Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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While I agree that we must still look at ALL of the people involved as victims in this case. I also can not just ignore the fact that this man's first wife was so desperate to get him out of her life that she chose to file for divorce when she was 8+ months pregnant, and that his second wife is being accused of having been so desperate to get rid of him that she spoke to someone about having him killed (allegedly). There is obviously SOMETHING going on with this man that causes such fear/hatred/desperation to occur. Neither of those actions happens without any reason for the wives to feel the need to be free of this man.


On that basis..seeing as Kaine is Terris soon to be ex THIRD husband...maybe it should be asked..why do these men become exes?
As for Desiree...personally i think Kaine and TERRI were having a affair at that point even and Desiree was angry. As for the hatred you talk about i really dont see any hatred from her for Kaine. She showed warmth to him wheras with Terri she recoiled from her touch. She filed an order so he couldnt remove the husband did that with his ex...just so they wouldnt disappear.

I have read threads 1 & 2, but not all of the posts on this thread yet. I am wondering about a couple of things that I haven't seen mentioned yet.

If I were LE, I would ask that Kaine have his blood tested to see if there has been a slow poisoning going on here over a period of months. It is probably the stress and worry over Kyron, but to me Kaine doesn't look well or healthy.

The other thing is that it was written in a news article (IIRC as I do not have the link) that the landscaper and an wired undercover LE met with Terri. It was concerning Terri's (alledgedly) wanting him to murder Kaine. It was also stated in the article (IIRC) that Terri cut the conversation short. Is it possible that the landscaper gave Terri some sort of sign to NOT discuss this? Evidently Terri did agree to meet with the landscaper, so another person being with him also may have been a red flag to her. WHY would she even agree to meet with this landscaper in the midst of a HUGE investigation concerning Kyron's disappearance?? It is all very strange.

I just do not know what to think or believe anymore.


BBM Good Idea!! I hope LE & Kaine have already thought of this. I would take that a step further and have Kaine's hair tested. I know he is a guy w/ relatively short hair; but, I believe it would hold more info on drugs that have passed through his system than blood. To be safe ... I'd do both.

I am frustrated and confused. I want to know the entire story NOW! I want to know where KYRON is above all else!!! However, if it is in Kyron's best interest or if keeping quite helps to bring the responsible person to justice, then I can willingly accept that. This is not about me, nor is it even about DY, TY, KH, or TH ... it is about KYRON first and foremost!!!

I will admit, patience is not one of my virtues. I must, subconsciously, like the dent in my forehead seeing that I have yet to learn to stop beating my head against that dang wall! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I've posted this in another thread but I'd like to see the link to the source (*not* comment boards or FB) where it says that J (Kyron's step brother) was "sent away" by anyone, either KH or TH.

I believe one press source quoted J's bio-dad as saying that after Kyron disappeared and J arrived at the KH/TH home for a planned visit he was "sent away" again. Which I think is understandable. But I'm talking about the alleged "J was sent away by ____ because J ____". People keep bringing it up as a reason for someone in the family to retaliate against someone. I think this is a red herring. And BTW J is still a juvenile and his behavior is not really any of our business.

You can read more of my thoughts on the matter here:

[ame=""]What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance? - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Thanks Wondering. I believe there were some rumors.

For now since I just searched out all the 911 articles let's assume that was rumor. Thanks! phew....
I googled this "murder for hire case history" and boy was I shocked to see the results about 158,000 results. Apparently it does not seem to be to uncommon ..... What is wrong with people !
I've posted this in another thread but I'd like to see the link to the source (*not* comment boards or FB) where it says that J (Kyron's step brother) was "sent away" by anyone, either KH or TH.

I believe one press source quoted J's bio-dad as saying that after Kyron disappeared and J arrived at the KH/TH home for a planned visit he was "sent away" again. Which I think is understandable. But I'm talking about the alleged "J was sent away by ____ because J ____". People keep bringing it up as a reason for someone in the family to retaliate against someone. I think this is a red herring. And BTW J is still a juvenile and his behavior is not really any of our business.

You can read more of my thoughts on the matter here:

What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance? - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

J arrived at the Hortons the day after Kyron went missing ( when they claimed he was actually camping). It was a pre arranged visit and he was due to be there a week. However his dad fetched him after a days cos of the situation there. Apparently one day J phoned him and told him about the polygraphs and Terri started screaming at him :(. By the way...thinking about it i would like to repeat was Terri who screamed at him and NOT Kaine...which shows that if there was any problems between J and the wasnt just with Kaine.

It was Nancy G who said he was sent away cos of Kaine.
right... I guess when you hear the word "landscaper" I tend to think of the upper class people.... It just didn't sit well with me...Perhaps lawn care is more in order... :)
Seriouly? What exactly is upper class? We have a landscaper :) he comes every two weeks but only charges $30 a visit. He is really good and does a great job ( he is a local fireman).
With the apparent hitman revelation, my mind, rational thoughts and logic says it's TH behind all of it.

