LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #27

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I'm just pickin' Woe. I do understand the mistake, especially because of the Louisiana stuff on the front page of the website.
Wanted to pass it along that WS was mentioned on a psychic website last caused an uproar!
New article from today, says bike is still being processed. Geez it takes a long time. Still looking for the z71, so no, not ruled out:

I can't tell if this article is a compilation of info or was newly written today? It starts out with "3 weeks ago today", which is not correct, is it? Wouldn't that have been last Friday? So not sure if the info about the truck is up to date either...JMO
IMHO, I know that it cannot be easy for the PD to do their job especially since they're under the microscope...usually those types of things are kept "hush hush" why the release of this stuff? Did the media feel the need to embarrass LPD?
This is kind of how I feel. My husband wants me to conceal, but I don't feel at ease doing so b/c I always have children with me. Yes I know the point of classes are to get comfortable and all, and maybe that will help tremendously, but still I think, if I ever find myself in a situation I will probably just be so stunned and shocked and totally forget everything I know. Obviously on-body carrying would be the most effective method but honestly I can't see doing that everyday for the rest of my life. If you have a weapon in your purse and some bozo comes along and snatches your purse, then what? It's not doing you a whole lot of good now is it? I actually don't carry a purse, just a diaper bag, and kids are constantly digging it in for toys, candy, crayons. I don't want them touching a weapon by mistake.

We can wish all we want that the world still was safe enough to NOT need to worry about what form of protection to carry and how (if it ever even was safe enough) but the truth is, it's not. What happened to MS could happen to anyone. Even if we think we don't put ourselves in harm's way, even if we don't ride bikes alone at 2am...someone could be hanging out in your backseat and as soon as you get in your car, bam! there they are with a gun to your head. It could happen. And while we try not to dwell on that, anyone who thinks it's can't/won't, is just in denial.

I love Acadiana (Lafayette and surrounding areas), even if it's not as safe as it used to be...and I still consider it fairly safe although I was shocked to see our crime rate higher than NYC, even with the books being cooked?! I need to check into that some more to be sure b/c I just can't believe it. I can only hope that the way our community came together for MS displays the same way it will come together to prevent this from becoming the norm.

eta: Ok so this comparision is not focused soley on violent crimes, that may make a bit of a difference.

Another of my "eccentricities"...I check the back seat before I get in the car. I don't know why, because someone could take advantage of that second when my attention is focused on what's in the car instead of what's going on around me outside the car, but there you have it. I also check in all the closets and the shower as soon as I walk in the house. None of these behaviors has ever been tangibly rewarded, but I keep checking.
I can't tell if this article is a compilation of info or was newly written today? It starts out with "3 weeks ago today", which is not correct, is it? Wouldn't that have been last Friday? So not sure if the info about the truck is up to date either...JMO

I do see that, but the article is dated for today. Like we've said before, this is Louisiana.
New article from today, says bike is still being processed. Geez it takes a long time. Still looking for the z71, so no, not ruled out:

June 13, 2012

LAFAYETTE - Three weeks ago today, 22-year-old Mickey Shunick vanished.

I couldn't read past the first line. If they think she went missing on a Wednesday, I have trouble believing they can provide credible information I don't already know.
I can't tell if this article is a compilation of info or was newly written today? It starts out with "3 weeks ago today", which is not correct, is it? Wouldn't that have been last Friday? So not sure if the info about the truck is up to date either...JMO

I don't think it was written today because it also doesn't say anything about the move to the smaller facility. Still talks about them being at the Blackham.
'Don't think I'd be too quick to pack up, hire 2 men & a truck, & relocate to Alaska, Zajicam'..
With the recent abduction/rape/murder of Samantha Koenig & the hunter Robert Hansen memory. There are really no safe havens from evil.

The Frozen Ground Teaser (2012) - YouTube

I lived in Alaska and women disappeared all the time. A hotel employee attempted to abduct my then 15 month old daughter. No place is safe.
In reference to the bones found in Henderson, TX...not to bring up anything morbid, but there's no way those could belong to MS right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it too early for that degree of decomposition? It prolly wasn't even implied that those might be her, but I just wanted to know what the opinion was on that. I pray there hasn't been enough time and this isn't a possibility. Even though it doesn't look good as far as her being recovered alive (honestly I've had a bad gut feeling from the get-go)...I'm still trying to ignore that and think positive in hoping she miraculously appears!!!
I don't think it was written today because it also doesn't say anything about the move to the smaller facility. Still talks about them being at the Blackham.

You're right.

At least it's something to keep her name out there!
Wow! Someone really tracked you down huh?

They said they lurk on this forum (WS) and that I reminded them of someone on here who constantly tries to guess what kind of truck it is.

Regarding how safe Lafayette is, the crime rate in 2010 (per 100,000 residents was) 490.1

US Average: 319.1
New York City: 243.6

Also, I find it kind of "funny" how there were so many posts about how Katrina refugees are ruining the city...and now there are all these posts talking about how safe and nice Lafayette is. Which one is it?

These statistics can be misleading, though. Your post doesn't separate violent crime from property crimes, which are annoying, but not necessarily dangerous. Further, how much of that crime is random and how much can be attributed to domestic abuse, drug crime, etc.?? I think how people feel in their community is a better measure of its safety than a number.
They said they lurk on this forum (WS) and that I reminded them of someone on here who constantly tries to guess what kind of truck it is.


I am constantly scoping out DWT's. I know they must be so sick of being stared down and followed.
I am constantly scoping out DWT's. I know they must be so sick of being stared down and followed.

I only look at certain ones...ones like this....and they have to match every note I've made.

Which so far, have only been two.


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'Don't think I'd be too quick to pack up, hire 2 men & a truck, & relocate to Alaska, Zajicam'..
With the recent abduction/rape/murder of Samantha Koenig & the hunter Robert Hansen memory. There are really no safe havens from evil.

The Frozen Ground Teaser (2012) - YouTube

That movie looks creeeeepy! But really - I'm much too much of a girly girl to ever make it in Alaska. Plus my husband might have an issue with my moving there without him. ha ha
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