LA LA - Shane Fell, 36, Marrero, 9 June 2011 - #2

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As the evidence shows that Shane was a strong family man, and would not want to be one to leave. I have often thought four possible outcomes about this case:

1.) Shane had a medical injury after the accident. Possibly amnesia with other likely injuries. It affected his memory to such an extent that he wondered away and does not remember the accident. He knew when Brett called him, but the injuries got worse, and tragically he could have just wandered away and died. It stands to reason that if this did happen, how is it possible that his body never showed up to verify that this happened? Shane died of causes from the accident where it was much more severe than he or Brett believed. No cover up involved.

2.) Shane survived the accident, but never recovered from the memory loss. His judgement or thinking was messed up and because of his medical condition due to the accident, vanished because he does not know how to get home or get help due to this condition. He didn't WANT to go missing, but medically could not make that choice in his mind. He became a lone drifter on the streets of New Orleans, blending in with the homeless and down-trotten of the city. If he is alive, I think this is the recurring issue with this case.

3.) Shane wandered away, and was struck by a car were the seriousness of his injuries were not noted until after speaking with Brett. He could have been picked up by LE, died due to his injuries being in transit or later at a hospital. Fearful for their jobs and liability LE knows what happened, but refuses to say or release the information about what happened.

4.) Shane wondered away, was picked up and exploited by a bad person and was killed. Probably the least likely, but it is still possible.

I put #2 as the most likely outcome. What do you think?


#2 for me too. He could be like Benjaman Kyle who finally learned his name a year ago after a DNA test. 3 is also very possible, someone hit him, he passed away, they freaked.

I have been doing some more research and read that his cell was pinging for five days after he went missing and the police won't disclose anything about it. And that shane didn't call his brother after the accident. His brother just happened to call him. Does that suggest that he may have wanted to go missing?

Someone needs to order the records via Freedom of info act.
It doesn't seem like a lot of info has been given out by police or family.

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His family (kenny- uncle) was here giving as much info as he could. There was a disappeared episode about him. Kenny follows up on every lead- including the homeless guy I met and only remembered vague info about. I didn't get the info straight from kenny, but from what I understand kenny went and found him. the guy looked so close to shane, but he talked to him and it's not him.

This process is very overwhelming for a family after several years, I can imagine. I think if anyone was willing to help, they would take it. But not sure what more they can do on their own. I get it. And I want him found. He never leaves my mind.

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His family (kenny- uncle) was here giving as much info as he could. There was a disappeared episode about him. Kenny follows up on every lead- including the homeless guy I met and only remembered vague info about. I didn't get the info straight from kenny, but from what I understand kenny went and found him. the guy looked so close to shane, but he talked to him and it's not him.

This process is very overwhelming for a family after several years, I can imagine. I think if anyone was willing to help, they would take it. But not sure what more they can do on their own. I get it. And I want him found. He never leaves my mind.

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Do you remember what year the show was? Nothing is coming up on google
Do you remember what year the show was? Nothing is coming up on google

I know there was a show featuring psychics who were trying to figure out what happened, the psychic thought he may be with the homeless, transients in the woods, IIRC.
I'm on my phone but will check my laptop for the show.

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The show is The Unexplained.

I don't recall Shane being the subject of a Disappeared episode.
The show is The Unexplained.

I don't recall Shane being the subject of a Disappeared episode.
This is the most I've seen or read about this in a long time.
He had the presence of mind to call his brother. However, I'll bet he (Shane) became frightened (more than he already was) when he was told to be prepared to be arrested because he'd been drinking. That may have mobilized him to get the heck out of there.
Has the man who called 911, been located and interviewed?

Also, and maybe I need to go back and reread, but was there much said about what had been going on in his life at the time? I recall there being some.....unease? about that. That not everyone was being as forthcoming as they should be.

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Don't know if this has been posted,

But it is a good show about Shane's case!


Thanks. I wasn't sure about the show name. I just knew there was one.

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And his thread is an easy one to reread because it is sadly short!

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Don't know if this has been posted,

But it is a good show about Shane's case!



Thanks so much. Was sad to see him say there isn't much about Shane online which is the truth. It's very important that family keeps his name out there, whether on social media or in the press. They should do something for the next milestone whether Shane's birthday or his missing date, call the press to have them come out to get his story back out there.

Sadly, his website, Help Find Shane Fell no longer works and Shane's Facebook page isn't very active. Kenny should consider adding their mom, having her do posts as often as she can to say what her life is like without Shane being found like Eric Franks mom does on his Facebook page. She does posts "thoughts from Eric's mom", has a large following and could be why Disappeared decided to feature him. Shane's story would also be good for the show.

I do wonder if Kenny could order his file thru Freedom of information act to get the cell records. Here are a few pages that I found. He can also request to see them in person. All they can say is no

Louisiana FOIA procedures - Ballotpedia Jump to How to request public records in Louisiana - Requests should be directed to the department in control of the records.
Louisiana FOIA Laws
Louisiana Sample FOIA Request

Not sure that I've seen this before; was pretty interesting. Forensic astrology - Shane Fell - Young Man Disappears From Site of Accident - Monday, March 25, 2013
Pass by the accident location on occasion, Shane's MP sign is still up along with yellow ribbons that have been placed on the fence line. Totally a baffling case indeed, did Kenny ever find out more about the PT Cruiser ? Bizarre back in the spring as I was passing by the accident location the car in front of me was a purple PT Cruiser w/Tennessee tags it turned right on to Marrero ... gave me the chills ..
Pass by the accident location on occasion, Shane's MP sign is still up along with yellow ribbons that have been placed on the fence line. Totally a baffling case indeed, did Kenny ever find out more about the PT Cruiser ? Bizarre back in the spring as I was passing by the accident location the car in front of me was a purple PT Cruiser w/Tennessee tags it turned right on to Marrero ... gave me the chills ..

Thanks for this,

Does Kenny have any recent updates? An important element of this case is Shane cell phone and the ping connections. Would like to know:

1.) The people who tried to contact him for those several days after he went missing on this phone.
2.) Was Shane at any point during that time with his phone? I understand the cell phone has never been found.
3.) I think he suffered amnesia with possible other injuries and was intoxicated. Fearful of being arrested, and in a worse condition that perhaps he or Brett thought at the time, he just took off. The question is "Did LE force him to flee or take Shane into custody because of the accident?" Would there be any reason NOT to allow him to wait for Brett, which presumably, Shane would have said "My brother is coming to get me?"

Was there only one call conversation between Shane and Brett or two? The information I found here said there was follow up communication. I always thought it was one call. Shane took a call from Brett. What did they talk about for those three minutes? <modsnip>

Good questions, recall there were at least two calls between Shane and his brother. If I recall from memory .. Please correct me if I'm incorrect. Kenny commented we or I would never know what was said. Why he made that comment was strange .. Think Kenny was getting some kind of assistance with acquire the phone records its been awhile since he has posted. Just another note .. there is a traffic camera on River Road it use to be a portable one that flashed your speed and sent you a ticket in the mail it's now a vehicle w/a camera attached to it. Do not recall if the camera was there in 2011. Believe the accident area is within Marrero LE jurisdiction.. With the extent of the accident i'm sure JPLE came to the scene.

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:bump: up for Shane!

Where are you??!!!

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