LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #41

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I had said before (when we were discussing the possibility of BSL being a trustee while incarcerated) that I knew of at least two RSO that were trustees in St Tammany Parish. Just to clarify (I looked them up on the registry it was driving me nuts Lol), the two I knew of are Tier 1. I didn't realize there was a difference until BSL.
I'm still learning too...I really am trying, but I feel like I spend all my energy jumping around from one thread to another, I have no energy left to read or post. I hope that there will remain at least one thread that is not so terribly topic specific. And it seems like half our sleuthers have gone awol. :(

You're right. I hate the sub-forums, if that's what they're called. I don't come on nearly as often now.
Have you all tried to hit "New Post" that way any recent post will show up in bold that you haven't read and will be on the top. I use "New Post" all the time!
No... I don't smoke it. Just knew people that did! really! I tried it and had a reaction! lucky me I guess... just had to put that out there guys!

gngr~snap, guess most of us tried it at one time or another...but some of us didn't inhale..
Re: the three mysterious mounds. I lived in a rent house that was under repair by two guys who were friends with each other and then got in a huge, vocal argument with each other. I had to leave before it ended, but the next day, there was a plot of upturned earth and no sign of either man. Their absence went on for days. My roomie and I speculated that the loser of the argument might be buried there but neither of us wanted to check! Later, both men were back on the job, and it turned out that one of the guys had overheard me saying something about wanting a garden and thought to give some help by starting the plot.

So, in the farmer's case, it might be that there was someone wanting to plant--an illegal cash crop perhaps? I admit it doesn't make much sense that there were three plots. Also, it doesn't make much sense because Louisiana landowners are in my experience especially passionate about their landownership. For this reason, a closer watch might be kept on one's property here. I guess I'm talking myself out of the case I was making here...

Moving along to look at this from another angle...the number of plots has me wondering. Could it be that there was something planned on a grander scheme by BSL? (i.e., three abductees?)

The method by which he abducted MS, the bump-and-grab, seemed to indicate more of a mind geared more toward spontaneity than planning. Then I think back about the multiple IDs of other women found in his home.

An earlier poster wondered how he might be in a position to collect them. If he has the IDs of MS and LP, these are women whose lives he invaded in the worst way. There are other, less permanent ways of collecting IDs however. We know BSL has burgled before. What if he burgled or creeped (a la Charles Manson) homes of potential victims? This would provide him with an opportunity to lift other IDs.

This really bugs me because in addition to their legitimate, legal purpose, the IDs also serve as a "calling card" and perhaps eventually as a different kind of trophy. What better way to remember what a target looks like and where she lives? Another opportunity may have been at bars or grocery stores or other places where women might leave handbags unattended for a moment. If only the ID were gone, women might attribute it to misplacing the item rather than anything suspicious.

All this makes me wonder if BSL plans more than some of us gave him credit for...

And all this is also just MSO (my speculation only)
I was thinking that whoever upturned the earth (three plots) might have encountered trouble digging (an obstacle of some sort in the ground such as a large rock, roots, etc.) in the first two spots and restarted digging in another spot. Also, if BSL was responsible, maybe he originally buried different thing in sealed plastic bags in each of the three plots before digging them up and moving them.
There is a large part of me that likes the idea of the sub-forums. That way, those that want to, can talk about the DWT as much as they want without feeling like they're being attacked and those that don't can simply avoid that sub-forum and don't have to sift through all of those threads.

The downside, as I see it, is that it is inevitable that posting will slow down and that leads to interest in finding Mickey waning. Also, I too am at a loss on where to post at different times. For instance, I was wondering if anyone was aware of a single map that pinned all of the various relevant locations, i.e. BSL's properties, search locations, hospitals, where the truck was found etc... but didn't ask because I wasn't sure if I should ask in the maps section, the search warrant section or where. I guess I am asking here now if anyone knows if such a map has been compiled.

If I understand correctly then, the "Brainstorming" thread will replace the "General Discussion" thread for general questions/comments even though the "Brainstorming" thread says "Maps" on it. Correct?
I can live with a forum I guess, but don't understand why there can't be a "general discussion" thread as well...

