LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #25

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For those who think that the antiquated Silence & Missinformation Strategy by LE in abducted/missing persons investigations is due to protecting the integrity of the investigation, please read:

Bringing Adam Home: The Abduction That Changed America

by Les Standiford, and retired Miami/Dade Homicide Detective Joe Matthews

Standiford and Matthews deliver a harrowing account of the 1981 abduction and murder of six-year-old Adam Walsh, in Hollywood, Florida, a crime that went unsolved for a quarter of a century and forever changed America.

'Seems that film taken of luminol tests results taken of confessed serial killer Otis Toole's auto, sat on the shelves at FDLE for over 25 years - 'Undeloped'...due to perceived hypothesis...

Walsh himself has credited Matthews as having solved the case, and the ... book, something Matthews and Standiford compare to the Shroud of Turin. ... proof that Toole is the killer: 'an outline of Adam Walsh's face in Luminol on the floorboard of Toole's auto..
The article states that the information was turned over to both the Lafayette Police Dept as well as the local Police Dept. in Texas. I am sure that the plates are being run or have been run on this vehicle. I must admit that I am seriously hoping that this article is legit and that this is the DWTIQ that has been taunting us for the last few weeks! If this is the truck in question, this would be a HUGE break in the case! We would now have a registered owner and something to go on!

If this would be the vehicle LE is searching for, I hope that the license plates have not been switched numerous times.
Also makes me wonder about help because if you abandon a vehicle, unless you're hitchhiking, you need a ride.
Hoping that the license plates have not been switched numerous times.

IMO, it would not be unreasonable to concude that the tags & truck used by Mickey Schunick abductor/s were stolen.
From pictures Artmosphere looks to be a smallish place - not a huge venue. Is the band out of New Orleans?

The band was Feu Follet, a local band who's made the bigtime (best new cajun band, somethingortheother), coming home to play a local venue. They're hugely popular in Lafayette. The additional draw was that Rolling Stone mag was there to cover it.

It *is* a small venue but very popular with the hipster crowd. I would imagine it would have been jam-packed that night.
Im still confused about the condition of Mickeys bike...

IMO...theres a big jump between "mangled", and a damaged rim and tire.

Shunick’s bicycle was found on May 30 badly mangled under a bridge about 30 minutes from the spot where she disappeared. At the time, police suggested that she may have been hit by a car.

Hell...Ive DESTROYED several rims and tires just jumpin curbs...and the neighbors dog house,in my younger days.

Like it's tabloid sister, The Huffington Post, The Daily Mail is a trash operation. They simply made up that "mangled" information.
They found Holly?

No, audie, at least not that we know of. The previous post was misinterpreted & corrected. The TBI's silence in Holly Bobo's case has caused much confusion and a lack of results, IMO. The TBI's media management strategy is Silence & Missinformation.

And the consequencies are:

'America's silent disaster:' Mysteries of the missing

FBI: More than 1,100 'active' missing-persons cases in Tennessee; exact number unknown
By Jim Balloch

Posted June 28, 2009 at midnight
Seriously, is this too far-fetched for ya'll?

What if we have a baby SK type with a taste for it, comes in from NO, hangs out at Artmosphere, decides to take someone local, returns to N.O. and repeats there.

It would explain the lack of anyone coming forward re the white truck, if he were back in N.O.

No, not too far-fetched but what is the likelihood that the perp would hang around and wait while MS rode her bike over to BW's house, drove over to Taco Bell and drove back to BW's house, then left BW's on her bike. How would the perp know she would be coming back to BW's and then would be leaving again to begin with if he was a stranger perp/serial killer? The scenario before MS began her bike ride home was pretty cumbersome imo for a stranger perp to have spotted her at Artmosphere and then continued to keep his focus on her after she got on a bike along with a male friend and began riding away.

Usually they lure the victim in or it's a quick random attack.

We know there are cameras at Artmosphere (that's how they know the time MS entered and left there) along with video that was taken by the band - they said it like that, 'the band'. Do they mean a representative of the band or a band member took it while they were on break? They mentioned specifically that the video was taken on the back patio area at Artmosphere.
IMO, it would not be unreasonable to concude that the tags & truck used by Mickey Schunick abductor/s were stolen.

Right, but I'd rather not jump to such a conclusion just yet.

First let's find the owner, who, by the way, has STILL not come forward. IF the truck was in fact stolen from its owner, you would THINK he would at least report the theft...?!
Right, but I'd rather not jump to such a conclusion just yet.

First let's find the owner, who, by the way, has STILL not come forward. IF the truck was in fact stolen from its owner, you would THINK he would at least report the theft...?!

Still here lurking and now lurking on other threads too. So many people, almost all strangers to you WS, that have not been allowed to be forgotten. Now they will occupy my heart too.

Mickey is out there and as long as it takes I for one will never let it go. Keep looking at what we have, don't give up and don't let the frustration of so little confusing information get to you. People like me are so thankful for you all.
Nothing new today and only one day to go! Sad!
I am still thinking random, except for the lack of any evidence at whatever spot she was taken...that sort of implies possible willingness, as though maybe she was invited someplace on the spur of the moment and agreed to go. But unlikely, if she tired, not feeling great, it was late, etc...

It is hard to picture a quick strike of multiple perps, scooping up Mickey and her bike, yet it seems as though this is probably what happened. Knock her down with the vehicle, jump out and grab her before she can get up, and another guy grabs her bike and throws it into the (probable) truck. And all out of range of any cameras or witnesses.
Just to clear things up, I ran the plates on the abandoned white truck and found out what the deal is. It's absolutely nothing. Nothing suspicious going on and not related in any way shape or form.
Right, but I'd rather not jump to such a conclusion just yet.

First let's find the owner, who, by the way, has STILL not come forward. IF the truck was in fact stolen from its owner, you would THINK he would at least report the theft...?!

If he/she knew about Mickey Schunick's case. I-10 runs for 3,000 miles. Everyone doesn't keep up with current events or watch MSM.
Linkage Blindness is a common issue in missing persons investigations. The left hand of LE doesn't know what the right hand is doing(communication). Predators thrive off this weakness.. This is why they cross jurisdictions to dispose of the victims personal items, evidence; bikes, etc.

With FBI VICAP resources, etc. you'd think running a check of stolen vehicles would be priority...
Just to clear things up, I ran the plates on the abandoned white truck and found out what the deal is. It's absolutely nothing. Nothing suspicious going on and not related in any way shape or form.


How incredibly frustrating... Maybe we're just grasping at straws now.
I see the stolen bike as someone messing with BW, like 'you're on my radar and I can get to you anytime I want.'

I just don't know what to think. Someone found the bike in a bush in a graveyard? Or was it found by someone who turned it into LE and then the cop went through the bike club facebook to contact the owner?
Was the bike registered?
Was it advertised found on FB or did they already know whose bike it was?
BW went to pick it up at the station so somebody must have brought it there from out under the bush.

Someone could have taken the bike (from his backyard or where?), was riding it down the street, saw a cop coming before he got too far out of the neighborhood, so ditched it in the nearest bush and stayed there until the cop passed and continued on foot.

Are young people around there known for sending subliminal messages of things to come? Has BW expressed concern that the bike incident could be connected to MS's disappearance? Is it too late to dust the bike for prints?

Now wait, did someone already say this? Was there a bike ride/event coming up the following day or soon where whoever took BW's bike wanted BW to stay behind with the hope that only MS would show up to ride?
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