However, my gut, heart and intuition still says we are going to all be surpised when it's all said and done.

This is a weird one, to be sure. Part of the gut, heart and intuition may well be just wishful thinking that Kyron could somehow be ok. Gonna cling to it though.
On that basis..seeing as Kaine is Terris THIRD husband...there is obviously a reason why men have problems living with her..

As for Desiree...personally i think Kaine and TERRI were having a affair at that point even and Desiree was angry. As for the hatred you talk about i really dont see any hatred from her for Kaine. She showed warmth to him wheras with Terri she recoiled from her touch. She filed an order so he couldnt remove the husband did that with his ex...just so they wouldnt disappear.


BBM... I personally think TH is guilty of alot of things. But your generalization is offensive IMO. I am on my 3rd marriage but not because "men have problems living with" me. First husband cheated on me so I left him - marriage breakup was HIS fault, not mine. Second marriage we just parted ways amicably - neither of us was angry or at fault. Just because someone has been married multiple times doesn't automatically mean that THEY are the reason for the split-ups. Again, I'm not defending TH in any way. I am just offended, personally, by your stereotype.
The second I heard the question about the computers, and Kaine's answer, I knew it was simply a matter of semantics.

Reporter, "have they taken your computers?"
Kaine, "no."

Well, IMO he could be telling the absolute truth, they didn't take the computers, they just searched them on site. They could have brought in giant external hard drives, copied absolutely everything, and then taken the copies back to the investigation headquarters where a detective could peruse them with a fine toothed comb.

Still, they didn't literally "take" them.

I postulated, JMO mind you, that Kaine, being a logical fellow, not quite a computer geek but close, is somewhat Asperger's. My Asperger's/geeky/mathematical friends are very literal. They would answer the question that was asked and supply no extra info. Not to be evasive, that's just how their brains work. Very black and white. So the way Kaine answered makes sense to me in that context. They really can't imagine that there is anything more to the question than that because they have real trouble putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

On the flip, when they ask a question, there is no hidden agenda, they just want the answer to that question. I crack my one friend up when I elaborate on a question he's asked, thinking there's more behind it than "Do you like the color blue?" He expects "yes" or "no" and I would say, "Well, I don't actually, I prefer red but it depends on the blah blah blah blah blah" :)

Just playing Devil's advocate, YMMV.
BBM... I personally think TH is guilty of alot of things. But your generalization is offensive IMO. I am on my 3rd marriage but not because "men have problems living with" me. First husband cheated on me so I left him - marriage breakup was HIS fault, not mine. Second marriage we just parted ways amicably - neither of us was angry or at fault. Just because someone has been married multiple times doesn't automatically mean that THEY are the reason for the split-ups. Again, I'm not defending TH in any way. I am just offended, personally, by your stereotype.

I honestly didnt mean it that way. It was basically being said that there had to be something wrong with Kaine because two wives had apparently found problems with him. My point was that surely must apply to Terri she has been through more ex husbands than he has wives so if there has to be a problem why women fall out with him...then the same thing applies to her. For the record i dont think theres anything wrong with being married 3 times etc..though in Liz Taylors case it gets boring lol

I have edited my original somewhat to try and explain better what i meant anyhow.
I am not feeling hopeful that we will ever learn what happened to Kyron, or that he will ever be found.

I really think it all does come down to Terri and that it would be very difficult for her to confess to any wrong-doing, murder, etc. with the amount of attention this case has brought. She has not done so yet, going into week 5. Unless, and I don't find it likely, Kyron is alive, she has no reason to confess. She knows that unless Kyron's body is found, it will be difficult for LE to proceed with a murder case against her, and even more difficult to obtain a conviction and the maximum punishment (death).

Of course I may be way off base and it could be that LE is just right on top of this case and ready to pounce with all sorts of evidence and details, etc...but I'm not feeling that. I'm still stuck back there with Captain Gates in tears several weeks ago.
Hmmmm. I wonder if there are any curious meter men in Oregon...seems like one is needed about now...

In my part of Oregon, they've set up the local electric utility (Portland General Electric--PGE) to have the meters send in the data electronically--i.e. no meter reader! Dunno about the gas company. Might look suspicious to suddenly have a meter reader show up. :)
BBM... I personally think TH is guilty of alot of things. But your generalization is offensive IMO. I am on my 3rd marriage but not because "men have problems living with" me. First husband cheated on me so I left him - marriage breakup was HIS fault, not mine. Second marriage we just parted ways amicably - neither of us was angry or at fault. Just because someone has been married multiple times doesn't automatically mean that THEY are the reason for the split-ups. Again, I'm not defending TH in any way. I am just offended, personally, by your stereotype.

