LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #3

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O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for us the living body of Mickey Shunick. The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.
I just knew when I woke up that something major would have happened over night. Guess not :( Oh Mickey, where are you?
Honestly, I do not see that at all, it just looks like its the door there, and the dark spot is the tire on the passenger side. Plus that means, she would have cycled back to talk to the guy.

It looks like a person on a bike there to me also. Could this be a still before she rides off on the bike?
I know it's hard to tell, but in the picture of the truck heading in the opposite direction from when it was following Mickey, when I zoom in one the truck cab, does it look like there may be someone sitting in its back seat? Or am I seeing things?

My husband and I have been saying the same thing on Facebook and people were getting mad saying that we had too big of a crazy imagination and to stop posting things like that.

If you look real good, it looks like someone is sitting to the far right of the bed/tailgate with their legs/knees against their chest. My husband saw it immediately but it took me a whole. But once I saw it, It definitely looks like someone is sitting there. If you look real close you can see that the person's head goes above the far side of the bed of the truck. If you keep zooming in and out you can eventually see it. And NO I'm not imagining things.

“That vehicle just happens to be in both locations that we captured the woman on video in the area where she was traveling,” Cpl. Paul Mouton, Lafayette Police Department, explained. “Until now we had no confirmation that she even left the original location she was in. Now, we have a better idea of where to canvas for clues.”
Although suspicious, detectives have not captured any images of the driver interacting with Shunick. For that reason, the case is still being classified as a missing person investigation.
“This is only a vehicle of interest,” Cpl. Mouton, stressed. “Nothing shows that she was taken by the person in that vehicle.”

I'm still not sure why CS would post that not being the truck they were looking for. Seems highly unlikely LE would release the still photo taken from a video and the statement above of it's not the exact truck they are looking for. I'm guessing she is either trying to act like it's not THE truck in case the person who has/had Mickey is following the story closely as it unfolds on Facebook or it's just like she said about not wanting people to focus in a specific make/model.

When DTL was on the loose and LE knew that he drove a white truck, they contacted owners of white trucks that fit the description. Several men I know who own white trucks were asked to voluntarily submit a DNA sample for comparison. I don't think Lafayette PD has the manpower to track down all the owners of white trucks, though
That quote makes me doubt the validly of the previously posted FB comment which indicated the opposite (supposed details in a photo showing Mickey stopped and apparently conversing with someone in the white truck). Unless LE is deliberately "lying" (not releasing all the info) and this was a leak. ARGH!
My husband and I have been saying the same thing on Facebook and people were getting mad saying that we had too big of a crazy imagination and to stop posting things like that.

If you look real good, it looks like someone is sitting to the far right of the bed/tailgate with their legs/knees against their chest. My husband saw it immediately but it took me a whole. But once I saw it, It definitely looks like someone is sitting there. If you look real close you can see that the person's head goes above the far side of the bed of the truck. If you keep zooming in and out you can eventually see it. And NO I'm not imagining things.
If that's a person sitting there, and the truck is moving (which I infer)...that would be a precarious and dangerous place in which to ride. Seems unlikely (to me). Could maybe see someone highly under the influence (or in general, of a reckless nature) doing that, but we were told that Mickey did not drink alcohol that nite.

I wouldn't be surprised if LE could accurately calculate the speed of the truck moving past the camera.

Nonetheless, if it's a person...Mickey (or someone else)...perhaps they fell out of the truck and were injured or worse.
I agree LOP. Unfortunately, sometimes with these high profile cases people insert themselves to the point of making up or distorting facts. I guess some do it for the attention, who knows.

We have to be careful not to run with whatever is posted on social media sites or comments in articles as fact. It only confuses matters.

We should stick to the facts in the case. So far, those are the only 3 images released by LE. No doubt LE has a heck of a lot more than what was released. People can try to blow it up but in my experience, without professional equipment to do so, what we may think we see is not really there. Hope that makes sense.

I can't remember what case I followed a long time ago (I think it was Madeleine McCann). There was a photo shown and people were convinced there was a little blonde girl sitting in the back seat of a car. Totally untrue. People's imagination does go wild sometimes. lol

ETA: Did LOP's post get pulled?:waitasec:
So we (I say "we" since I'm another long time lurker) have ruled out BW, I think we can also reasonably rule out the possibility of a drunk driver hit and grab, since no evidence of that has been found and drunks are sloppy. The thing I keep thinking about is how quickly and efficiently this all happened. whoever is responsible for this didn't do it by random opportunity. It was too clean and apparently well thought out. I believe it was a guy who has been scoping out the area for the perfect opportunity and girl, and unfortunately MS was it. I don't know how long businesses or people keep surveillance video for, but I'm willing to bet the same vehicle would show up on previous nights videos too. Maybe at a gas station or fast food joint. Might be worth businesses in the area looking at video from previous nights. A long shot maybe, but you never know!
Why was my post deleted?

