LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #19

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She was taking the exact route that google maps recommends if you are on a bike. It factors bike lanes, car traffic, etc., into the route and many avid bikers use it.

Right across Congress from Parkside near the intersection with BW's house is a pretty rough neighborhood. She may have wanted to avoid that.
I guess some of you missed this post by an admin.

Emphasis is mine.

Can I extract from this that information obtained through hearsay or other non-official channels can be discussed, but must ALWAYS be prefaced by "Rumor:" or "The following is rumor"?
what i don't get is why MS wouldn't have just taken Congress St to get home. it's right there by BW's house and it's a relatively straight shot to her own house. this is what really makes me think she had another stop in mind.
She was taking the exact route that google maps recommends if you are on a bike. It factors bike lanes, car traffic, etc., into the route and many avid bikers use it.

Congress is a busy 4-lane road. I wouldn't take it on a bike late at night. All the way down Parkside would have made more sense to me. If somebody knew Parkside was her usual route, and they went that way, at some point their path would have crossed with Mickey's.
what i don't get is why MS wouldn't have just taken Congress St to get home. it's right there by BW's house and it's a relatively straight shot to her own house. this is what really makes me think she had another stop in mind.

Congress is a long, busily-trafficked street that has few to no bike lanes or sidewalks. Plus, the area where she began is not the most illuminated part of the road. Typically the neighborhoods/side streets are less-trafficked and would provide a calmer and safer ride home. Additionally, it's been stated multiple times by multiple people who know her that she's ridden that route many times before, so it was also out of a sense of familiarity.

I certainly would not want to ride my bike all the way from near Downtown to Ambassador solely on Congress, with all of the drunks speeding by (LE is notoriously soft on speeders and drunk drivers down here). I can't say for certain because I don't know Mickey but I have ridden around Lafayette on my bike at 2am and a nice, slow, solitary bike ride through the little neighborhoods around town wouldn't be the worst way to get home after a night out with friends.
I know this has been mentioned, but there are several things with this case that bother me:
-As someone else mentioned, where are the fishermen who found her bike? Fishermen are rarely tight-lipped about their catches, so why now? Why even to other fishermen? What if that's just the story we are getting when what really happened was an anonymous tip? The police just told everyone it was a fisherman when it could have been anyone including the abductor himself/herself?
-Why has nothing additional been mentioned about her cell phone calls, texts, within the last hours before her disappearance? Seems like if she knew the person who took her, then contact would have been made possibly in the last hours before she disappeared. The last text BW said she got not long before leaving his house concerns me greatly.
Then again, maybe those calls/texts are the reason the LE dismissed the Indiana police in a possible connection to Lauren.
-Why does the investigation seem at a standstill since that kid from BB got interviewed? Seems to me, a lot has fallen apart since that interview. Equusearch left the case and the Shunicks hired a PI.
-I realize the LE cannot continue to give us updates on the case, but you would think it would be in their interest to keep us engaged. They should want to have people calling things in and not forgetting about Mickey. Seems to me they are just letting the story die slowly. If they already have everything they need, this would make sense. However, last time I checked, Mickey is still missing.
-Have the LE attempted to interview people who were at the bar where she went that night? If this was a stalker, then there is a good chance he/she may have been there. Maybe if people who were there thought back to the night, they might remember someone creepy, whether watching Mickey or not.
-Who gave the LE the tip that led to them conducting the search the other night that didn't start until after dark? The sonar results would have been available to them before that time, so in my mind, it was a tip that led them out there. While the water clarity means that night or day doesn't really make a difference, but money wise, it is more expensive to conduct that type of search at night. Who was this individual whose word caused the LE to have such a huge operation in the middle of the night?
"Corporal Paul Mouton, a Lafayette Police Department spokesperson, would neither confirm nor deny that McGee was interviewed. Mouton, who sounded incensed on the phone when questioned about the report, said many people have been interviewed. No one has been identified as a suspect, he said, and no one has been arrested."

One thing that stood out to me about this report was the fact that Mouton "sounded incensed" when asked to confirm that McGee has been questioned. I have wondered if that was because he is their main suspect at this point. That would explain why LE doesn't seem interested in tracking down vehicles that were recently reported by ACI and others. Maybe, at this point, they are verifying his alibi,etc. MOO
It's Not WHAT you know but WHO you know down there in Cajun Country!
I too find the part about Mouton being incensed interesting. He could have been annoyed that Craft confirmed the leak in the first place. He could have been annoyed at the sheer amount of follow up questions he was receiving because of it. He could have been annoyed that there was a leak in the department (though to be fair, it likely came out of Breaux Bridge from friends and neighbors).

Original Article:

Follow up:
It amazes me that folks are ignoring the fact that there was a robbing crew of 4 men assaulting men & women on 05/20/2012 in the same vicinity as Mickey's route on 05/19/2012. MS had a purse & in one of the pics of her was wearing a gold chain & large gold heart pendant.

Simple Robbery Arrest Police Still Searching for 3 Suspects

Posted: May 20, 2012 4:45 PM
what i don't get is why MS wouldn't have just taken Congress St to get home. it's right there by BW's house and it's a relatively straight shot to her own house. this is what really makes me think she had another stop in mind.

She was taking the exact route that google maps recommends if you are on a bike. It factors bike lanes, car traffic, etc., into the route and many avid bikers use it.

oh, okay, thanks! i had not even considered that. despite living in chicago, i don't own a bike, so i never think about checking the bike routes from google. :D
Am I blind or am I not seeing that sentence in that link you just provided?