I am analytical... and I am just thinking out loud here... but I think the focus on TH and on her being on her third marriage is not the only thing in question here... however, when taken into the frame of reference it could be telling and not an affront to any other persons who have been married three times:

married three times

first husband in the WW article says she cheated on him and it ended the marriage

has a step son who is missing

she was last seen with him

she has taken two LDT's and possibly flunked one if not both of them

it has been reported that she is not where she was when she says she was that day

she has a judge signed restraining order against her (reasons must be given for a judge to sign such a document) and her baby has been taken away

reportedly she befriended a landscaper, unbeknownst to other family members, and furthermore (allegedly and per media reports) attempted to commission this landscaper to kill her husband


((list could go on))

but do you see where this goes? Yes, many people have been married three times. But do many people have all of these other factors going on? I say no. This has nothing to do with how many times she was married but rather her behavior within those marriages and how it communicates with her current behavior in relation to this young man missing for now... over a month.

The only thing I can think is if LE believed that Terri had turned some psychotic corner and truly gone off the deep end - and that she might be lonely enough to need a friend - a sketchy friend she could trust - i.e. she might she'd chat it up some with the landscaper ... indicate some sort of admission about Kyron or her previous request to kill Kaine. I don't understand why they thought she'd do that in the presence of a stranger (UC), however. They should have just wired the landscaper... :waitasec:

I give up. I can't figure it out either.

I'm going to go with this: the news article is sorely lacking in details about the investigation at this time.

Hi Emma

Just now seeing your post, as someone quoted it. I must have missed it way back when you posted it.
IMO Terri's radar is up. She knows she is in big trouble and is probably just waiting for the cops to come and cart her off. Even if the landscaper had come alone (and wired up, of course)to discuss an event he already declined some 7 months ago, Terri (who is not an idiot) probably would have said "what the heck are you talking about?" to him. To send that guy in to her expecting her to AGAIN discuss having Kaine killed was a stupid move on LE's part, IMO. Shes in big trouble for Kyron, and suddenly this guy from 7 months ago shows up out of the blue to re-discuss plans for killing Kaine? No. no way was Terri going to fall" for that. And the fact that he brought another unknown person (to Terri) with him, should make her even more apprehensive about discussing their conversation from 7 or so months ago.
What was LE thinking?
I am hoping this was one singular stupid move on LE's part and they have a firm grasp on the rest of the investigation.
I picture Terri sitting by the front window in a chair most of the time, watching and waiting for the police cars to pull up in front of her house.

I think there might be some skeletons still rattling in the closets. Most of the things said about Terri Horman in the early days of this investigation seemed to come from her friends or family and they might have an interest in shutting up about anything that could make her look bad. IMO, and just speculation, the platonic nanny to the rescue story was an example of such. Terri's mother had told the press that Terri and Kaine had been together for seven or eight years, opening up avenues for speculation about whether she had anything to do with Desiree and Kaine's breakup while pregnant with Kyron, and while it's not illegal for people to have relationships and break up from previous relationships her friends may have figured it might turn some people against her anyway and came up with a tale in which she plays the hero instead and rescues an ailing female friend's baby. :cow:

I think we might find out later on that we have seen some more beautification.

What about the DUI? It is possible that she got caught the first and only time she ever drank too much and touched the steering wheel but it could be she used to have substance abuse issues. Some people get away with a lot before they get caught.

I read here that Desiree had said that she would like to comment on something but couldn't, and I wonder what she'd have to say about all this.

the average drunk driver drives drunk 800 times before they are caught. I saw it on a show once. Not a fiction, but some kind of information show.
I've posted this in another thread but I'd like to see the link to the source (*not* comment boards or FB) where it says that J (Kyron's step brother) was "sent away" by anyone, either KH or TH.

I believe one press source quoted J's bio-dad as saying that after Kyron disappeared and J arrived at the KH/TH home for a planned visit he was "sent away" again. Which I think is understandable. But I'm talking about the alleged "J was sent away by ____ because J ____". People keep bringing it up as a reason for someone in the family to retaliate against someone. I think this is a red herring. And BTW J is still a juvenile and his behavior is not really any of our business.

You can read more of my thoughts on the matter here:

BBM I have not seen anything that says, for a concrete fact, that J was sent away. The only think I have read anywhere close to that in an actual news report (paraphrasing because I don't know the link) the J and Kaine had been butting heads. It DID NOT say KH or TH sent him away. It DID NOT say KH insisted he be sent away; but, that is what a lot of people have decided to "read into it". The article also stated that J's grades were slipping and it was in his best interest to move.

FWIW, I agree w/ you that this may or may not have anything to do w/ this. It could have been that Kaine got tired of butting heads OR it could very well have been that Terri got sick of the butting of heads. Perhaps she felt she had to much on her w/ the baby and Kyron to put up w/ behavioral issues, step parent issues, slipping grades, loss of control over J, etc.

Let me note that it could also very well be that TERRI used the excuse of butting heads and slipping grades to send J off once she decided to pursue the murder for hire plot. One less person to be watching her or overhearing something. It would also keep him out of danger if the plot had succeeded.

We just do not know. Now, if anyone else has seen anything I missed, please correct me.
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