LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #19

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Let me look at where those streets are, I'm still stunned and looking at the pictures in a row that Artis put up.

I didn't post those, just agreed with the sequence.
Well my bike has a basket because I am a 38 year old mother...when we get on our bikes I put my phone in a bag in my basket. I would never hold it, but I have two small children to watch. I think the most logical place would be her backpack. My older daughter puts her phone in her basket in a small Vera Bradley hipster I believe its called. It's a cross body so she also wears it sometimes while riding. She's 12 though so far from MS age.

Edited to add..I am 38, but I still wear skinny jeans. No matter what I am wearing though I would never put my phone (iPhone) in my pocket and never have. That said neither my daughter or I have ever rode bikes in jeans....and we ride all the time as a family, but more comfy clothes.

I just turned 60 and I still wear skinny jeans. I keep my phone in my pocket or in a funky round-the-neck pouch I bought at a charity bazaar.
I just turned 60 and I still wear skinny jeans. I keep my phone in my pocket or in a funky round-the-neck pouch I bought at a charity bazaar.

If I wore skinny jeans my legs would shrivel up and fall off!
i wonder if taking DNA samples of everyone and putting them into a database, kind of like getting a social security card, would help to bring crime levels down. this way, you know that if your DNA is found, then you will be found. i guess that would go against freedom though, making DNA samples mandatory.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
I think that's accurate. I've never been clear on the supposed absence of cell phone/tower data.

Between the vague LE statements and the sister's insistence that those phones never die....there's something there that we can't see.

I know nothing of these phones, but couldn't the battery be removed?
The road to Lake Martin is off of the Breaux Bridge Highway (ie: Carmel Drive), which is the "back way" to Breaux Bridge to avoid getting on I-10.


Anyway, just an angle I'm pursuing.
I know someone who keeps their phone in their bra and I promise you that I will never ask to borrow it. :floorlaugh:

Ok...I just had to try...and it wasn't pretty :floorlaugh:
I know I'm repeating myself, but I genuinely believe that the time her phone stopped transmitting can be narrowed down, if not pinpointed.

Yes it can.

For those of you that followed the Zahra Baker case they actually triangulated the cell phone pings (must be done between 3 towers) and it gives quite an accurate location.

Not as good as GPS but pretty close.
Wow...i've never seen that :floorlaugh:

Me neither! Seems that might work with a smaller phone. But a smartphone, I can't imagine.

Now, that IS a common place for women to store their money. I have gotten wads of sweaty cash handed to me when I waited tables, straight out of their shirts.
i wonder if taking DNA samples of everyone and putting them into a database, kind of like getting a social security card, would help to bring crime levels down. this way, you know that if your DNA is found, then you will be found. i guess that would go against freedom though, making DNA samples mandatory.

I dont think so. As it is, majority of people who commit these crimes are repeat offenders with felony arrests, thus already have their DNA on file....and it doesnt stop them from doing it again.
I just turned 60 and I still wear skinny jeans. I keep my phone in my pocket or in a funky round-the-neck pouch I bought at a charity bazaar.

I don't doubt some people do..I guess I don't find it comfortable in my pocket? Or never a need I guess I always have somewhere else I can put it I guess because i have never put a phone in my pocket. My phone is big too though....and before the iPhone very dated phones that were also huge lol. I also tend to wear tighter jeans :eek:..can't imagine putting anything in my pocket:floorlaugh:
That was one map showing Lake martin. Are the other places the same?

All 3 should be on there. A, B, and C.

You might have to zoom in or out depending on how it came up for you. HTH
Artis, that picture of the white truck on University is going by there with a time stamp of 1:51am. So, could that still BE our truck?

The officer on the phone told me that truck is the one that's been eliminated. I can only repeat what he told me. When they said that they eliminated the 'older model truck with the bed cover", that truck looks older, to me. AGian, though, it's about what the officer said. Maybe he's mistaken. I have no way of knowing. All I know is that the pics by Circle K look the same to me.
The perp hit the phone with a hard object and broke it.

Thanks chicken fried. Have been following many of your posts. I know you know what you're talking about. Keep up the good work. Everyone is working hard to get her back safely.
We've been told that only a smart phone can be pinged when off and Mickey's phone is not a smart phone. Someone I know with .gov connections told me that's not entirely true and that NSA has it's ways. I don't know if that's true but I think if they could track her phone that it would have been found. Not that LE would reveal it if they had.

Her phone was most likely on when she left Brettly's house, so couldn't they have pinged/tracked it all the way until she disappeared (assuming that's when her phone was cut off)?
Sorry to keep wondering about the phone. I'm just trying to understand why they couldn't track it even though it wasnt a smart phone. Non smart phones can't be tracked at all? Even when on?

This also makes me think, (and this is just my opinion), that this was planned by someone she knew somewhat. Not very well. They knew she didn't have a smartphone so they knew she eoukd not be able to get tracked (also the fact that he/she knew to cut her phone off right away) and also how they knew where to abduct her without getting caught on camera. I believe that ditching her bike where they did was to throw everyone off.
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