LA LA - Shane Fell, 36, Marrero, 9 June 2011 - #1

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Something else that is strange:

Look at Page One of the 911 Dispatch sheets. There is a detail line there which gives the phone number (whited out) and the address (249 Klein Lane) of the person who reported the car. Very close by.
Page One:

Now look at Page Two of the Dispatch sheets. A detail line that starts with "INFO" says that a relative of the person who called it in is "in a 20". (In police code "20" is a "location") If I am reading it correctly the next portion "advises to contact the relative and tell them he is fine"

Page Two:



if that address is close by makes one wonder

1. did that person recognize the car and kind of know the driver?

2. offer the driver a lift further down the road after making the call?
I read earlier that his brother found his shoe in the mud. So, if anyone else were there, there would be footprints.


really wish that they had brought a K9 unit to the scene to look for him -- in the you tube video brother said they had searched the pipes and the trains nearby but I didn't hear the words K9 unit ....
Did they search all vacant buildings in the area?
The two I've viewed are accurate.

Thanks. Yes, I thought so too.

The first youtube link is four short ones. The ETA youtube link is interesting because even though he shot sideways (he said he didn't know how to use his camera yet), Rick Brown gives a plausible theory on where Shane would have walked out of there and why. He thinks he would not have walked on the road to get home because of fear of getting a DUI. He thinks he walked off the road and up toward the levee.

I wonder if all that area was thoroughly searched, from there to Shane's house, and by what means.
I have to wonder if there is any proof other than his brother's identification that it was Shane's shoe? Were any DNA tests conducted?

really wish that they had brought a K9 unit to the scene to look for him -- in the you tube video brother said they had searched the pipes and the trains nearby but I didn't hear the words K9 unit ....
They did bring in K-9's, but it was a few days afterward, and it had rained. Searches were conducted by helicopter and boat, also.
Something else that is strange:

Look at Page One of the 911 Dispatch sheets. There is a detail line there which gives the phone number (whited out) and the address (249 Klein Lane) of the person who reported the car. Very close by.

Page One:

Now look at Page Two of the Dispatch sheets. A detail line that starts with "INFO" says that a relative of the person who called it in is "in a 20". (In police code "20" is a "location") If I am reading it correctly the next portion "advises to contact the relative and tell them he is fine"

Page Two:


I saw that too. What I think they meant is... this is when Brett made it to the "20" Location and told the police he had talked to Shane and that Shane was fine. Which indicates the time Brett arrived on the scene was between 1:05am-1:09am. If you listen to the call that was made to 911 the man does not sound like Brett. If it took Brett 20 mins to get there the accident was between what 12:45 and 12:50. About 20 mins for Shane to walk away, Going by the statement that he wasn't injured how far could one walk in that time?

As for the address on Klein, maybe that too should have been blacked out. its probably the address in which his cell phone bill gets sent. However looking up the address at KLEIN ST it is a business location. And its Klein STREET, not Lane over in that area near the accident. The first page states the caller was at River Rd and Barataria Blvd. Some of the callers statements however, like the one about the windshield wipers still being on is confusing. How could he tell? Did he get stop and get out of his car to look at Shane's vehicle? Wonder if the police talked to this man any further after he made the initial 911 call?

And wondering does anyone know if the keys were still in the car?
Okay, so I am just reading through this case for the first time. My initial reaction was that he was drunk/injured/disoriented, lost his shoe in the mud, wandered into the woods or the river and died. But I understand it has been said he should have been found by now.

The comments about his cell phone are interesting. Surely when his brother arrived at the scene and Shane was not there, the first thing he would have done is to call his cell phone, which they should have heard ringing if he was still nearby. Either he turned it off, he was far away, or he was in the river. I don't think he will be found close to the crash site.

Just to throw out a bit of an "out there" suggestion. What if the 911 caller was the person he met up with that night. Shane tells his brother he is okay, he is going to "find a way" to leave the scene. He then calls the person he was just with, tells them to pick him up at the crash site. The person arrives, picks up Shane, calls 911, and they both leave. Perhaps the accident triggered a need for him to escape from whatever problems he had been facing in his life, and not something he wanted to discuss with his brother.

When asked if there is a person in the car, the 911 caller doesn't answer the question but instead says that the windshield wipers are on, which is a strange answer to that question. It would also explain being able to offer details about the type of car.

