LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #18

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I honestly can't post the pic from our text conversation bc I wouldn't do that to her. If y'all choose to drink the haterade chug it down.

I don't think it is really haterade, don't take anyone's doubt personally. This whole thing is just so darn confusing. We keep getting told different things that are in conflict, so nobody really knows what to believe.

eta: MDaisy, looks like we are on the same page. lol
Newbie who's followed from get-go but my first post. Myself, my neighbor, A.C.I., Chicken Fried and 2-3 other astute WSers could crack this case. In the words of the great immortal Vince Lombardi: "What in the hell is going on here"? If it was a hit-run, WHY would anyone stop and collect her dead body and her bike and go to Whiskey Bay? At 2 a.m. on a weekend..and probably drunk? No! They'd just "haul *advertiser censored** quickly"...use your common HORSE sense, folks!

First off, as a USL student in the 60's, I know the area on St. Landry, St. John, Cherry Street, St. Mary Blvd, Azelea, Brashear, etc. I lived there and have recently driven since MS went missing... Like today. I just don't "feel it". I really think she's STILL ALIVE but not anywhere near here, and I've been called "Devil's Advocate" and "the most negative person on Earth". Again-WHY would anyone run over her, KILL her. and pick up everything and drive to Whiskey Bay? (Duh)

What you "see" in these "Keystone Kamera Kompany" pictures are deceiving. The "Kops", in releasing these to us "idiots" could be a rouse. I don't have much confidence in local LE and jurisprudence because "it's inevitably WHO you know"...I looked at the Versailles pics (bank) and "THOUGHT" (and felt) that there was a person with a red top standing up and holding a bike with with a decimated back wheel...yes. Before she even got to St. Landry. These pictures are not clear, and in the words of forensic scientist friend Henry Lee, "somethings wrong".

Bottom line: Don't trust anyone, the pressers, the few pics they feed you... and hope for a miracle, and believe as I do, that Mickey is still alive. Fewer volunteers now at Blackham...but please don't quit on Mickey!

what i don't understand is why they are still looking in lafayette if her bike was in whiskey bay. i mean she's obviously somewhere down I10. have they searched under the mississippi river bridge on those banks?
Here is the issue I'm having with letting this picture go. I feel like it just doesn't look like the truck is connecting with the road. It looks un natural to me. I took the white line from the road and created the red line. Then I copied the red line, recolored it, and moved it down to the bottom of the back tire. You can see there is a space between where I THINK the bottom of the front tire should be, and where it actually is.

My point was the bikes lanes seem to suck. An addendum to my last post I guess.
ETA Which was:

Thanks for posting the visual, no wonder I couldn't see them. I agree with your assessment. I definitely wouldn't want to be riding in it right around "last call" on a weekend.
I can only speak for myself, but I never "quit" on any missing person, whether they are believed to be alive or dead. I want to find all the many many deceased missing people just as much as any who are miraculously still alive. The families of all missing people deserve that.

But just as some can't find a reason that someone would remove an injured or deceased person from a crime scene and hide that person, I can't think of a reasonable scenario where the abductor would keep someone alive but dump the victim's bike in a swamp.
Hi! First post! I'm a local and walk in the st. streets area just about every day. I've participated in one search day and plan to go tomorrow now that I'm off work.

It looks to me like the truck picture does show her getting run over. The darkest shadow by the wheel should be directly underneath it where it's making contact with the ground. That's not the case. The shadow under the front passenger wheel actually has a ring of light around it before the shadow gets dark indicating it's not making direct contact with the ground. If she had her tire turned, do you think she would fall sideways instead of being projected forward? I do. If so, and she got knocked over, then it seems feasible that she could have hit the ground first (possibly her backpack first, making even less noise), then her bike on top of her. If the bike was on top of her, then it seems it would have a better chance of getting caught in the undercarriage. If her backpack was on her, it also could have provided something of a cushion for her. If the funeral home does have video, then it may not even show anything amiss because she'd be part of the dark shadow under the truck. I think that would depend on the angle of the camera. I don't know anything about getting run over by a bike so I'm wondering - is it possible that she could have been dragged a little ways and survived? It seems possible in my mind, but I'm not sure if that's just because I want her to be alive so badly.

I do gobs of photo editing. In photoshop, I used the dodge tool set to 100% on the midtones of the shadow under the truck. Dodging the shadows made a big difference and it is apparent (even showing a portion of a circle that looks like a bike wheel) that something is under the truck. I don't know how to upload an image on here or I'd share!