Yeah me too. Unless I'm missing it I don't see a lot of posting in the sub forums. Maybe until we know more, folks have slowed down some.
I was thinking that whoever upturned the earth (three plots) might have encountered trouble digging (an obstacle of some sort in the ground such as a large rock, roots, etc.) in the first two spots and restarted digging in another spot. Also, if BSL was responsible, maybe he originally buried different thing in sealed plastic bags in each of the three plots before digging them up and moving them.

Bouncing off of your post NewYork.... BBM.
I recall the interview with LE the day the 3 plots were being searched and that they did have dogs search. My ponderings..... Does anyone recall if there was ever a video or still shots published of the plots? Does anyone recall whether the plots were described related to size? distance apart?
If MSM showed or wrote... please direct me to that link. Thx.
Yeah me too. Unless I'm missing it I don't see a lot of posting in the sub forums. Maybe until we know more, folks have slowed down some.

Agree that postings wane off when there is "no new news" on a case. This has been my experience in several cases on WS. But, when something "big" is next released by LE or someone involved in the cases (MS & LP) or there is a new development - watch for the spike in posting. Right now we seem to be in the wait and see mode.... still processing all the known and speculations. And most important, WHERE IS MS?

Another observation is that when a case goes to sub-forums, there is typically one thread that "becomes" the general discussion one. Having the sub forums is "different" from the one forum, but I have found it helpful in other cases. A case like this is going to continue for many months (some with nothing new coming out) - we are in a marathon rather than a sprint.

Seeing the bold on subs with new posts and using the View First Unread on each forum is very helpful with navigation
Relationships where there's been childhood abuse are very complicated. I think the victims cope the best way they can, even forgiving and sometimes caring for their abuser. In spite of all that's happened, the child wants his parent's love, even if the parent is or was the abuser.

Stockholm Syndrome
There is a large part of me that likes the idea of the sub-forums. That way, those that want to, can talk about the DWT as much as they want without feeling like they're being attacked and those that don't can simply avoid that sub-forum and don't have to sift through all of those threads.

The downside, as I see it, is that it is inevitable that posting will slow down and that leads to interest in finding Mickey waning. Also, I too am at a loss on where to post at different times. For instance, I was wondering if anyone was aware of a single map that pinned all of the various relevant locations, i.e. BSL's properties, search locations, hospitals, where the truck was found etc... but didn't ask because I wasn't sure if I should ask in the maps section, the search warrant section or where. I guess I am asking here now if anyone knows if such a map has been compiled.

If I understand correctly then, the "Brainstorming" thread will replace the "General Discussion" thread for general questions/comments even though the "Brainstorming" thread says "Maps" on it. Correct?

That doesn't have to do with a forum. Posting goes down on pretty much every case, whether it stays in discussion topics or gets a forum. Isabel Celis does not have a forum and her discussion moves very slowly.

I see some posts talking about how there aren't as many people here, but if you guys think that 37 people online in the morning hours is low, you are going to be in for a rude awakening in six months (unless the trial is going on). Don't take it for granted. I would love if other cases I follow had 37 people online to discuss them.
Bumping this post by Bzarektah36 from 05/28/2012, nine days after Mickey Schunick's abduction & the day of tier 3 BS Lavergne's RSO quarterly evaluation...

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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Lafayette, LA
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Post Deuce.
And now, post number 2. Few and far between, I know. I really appreciate all the thanks on my first post way back on page #2 on this MS thread; it has 45 likes as of this writing, and apparently, that’s a lot here. Thanks guys! Since then, we’ve learned a lot of new information regarding this case, and at the same time, I believe we’ve been thrown way off tilt by the sheer gravity and nationwide notoriety that Mickey’s case has brought about. I think that many people are waiting on edge so much for the next step that they are completely overlooking the full picture and grandeur of the case in its entirety. It’s easy to lose track of things in the murky haze of every single stripped down and rehashed bit of information we are given; especially if you are taking everything to be concrete and not expecting the unexpected. When the unexpected, ultimately, is the base for the untimely events led to Mickey’s disappearance in the first place. I won’t say that I’m not a victim of the very same glitches in thought that I speak of. It’s completely natural when you are left with mere scraps of the puzzle to rack your brain and speculate over. It’s only human to concentrate on what’s missing instead of using what’s there to generate the entire picture. The little that we have to go on is actually a lot, when given the right perspective. And it’s never as simple as the who, what, where, when, and why.

