LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #21

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I agree with no. 2. If perp lives nearby, he wouldn't want the bike found in his neighborhood. The other possibility is the bike being necessary to lure MS into the vehicle.

I've always thought this. I know I would not leave my bike, it means freedom to me. To her it was a means to get away at some point.

You know why this makes no sense, the perp knows area like the back of his hand etc? There is way better areas, with less foot traffic(local fisherman from bank) inside that wildlife management area that would make a lot more sense then dumping it there. I can bring you into areas of that WMA that might see 3 people a year, with swamps, rivers etc. Trust me the local hunters know this also. And if it were local fisherman, he would of headed south of I10 by boat and dumper in the vast swamp area

Many of us who have followed a lot of these sad cases know that perps often don't do what makes sense to normal people. In Sierra LaMar's case in CA, the alleged/accused perp is a lifelong resident of the town, but he left Sierra's phone and purse in plain sight pretty much wthin the town. Would it have made more sense for him to dump her stuff in the SF Bay or a Dumpster? Probably, but that's not what he did.

That's just one example of many.
While our pace of posting has slowed, interest in Mickey's case has not: 98 menbers and 81 guests right now. And as always we hope the guests will join WS.
I'm going to make a map now.

But I'm sorry - I'm not gonna play ball here. Until someone posts a source for the 100-yd. thing, I'm staying with the reporter on the scene that said in a personal e-mail to me after viewing my Whiskey Bay map, that the bike was DIRECTLY UNDER THE BASIN BRIDGE.

I'm saying that I have 3-of-a-kind - now trump my source/

I deleted my post with the old map. I gather Mamamia also deleted her post. You might want to edit your reply to me (7:52 pm) to remove the image from that as well. We can nip this in the bud.
Jut thinking of the damage to the rear of the bike, which SEEMS to indicate it being hit...but isn't verified in any way.

Unless it was damaged when they dumped it.

I'm feeling like focusing on the vehicle caused me to miss something. Perp on foot might not be that something, but I don't think I can stick with vehicle involvement.

I dunno. I'm just chasing my tail.
Many of us who have followed a lot of these sad cases know that perps often don't do what makes sense to normal people. In Sierra LaMar's case in CA, the alleged/accused perp is a lifelong resident of the town, but he left Sierra's phone and purse in plain sight pretty much wthin the town. Would it have made more sense for him to dump her stuff in the SF Bay or a Dumpster? Probably, but that's not what he did.

That's just one example of many.

Thats the kicker to all this, we are normal and as such cant totally fathom what it takes to do any of these theorys.
Unless it was damaged when they dumped it.

I'm feeling like focusing on the vehicle caused me to miss something. Perp on foot might not be that something, but I don't think I can stick with vehicle involvement.

I dunno. I'm just chasing my tail.

A perp on foot can deff take you off a bike and possibly knock you out very easily. The onlything he/she would have to be infont of there house or a dwelling, or they vehicle very near by to have a chance of a clean escape with little chance of being scene
i accidentally stepped out in front of a cyclist before and it was not pretty. he hit the pavement hard.

so i guess someone could have been lurking in the shadows waiting for her to ride by...but this would have to be a stalker, no?
or maybe an opportunistic criminal?
A perp on foot can deff take you off a bike and possibly knock you out very easily. The onlything he/she would have to be infont of there house or a dwelling, or they vehicle very near by to have a chance of a clean escape with little chance of being scene

That's definitely what I'm thinking.
Im out, wife is getting mad im spending to much time on this, hubby time I guess see yall later
i accidentally stepped out in front of a cyclist before and it was not pretty. he hit the pavement hard.

so i guess someone could have been lurking in the shadows waiting for her to ride by...but this would have to be a stalker, no?
or maybe an opportunistic criminal?

Could be a planned, targeted attack or a planned, victim of opportunity attack.
I guess I'll keep saying this until someone slaps me

Perp on foot? Drop the bike after the grab or whatever horrendous thing occurred.

Someone who lives in the neighborhood wouldn't have much difficulty blending into the night. No one knew she was missing for a whole day.

Have you ever accidentally stepped out in front of a bicyclist? It seems like a very effective way to rapidly disorient, confuse and instill fear. And it's as easy as taking a single step.

Step out, grab, walk the bike into the bushes with one hand.

Does it absolutely have to have been a vehicle?

If I missed a valuable confirmation of vehicle involvement, kindly disregard the above nonsense.

Not impossible (especially with two perps) but improbable, imo. I don't know the average cruising speed of someone on a bike (someone suggested 15 mph) but stepping in front of them would be messy. They would most likely crash into you or maybe serve and scream. If it happened that way, you know she would have screamed and fought and that would run the risk of attracting attention. I kind of lean toward two guys in a vehicle for that reason.
That was my thought. Broken bones or visceral damage wouldn't leave anything behind.

I once had a closed head skull fracture, was hospitalized for over a week. No external signs of injury.

I was hit by a speeding motorcycle from the side when I was 13. I did not have a scratch. I hit the pavement and had a head injury. I was not wearing a helmet. I was knocked out cold for an unknown amount of time. When I came to, I was unaware anything had happened. I was confused and out of it, and I could easily see how this could have happened to her.

She may have thought her attacker was a good guy who was coming to her aid, or perhaps she suffered a more severe brain injury than I did at 13.

Brain injuries are tricky things. Sometimes they kill ( usually days later) or sometimes they just do what mine did offer neurological surprises many, many, years later. Other times, they cause instant amnesia.

Maybe she is alive and does not even know who she is, and believes her current status

to be her life.
Mickie's family, who have likely or for certain seen her bike, have spoken about an that makes me think the damage to the bike matches being hit by a car, whether it was an accident or deliberate. So I do think a vehicle was involved.

See, I took her family's statements differently. When her mother spoke
of it being a terrible accident and all that, I felt like they were trying to give the perp an out.
I'm not saying you are wrong at all. I just felt like they want it to be an accident because that is less terrible than the other alternative.
While our pace of posting has slowed, interest in Mickey's case has not: 98 menbers and 81 guests right now. And as always we hope the guests will join WS.

I'm a guest/member that's been following this forum religously. As a Laffy native, this hits so close to home and has been a very emotional situation. Praying for the family, rosaries for Mickey, fear of someone with ill intent, the other serial cases, the drama among LPD, etc. It's too much! I find some relief from anxiety reading this forum and very thankful to all of those outside of Lafayette who are dedicating their time and have not lost interest in finding Mickey for us. Blessings, FB
You know why this makes no sense, the perp knows area like the back of his hand etc? There is way better areas, with less foot traffic(local fisherman from bank) inside that wildlife management area that would make a lot more sense then dumping it there. I can bring you into areas of that WMA that might see 3 people a year, with swamps, rivers etc. Trust me the local hunters know this also. And if it were local fisherman, he would of headed south of I10 by boat and dumper in the vast swamp area

I agree. Knowing the vast swampland around all of Acadiana, I could think of several other places to dump the bike without it ever being found. Whiskey Bay seems almost cliche to me. I feel like it was someone who is local but not
familiar with the basin, they just dumped the bike there because... It's expected? I don't know how to describe it. I know another poster has said this before- when you ask anyone where they would get rid of something, the answer mostly given is WB but seriously, there are 100's of other places you could hide something that would really never be found, if you truly know Acadiana.
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