Honestly though.... I think he ended up in the river. Not sure why he hasn't been found.
Is there any Proof that Shane's brother called him? Or that Shane called his brother? Like did the police check Brent's Phone to see if Brent had gotten a call from or had placed a call to, Shane?

I was wondering if Brent's cell phone provider could check pings to Shane's phone to determine where he ''actually'' was when the call was received as for all we know he could have been 500 yards down the road....walking towards his house?
Interesting case. Two immediate notions/possibilities come to mind immediately:

1) He was able to talk on the phone immediately following the accident but perished from internal injuries shortly thereafter and simply has not been found. (It is *really* hard to find people outdoors. He could have thumbed a ride, gotten out of the car and then perished somewhere further away....)

2)Statistically, men run due to money problems. Did he owe lots of back child support or anything like that?
Prayers to his family; the clip on the news of his brother was heart wrenching.


I was wondering if there were exmarital issues as well. There's been no mention of significant others past or current from what I could determine so far
I think the most likely scenario was that he tried to get away from the scene because he'd been drinking and either fell in the swollen river accidentally (maybe trying to hide) or succumbed to a head injury.

I think he was either really drunk (drunk enough to get lost/drive for 25 minutes in the wrong direction while right near one's home is really drunk in my book) or he had an interim stop b/t the bar and home that is not -- for whatever reason -- being reported. If the former, it makes both above scenarios even more likely (didn't realize how injured he was and/or acted recklessly near water). If the latter, I'd assume that his brother knew where he was going and that's why he called when he did; the fact his brother isn't mentioning the stop makes it -- in my mind at least -- more likely it was criminal activity-related. I think, even if that's what happened, it probably doesn't factor into what happened to him. Of course, if he picked up and used drugs, he could be even more impaired than we know...

Following your train of thought that he made a stop - I wondered if he stopped to pick up a little something like a bottle of alcohol or some beer on his way home....or a ''booty'' call (((info that bro may or may not know about)) after all he was pretty young.
Remember the Chandra Levy case - a girl who went missing in Rock Creek Park in Washington DC? Police searched that urban park numerous times and did not find her. A year later a guy was walking his dog along a road in the park and the dog found a human skull.

It was Chandra and the other bones were found on a steep slope nearby. Police said they had searched within 100 yards or so of where she was found. They also said it was obvious she had been there all along. Some of her clothing was in a nearby bush.

So why didn't they find her? Who knows?

About bodies in rivers: After the Johnstown Flood of 1889, hundreds upon hundreds of bodies were never found. And I can assure you the Conemaugh River is a dinky little stream compared to the Mississippi. Boats patrolled the rivers for weeks afterwards and bodies were recovered from all along the Conemaugh, the Kiski, the Allegheny and the Ohio River. Bodies were found as far downstream as Ohio. The rivers were very high and near Pittsburgh were full of floating debris even before the flood.

As they are now, actually. We had a no boating warning over this holiday weekend due to the large quantity of debris in the rivers.

There have been plenty of people who have fallen into rivers whose bodies were never found. Where do they go? Who knows? Caught up on a tree in a deep area perhaps. Embedded in mud?

My theory: He did indeed have a head injury. That windshield is the telltale sign. You have to hit HARD to cause that kind of damage. Definitely no seatbelt.

I think he was going somewhere purposely for some reason after he left the bar. Likely to buy some type of drug. I think the brother knew this. I think the brother may have been actually waiting for him and when he did not arrive, that's why he called "to check on him".

When brother told him he flipped the car I think brother advised him to "go hide somewhere, I'll come and pick you up so you don't get arrested". I think he did go to the woods or to the river. Becoming more and more disoriented as he ran with only one shoe.
If he was right beside the river he could have passed out and rolled into it.

I've read it is known among coroners and medical examiners that a number of men who are found drowned in bodies of water will have their fly open. They apparently are urinating into the water when they lose their balance and fall in.

So very sad for his family. It's bad enough to lose someone but then to not even really know what happened to him has to be so very disturbing. My sympathies to them.
From the site the family runs it is noted that a former girlfriend pointed out that S has a routine that he does not vary. So it appears he was quite 'stable' in his habits and the family said he was not the type to abandon friends family or his job as a technical writer.

