LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #8

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You raise lots of interesting questions. I'd be curious to know if her friends know if this was close to her usual route?

To play devil's advocate:

There's a funny thing about Lafayette people in general - they don't have a good sense of direction or distance. They often don't even operate on street names - just landmarks. this is probably due to the crazy road layout, which stemmed from cow paths and waterways. I've heard it said that Lafayette was laid out by a drunk Cajun following a blind cow.

It's possible that she really didn't realize her route was much longer, because maybe she never thought to take Congress direct?

I say that because I would actually feel LESS safe on Congress. It's too wide open - too much of a main street. I'd feel exposed. As a pretty young girl I'd feel safer on the less-used roads
Yes, that route is peculiar all right. I am from that area and I have spent much time in Lafayette from a child until 30 yrs old. Granted the sidewalks are horrible in Lafayette and Johnston doesn't even have a sidewalk, it still seems as if she would have taken a more visible route. She wasn't using sidewalks anyway, she was using the road. So it seems she could have taken the long route because she didn't want to be seen or maybe she was thinking of all the drunk drivers in Lafayette at that hour. People generally drive fast on Congress and the lanes are narrow. Or she was heading somewhere else...
That Google map of Mickey’s route really puts things into perspective. I can only imagine what the non locals are going through on this thread, having to work out and keep up with all these streets that are brought up in this case. A very special thanks are definitely in order for Circa for drawing it up for us. If you aren’t a local, it should really help you to see the layout of the section of town where Mickey was riding that night.


I’m just trying to make sense out of her initial route that led to the heinous circumstances and events that she would run into along her journey. It’s really hard to do.

Still hoping for closure for Mickey’s friends and family, and for her to still be alive and strong at the moment you and I are reading this.

These were all my own opinions.​

Lots to chew on in your post. My thoughts are (as someone who has lived on both Ryan and Cedar Crest, the next street over from Parkside, and also biked that area years ago) that she would have instinctively avoided the intersection of Parkside and Congress at that time of the night. I think left on Parkside was the prudent choice (least bad, anyway) but I agree with your questioning of why she didn't make a right onto Versailles instead of a left to St John. It's possible she felt herself being watched/followed, though that doesn't explain the St John versus Versailles to University choice she made.

I'll keep it short but I did want to emphasize that intersecting Congress at Parkside at that time of night, for a female alone, would have been the least desirable choice, even if it would have gotten her right onto Congress for that straight shot home.

Edited to shorten post replied to.
Then Id be willing to bet that car frequents that area. Im not brave enough to go on a stakeout by myself plus i work nights but Id say its safe to assume that car will resurface there if people are actually looking for the car

And you'd think the police would be doing that... unless they were looking for a Caddy, instead of an Olds 98.
Chicken Fried, it was nice working with you tonight. Keep up the good work! I'm going zone out and then get some sleep.
Chicken Fried, it was nice working with you tonight. Keep up the good work! I'm going zone out and then get some sleep.

Likewise, mon frere! Great collaboration, for sure. I'm confident we're right, too.

I gotta hit the hay as well

Yes, that route is peculiar all right. I am from that area and I have spent much time in Lafayette from a child until 30 yrs old. Granted the sidewalks are horrible in Lafayette and Johnston doesn't even have a sidewalk, it still seems as if she would have taken a more visible route. She wasn't using sidewalks anyway, she was using the road. So it seems she could have taken the long route because she didn't want to be seen or maybe she was thinking of all the drunk drivers in Lafayette at that hour. People generally drive fast on Congress and the lanes are narrow. Or she was heading somewhere else...
I wish I could find the post to reference it now, but BW said something about the Parkside - St. Landry - Bike Path - Congress route as being her typical route. (Even though it makes very little sense to us.)
And you'd think the police would be doing that... unless they were looking for a Caddy, instead of an Olds 98.

Because of thr obvious body work i dont believe the make or model being accurate was all that important. Not saying it wasnt important, but just maybe to someone like me those cars all look alike so i couldnt tell you make or model. But i damn sure could tell you if i saw a car with a huge bondo spot on it.