ETA: I found it:

Thanks. I corrected the link in my original post. Some posters earlier had commented that LE didn't seem interested in tracking down their recent tips regarding the VOI. That made me wonder if it's because they already have a particular vehicle/suspect in mind. Of course, Mouton could have been "incensed" for any number of reasons. IMO
It amazes me that folks are ignoring the fact that there was a robbing crew of 4 men violently assaulting men & women on 05/20/2012 in the same vicinity as Mickey's route on 05/19/2012. MS had a purse & in one of the pics of her was wearing a gold chain & large gold heart pendant. Not sure if she was wearing the gold chain that night, but prolly had her purse. What I am sure of is that the 4 men were sadistic & more than likely psychopaths.

'As officers began to look for the suspects they observed 4 black males punching and kicking a 36 year old female victim on the ground'.

Simple Robbery Arrest Police Still Searching for 3 Suspects

Posted: May 20, 2012 4:45 PM
It amazes me that folks are ignoring the fact that there was a robbing crew of 4 men assaulting men & women on 05/20/2012 in the same vicinity as Mickey's route on 05/19/2012. MS had a purse & in one of the pics of her was wearing a gold chain & large gold heart pendant.

Simple Robbery Arrest Police Still Searching for 3 Suspects

Posted: May 20, 2012 4:45 PM

My naïveté is showing: Is it common for simple robbers to become killers/kidnappers, etc?
It amazes me that folks are ignoring the fact that there was a robbing crew of 4 men assaulting men & women on 05/20/2012 in the same vicinity as Mickey's route on 05/19/2012. MS had a purse & in one of the pics of her was wearing a gold chain & large gold heart pendant.

Simple Robbery Arrest Police Still Searching for 3 Suspects

Posted: May 20, 2012 4:45 PM

I'll tackle this, foxfire.

Even though the downtown area (Jefferson St) is in close proximity to her route, I tend to think the two are probably not related. Downtown Lafayette is in many ways like what you see on Bourbon St in New Orleans, just on a smaller scale. There's very limited parking, though, so partiers downtown generally have to park on the outlying streets from the main drag (which is Jefferson St.). That makes them targets. There's been a recent upswing in the assaults downtown precisely because that area is so target-rich. But, IMO, it's mostly restricted to that specific area.
I know this has been mentioned, but there are several things with this case that bother me:
-As someone else mentioned, where are the fishermen who found her bike? Fishermen are rarely tight-lipped about their catches, so why now? Why even to other fishermen? What if that's just the story we are getting when what really happened was an anonymous tip? The police just told everyone it was a fisherman when it could have been anyone including the abductor himself/herself?
-Why has nothing additional been mentioned about her cell phone calls, texts, within the last hours before her disappearance? Seems like if she knew the person who took her, then contact would have been made possibly in the last hours before she disappeared. The last text BW said she got not long before leaving his house concerns me greatly.
Then again, maybe those calls/texts are the reason the LE dismissed the Indiana police in a possible connection to Lauren.
-Why does the investigation seem at a standstill since that kid from BB got interviewed? Seems to me, a lot has fallen apart since that interview. Equusearch left the case and the Shunicks hired a PI.
-I realize the LE cannot continue to give us updates on the case, but you would think it would be in their interest to keep us engaged. They should want to have people calling things in and not forgetting about Mickey. Seems to me they are just letting the story die slowly. If they already have everything they need, this would make sense. However, last time I checked, Mickey is still missing.
-Have the LE attempted to interview people who were at the bar where she went that night? If this was a stalker, then there is a good chance he/she may have been there. Maybe if people who were there thought back to the night, they might remember someone creepy, whether watching Mickey or not.
-Who gave the LE the tip that led to them conducting the search the other night that didn't start until after dark? The sonar results would have been available to them before that time, so in my mind, it was a tip that led them out there. While the water clarity means that night or day doesn't really make a difference, but money wise, it is more expensive to conduct that type of search at night. Who was this individual whose word caused the LE to have such a huge operation in the middle of the night?
I'm going to take these one by one and play a little Devil's Advocate :)

1) It does not matter to me if fisherman found the bike or if LE was using that as good catch-all so that they didn't have to show their hand.

2) Why would LE release information about this text without needing input from the public? This isn't just about finding Mickey. It's first and foremost about finding her, but IMO and IME they also have to protect the integrity of the investigation for if and when it goes to trial. It's not Lafayette Police Department's fault that this is the way it is. Law Enforcement is typically tight lipped in all cases unless they need the public's assistance.

3) IMO The case seems to be at a standstill because of what I said in #2. LPD is doing their job. We cannot assume that just because we aren't hearing anything that things are "falling apart". I know we all want Mickey home and it's an awful situation. But things like this sometimes take a very long time to come together.

Texas EquuSearch did not "leave the case". They moved on to another case in Mississippi and they will be back if and when there is reason to be. They've laid an excellent foundation of how to search areas and were extremely valuable. Tim Miller cannot stay in one place too long because there are always new cases that are just as deserving of TES resources.

4) How do you know they don't have everything they need? Would you expect them to tell us that if this were the case? I'm not saying that your point isn't ultimately true, but at this point IMO it's unsubstantiated.

5) I am certain that LE is on top of this case. Lest you worry about LPD, the FBI is involved as well. IMO, There is no evidence thus far that they are not doing a standup job. Lack of information on day 14 is not evidence of that fact.

6) How do we know it was a tip? Are we privy to the exact times that TES was using sonar in the water? Obviously there was reason enough for them to use those resources at night. Based on what was going on there, I honestly think they were expecting to find a body. :(
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