LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #29

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The family says differently on FB, they say searches called off till new evidence supports a search.


I took their statement to mean the "volunteer" searches would not resume until new evidence would come to light.
To those who think the truck ran over her I have a few questions:
1) How long do you think it would take for the driver to run over her, clear her from under his truck, pick up the bike and put it in the back, sweep up every speck of debris, and then wash all the blood away with a mop and a bucket he just happened to have in his truck?

Woah, hold on a minute now. Let's break those events up into pieces.
In 1 minute or less you could nudge the girl off the bike/jam a night stick in her wheel, reverse, grab girl, run over back wheel completely and move on.
You have all night to come back and clean with a pressure washer.. just act like you belong..

2) Let's be generous and say this would take three minutes. How did the people gassing up not see any of this?

Let's say it took one minute or less. You've got three cars that don't move at the Circle K. The DWTiq blocks the view, and the loud music + gurgling throaty engine could make the timid look the other way... just guessing on the music..

3) How could the employee in the store not see any of this?

It's wut best for they lifes
basically I think there are witnesses who either take the code of the street to heart, or are intimidated by who the perps are.

4). How could the various cars that passed along University, a pretty busy arterial street, not have seen anything when this happened about ten yards from University.

Again.. code of the street.. no snitching... intimidated or unobservant.

5) why is there no video of any of this from the same camera that captured Mickey on her bike?

Cover-up or ongoing investigation limiting access to evidence.

6) what purpose would the police have in lying to the public by not telling us about this footage they have of the truck running over her?

see #5

7) why would the police waste thousands of man hours in a search for her?

It's their job.. supposedly.

8). Why would they go further along her possible route and ask businesses and homes for video of that night if they knew all along it was run over?

To see the motor vehicles

9) How could the driver have cleaned up so thoroughly that not one tiny drop of blood was found or one small piece of her bicycle when this exact area has been searched by many fairly soon after she went missing?

Pressure washer.. trust me. I've used them many times.. to loosen paint and clean house for paint. that's what pressure washer do, and 2 were stolen on the morning in question along with some truck parts.. at a place that was set on fire.. the details are back a few threads..

Thanks for looking at these questions. I hope you can come up with logical answers for them.

I've added my response within the quote.
In the very beginning they had the time stamps on the pics that correspond to the scenario we have all been following. But, you never know. I have always wondered about the guy in the blue/black car. Same car in all three pics but two different people. One in all black and one with a white shirt and black pants. I know the guy (?) with the white shirt pumped the can see him do so but then the guy in all black walks by. Not sure that he is with that car or was just on foot.
If that is the same white truck, it appears as though it passed her, and turned around and is now following her...IMO
06-11-2012, 09:29 PM
Private Investigator Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 676

Fresh from the LPD public information officer. Mickey is not underneath any kind of vehicle in any picture or video. She was not observed being run over.

Now it's all a matter if you believe them or not

I believe A.C.I.
What is on the opposite side of the street? Are there businesses, lights, anything that could be caught by the reflector?

both sides of this particular street are well lit. One side has circle k,and the other side is a building where people pay utility bills.

I am sorry but this is ridiculous. I have been a member here for years and followed many many cases and Never has the information regarding a VOI been so confusing. I have been reading for weeks and I am so confused. Now why would the LE want people to be confused? I personally would describe this truck as a late model white or silver GMC Sierra z71 crew cab short box XFE. with some type of rear bumper utility box attached, possibly with a winch attached or some roll of cable cord inside the bed. so an electrican or a cable tv person? four weeks into this and folks are looking at white two door trucks, white extended cabs...... How about a tight description? is that too much to ask for this beautiful young woman?? it can be even more confusing because Chev and GMC are so so similar, not too mention very popular.

