LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #6

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I think it's FANTASTIC that you are making this a mission. Great idea hitting the gas stations in the hood, too. I think you'll find this car and it's owner.

In the photo of the overpass where Mickey's bike was found is a paved surface road. What makes you think the perp didn't drive in on that road? he didn't necessarily have to come from I-10. Looking at the map, I see all kinds of roads in there.

In that photo of the overpass where Mickey's bike was found, did I see orange traffic cones encircling an area right on the roadway down there? Several officials were standing around the cones as I recall.

Is it possible that these cones mark the spot where Mickey's bike was discovered?
With the swamp being in close proximity, couldn't someone have chosen that exit to dump the bike because of the availability of thick fog to use as cover?

Yes, but we've had dry heat.... no fog. Possibly there could have been fog the morning after it rained, but I really don't think there was. We've a spate of unusually arid weather. Although hot, arid enough to probably not make fog in that area during the time...

But that's a good thought, that no one mentioned.

Really, if it was a weeknight, the place is deserted. It's only busy on weekends.
Wondering if there are other vehicles on surveillance vids..... ? Why did LE show 2 trucks and car only? Were there other cars minutes later or minutes prior? Any pedestrians?
Occum's razor is indeed in effect here, as they say, wrong place, wrong time. I don't like to walk outside near my house after dar. There could be a two car tandem and the whole thing could be a local.

We must hear from the car, being it is the easiest to identify. They were there at the time it went down. So were the trucks, however many there really were, I can't confidently say they are all different or the same.


To me, finding that Caddy is important. It may be the key.
I would really hope -- if an innocent citizen posted that flyer near the bridge -- someone comes forward to clarify to LE they are responsible for that particular flyer.

Or...I'd be comforted to know there are other flyers along the same route/area which would seem to me a "canvassing" rather than the sordid alternative taunting message.

Could always post on FB asking. It wasn't me, although I'm sure it was one of the many of us that have been posting. To answer the previous questions about the duct tape, various businesses have donated, all sorts of colored/patterned tape, I've hardly seen anyone using the silver stuff. My search party had hot pink, and Friday when I picked up update flyers from headquarters I got a roll of red and a roll of yellow/green floral.
In the photo of the overpass where Mickey's bike was found is a paved surface road. What makes you think the perp didn't drive in on that road? he didn't necessarily have to come from I-10. Looking at the map, I see all kinds of roads in there.

The only other way to that point from Lafayette is by taking LA 975 from Krotz Springs. That is about a 60 mile detour up I-49, east on 190, and then south on 975. 975 is a very rural road, some of which is atop a levee. It used to be gravel much of the way... not sure if it still is. I'm not sure why anyone would go that far out of their way... even a local.
In that photo of the overpass where Mickey's bike was found, did I see orange traffic cones encircling an area right on the roadway down there? Several officials were standing around the cones as I recall.

Is it possible that these cones mark the spot where Mickey's bike was discovered?

I saw the cones in those photos linked...

I will add the link here:

pics 3, 4, 14, 24, 27 show traffic cones

Possibly. "Find the bike, find Mickey" makes no sense to me unless Pat Bown thinks his taking the bike was extra significant (and it IS unusual as far abductions go). I have ZERO doubt that her abductor took her bike (not some hoodrat who later found it).
Wow, it's late. Time to hit the hay... Thanks for the discussion, folks. Let's hope the LEOs have found some good clues.

Hasta manana!
Wondering if there are other vehicles on surveillance vids..... ? Why did LE show 2 trucks and car only? Were there other cars minutes later or minutes prior? Any pedestrians?

IMO there are better vantages available to the LPD and FBI from either Martine & Castille funeral home or the Hospital a little further up. For some reason, maybe linked to the investigation, we the people are not getting all the clues. Which isn't hard to believe considering the FBI privacy acts and regulations on kidnapping and missing persons. Maybe we will find out more later...
I keep seeing the two people in the parking lot in those surveillance photos. While I think querying the people in the Caddy is of utmost importance, surely those people at the Circle K saw *something*. I wonder if they've been questioned. But then I suppose they could only do that if the people paid via gas/credit/debit card. . . (My thoughts are half-formed at this hour)
The truck in question being a Z71 says a lot about where this guy is from to me. Why would somebody who lives in the city pay 50 grand for a 4 door top of the line 4 wheel drive truck? I'm thinking he's from a rural area like Cecilia or Breaux Bridge in which case he would know very well how to take the levee road to that area. Almost all of my friends who pay that much and own a Z71 are avid outdoorsman, fisherman or the truck is work related(farmer).

Good observation. But, although that type of truck has been mentioned, so have some others, the truck thing has been so very confusing -- so we don't really know that type of truck is likely to have been involved.
Having read every post, I don't remember having read that the truck looked dirty.

I can't point you right to it, but I do think a poster (looking at the pics) made such a comment, sort of just in passing. Don't think it was in an MSM report or anything like that.
It may have already been mentioned...
It is always possible that someone found the bike abandoned and stole it... then panicked when they realized who it was connected to.
Especially if the person who took it already had a criminal history which might make them look suspicious.

We had a case in Utah where a girl disappeared on her bike.
They did not know where she went because they couldn't find her bike.

Ultimately someone came forward and said they had taken the bike after finding it abandoned at a hiking spot.
Instead of calling to report an abandoned bike... they stole it. They ultimately came forward and searches were done in the area.

She was found deceased from a fall.
It was a simple hiking accident... but she didn't die instantly.
Had those people not taken her bike... she may have been found alive.

Obviously Mickey didn't go for a hike...
But if she was abducted and her bike WAS left... it's possible someone unconnected stole it before she was reported missing.

OMG, what a terrible story. She could have been saved if someone didn't steal her bike. My God.

Mickey's bike was taken by the person who took Mickey. No doubt about it. Had a hoodrat found her bike, there is no way in hell they would drive 27 miles to a spooky exit where a serial killer dumped a body (previously)! No way, Jose. They would dump the bike in the hood. I am fearful that Mickey's abductor put her bike there to send a message. He's playing a mind game.
I think the reason for leaving the bike where it was found depends upon how well hidden it was. If it was not in view, it would not be much of a message, if it had never been found, or not found for months. JMO
OMG, what a terrible story. She could have been saved if someone didn't steal her bike. My God.

Mickey's bike was taken by the person who took Mickey. No doubt about it. Had a hoodrat found her bike, there is no way in hell they would drive 27 miles to a spooky exit where a serial killer dumped a body (previously)! No way, Jose. They would dump the bike in the hood. I am fearful that Mickey's abductor put her bike there to send a message. He's playing a mind game.

The sheer thought of this is terrorizing, but so hard to argue against it... I mean a serial killer has dumped bodies there, which was his demise!!
IMO there are better vantages available to the LPD and FBI from either Martine & Castille funeral home or the Hospital a little further up. For some reason, maybe linked to the investigation, we the people are not getting all the clues. Which isn't hard to believe considering the FBI privacy acts and regulations on kidnapping and missing persons. Maybe we will find out more later...

We wouldn't be getting all the clues even if the FBI were not involved -- and for good reason, of course.

BTW, I think, even with the FBI involved, the more local LE still has a lot of control over what's released. I think what you read pertains more to what the FBI itself will/will not release -- does not seem FBI has taken over the investigation.

Curious about those other camera locations, too. You're sure that they have cams?
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