Welcome to Websleuths. In my experience, one of the moderators will send you a private message to tell you why your post was deleted. Hope that helps. :)
Is there a reason she wouldn't just stay going south on Parkside until she could turn right on forgot the name - Souvenir Gate is the street I was wondering about why she wouldn't take. LE said she - ok, I can't see straight - sorry be back tomorrow.

What I'm trying to comprehend is if she may have been pushed into a detour because she felt threatened and tried to loose the perp. But then why wouldn't she seek out a safe place like ride into the gas station area or anywhere with people - unless they crept up on her again.

There is much more light when you turn down Versailles. If you stay on Parkside there is very little light at all. She probably felt it was safer to take the main roads which were better lighted.
So we (I say "we" since I'm another long time lurker) have ruled out BW, I think we can also reasonably rule out the possibility of a drunk driver hit and grab, since no evidence of that has been found and drunks are sloppy. The thing I keep thinking about is how quickly and efficiently this all happened. whoever is responsible for this didn't do it by random opportunity. It was too clean and apparently well thought out. I believe it was a guy who has been scoping out the area for the perfect opportunity and girl, and unfortunately MS was it. I don't know how long businesses or people keep surveillance video for, but I'm willing to bet the same vehicle would show up on previous nights videos too. Maybe at a gas station or fast food joint. Might be worth businesses in the area looking at video from previous nights. A long shot maybe, but you never know!

I am also focused on the speed of the apparent grab. She's a slip of a girl, but there's still the bike to consider. It might have been easy to nab her, but the bike is tougher to conceal. You'd think.

Nothing this morning, really?! Gosh, that's frustrating.
It looks like a person on a bike there to me also. Could this be a still before she rides off on the bike?

The timing is wrong. They've reported that this truck was seen after she passed on Versailles/St. John and they show a picture of her crossing the same area just moments before this truck is there in the opposite direction--indicated by the still-green traffic light (which avg. cycles of 2 minutes statistically) and the same car that is pumping gas in both pics. The second car pumping gas has the driver going towards the store, as if to prepay.

MOO, there just wasn't enough time or him to abduct her, make sure he had all of her stuff, turn around and come back to the light before the light changed. That would imply that he grabbed her very close to the area, and Lourdes (the most opportune moment to grab her, being abandoned and a larger area to work with) is a bit further down. Either he offered her a ride, she accepted and he turned around to head down University to Congress (shorter distance via car) or they want to talk to him to see if he saw anything--he could have just been going the wrong way or taken a wrong street or something. The best way to validate this would be to find the people who were pumping gas at Circle-K and ask if they saw/heard anything...there was bound to be some sort of scream or struggle if she was abducted, or a noise if she was hit.
My husband and I have been saying the same thing on Facebook and people were getting mad saying that we had too big of a crazy imagination and to stop posting things like that.

If you look real good, it looks like someone is sitting to the far right of the bed/tailgate with their legs/knees against their chest. My husband saw it immediately but it took me a whole. But once I saw it, It definitely looks like someone is sitting there. If you look real close you can see that the person's head goes above the far side of the bed of the truck. If you keep zooming in and out you can eventually see it. And NO I'm not imagining things.

I see what you're saying, but to me if it were a person, it would be a person who's legs are hanging off the back of the tailgate, and I can see a stripe of what looks like a purse strap worn shoulder/side. That is spooky....I hope it's not her. :/

ETA: If you start messing with the brightness/contrast of the picture, some of the glare disappears and you can definitely see something there. LE had to have seen that, I wonder why that wasn't pointed out when the pics were released?
The timing is wrong. They've reported that this truck was seen after she passed on Versailles/St. John and they show a picture of her crossing the same area just moments before this truck is there in the opposite direction--indicated by the still-green traffic light (which avg. cycles of 2 minutes statistically) and the same car that is pumping gas in both pics. The second car pumping gas has the driver going towards the store, as if to prepay.

MOO, there just wasn't enough time or him to abduct her, make sure he had all of her stuff, turn around and come back to the light before the light changed. That would imply that he grabbed her very close to the area, and Lourdes (the most opportune moment to grab her, being abandoned and a larger area to work with) is a bit further down. Either he offered her a ride, she accepted and he turned around to head down University to Congress (shorter distance via car) or they want to talk to him to see if he saw anything--he could have just been going the wrong way or taken a wrong street or something. The best way to validate this would be to find the people who were pumping gas at Circle-K and ask if they saw/heard anything...there was bound to be some sort of scream or struggle if she was abducted, or a noise if she was hit.

I agree! But I don't believe this was after she was picked up. There wasn't enough time. I think he made the block a few times following her since Versaille and stayed on her a little further to a more remote location where there were no cameras. That's why I believe it was well thought out. Considering there is no evidence that we know of, I think he knew what he was doing.
Most commonly pronounced "New or-lens"

Not sure how the pronunciations came about. I was born and raised here but have little to no accent. These pronunciations are just how i was raised to say them. *shrugs*

I pronounce the city of my birth and my home town for 47 years:

New Or-le-uns. The 'e' in the middle of Orleans is a long one, as in the word 'me'. It is also well known as The Crescent City.
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