LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #6

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The media...local....TV, newspaper, radio....have scanners on 24/7. They know immediately if there is any activity on this case. They also have contact with sources. This case is reported on nationally. The media is camped out at the PD. They follow any activity. The finding of the bike caused A LOT of activity! Sadly, for them, the family cannot control the media. They need the media. That is just a fact. Perhaps a family member should leave the FB control to someone else. Seems to be causing the family anguish and anxiety that they don't need right now. God Bless them.
Looking at Google Earth at the above coordinates, I see a problem with the pull-over-and-dump scenario. Look at the bridge as it crosses the river. That's where it gets very narrow, with no shoulder to pull over! Remember how many bad wrecks happen on that bridge? Got stuck once for 6 hours a few years back after two trucks tangled at the top.

To have dumped the bike so it landed under the bridgel, the perp would had to have stopped IN the traffic lane - liable to be rear-ended at any second by traffic coming from behind.

Maybe the perp had to walk it under the bridge after all. After all, look at the map - the trees are cleared. He could have carried - or driven - the bike back under the bridge.

Remembering how there is absolutely no shoulder there - just two lanes - how could he have stopped to throw the bike over?!

I'm still trying to catch up from yesterday but the basin bridge does have a shoulder large enough for emergency stops and LSP are usually parked on it doing radar. The shoulder is on the far right side and has the white bumps (im not sure what they are called) in a diagonal line every few feet.

*ETA: I stand corrected. The shoulder doesn't widen out until you pass the exit.
I've been lurking and reading each thread since Mickey disappeared, but I haven't posted as I haven't had anything to contribute. You all are doing an amazing job!

I just wanted to jump in and welcome all of the new members to WS! I've never seen so many people sign up during a case before and it really amazes me. I hope, after Mickey is found, that all of you new members will stick around and help us on other cases here. I'm seeing so many good ideas in these threads.

I have a quick question and I apologize if this has already been answered, but I don't recall. I noticed that Mickey's mom's last name is not Shunick. Are Mickey's parents still married to each other? If not, I'm assuming they live in different homes. Just wondered if Mickey lived with both parents or just her dad.
I can't link because I'm on mobile but KATC just posted a link saying that Indiana police contacted Louisiana police about the case, says it bears resemblance to the Lauren Spierer case.

Missing student case similar to Lauren Spierer’s turns up in Louisiana

Bloomington police have contacted officers in Louisiana in regard to their recent search for a female college student, who has been missing for a week.

Louisiana authorities are searching for Michaela “Mickey” Shunick, a 22-year-old anthropology major at the University of Louisiana.
Just reading up on this case. How awful. I am praying that Mickey is found safe and sound.

That being said, I just can't understand why people think it's safe to go walking (or riding in this case) around at this time of night. I feel like no good can come from being out and about alone in the middle of the night, especially for a young woman like Mickey. If a friend was at my house and told me they were going to attempt to walk or ride home in the middle of the night, I would insist they either stay the night, let me drive them home, or call a cab. I know abductions also happen in the light of day too. But, I feel like a young woman out alone in the middle of the night is just not a good idea. Ever.

I know this comment doesn't really help right now, but I just get so frustrated reading about these cases where young women are out walking around in the middle of the night (i.e. Lauren Spierer). I work at a university and they always send us emails when a crime is reported on or near campus. 95% of the time, they occur in the middle of the night when a student is out alone. Again though, I am praying that Mickey is okay!

Without getting too entrenched on my bandwagon, there's a reason this is now part of our culture that has to do with political correctness and this new relativism that's pervaded our society (very prevalent on college campuses).

When we were growing up, no one was afraid to profile (which is usually nothing more than the application of common sense and historical knowledge). Great inroads have been made into making that anathema now ....something that must NOT be done at any cost in order not to offend. The result is, especially with the 20-30 age group (and younger), that no one wants to call things like they really are. It creates an illusion of safety where nothing is further from the truth.

