if ever, is it ok to suspend logic and reasoning and come at something from a different angle?

please read this with a grain of salt...

before i came to this site, i found out about this topic on a conspiracy site. the conduct here is much more professional than there... and i will try to maintain the integrity of this topic here... while possibly going off the deep end at the same time...

If this was my daughter, i would want ALL possibilities explored... and aside from a ufo abduction or anything like that, i would listen with an open mind to about anything...

somebody from germany on this other site, very early on before anything was known, maybe saturday, somebody said something i immediately discounted as... unreliable i will say... he/she gave two locations of interest, including the area of the actual abduction/disappearance and one other.

The first place was on colosseum rd. some little metal roofed buildings where oddly enough on google maps... there is a white truck headed toward from the field.

the second was a three story building with blue pipes running along the side and one section of blue pipe appeared new...

then on seeing that sleuth made video of bikers route, there is a multi-story building with a bright blue stripe along the top.. and NOW we know st landry before colosseum is her last known area of travel...

ok, please... i don't buy into this type of thing but dang...

here is a harsh question... in the abandon hospital in that area.. were all areas inside searched? even those which require keyed access? Are there (LOOK AWAY) morgue body drawers in the basement that have been checked... possibly someplace that is easy to somebody with access to hide a body but not a bike from anybody looking?

i hope by posting this i hope have not discredited myself or this effort too much as a part of me feels out of line for posting any of it...

as a father, i KNOW she is still alive
as a critical thinker, i hope to god she is still alive

apologies ahead of time


I practice Hapkido in the portion of the building that runs. There is a door that is open in the back of the old hospital. I found it upon searching for her after I searched the old abandoned parking lot across the street. I called police and notified about the opened door. My friend who is a campus cop said he knows they patrolled and looked but wasn't 100% sure they looked in the building. I told the police they should really really go look and then get that fixed, as that is a perfect place to store a body randomly. The next class period, 2 days later, there were security people by the door locking it up. I dont know if they took time to search the whole building
Now, do locals think she may have taken Brashear bc it was her known route home?
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I don't think it was a KNOWN route home. From what I've seen, no one knows her actual usual route home, after the beginning. But it's the only left turn off St. Landry that works, and does cut to Johnston.

The only right turn that works, at least for me, is the LCG parking lot, with the cutthrough in back to Azalea.

I bred Siberian Forest Cats for a very short time. A very short time because we hated to give them up & it started to feel like The Trouble with Tribbles Star Trek Episode.

If I can find a pic, I'll slap in on my sig file

THAT'S OUR CAT! He's currently lying three feet away sunning himself and kneading the blanket, all 21 pounds of him. Siberian Gold Tabby, eight yo. Magical cats indeed, astonishingly smart and curious.

Back on topic, has the abduction theory has now gained traction and become the working theory?

One thing to consider:

Since MS was riding a fixed-gear ("fixie") bicycle, she may have been forced to make a sudden, sharp turn to avoid some sort of danger (pothole, obstruction, vehicle turning in front of her or veering off the road, etc.) due to the non-freewheeling characteristics of that type of bike. This may explain why she deviated off her usual path, or off of a path which could be reasonably expected to be the most logical one for her to take.
I don't think it was a KNOWN route home. From what I've seen, no one knows her actual usual route home, after the beginning. But it's the only left turn off St. Landry that works, and does cut to Johnston.

The only right turn that works, at least for me, is the LCG parking lot, with the cutthrough in back to Azalea.

This in a nutshell.
Putting this youtube video on this thread too so it doesn't get lost. It's a video of how strong the current is at Whiskey Bay Pilot Channel. I'm not sure if it is like this all the time or there was a specific reason for that particular day. It was mentioned on a previous thread that divers and searchers in boats were having trouble because the current was so bad the other day. Maybe someone on here can give a better insight on it.

So glad this video was posted! Is this just an example of the water in the area, or is this the specific area and bridge where the bike was found and where they are now searching for Mickey?
It's all been discussed with them ;)

A.c.i., hear me out a sec. I just looked again at the camera on the side of LCG covering the employee parking lot. I'm convinced that that camera can see onto St Landry. Its the same type of camera that captured MS. Go look at tourself if you want You can look in and see how its pointed. It would provide another view between the two known cameras. I'm wondering if LPD thought to look at it. They may have and saw nothing. But I could see how they could have overlooked looking at it. What about passing that onto them?
Idk, it's not a HUGE hospital...wasn't one of the major ones in town. Not sure if there would be a morgue there. But I am positive it was searched.
All that I going to say is that during the press conference LE stated that they were still reviewing footage and were asking other businesses to review footage they may have and will leave it at that.
then on seeing that sleuth made video of bikers route, there is a multi-story building with a bright blue stripe along the top.. and NOW we know st landry before colosseum is her last known area of travel...

Okay, I looked at my videos again, and I think you're referring to the second video, at about 1:50 in, right? If so, the part you're seeing is the emergency room area of the old Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital.
A.c.i., hear me out a sec. I just looked again at the camera on the side of LCG covering the employee parking lot. I'm convinced that that camera can see onto St Landry. Its the same type of camera that captured MS. Go look at tourself if you want You can look in and see how its pointed. It would provide another view between the two known cameras. I'm wondering if LPD thought to look at it. They may have and saw nothing. But I could see how they could have overlooked looking at it. What about passing that onto them?

Yeah I saw that camera too. I know they checked all those cameras, and tell us they saw nothing, so we just have to go by the two camera angles theyve given us.
That clown truck is a Dodge Ram...l'd bet money on it...
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - LA LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #13[/ame]

THAT'S OUR CAT! He's currently lying three feet away sunning himself and kneading the blanket, all 21 pounds of him. Siberian Gold Tabby, eight yo. Magical cats indeed, astonishingly smart and curious.

Back on topic, has the abduction theory has now gained traction and become the working theory?


the abduction theory is my only theory

We had a green eyed Mack Tabby girl and two blue eyed colourpoints (M&F). The mama of the kitten below came from Neva's Legend in Moscow. Rachmaninoff, the papa, came from Baton Rouge. =)

Back to MS:

Brashear would have been my choice, from what I can tell on Google earth. Looks like a relatively quiet residential area and the street looks broad enough that you could glide down the middle without worrying about someone jumping out. So one would think. =\
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