I didnt get the persons screen name but that long post about her going somewhere else is plausible. I wondered also why wouldnt she take congress all the way down. She did go out of her way but only conclusion i can come to is she didnt feel safe on the higher speed limit roads since she used the car lanes and not always the sidewalk.

"drunk cajun following blind cow". Lmao. Lived here 32 years and never heard that before.
also, putting a bike in the trunk of a car in public in the middle of the road seems like it would take too much time. way too much time. People would have seen the incident, etc. If it was at the right place, the cameras could have even caught it. I am having trouble getting my head around the idea that the (supposed) kidnapping happened on the road. Parking lot, etc would be a more plausible location for this kind of abduction. apologies for my ridiculously long posts. I'm used to writing Blogs.

That Google map of Mickey’s route really puts things into perspective. I can only imagine what the non locals are going through on this thread, having to work out and keep up with all these streets that are brought up in this case. A very special thanks are definitely in order for Circa for drawing it up for us. If you aren’t a local, it should really help you to see the layout of the section of town where Mickey was riding that night.

With that stated, allow me to say that as a lifetime resident of Lafayette, in my opinion, the route she chose that night (considering the report that she was apparently tired and wanted to get home somewhat swiftly) was absolutely ridiculous. It’s completely baffling and even though I thought it from day one, I hadn’t spoken upon the issue in this forum until now. After viewing Circa’s map of the route a minute ago, I had to post and just say how utterly weird of a choice the route she took was (if, indeed, she was actually going home). I’m willing to bet anything that anyone, local or foreign to Lafayette, when given a map of Lafayette and the starting point and alleged ending point for Mickey’s trip, when queried, would certainly suggest taking a right onto Parkside, heading a mere few hundred feet to take a left at Congress Street: the street you are to eventually turn off of roughly four miles later. It’s one of the main streets in Lafayette and quite simply, that route is the easiest, quickest, and most efficient by far.

Instead…she takes an immediate left onto Parkside?? That’s a more than just a little peculiar. It’s a lot peculiar. But wait, it gets even weirder and even further from Congress Street than that. Then, instead of continuing straight down Parkside at the next three way junction, or taking a quick right, both of which would have shot her out onto University Avenue (the street she later crosses over and is seen immediately afterwards on surveillance in front of the Circle K on the corner). Instead, she goes even further out of her way and takes a left at that junction, putting her going toward St. John Street, and even deeper into the sketchy territory of downtown Lafayette afterhours. At St. John Street, she presumably takes a right and we see her shortly thereafter finally getting to and crossing University Avenue. Essentially, she took two turns completely away from easy access to Congress Street, the road that her presumed final destination (home) was off of. I don’t know many locals who this route would compute with. This is all assuming that she would eventually link back up with Congress Street at some point (either via one of the Saint Streets, Cajundome Boulevard, or if she took another back route behind Cajunfield, Bertrand Drive) to get to her house, which, in case you’re keeping score at home, once again, is off of Congress Street; the same street that she was less than a block away from to begin with at the start of her trip.

The route she took isn’t just a little off. It’s a lot off. The time she would’ve ended up adding on when comparing the route she would’ve ended up taking given her last known location to the more direct route I would estimate as being pretty significant; as in at least fifteen minutes or more, significant. This may not seem like much, but if we’re led to believe that Mickey was tired, not feeling up to par, and had to get home and rest before her brother’s graduation the next morning, why add that extra time and effort to the already long four mile bike ride you’re having to undertake? One could argue that for some reason, she thought the route she took was safer, but I honestly can’t see why she would. Granted, Congress Street venturing into downtown Lafayette might not be classified as the safest area in town, but at least you can rely on there being street lights at constant intervals along the entire way, as well as a good share of locals travelling on the road so you aren’t always alone. And considering she was heading directly into what I would consider the sketchiest part of her would-be journey (dark and desolate St. Landry Street to even darker and more desolate Coliseum Road), I simply can’t believe that argument holds any water.

