LA LA - Slidell, WhtFem 20-30, UP852, Breast Implants, Pregnant Jun'86

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I sent an email to the LSU contact on NAMUS regarding Debra Spickler today. I will let you guys know if I hear anything.
I contacted the LSU Faces Lab in Louisiana back in mid-November regarding the possible match to Debra. They are in charge of the LPJD case. Helen Bouzon at LSU then contacted the Massachusetts State Police to find out if any identifiers (i.e., Dental Records, DNA, or Fingerprints) were available for Debra. They told her that none were available, but they were in the process of getting DNA Family Reference Sample (FRS) kits to the family. So if the family was contacted in late November or after about submitting FRS's, then it is probably related to this.

And BTW, no problem answering questions. I'll be glad to assist in any way I can.


Has there been any news in regards to Debbie Cressotti? Just an old friend of Deb's, I used to hang out with her back in Blandford. I came across this
website last week and decided to inquire about her.

Has there been any news in regards to Debbie Cressotti? Just an old friend of Deb's, I used to hang out with her back in Blandford. I came across this
website last week and decided to inquire about her.

Welcome to Websleuths Qurious:


No, I haven't heard anything. I never contacted the Massachusetts State Police, so I don't know what the status is of the DNA Family Reference Samples, and I doubt that they would tell me anything if I was to call them to inquire.

My contact was with LSU Faces Lab (the organization in charge of the Lake Ponchartrain Jane Doe case), and they said that they would leave it up to MSP to contact them when they had their ducks in a row.

But if you have any information on Debra that would shed light on whether we might be on the right track, it would be greatly appreciated. For example, do you know if she was married? Had facial or nose surgery? Breast implants?

Of course even if none of these things applied to her at the last time that you saw her, they could have occurred after that.
Why on earth have they not used the imprinted serial numbers that all silicone breast implants have, the can locate the doctor and the individual who they were implanted in. I have seen many human remains ID'd in this manner, HBO used to have a show called Autospy/Doctor Baden, I saw two women identfied this way, and they were in water for months.

The implants on this Jane Doe did not have any identifying traits, like serial numbers. This is strange for the US --unless she must had the augmentation prior to serial numbers becoming a standard in practice by the makers of implants. There were some comments that the girl could have had the surgery out side of the US where serial numbers weren't standard. This might fit with the idea that the victim could have been a military wife stationed in different parts of the world prior to ending up murdered and dumped by her husband in LA.
Thought you all might want to see this article from my local paper.

I read about this New Orleans cold case and arrest of the suspect and thought that the manner of death and the way the body was disposed is eerily similar to our Lake Pontchartrain Jane Doe. The times and locations are all very close. St Barnard Parish is east of New Orleans and borders the area where our victim was discovered.
It has left me wondering if the other cases that are mentioned in this article might include this Jane Doe.
Well,I just received this email.

I just received a letter from the DNA lab in North Texas with the results of the mitochondrial testing. The unidentified remains from our lab (case 03-35) are officially NOT your sister. I know you have been waiting a long time for this comparison to be complete and I’m sorry that we ultimately were not able to help you. Hopefully, you will get some answers one day.

I am glad this is not my sister Tammy it gives me hope she is ok out there.I can't seem to find her alive and I can't seem to find her dead.I do look for her dead because I cannot and will not believe she would let me or other people look for her dead and ever be that selfish.I don't know where to look or what to do any more.But I won't give up on her.What if she really is dead out there and no one to find her and bring her home.
Well,I just received this email.

I just received a letter from the DNA lab in North Texas with the results of the mitochondrial testing. The unidentified remains from our lab (case 03-35) are officially NOT your sister. I know you have been waiting a long time for this comparison to be complete and I’m sorry that we ultimately were not able to help you. Hopefully, you will get some answers one day.

I am glad this is not my sister Tammy it gives me hope she is ok out there.I can't seem to find her alive and I can't seem to find her dead.I do look for her dead because I cannot and will not believe she would let me or other people look for her dead and ever be that selfish.I don't know where to look or what to do any more.But I won't give up on her.What if she really is dead out there and no one to find her and bring her home.

Suzanne, Thanks for your posts. I know that you pray for answers and we do too. The love that you have for your sister is inspiring - Tammy is out there somewhere and one day this hope with be replaced with resolution. I hope that you will stay and contribute to this thread and others on this site.
God Bless you!
Thank you.I will.I care about this Jane Doe very much.I feel I was lead to her for a reason.
I've been looking into this Jane Doe alot lately and will alot more.I was looking at the missing person of Bambi Luann Brantly.It says on her Charlie Project page they think she is connected to these other womens cases.It says they look similar and to me they appear to look like this Jane Doe.Was this a drug related killing or related in any way to Bambi?

Well,looking into to this Jane Does case for a long time now.This is what I think.I think they should make sure when Bambi Luann Brantly came up missing and check her or connected somehow.I feel this Jane Doe could be connected to all these woman missing mentioned on her charlie page. All 3 women were new to the area it says and I feel possibly connected to a drug dealer in the area who was accused of killing some of these women mentioned.
Has Cressotti been ruled out or something yet? She looked like the best possibility along with Shannon Potter. About one month ago I realized I was passing by greenwood cemetery where she is buried. Was going to take a picture but it started raining really hard. Then I saw twelve or so white crosses. After that I realized that she probably doesn't have a head stone because I remembered the detectives did not even remember where she was at when digging her remains up several years ago. I hope there is a resolution soon.
I've been looking into this Jane Doe alot lately trying to figure anything out I can about her.I found this other Jane Doe found in 1985(A year earlier)Also found Saint Tammany Parish and found in Lake Pontchartrian.I haven't found this other Jane Doe listed any where else.I am curious if this other Jane Doe was killed in a similar way as this Jane Doe.Does any one know more on this other Jane Doe found?

Here is another Jane doe found it St Tammany Parish around that time but so little info, not even a location. BTW the whole St Tammany Parish Sheriff's office and Judicial system is a complete corrupt joke. So much shady stuff through the years. of Margaret Coon & Lynn Nunez.htm
Here is another Jane doe found it St Tammany Parish around that time but so little info, not even a location. BTW the whole St Tammany Parish Sheriff's office and Judicial system is a complete corrupt joke. So much shady stuff through the years. of Margaret Coon & Lynn Nunez.htm

Thanks Manni for the links. I have lived in Covington for the past 12 years and had never heard about the unsolved murder of Margaret Coon. I attended a party today in Beau Chene and took the opportunity to drive by her condo and the 600 block of N Beau Chene Drive - since the party was only around the pond from where MC lived. She was not very far from her home when she was killed.
I asked a party goer (who had lived in Beau Chene since '81 about the neighborhood/development in the mid '80s and learned that where MC was jogging that evening was undeveloped and mostly wooded roadways. Lots of places to hide and wait for your target to come to you.
I know that this is off topic for this thread, but it seems like someone who knew MC's habits lay in wait for her to pass by that night and then grabbed her and stabbed her in the back (perhaps, literally).
Darla has dentals on file so that is an easy comparison.

Amanda has MtDNA on file as does the Jane Doe. The question is whether or not they are in the same database.

Are the missing women in NAMUS?? The dentals and DNA should automatically run against one another if both profiles have the same information on them....I will check.
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