Is it the same truck that just did a u turn? if so going away from university the truck gate is up, going back towards university the truck bed is down. what is the spread of moments between the two shots if it is the same truck and what could they have been doing in that time period that would require them to put the gate down? what is noticiable is that there is this strange black cylinder in the bottom of the photo of the truck going towards univ. what could it be? look up 12 volt electric cable bumper winch, could have it been moved to the bottom of a tow kit or something? to change the look of the truck??

if this truck went on St laundry it had to exit somewhere, this cant be the only photo. The more time that passes the harder it will be to find.
This truck runs about $32K new. We can add that this truck has 18" alloy rims, based on someother report I read if i remember correctly. We need to rule out the vechicles so to move on recanvassing the neighborhood. In one of the recent photos of the cleared oldsmobile there is a white vechicle going the other direction. it should be the white pickup because of the time and the grill is different than the chevy they describe. it has the GMC grill, hence my opinion.
I have never been on a thread where a mother has posted and it breaks my heart. We have to help her get more help to bring her baby home.

This post is spot on!!!

I have never seen anything like this previously. In fact LE is usually wanting to clear up misconceptions especially when asking for help from the public regarding VOI.

I have come up with 3 scenerios.

One being they already know which VOI they are looking for (I doubt this)

The second being they really are not trying to find it.

The second scenerio then leads me to who would benefit from LE not pursuing this?

I have never seen a LE give only ONE press conference in the course of 4 weeks in a missing persons case.

How many times has a night search been done in which the Police Chief arrives on the scene only to state that what they recovered was a piece of "wood"
Has anyone that has done any amount of biking ever had there bike hit by a vehicle door?
Hell YES. It's just a scratches and bruises, so far. Happens very quick. Just about always have a ridable bike still.
Regarding the arson fire...How bad a fire was it? I hope it wasn't used to hide any evidence regarding Mickey! How did the arsonist know that equipment was there? They must have been familiar with the place to plan to take those things, if they were indeed the perps in Mickey's case...JMO
Has anyone that has done any amount of biking ever had there bike hit by a vehicle door? I have and I think many would be surprised that there was some damage but nothing broken.

Has anyone that has ever riden had the back end slip sideways, while still hanging onto the handlebars? I have quite often. The damage to the bike again was not great nor did i receive any "injuries" in either of the above 2 scenerios.

There was no "cleaning up" required. These were slow speed impacts.

I believe that they initially felt that she had taken a different route based upon what her family and friends stated which in turn led to some of the footage they did recover. This in turn required them to rethink possible routes.

Scenerios do not have to be black and white. There can be a variety of scenerios with many shades of grey.

I've been in many bike accidents, I've slid sideways, flipped, lost control due to road crap, been hit. In almost all of them the damage to my bike- and me was minimal. The only one that was bad is when I was hit by a motorcycle wearing no helmet.

I had a head injury, and was completely out cold lying in the street for an unknown amount of time. My bike was scratched up and had the same kind of damage we suspect MS bike had.

I've added my response within the quote.

The pressure washers that were stolen, were taken a week or 2 after Mickey disappeared. Most pressure washers require power- ie electric plug, and are extremely noisy. Trust me- people would notice. Even a pressure washer cannot remove blood in a way that make Luminol not react.

At any rate- I believe what ACI and LE said about the pictures.

On a different note:

From Elizabeth Hill- KATC: A Lafayette City Prosecutor says he's noticed an increase in cases of spiked drinks. He tells us it happens more often than you might think. Coming up at 5 and 6 we'll tell you why you should think twice before you take that first sip.
A Lafayette City Prosecutor says he's noticed a spike in cases of spiked drinks. He tells us it happens more often than you might think. Tune in at 5 and 6 for the details!

Could that possibly be a factor in her being more easily taken? Even if she drank coke or water, if it wasn't in a bottle opened by or in front of her- it's a possibility.
The family says differently on FB, they say searches called off till new evidence supports a search.


Apologize in advance if this already replied to- I'm 2 pages behind.
Volunteer searches are called off. LE can and will search whenever they want/need to.
I 100% believe ACI but I don't believe LE 100%.

Agreed - but ACI has spoken. :) Seriously though, common sense tells me Mickey is not under the truck for many reasons. I don't know anything about the local LE in Lafayette, but I keep hearing they are involved in a lawsuit. There would be another HUGE lawsuit if LE had a pic of Mickey under the truck released to the public AND not informing the family of her death WHILE continuing the search for her.

