LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #21

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There is so much speculation and hearsay here. I personally prefer to stick to the facts.

I live in NY, young and dating during Son of Sam. It was a very scary time.
What the media and LE released were far from truth. MSM will put out info that they are required to. IMO.

Truth vs publicity:
I won't post links, do the research Maury Terry author, "The Ultimate Evil".

Truth is, no one knows what really happened to Mickey.
Please don't get caught up in the white truck and cam stuff. LE all ready has all that, and I suspect a lot more.

They will not tip their hand. They are looking for the perp.
It may be political.

They recovered the bike with clues.
They have spoken with witnesses and POI.

The fact the bike was dumped where it was speaks volumes.
My feeling is- searches need to be done in the local area.
Just my 2 cents.

The alternative is that the bike dump was a ruse, or the first place to get rid of it that came to mind... if she is still here in town.
I was young when Ted Bundy was out doing HIS thing. Colored my red hair, blonde to attempt to escape his wrath, where does it end???????

It ends with the truth.

I appreciate your comment, but mine went way deeper.
The thing is, if the body was dumped at WB, that river has one heck of a current, dont know exact speed, but it is veryyyyyyyyy swift, and with a 2 week lead, that body could and would be wayyyyyyyyyy down the bayou by now, miles, even the Gulf Of Mexico easily

Whiskey Bay is not swift! People keep alluding to the 2011 YouTube video that showed swift waters as a result of epic levels of rain and snow melt. These are not normal conditions.

Have you actually been out there, I have used the WB exit a 1000 times in my life to cut from I10 to old 190 going to rigs, have fished under that exit atleast 10 times( takes ton of weight to keep line where you want it), the water is always churning and rolling. I have never scene that river ever be calm or placid in my life
There is so much speculation and hearsay here. I personally prefer to stick to the facts.

I live in NY, young and dating during Son of Sam. It was a very scary time.
What the media and LE released were far from truth. MSM will put out info that they are required to. IMO.

Truth vs publicity:
I won't post links, do the research Maury Terry author, "The Ultimate Evil".

Truth is, no one knows what really happened to Mickey.
Please don't get caught up in the white truck and cam stuff. LE all ready has all that, and I suspect a lot more.

They will not tip their hand. They are looking for the perp.
It may be political.

They recovered the bike with clues.
They have spoken with witnesses and POI.

The fact the bike was dumped where it was speaks volumes.
My feeling is- searches need to be done in the local area.
Just my 2 cents.

As an old reformed hippie, we feared Orwellian police states. That being said, I never thought we'd end up as the unsafe society we are now. I grew up in Tremé, was an anthro major & thought I was invincible-the fearless archaeologist. It has all changed, & sadly, not for better. We are, as someone said, going in circles, biting our own a___.

Guess, history repeats itself, unless we can learn from our predecessors, huh?
Ironic that you are an anthropology major too, Donamena.
Both Lauren Spierer's and Mickey Schunick both are/were anthro majors.

1,100-year-old Mayan ruins found in North Georgia
Well since I seem to be breaking the rules more often than not ( and quite innocently I may add) I'm going tend to real life.
Have you actually been out there, I have used the WB exit a 1000 times in my life to cut from I10 to old 190 going to rigs, have fished under that exit atleast 10 times( takes ton of weight to keep line where you want it), the water is always churning and rolling. I have never scene that river ever be calm or placid in my life

Were you fishing from boat? What HP motor do you need for the Pilot Channel to make progress against the current?
They never completely stopped searching there. They just scaled back the man power there to spread them elsewhere. Wildlife and fisheries and few LEO's were still searching yesterday.

They are also sending regular volunteer crews out there by foot, ATV and boat - the current was too strong for them to jump in and search with the sonar the day the bike was found but that was from a major rain if I recall correctly - the current has been slow and water level has been down. If the bike showed up at the side, other objects - yes, including a body - could easily make it to shore as well. FWIW I don't think a Whiskey Bay exit camera would have helped much in this case - we do have cameras that are facing the exits and down the interstate, just not off the exit. I don't see how someone got off at that exit and threw the bike in the water from there - its been the main thought on my mind each time we've been out there - how the heck did the bike get there...but then again there have been conflicting reports on where the bike was found.
Just some facts on the Atchafalaya River, it catchs 100% of the Red River and diverts at min 30% of the Mississippi River down it(thats not in flood times), now anyone that calls this river calm, lacking of great current is crazy
Ironic that you are an anthropology major too, Donamena.
Both Lauren Spierer's and Mickey Schunick both are/were anthro majors.

I see people here saying that, but everything I've read about Lauren says she is/was a fashion major?
My heart is hurting today for Mickey...and for her parents and siblings. In a matter of seconds, life changes.

Come home, Mickey...wherever you are....
Were you fishing from boat? What HP motor do you need for the Pilot Channel to make progress against the current?

No never from a boat, always under the bridge at the WB exit, right where I assume they found the bike. As far as HP it all depends on boat more than the motor. Light Aluminum boat, or fiberglass?
Has there been any more information released about the VOI? Just wondering because I came across this comment on a news article. If anybody saw the show the comment is referencing, I'd like to know what all was said about the VOI. Thanks.


They were referring to the white truck now driven by McGee - but he has been cleared and it was not the same as the white trucks we see in the videos anyway. I saw that segment on Fox News as well - they were trying to link something that isn't there. They also keep going back to the first woman saying she accepted a ride from a white truck and he offered her $ for sex - but that also went nowhere because it was a different white truck as well, definitely not one seen in our pics. No other info about the VOI has been least not yet.
They never completely stopped searching there. They just scaled back the man power there to spread them elsewhere. Wildlife and fisheries and few LEO's were still searching yesterday.

Do you think its possible that she is still alive and being held captive or does LE believe she is most likely deceased? I hate to even mention that
Red By Me

There is so much speculation and hearsay here. I personally prefer to stick to the facts. IMO, I call it brainstorming...trying to come up with scenarios that hit the nail on the head...

I live in NY, young and dating during Son of Sam. It was a very scary time.
What the media and LE released were far from truth. MSM will put out info that they are required to. IMO. Required by who, (whom?)?

Truth vs publicity:
I won't post links, do the research Maury Terry author, "The Ultimate Evil".

Truth is, no one knows what really happened to Mickey.
Please don't get caught up in the white truck and cam stuff. LE all ready has all that, and I suspect a lot more. I agree.

They will not tip their hand. They are looking for the perp.
It may be political. BBM: Political? In what way?

They recovered the bike with clues. The clue being the tip that someone found it, or are you saying there was no tip...and LE found it on their own?
They have spoken with witnesses and POI. Have they named a POI?

The fact the bike was dumped where it was speaks volumes. I am sure it does, but I don't know what exactly, sure wish I did!
My feeling is- searches need to be done in the local area. Local area being around Whiskey Bay or around where she way last seen riding?
Just my 2 cents.
The alternative is that the bike dump was a ruse, or the first place to get rid of it that came to mind... if she is still here in town.

My instincts tell me this was a lone perp, or something else.

If something else, then it goes very deep.

Again, just my 2 cents.
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