If he was going fast enough to hit her seconds after the camera captures her alone, he was speeding. I really do doubt she could survive, she would have been knocked out instantly by the impact, and I doubt seriously that she ever woke up. The puzzling thing is no tire marks on the pavement. He would have had to hit the brakes pretty hard on impact. Just instinctively, unless of course he was drunk.


Hey Laffy, I believe you. Sometimes employers don't let all the employees know about the video cameras, that was my only thought. Other than that, I believe you talked to your friend and I believe grammi when she says that is what she heard.
Don't have much to add but if she were under the truck, the video would have caught it...
Bottom line: Don't trust anyone, the pressers, the few pics they feed you... and hope for a miracle, and believe as I do, that Mickey is still alive. Fewer volunteers now at Blackham...but please don't quit on Mickey!

If, as you say, all the information we have is bunk, how are a group a astute amateur sleuths going to crack the case?
Why is TES saying goodbye? $$$$? How could $$$ have anything to do with finding MS? grrrrrh

Tim Miller and his team of TES volunteers have spent considerable time searching for Mickey. I saw his Interview with KATC and he didn't say it was about $$$$. Please don't insinuate that it was about $$ because the fact is, they searched everywhere they could and came up empty handed for now. He is needed to help find another missing person in Meridian, MS. He publicly stated that all the Shunick's had to do was call him of he is needed again. I am so grateful (as are the Shunick's, I'm sure) that these folks came here with their drones, boats, helicopter, and sonar equipment to search for Mickey.

Edited to say: I release the thread moves so fast my post falls at an awkward time.
Here is the issue I'm having with letting this picture go. I feel like it just doesn't look like the truck is connecting with the road. It looks un natural to me. I took the white line from the road and created the red line. Then I copied the red line, recolored it, and moved it down to the bottom of the back tire. You can see there is a space between where I THINK the bottom of the front tire should be, and where it actually is.


I think there is something in the road that the truck ran over.... But I also see the same 'something' in the photo of Mickey riding her bike...
are you referring to a "booty call" (for lack of a better term)...b/c I think that is a HIGH possibility w/ the hour it was and the "excuses" she made. You would think the LE had already thought of this right away though....let's hope!

Yes, I was thinking someone else held her interest. Call it what you will. ;)
If you do that, and I really hope you do, would you get input from ACI? S/he seems to be the most knowledgeable about the whereabouts of cameras. And the other person that has three initials. E something or other?
do you mean EBR?
I wouldn't call it hater ade.... if every piece of second-hand information were true, there would have been a confession a few days ago from the '4 people' who hit her and hid the body, or the 'husband' whose wife turned him in, or 'Rocky McGee' would have been arrested and his 'damaged truck' seized.

I wouldn't take it personally that people are skeptical of second-hand information, especially when there is conflicting second-hand info.

I totally get that but I'm not one to just post wild rumors willy nilly. If I have something of importance I share it. I'm not trying to start a frenzy I'm a local and I know several people so when I share something it's not handed down threefold.
Ok, lemme see if this works.

The first one should be to the midtones of the photo dodged.

The second one should be the exposure of the camera lens increased by +1.75.

Thank you.
Here is the issue I'm having with letting this picture go. I feel like it just doesn't look like the truck is connecting with the road. It looks un natural to me. I took the white line from the road and created the red line. Then I copied the red line, recolored it, and moved it down to the bottom of the back tire. You can see there is a space between where I THINK the bottom of the front tire should be, and where it actually is.


I SWEAR that driver's side door looks OPEN!
The only mention of MS potentially riding on sidewalks is when BW said that if she'd taken W. Congress down to her Bonaire neighborhood she would have ridden on the sidewalk against the grain of traffic.

Riding sidewalks are against the law here in Texas, but if it's a choice between life and death sidewalks are my friend. I aint shamed heavy duty cycling gear and expensive bike I have been known to ride one.

I dare a cop to write me a ticket. ;) I would think any experienced rider would agree.

Here is the issue I'm having with letting this picture go. I feel like it just doesn't look like the truck is connecting with the road. It looks un natural to me. I took the white line from the road and created the red line. Then I copied the red line, recolored it, and moved it down to the bottom of the back tire. You can see there is a space between where I THINK the bottom of the front tire should be, and where it actually is.


It looks like a recently filled in pot hole to me?


If you take a look at Mickey riding her bike you can see a raised surface of sorts where the truck would be. Also I believe that's a road work sign indicating road work is being done on the road and to expect a bumpy ride? Can someone whose been down that street recently clue us in to put a rest to this...
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