On this forum, for the most part, we’re all simple, speculatively concerned civilians. But we are lacking all the professionally gathered facts of the case. Therefore, we all have to work off a different (and much more complicated) equation than we would be if we were privy to all the information that the lead detectives have on the case. We’re merely thrown bones of information here and there but they only seem to lead to more confusion as the media (both official and social) have different spins on everything we’re told. But, understandably, LE simply cannot divulge sensitive details of an open case to the general public that may hinder the investigation; which, ironically, tends to spawn over speculation as to why a certain piece of information was given and others weren’t. This whole thing has been causing fear and discomfort throughout the community of Lafayette since day one. Granted, it’s also brought many people together on a genuinely high level of unprecedented care, but the gravity of the circumstance seems to outweigh it tenfold.

There are so many things that continue to bug me about the case, that reading you guys theories has been keeping me distracted during the day and awake at night as I stare wide eyed at my monitor trying to sift facts, heresy, probabilities’, semantics, and clues through a tightly woven net of logic in hopes of reaching that ever so holy moment of clarity where everything is suddenly revealed to me and I can let someone know exactly what happened that night and where Mickey (hopefully alive) is. But thus far, it hasn’t come. As I’m sure everyone here does, I wish to myself that I knew what the lead detectives know. Above most, I wish that I had a copy of the FBI profiler’s report on this case. There hasn’t been much talk about the actual profile of the would-be abductor. Sure, you can make a general assessment, but it’s the minute details that generally lead to the discovery and subsequent capture of the suspect. As I stated in my very first post and still believe: when you rule out (easily at this point) BW, hit-and-run scenarios, and willing abandonment by MS, it’s either spontaneous or planned abduction. And of those two, I still believe this was a planned abduction, and the clues and information we’ve been given since my last post only help to support that scenario.

The discovery of the bike only leads to more twisted paths of speculation on multiple levels. We haven’t been given much to go on from LE besides the fact that it is certainly hers and the general area of its discovery. The talk here back and forth about DTL is good brain candy, and helps put more perspective on things, but as another local user put it loosely, the basin/swamplands are pretty much textbook locations in this area for something you want to have lost. And if you asked a local here, chances are, these locations would be high on their list of places to hide evidence of a heinous crime. It’s almost too general. Too obvious. Sort of like the staple “big scary white truck” that everyone has around here. This suspect has used one of the most common local truck models to abduct a commonly known (and loved) local female and then apparently stashed what could be referred to as the main piece of evidence at a commonly used local dumping ground that resides directly under the local interstate. The common denominator of all this, obviously, being “local”. It takes a keen knowledge of the layout of downtown Lafayette and the Saints Streets to follow someone on bike through them in a large truck at nearly 2am without being noticed as a shadow. It’s eerie to think about a possible kidnapper/killer living in your city, but it almost certainly seems like the case here. His knowledge of her whereabouts, her routes, even his possible knowledge of the fact that they were only going to Taco Bell, and would be shortly back, is gut twisting. But they all point to the strong possibility of this being a home grown crime committed with a sense of local precision.

There are still a ridiculous amount of unanswered questions, and I don’t think many of us will fully rest until they are answered. I for one haven’t been sleeping well at all. So please, everyone, keep up the wonderful work on this MS Websleuth’s forum by providing your own perspectives, views, and what seems to be the largest factor thus far in the case: local participation.

And I still just hope that MS’s family and friends find some sort of closure somewhere in this ordeal. And if at all possible, I genuinely hope that MS is still okay as you and I read this right now.

All that preceded were my own opinions.
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