I may be completely wrong, but I can't imagine Satan himself being that mean.
The pressure washers that were stolen, were taken a week or 2 after Mickey disappeared. Most pressure washers require power- ie electric plug, and are extremely noisy. Trust me- people would notice. Even a pressure washer cannot remove blood in a way that make Luminol not react.

are you sure about the time? Lafayette locals reported on this here, not the media, and the threads happen so fast that I have to go by memory, which is wrong sometimes.
Regarding the arson fire...How bad a fire was it? I hope it wasn't used to hide any evidence regarding Mickey! How did the arsonist know that equipment was there? They must have been familiar with the place to plan to take those things, if they were indeed the perps in Mickey's case...JMO

I have considered this arson/theft very interesting since I heard about it. I believe the shop was burned badly. The items from the truck that were stolen were unusual. Passinger door panel, break lights...

Posters said the truck parts were interchangable with the DWTIQ. I have never heard of inside door panels being stolen, I am sure it happens but it is odd.
Yes to all of the above. Straight shot on University to I-10. And if she was grabbed between Circle K and about St. Julien, then he/they had time.

Yes - possible. But I don't know which truck is which. I've given up trying to understand a long time ago.

Just a quick drop-in. Have to go to court tomorrow AM for a traffic ticket ad am preparing my defense. Trying to forget about Mickey today and take care of myself instead, but failing.

Thanks to all to left comments explaining the confusion about the trucks and how many etc. I understand now so thank you all for posting the information.....

To speculate...IF, and just if. If she was struck by a vehicle that was following her, and then turned around at some point and headed east.
I would speculate that the bike was left where it was found that same morning about 27 miles or so away.. And the person and her continued on east and Micky would be somewhat further east from the bridge in another area. And they should look for this particular truck they have not identified yet out in this area, if they believe it was involved with her missing. And they believe the vehicle turned around and headed east.

Of course its all just speculation/guessing on a possible theory.
Agreed - but ACI has spoken. :) Seriously though, common sense tells me Mickey is not under the truck for many reasons. I don't know anything about the local LE in Lafayette, but I keep hearing they are involved in a lawsuit. There would be another HUGE lawsuit if LE had a pic of Mickey under the truck released to the public AND not informing the family of her death WHILE continuing the search for her.

I may be completely wrong, but I can't imagine Satan himself being that mean.

You are not wrong. If she was under the truck (the video would clearly show it better than a still), they would of at the very least informed the family. Even if media suspected that it's possible she was under the truck, that story would be all over the place.

She's not under the truck IMO. Going to have to do better than dark color splotches for me to believe it otherwise.
I decided to sit on my hands last night and focus on what LE has said about the truck(s). Sometimes you have to look at the information that hasn't been said and guess what, I found something interesting. I read between the lines.

They circulated four photos. The hooptie (it's my new favorite word), the truck with the bed cover on St. Landry, the DWT and the truck in front of Circle K going into the turning lane.

They said they eliminated two vehicles: The hooptie and the one with the bedcover on St. Landry. The drivers apparently came forward and were cleared.

LE asked for the public in finding the DWT. Interestingly enough is the photo that they enclosed with it. The DWT photo, not the one in front of Circle K. Also, the one on shows the DWT.

If LE thought this vehicle was the same vehicle, why not release both photos in asking the public for help?

My strong opinion here and think openly: They know it's three different trucks. They possibly have said (amongst themselves, of course) that the Circle K truck is the perp and could have something to do with it. The DWT is the witness.

Think about it.

Anyway, back to assembling the cornucopia!


I agree. Even with my blonde, totally limited knowledge about vehicles I believe there is actually 3 trucks.
Exactly. LE releases a still of a video that they have of someone under the truck?
Would they not also have the video of the person backing up and putting her and the bike in the truck, all the while the people that we can clearly see in the still shot, see or hear nothing?
Or maybe the truck backed up far enough, while dragging her and the bike, out of view of the camera?
LE has the video, and they can choose to distribute to the public whatever stills they want, in whatever order they want, in whatever time sequence they want, in whatever enhanced way they want, and in whatever edited way they want.

I maintain that these stills were released: only to ID the vehicles.
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