Looking at the pictures and FB pages of all of the petite, blonde, blue-eyed girls that were posted here yesterday in the PI link it's easy to see how what I am talking about is in full force. Girls post incredibly provocative and alluring pictures of themselves on the net and even give their personal information as though there is zero thought to the possible ramifications and consequences of this. It's nuts. It is also a sign of the relativistic thinking I mentioned opposed to basing one's actions on historical knowledge of potential outcomes and realistically weighing risks based on that knowledge.
Okay, Lauren and Mickey were both anthropology majors of similar build and age, blonde, and each disappeared in the wee hours. As the white pickup truck in the former case has been dismissed as a factor, I'm failing to see alarming similarities here, especially since Bloomington and Lafayette are 14.5 hours apart. Am I missing something? Is there an anthropology-minded kidnapper on the loose? Are they grasping at straws?
I believe it was criminal profiler Pat Brown (in her interview with Jane-Velez Mitchell) who said, "Find the bike, find Mickey...It's all on the bike." (paraphrased by me)

When did Pat Brown make that statement? The bike was probably dropped off the next day. :eek:
The truck in question being a Z71 says a lot about where this guy is from to me. Why would somebody who lives in the city pay 50 grand for a 4 door top of the line 4 wheel drive truck? I'm thinking he's from a rural area like Cecilia or Breaux Bridge in which case he would know very well how to take the levee road to that area. Almost all of my friends who pay that much and own a Z71 are avid outdoorsman, fisherman or the truck is work related(farmer).

My mom is a nurse in Lafayette. Not an outdoorsman or a hunter and drives a red z71 because she likes it. So, it's possible that you are right but there are others who are particular about having a vehicle even if they don't fit the mold. Personally, as long as I have AC and good tires, I'll drive anything.
Okay, Lauren and Mickey were both anthropology majors of similar build and age, blonde, and each disappeared in the wee hours. As the white pickup truck in the former case has been dismissed as a factor, I'm failing to see alarming similarities here, especially since Bloomington and Lafayette are 14.5 hours apart. Am I missing something? Is there an anthropology-minded kidnapper on the loose? Are they grasping at straws?

I'm not seeing anything similar other than they were both petite blonde's. We could also, put other petite blonde cases in the same catagory, except for the anthropology angle.
I've been wondering where does someone keep their cell phone while riding a bike..It seems to me it would not be easy to access no matter where it was..So, say she did get spooked & wanted to make a 911 call wouldn't she have to stop the bike or at the very least slow down? This would make her even more vulnerable to an abduction so I'm having trouble with how useful the phone really is..The same goes for the can of mace especially if she was surprised from behind.

I saw something recently re: how to teach your kids to protect themselves from an abduction & while on a bike they said hold on to the handle bars for dear life (no pun) & don't let go..It's way more difficult for a perp to pick you up & the bike=they would be more likely to give up & run off..Good advice but surely it would all depend on the strength of the child, the perp, & other circumstances they failed to mention..In Mickey's case I'm pretty sure there were these other circumstances in play.
Could that be why some posters thought the wheels looked turned, rather than pointed straight? Just a thought.

I think we would be seeing a pic og the bike being loaded into the car if the tire is turned because he is looking at her bike.
On the bright side, this might just be a little tidbit that LE can feed to media to keep them happy and busy; on the dark side, if they're wasting substantial investigative hours on this angle, they have made very little progress in solving Mickey's case.
I've been lurking and reading each thread since Mickey disappeared, but I haven't posted as I haven't had anything to contribute. You all are doing an amazing job!

I just wanted to jump in and welcome all of the new members to WS! I've never seen so many people sign up during a case before and it really amazes me. I hope, after Mickey is found, that all of you new members will stick around and help us on other cases here. I'm seeing so many good ideas in these threads.

I have a quick question and I apologize if this has already been answered, but I don't recall. I noticed that Mickey's mom's last name is not Shunick. Are Mickey's parents still married to each other? If not, I'm assuming they live in different homes. Just wondered if Mickey lived with both parents or just her dad.

You have been the second person to say this, and not sure where you are getting that info, but they do have the same last name, are married, and Mickey lives with them.
Okay, Lauren and Mickey were both anthropology majors of similar build and age, blonde, and each disappeared in the wee hours. As the white pickup truck in the former case has been dismissed as a factor, I'm failing to see alarming similarities here, especially since Bloomington and Lafayette are 14.5 hours apart. Am I missing something? Is there an anthropology-minded kidnapper on the loose? Are they grasping at straws?
Posting without reading the article...

I'm guessing (hoping) that IN LE wants to share some notes...not just on released info about both cases, but non-released info as well. Even if they're (IN) stymied, some good brainstorming (with all the info on both cases) has great potential for either case, even if not related by perp. JMO. Or am I daydreaming? ;)
Heartless no.
I for one would not let a friend of mine ride a bike home alone that time or the night....Sorry.
Take her home and if your a guy ride with her! Have her stay the night!
Hellooooooooooooo dont send her out alone.

Called common sense!

Let? Send? She's a grown woman and I believe she can go where she wants when she wants. How many times had she ridden home before with no problems? It SHOULD be safe to ride your bike home. It really bothers me when the victim blaming begins.
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