All this leads me to wonder: where was she really heading? Was she really heading home? Or was she possibly going somewhere else? Obviously, there is the text she received just before leaving BW’s. Could that have been from her next actual destination? One could throw the theory out there that MS possibly had a secret “friend with benefits” that she intended on seeing late that night that nobody knew about. I know both men and women that can keep a secret like that from even the closest of their friends. It would make sense to tell BW that she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home as not to hurt his feelings, considering she knew he may have had feelings for her. It might also make sense, given this theory, for her to turn off her own phone before heading out so that no one bothered her while she was there and would probably think she was home sleeping if they called or sent her a text. He may be afraid to come forward given the circumstances, or, if he even exists, he might have already come forward as the sender of the last text and to clear his name. This bit of information is one of many that LE could be keeping to themselves. It’s also just a theory; and only one of hundreds, I’m sure. Or she could’ve simply been going somewhere that she just didn’t want BW or anyone to know about. One could argue that she was heading toward Johnston Street and had intentions of meeting her friends, who would most certainly still be at Mels Diner, likely casually eating and in no rush at 2:00 in the morning, as are most of the Diner’s patrons’ that wander into there for late night meals. But if that were the case, wouldn’t she either invite, or at the very least, tell BW upon her departure?

I’m just trying to make sense out of her initial route that led to the heinous circumstances and events that she would run into along her journey. It’s really hard to do.

Still hoping for closure for Mickey’s friends and family, and for her to still be alive and strong at the moment you and I are reading this.

These were all my own opinions.​
Yes! That's what I am saying. Not trying to slander or talk bad about Mickey (like I said I do not know her) but she has been painted as this pretty picture of thus saintly creature. She is human just like the rest of us. She may very well have had a love interest or a crush that she was planning to meet or maybe just pass in front of his house to see what cars were in the driveway. It is not all that far fetched that a 22 year old woman might keep her love interest a secret from BW to spare his feelings as well as her parents ......."he's got an earring! He's bad news!". Then there is also the normal college thing that is indeed illegal but pretty much accepted as the norm for college kids and has already been brought up earlier in the thread. It was her birthday weekend and i know what i was doing on my birthday weekend at 2 am when i was going to ul and living in lafayette. I was doig what everyone else was. I suppose it is also possible that Mickey could have more than one circle of friends all together. Maybe she really likes steak ha ha .....ribeye is taboo! I could imagine that if BW is not her type then what is her type may not "do" going to artmosphere.

So if you take all this into consideration, there could have been any reason for her to stray from her usual path or the shortest or easiest path. And there are probably a whole bunch of other people who know Mickey and Mickey is the only one who knows she knows them. And they may be the only ones who know where she was going along her way home. And chances are there has to be someone other than bw and a whole lot uh.....capable looking .......than bw that at some point noticed she is pretty and "out with friends" and single. So to me, her cell phone records for like the past six months or year are far far more important than that one night because chances are more likely than not that if she went out a lot ....and drank enough to be hung over ......more than one Guy was lucky enough to get her number. And when she sobered up she might have done the saintly thing and told the dude(s) sorry I was drunk blah blah blah........shot him down. And it is completely possible that she could start a relationship and it end badly without bw knowing, or her parents! Sooooooo........
Yes! That's what I am saying. Not trying to slander or talk bad about Mickey (like I said I do not know her) but she has been painted as this pretty picture of thus saintly creature. She is human just like the rest of us. She may very well have had a love interest or a crush that she was planning to meet or maybe just pass in front of his house to see what cars were in the driveway. It is not all that far fetched that a 22 year old woman might keep her love interest a secret from BW to spare his feelings as well as her parents ......."he's got an earring! He's bad news!". Then there is also the normal college thing that is indeed illegal but pretty much accepted as the norm for college kids and has already been brought up earlier in the thread. It was her birthday weekend and i know what i was doing on my birthday weekend at 2 am when i was going to ul and living in lafayette. I was doig what everyone else was. I suppose it is also possible that Mickey could have more than one circle of friends all together. Maybe she really likes steak ha ha .....ribeye is taboo! I could imagine that if BW is not her type then what is her type may not "do" going to artmosphere.

