I'm interested in hearing it. Your posts have been excellent.
i speak bluntly and have been told i should bite my tongue more often...
when logic and reasoning have gotten you nowhere... when, if ever, is it ok to suspend logic and reasoning and come at something from a different angle?
please read this with a grain of salt...
before i came to this site, i found out about this topic on a conspiracy site. the conduct here is much more professional than there... and i will try to maintain the integrity of this topic here... while possibly going off the deep end at the same time...
If this was my daughter, i would want ALL possibilities explored... and aside from a ufo abduction or anything like that, i would listen with an open mind to about anything...
somebody from germany on this other site, very early on before anything was known, maybe saturday, somebody said something i immediately discounted as... unreliable i will say... he/she gave two locations of interest, including the area of the actual abduction/disappearance and one other.
The first place was on colosseum rd. some little metal roofed buildings where oddly enough on google maps... there is a white truck headed toward from the field.
the second was a three story building with blue pipes running along the side and one section of blue pipe appeared new...
then on seeing that sleuth made video of bikers route, there is a multi-story building with a bright blue stripe along the top.. and NOW we know st landry before colosseum is her last known area of travel...
ok, please... i don't buy into this type of thing but dang...
here is a harsh question... in the abandon hospital in that area.. were all areas inside searched? even those which require keyed access? Are there (LOOK AWAY) morgue body drawers in the basement that have been checked... possibly someplace that is easy to somebody with access to hide a body but not a bike from anybody looking?
i hope by posting this i hope have not discredited myself or this effort too much as a part of me feels out of line for posting any of it...
as a father, i KNOW she is still alive
as a critical thinker, i hope to god she is still alive
apologies ahead of time