It is fast approaching the three year anniversary of his disappearance and I do hope that this anniversary will be the one that brings them some solace at last. It has to be so tough on the family.
My theory: He did indeed have a head injury. That windshield is the telltale sign. You have to hit HARD to cause that kind of damage. Definitely no seatbelt.

I just want to comment on the windshield condition. There is no way to know if it was his head that did that damage or if the rolling of the car and landing in that ditch did the damage. To me it looked like the windshield was kicked in not out. On google maps, it seems there are cement markers in the grounds near the scene. Is it possible that he did not hit his head at all and Earth did the damage to the vehicle? Had he hit his head on that windshield I think blood would have been emanate. That's a lot of glass. And as far as Shane could tell he wasn't injured. If he had been ejected from the windshield he probably wouldn't have survived as the car ended up on its hood. But he was able to climb out the passengers side window. I think he was wearing his seat belt. I am assuming that the car did have airbags. Does anyone know if they deployed?
(All snipping done respectfully :) and BBM)

The comments about his cell phone are interesting. Surely when his brother arrived at the scene and Shane was not there, the first thing he would have done is to call his cell phone, which they should have heard ringing if he was still nearby. Either he turned it off, he was far away, or he was in the river. I don't think he will be found close to the crash site.

Good point.

Just to throw out a bit of an "out there" suggestion. What if the 911 caller was the person he met up with that night. Shane tells his brother he is okay, he is going to "find a way" to leave the scene. He then calls the person he was just with, tells them to pick him up at the crash site. The person arrives, picks up Shane, calls 911, and they both leave. Perhaps the accident triggered a need for him to escape from whatever problems he had been facing in his life, and not something he wanted to discuss with his brother.

Hadn't he just been with his brother? Oh, you mean someone else?

When asked if there is a person in the car, the 911 caller doesn't answer the question but instead says that the windshield wipers are on, which is a strange answer to that question. It would also explain being able to offer details about the type of car.

Maybe I missed it but: were the windshield wipers actually in the "on" position? (Perhaps when he looked in the car he saw the control for them was set to "On", and didn't actually see wiper movement.) Did weather conditions require the use of wipers that night?

Yes I meant someone else - following up on others that have questioned the time gap from when he left the bar to when/where the accident occurred - unless he was driving around completely drunk, it's hard to believe he would have gone that far out of his way, unless he was heading to meet up with someone else. If only to pick something up, as others have mentioned.

One thing I wondered about the windshield wipers is if maybe the person was standing beside the car, he could hear them running, rather than actually saw them.

(All snipping done respectfully :) and BBM)

Good point.

Hadn't he just been with his brother? Oh, you mean someone else?

Maybe I missed it but: were the windshield wipers actually in the "on" position? (Perhaps when he looked in the car he saw the control for them was set to "On", and didn't actually see wiper movement.) Did weather conditions require the use of wipers that night?

Maybe I missed it but: were the windshield wipers actually in the "on" position? (Perhaps when he looked in the car he saw the control for them was set to "On", and didn't actually see wiper movement.) Did weather conditions require the use of wipers that night?

It is said in the 911 call by the Caller when asked if anyone was still in the vehicle? He states that the windshield wipers were still on.

I to am wondering if it was raining, If the wipers were still on when the police arrived, and if the keys were still in the ignition? What else was left on? And how did the Caller know about the wipers with the car in its position I would have to think the Caller stop and got out of his car to look. Human curiosity?
Yes I meant someone else - following up on others that have questioned the time gap from when he left the bar to when/where the accident occurred - unless he was driving around completely drunk, it's hard to believe he would have gone that far out of his way, unless he was heading to meet up with someone else. If only to pick something up, as others have mentioned.

One thing I wondered about the windshield wipers is if maybe the person was standing beside the car, he could hear them running, rather than actually saw them.

Hi Juli, I'm wondering if the windshield wipers could have accidentally gone on as a result of the accident, if it wasn't raining. I suppose all kinds of things could have possibly happened as a result of the crash, mechanically speaking. Just a thought. :seeya:
Yes that's a possibility. I actually just assumed it was probably raining since his shoe was found in the "mud" and I am assuming there were no footprints to follow as the rain washed them away?

Hi Juli, I'm wondering if the windshield wipers could have accidentally gone on as a result of the accident, if it wasn't raining. I suppose all kinds of things could have possibly happened as a result of the crash, mechanically speaking. Just a thought. :seeya:
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