So if you take all this into consideration, there could have been any reason for her to stray from her usual path or the shortest or easiest path. And there are probably a whole bunch of other people who know Mickey and Mickey is the only one who knows she knows them. And they may be the only ones who know where she was going along her way home. And chances are there has to be someone other than bw and a whole lot uh.....capable looking .......than bw that at some point noticed she is pretty and "out with friends" and single. So to me, her cell phone records for like the past six months or year are far far more important than that one night because chances are more likely than not that if she went out a lot ....and drank enough to be hung over ......more than one Guy was lucky enough to get her number. And when she sobered up she might have done the saintly thing and told the dude(s) sorry I was drunk blah blah blah........shot him down. And it is completely possible that she could start a relationship and it end badly without bw knowing, or her parents! Sooooooo........

This was her typical route according to friends. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, looking at it from a map stand point. I have never been to the city however so I am unsure how it looks from a ground stand point and the pros and cons of taking that path.
Because of thr obvious body work i dont believe the make or model being accurate was all that important. Not saying it wasnt important, but just maybe to someone like me those cars all look alike so i couldnt tell you make or model. But i damn sure could tell you if i saw a car with a huge bondo spot on it.

I didnt get the persons screen name but that long post about her going somewhere else is plausible. I wondered also why wouldnt she take congress all the way down. She did go out of her way but only conclusion i can come to is she didnt feel safe on the higher speed limit roads since she used the car lanes and not always the sidewalk.

"drunk cajun following blind cow". Lmao. Lived here 32 years and never heard that before.

If the cops were thinking it was a caddie, then they would be searching the wrong computer registrations and not be seeing the correct list of cars. So this info could be key to helping them find the driver.
This was her typical route according to friends. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, looking at it from a map stand point. I have never been to the city however so I am unsure how it looks from a ground stand point and the pros and cons of taking that path.
Since I essentially grew up going back and forth to St. Landry or Lourdes or Fatima, we took those routes quite a bit - IN A CAR. As I grew older and had my own car, I would use that path that snaked in back of Blackham to St. Landry to University to avoid rush hour traffic on Johnston and Congress. It's a little awkward, but not aggravatingly so.

Thing is, I never liked that tiny strip of road at the end of St. Landry where the homes end and the field begins. A couple of months ago, at sunset, I took that shortcut, and was struck by how sad/lonely/CREEPY Lourdes and the whole area looks now. I worry for the occupants of the nursing home located behind the hospital. kinda lost my train of thought there...but i had a point...somewhere
Your local info about the area is very helpful. My question though is, was it possible that maybe she was making those detours because someone was scaring her or she felt she was being followed?

If this were the case, and she intended to go to Congress Street immediately, something would have had to spook her right away, either on Ryan, or directly on Parkside. And if this truly were the case, wouldn't she just go right back to BW's instead of just taking another route? Or she could have called BW or someone else (or, as a ruse, simply pretend to talk on her cell phone) as she rode? Who can say, maybe she wouldn't. You have a good theory, for sure.

General safety was also brought up. As far as the safety aspect, I still can't believe that Mickey truly believed the entire stretch of St. Landry Street and Coliseum Road would be a safer bet than that one intersection of Parkside Street and Congress Street.

As for this being her usual route: I was going to touch on that in my original post, because I had indeed heard something along those lines coming from a friend of Mickey’s in the earlier stages of the investigation. But I decided not to because I felt that even being a creature of habit, when the circumstances are different, and it's 2:00 in the morning, and you don't feel well and you just want to be home and in your bed, I figured that even if it wasn't her usual route, that Mickey would have broken her habit and gone the most direct route home. I could certainly be wrong there as well.

Chicken Fried brings up an intriguing notion that not every local in Lafayette, even after living their whole lives here, really ever has a solid bearing of what road leads where and why one way may be quicker than another. I'd never thought of it in that light. Very interesting. There's also always some new road or intersection being put up in this ever growing city and it sometimes only adds to the confusion *cough*_intersection_of_Camelia_and_Johnston_*cough*.

