LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #27

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No wonder I can't find a man! :please:

Looks like it's time to pack up and move to Alaska where, "the odds are good, but the goods are odd." ha ha

A little less OT:
For all you Louisiana do you say Louisiana? I grew up in East Texas and used to live in Shreveport and have always said Lose-E-ana.

But it seems as a lot of people from Louisiana say La-weezy-ana.
LPD Chief Address Recent Allegations -

That's the only news that came up on Google search for Mickey in for past 24 hours...

'Thanx for sharing, OldSteve'..

While I agree with the Chief that it is sad that their dirty landry is being aired out in public. Transparency is necessary to insure the safety of the citizens.
Public Safety is very important to us all. Without safety for our families we have nothing.

Can't believe Chief Craft attacked the media for airing this story. Not a very smart move, imo. Brings to mind the old saying:

“Never pick a fight with a man who buys ink by the barrel and paper by the ton.”

'Or, since the age of the internet' :

•Never pick a fight with someone who buys their bandwidth by the gigabyte. (From Darrell Patrick)
•Never pick a fight with someone who gets more than a million uniques a month (From Lewis)
•Never pick a fight with someone who has a black belt in SEO techniques (Lewis)
•Never pick a fight with someone who has more than 500,000 Twitter followers (Lewis)
•Never pick a fight with someone who has a camera and a Twitter following
•Never pick a fight with someone who collectively goes by Anonymous
•Never pick a fight with someone who knows how to use the Internet better than you
•Never pick a fight with someone who isn’t above hacking into your voicemail for a scoop
•Never pick a fight with someone who has compromising photos, video or audio you

•Never pick a fight with someone who has access to Google to prove you wrong immediately
Regarding how safe Lafayette is, the crime rate in 2010 (per 100,000 residents was) 490.1

US Average: 319.1
New York City: 243.6

Also, I find it kind of "funny" how there were so many posts about how Katrina refugees are ruining the city...and now there are all these posts talking about how safe and nice Lafayette is. Which one is it?

Violent Crimes in Lafayette did indeed increase after Katrina; in fact, they spiked:


Something of interest as well is the statistic which shows distribution (geographical) of (all) crimes:

Clearly locals who know these areas understand why some areas are blue, and others are white(ish).

Thank you and if I presented a different take on things and made some people more aware of what MS's bike journey looks like to an "outsider" and they are more safety-oriented because of it, then I've done my good deed.

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here but my point was that you didn't paint an acurrate picture for an outsider. Simply put: You are not qualified to enlighten people about Lafayette because you -again- have never been here and based your little expose about lack of jobs, gangs, drugs and shacks on a google maps screen shot. Don't get me is great to hear another perspective, but how about from an outsider who has actually been here? Lafayette isn't perfect and of course has it's share of crime like anywhere else....but if we are going to convince people to think about safety, let's use correct information.:deadhorse:
A little less OT:
For all you Louisiana do you say Louisiana? I grew up in East Texas and used to live in Shreveport and have always said Lose-E-ana.

But it seems as a lot of people from Louisiana say La-weezy-ana.


Or, try this:

Louise E. Anna

Undated article about human remains being found in Henderson County near Tool.
The articles feel between other articles dated June 5th and 6th.

That's Texas. Louisiana doesn't have counties. Unless you think they may have taken MS there?

Yikes! When I saw Henderson along I-10 east of Lafayette, I thought oh no! I hadn't noticed the location was in Texas because all the other articles have to do with LA. Also, as a local would know, the county versus parish indicator didn't stand out to me.
Thanks for catching my error so soon - so I don't cause false fear or hope, however one would look at it.
As a firm believer in 2nd amendment rights, avid hunter, etc., sadly in many, if not most abduction cases, as is indicated in Mickey Schunick's case, a weapon more than likely wouldn't have prevented her abduction. The first order of business of a predator is to disable the victim and gain compliance/control of them utilizing the element of surprise & a well preplanned attack in most cases.

This is kind of how I feel. My husband wants me to conceal, but I don't feel at ease doing so b/c I always have children with me. Yes I know the point of classes are to get comfortable and all, and maybe that will help tremendously, but still I think, if I ever find myself in a situation I will probably just be so stunned and shocked and totally forget everything I know. Obviously on-body carrying would be the most effective method but honestly I can't see doing that everyday for the rest of my life. If you have a weapon in your purse and some bozo comes along and snatches your purse, then what? It's not doing you a whole lot of good now is it? I actually don't carry a purse, just a diaper bag, and kids are constantly digging it in for toys, candy, crayons. I don't want them touching a weapon by mistake.

We can wish all we want that the world still was safe enough to NOT need to worry about what form of protection to carry and how (if it ever even was safe enough) but the truth is, it's not. What happened to MS could happen to anyone. Even if we think we don't put ourselves in harm's way, even if we don't ride bikes alone at 2am...someone could be hanging out in your backseat and as soon as you get in your car, bam! there they are with a gun to your head. It could happen. And while we try not to dwell on that, anyone who thinks it's can't/won't, is just in denial.

I love Acadiana (Lafayette and surrounding areas), even if it's not as safe as it used to be...and I still consider it fairly safe although I was shocked to see our crime rate higher than NYC, even with the books being cooked?! I need to check into that some more to be sure b/c I just can't believe it. I can only hope that the way our community came together for MS displays the same way it will come together to prevent this from becoming the norm.

eta: Ok so this comparision is not focused solely on violent crimes, that may make a bit of a difference.
Not the same as Henderson, Louisiana.

Still, human remains found recently.
There was talk of a white truck being looked at in Texas that may have something to do with MS's disappearance. I think it's been debunked as having to do with MS but I'm still interested to know whose remains have been found in Texas considering all the people there are who are missing.
Yikes! When I saw Henderson along I-10 east of Lafayette, I thought oh no! I hadn't noticed the location was in Texas because all the other articles have to do with LA. Also, as a local would know, the county versus parish indicator didn't stand out to me.
That's for catching that soon - so I don't cause false fear or hope, however one would look at it.

There's a Henderson, Nevada if you want to find some bones there too. /lol/:floorlaugh:
Looks like it's time to pack up and move to Alaska where, "the odds are good, but the goods are odd." ha ha

A little less OT:
For all you Louisiana do you say Louisiana? I grew up in East Texas and used to live in Shreveport and have always said Lose-E-ana.

But it seems as a lot of people from Louisiana say La-weezy-ana.

'Don't think I'd be too quick to pack up, hire 2 men & a truck, & relocate to Alaska, Zajicam'..
With the recent abduction/rape/murder of Samantha Koenig & the hunter Robert Hansen memory. There are really no safe havens from evil.

[ame=""]The Frozen Ground Teaser (2012) - YouTube[/ame]

To whomever approached me in the parking lot on Johnston while I was "examining" a white truck--

Yes, you correctly identified me.
Yes, I am "white-whaling" the truck.
No, I am not a police officer or a P.I.
No, I cannot definitively rule out a 2010.
Yes, I considered a Z82 and the Diamond Edition, but I cannot put those options in because I do not have the full video.
Yes, I am upset about that because I don't know if this Z71 had a "4x4" or "off-road" on the decal.
No, you weren't bothering me.

...And yes, I am completely insane.

Wow! Someone really tracked you down huh?
I'll be at Evangeline Racetrack this weekend picking up some horses and since I have access to the backside I will check out the trucks parked out of sight.
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