Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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From the article:

Laura Rackner, Kaine Horman's attorney, declined to comment Saturday night other than to say: "I just want to do whatever is going to help law enforcement right now."

That's it? That's all she has to say? No comment?? Again - what a cryptic and evasive response from The Kaine Camp.

I am convinced that this story is related to The Kaine Camp ousting the Oregonian from the press conference.

But what's the big deal? If Kaine is innocent, how does THIS story hurt the case? How would releasing this information hurt Kyron? That's still a HUGE question.

I have a feeling this murder-for-hire story is only the tip of the iceberg.
What in God's name has she done to Kyron if she did this. This is diabolical.

Kyron, you poor sweet baby, where are you???

What if she hired someone to go to the school and get him and do the same thing?? :(
This woman, TH, if you can call her that, was grasping at straws to change her life. Anything is possible now. Has LE looked into their finances. That seems to come up in quite a few cases. Missing large sums of money. Financial problems, etc.
I'm beginning to sway towards the botched kidnapping scenario. Maybe since she gave up her job to take care of the children money was a huge issue. Perhaps someone thinking they were going to get a huge amount of money took Kyron for half of it. I don't think this so much spells out revenge, if this is the case, but more about greed. Maybe that's why she plotted to kill Kaine. I only hope this little boy is somewhere being taken care of. The person that may have him is more than likely at this point scared. Maybe there was a a ransom note with Kyron's glasses to prove they had him, thus the glasses theory. I agree they do seem to be talking in code, and maybe the kidnapper (?) doesn't like the way the 2 newspapers were reporting the story. Does that make any sense?
What in God's name has she done to Kyron if she did this. This is diabolical.

Kyron, you poor sweet baby, where are you???

What if she hired someone to go to the school and get him and do the same thing?? :(

I wonder if this landscaper also did work for the school? If he did, he would blend right in.
From the article:

I wonder how much LE got...they must have gotten something, but not enough to make an arrest the next day?

They obviously got enough to get Kaine and his daughter out that very day!

I also wonder about the gap of time between the first 13-minute 911 call and Kaine actually leaving several hours later.

I'm wondering if LE recorded the conversation in the in-between time and that's what precipitated Kaine and his daughter leaving late at night?

It also makes sense as to why the judge would seal the restraining order if it could affect the investigation because the undercover conversation was cited as good reason to order the RO.

It will be interesting to hear those 911 calls. I bet she was demanding that they get her little girl home to her.
If this guy hasn't come up in any threads, maybe you should start one if he seems interesting to look at.

The interesting part to me is that, according to the article, he's worn the ankle monitoring bracelet for 4 years now....and now he decides to cut it off. That's pretty suspicious.
Did the landscaper do work at the school as well? What kind of truck did he drive?
Well, from the body language TH exhibited during the first PC, I thought she looked like a terrified woman. In particular, (to me), were her leaning her head on KH and DY. With DY, it looked like she was trying to comfort her. When she did it with her husband, she stole glances up at him, which looked fearful.

Not knowing these people, I feel almost mean saying this, but my first impression from that video was that KH was completely indifferent toward his wife. I got the distinct feeling that he simply does not love her and she seemed afraid. However, considering the circumstances, this may be completely normal.

While I expected that LE had found out something terrible that had prompted KH to file for immediate divorce and a RO, this turn of events is astounding. Again however, it opens another whole can of worms. Typically, women do such things when the relationship is abusive (seeking revenge), when they are having an affair or when they are looking for financial gain. I wonder what will come out next.

I just keep thinking about the fact that TH raised Kyron from infancy. Looking at some of her pictures and captions, she appeared to be very proud of him. It's so hard to reconcile that image with her having killed the little boy. Then again, CA's pictures of Caylee made her appear the doting and loving mother. So who knows what is in someone's heart and mind when they do the unthinkable.

Maybe Kaine was indifferent because he thought his wife could have been involved in his sons disappearance..the child she had helped to raise as you said.

I was in a abusive marriage. I wouldnt really say i sought revenge..i just wanted out of the marriage and to feel safe. I certainly didnt think of hiring people to try and kill him or his family :(

As for her appearing the doting step mother i dont know. I think she had a plan from the start..and once she had her own child by Kaine then Kyron wasnt necessarily needed :(
This changes everything for me. Before I thought (as did most people) that Kyron was who she was ultimately after. Now, I am lead to believe (obviously) that it is Kain. So the question is, how did Kyron get mixed up in all of this?

Because the myth of the "wicked stepmother" is sometimes true, just like other myths. There are some human beings incapable of loving any children than their own biological children. Sad but true.

Greek Tragedy is a good source of information. So are the stories of the Roman Caesars - I, Claudius, anyone?

She probably resented having to take care of a child she couldn't love, and if things were getting rocky with her husband over her own son, then I see it as revenge.

And then there's the big "M" ~ money. Money explains alot. Kyron gone, husband gone, she inherits big-time and lets her own son move back in. Simple.
It says in the article that investigators sought him out.

I wonder if they asked her about him in the LDT?
Also, do you think they will unseal the RO now that this has come out?

I am just now reading your post, DairyGirl! I had posted that I wondered if LE went to him maybe even having found his number on Terri's cell phone records.

I think the media is pushing for a release of the RO and 911 calls. LE wants to keep both private by saying they are part of an ongoing investigation. Personally, I cannot see the release of either hampering the investigation.

Could this be why they think Kyron is alive??

I don't know. It seems to me though, if the landscaper was involved in kidnapping and holding Kyron (for what reason, I can't imagine) since they found the landscaper, they should have found Kyron as well. If Kyron is not with the landscaper, then he must be with a third person if he is alive, and I really can't imagine that.

I would think if the landscaper wouldn't go along with murder for hire, he wouldn't go along with kidnapping a 7 year old either.
So K goes missing June 4th, landscaper comes forward just after June 4th and LE informs KH only last week!!!!!!!!!!!!

So LE doesn't feel it necessary to let him know as soon as they were made aware!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I don't landscaper came forward until now.

Just MOO

Good point, but the article says that LE tracked him down...he didn't come forward at all. Makes me wonder whether he WAS interested and waiting for a downpayment...but since they found him, he jumped to the LE side and is telling LE (true or not) that he didn't take her seriously since he knows they don't have proof he didn't take her seriously.


1. According to the article, TH approached lawnguy 6 to 7 months ago.

2. Son was sent away 5 months ago.

3. Lawn guy never went to LE on his own, they found him.

Speculating here:

I wonder whether TH was having an affair...she wanted out of her marriage AND wanted life insurance.

Maybe she preparing for a life with the new person...get rid of husband, get money, get rid of older son, etc.?

Maybe she knew lawnguy or somehow knew he was someone to contact for a hit. ESPECIALLY now that we know LE approached him and not the other way around. Maybe the lawnguy was waiting for a downpayment.

Maybe Kyron saw or heard something or maybe TH merely thought he saw or heard something and decided to kill him.

Honestly...I have always believed that the primary motive CA had for killing sweet Caylee was that she was becoming more verbal by the week at her age and would soon have been blowing her lies right and left.
It would take some serious prejudice in someone's mind to assume that just because someone does manual labour they'd be up for something like this or know someone who would be.

I'm offended on behalf of all honest blue collar workers everywhere on this one.
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