The possible stop for something on the recreational side is definitely another possibility. It would explain why BW would sound and look suspicious when he was initially questioned (just like he did to just about everyone here, admit it) because he wouldn't want to say that was where she was going before she disappeared. And certainly the person she was going to score from wouldn't want to come forward with that information.

So many questions. So few answers.​
This was her typical route according to friends. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, looking at it from a map stand point. I have never been to the city however so I am unsure how it looks from a ground stand point and the pros and cons of taking that path.
OK but it makes a really huge difference because while if she were following the path that her friends said was her usual route she may have shown up on the next camera along that route when they expected her to......but she didn't. So yeah it makes a difference if she wasn't seen on-the-job next camera because she was visiting some kind of friend no one knew she had plans to visit that night or if she wasn't on the in view of the camera along that specific path she may have been somewhere else abducted somewhere else and at a different time completely!
If you are turning kid ...birthday weekend ...and you left a party or concert early and maybe just a little bit possibly kind of "blew off" the friend of the opposite sex.....would you be going straight straight straight home? Would you maybe want to see your crush? Maybe even have them pick you up? Maybe you'd rather sit andchill a while at another friends' house....

Anything really. Say she stopped and visited for all of maybe 30 minutes.. you realize how big of a difference that would make in the whole case? The vehicles of interest would be ones around her whereabouts at a different location and thirty minutes later!

So while it is great to know her usual route......that's nice good to know! But is that where she really went?????

Same thing with the cell phone. It doesn't matter who she talked to that night in particular. I doubt anyone suspects any of the people she was with that night .....she didnt make anyone ad that night.what we NEED to know is who ELSE does she know.
I'm getting depressed over this :(
Since I essentially grew up going back and forth to St. Landry or Lourdes or Fatima, we took those routes quite a bit - IN A CAR. As I grew older and had my own car, I would use that path that snaked in back of Blackham to St. Landry to University to avoid rush hour traffic on Johnston and Congress. It's a little awkward, but not aggravatingly so.

Thing is, I never liked that tiny strip of road at the end of St. Landry where the homes end and the field begins. A couple of months ago, at sunset, I took that shortcut, and was struck by how sad/lonely/CREEPY Lourdes and the whole area looks now. I worry for the occupants of the nursing home located behind the hospital. kinda lost my train of thought there...but i had a point...somewhere


Thanks for clearing that up. So it appears to be a normal route that locales take. So we can as of now(imo) rules out that she wasn't going anywhere but home. All witnesses say she was headed home, and appeared to be taking her normal route.

Just a run down..

She is riding alone late at night, the streets appear almost completely empty, except for that gas station.

She is blatantly(imo) from the pictures, being stalked by 1, possibly 2 vehicles. We have no evidence, that there was any kind of vehicle debree(paint, broken head lights, etc) that we know of, in the area. Apparently we have no witnesses of the abduction unless the camera picked it up, which I'm hoping. She was taken fast, which tells me, we have a team. If it was one person, there is no way he snatches her with no fuss and no witnesses. Is able to throw her bike in the back and clean up any potential crime scene that fast without help.

Even if you think, maybe a friend drove up and offered her a ride. Apparently none of her friends or family recognize these vehicles. So I am ruling that out at this time. As I touched on earlier, they don't seem to have any fear of the camera and guys who appear to be this maticulous, in a quick clean fast abducion you would think they would avoid the particular area they were trolling for victims in, unless they didn't know about the cameras. To the locales, how obvious are the camera around there?

We then have her bike placed in a notorious area where murder victims have been found. More than likely planted there. Some could say it's to mislead the LE. Or the other option it could be a taunt. It is obviously big news all over the area. Her abductors obviously know what they have done, whatever they have done. Everyone is looking for her.. What better way to make their point and taunt police than to dump the bike in an area that has a dark past, and apparently is known as a place most don't want to venture too alone or if they dont have too.

All this makes me think, this isn't going to end well for her or her family.
In the photo at circle K with the white truck on St Landry; it looks like there is a vehicle with people at the corner of Circle K AND IT looks like if you look further back behind another bush (perhaps on University Avenue itself) There is another vehicle. 3 vehicles in this picture is what I see. anyone else see what I see?
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