Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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Ya know...I thought the same thing...They all looked horrible during that 1st press conference...but we have not seen anything of Terri since... Now comes Desiree with her hair nicely permed and wearing make up and fake eyelashes....Doesn't seem fair at all... :( On top of that, they are showing her mugshot from her 2005 DUI...

she looks like a femme fatale in her mugshot, I think.
Seriouly? What exactly is upper class? We have a landscaper :) he comes every two weeks but only charges $30 a visit. He is really good and does a great job ( he is a local fireman).

I'm starting to feel that my family may be considered poor! We do not have a landscaper, lawn man, or anything of the sort. My husband does ALL of the mowing in this household!:angel:
Shes in big trouble for Kyron, and suddenly this guy from 7 months ago shows up out of the blue to re-discuss plans for killing Kaine? No. no way was Terri going to fall" for that. And the fact that he brought another unknown person (to Terri) with him, should make her even more apprehensive about discussing their conversation from 7 or so months ago.
What was LE thinking?
I am hoping this was one singular stupid move on LE's part and they have a firm grasp on the rest of the investigation.
I picture Terri sitting by the front window in a chair most of the time, watching and waiting for the police cars to pull up in front of her house.


Is it fact that she's had no contact with her landscaper for seven months? I don't know if that has been verified or not and I can't believe that even the most irresponsible investigator would think that she wouldn't see through that LE trick.
As others have pointed out it's absolutely no surprise she shut down in recorded discussions with the landscaper. Who in the PD thought it would ever work? It'll be very interesting to find out more on this new wrinkle.

BTW, if somebody ever approached me about killing someone I'd tell them I wouldn't do it but for a fee I'd look into it for them. Then I'd alert the PD and hopefully get them caught in recorded discussions then.

If this guy had done that when he was first approached this poor kid might be ok today.

Wouldn't you be very afraid of that person? I kno9w I would. I would make sure that LE could catch her.
Anyone think Kaine is the more likely to hire a hit man?

I do. I think he has some 'peeps' that are scared or owe up secrets.

Still yet, does he, or any one on his side of the fence have friends in local LE or even higher? Any Websleuths know that yet? I don't yet. Just pondering the obvious personalities.

BBM...Don't have a clue but for a second I thought I was reading in the Haleigh Cummings forum..JMO
I honestly didnt mean it that way. It was basically being said that there had to be something wrong with Kaine because two wives had apparently found problems with him. My point was that surely must apply to Terri she has been through more ex husbands than he has wives so if there has to be a problem why women fall out with him...then the same thing applies to her. For the record i dont think theres anything wrong with being married 3 times etc..though in Liz Taylors case it gets boring lol

I have edited my original somewhat to try and explain better what i meant anyhow.

I see what you're saying. And just so you know, yours was not the first post where I had seen someone imply that because she was on her 3rd marriage that means something ominous. I just wanted to point out that it is kind of irrelevant in and of itself. Marriages end for alot of different reasons. Just as NurseBeeMe pointed out, the fact that this is her 3rd marriage combined with everything else makes it relevant to the situation. I just wish Kyron would be found safe and sound, being hidden somewhere. However my gut and my experience with cases like this tell me otherwise. :( I believe TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and I believe he is no longer alive. I just can't see someone holding him all this time with NO ONE noticing or knowing about it. What would be that person's motive for helping TH by hiding Kyron all this time? It doesn't make sense. Although I would LOVE to believe that's the case.....I know in my heart he's gone.
J arrived at the Hortons the day after Kyron went missing ( when they claimed he was actually camping). It was a pre arranged visit and he was due to be there a week. However his dad fetched him after a days cos of the situation there. Apparently one day J phoned him and told him about the polygraphs and Terri started screaming at him :(. By the way...thinking about it i would like to repeat was Terri who screamed at him and NOT Kaine...which shows that if there was any problems between J and the wasnt just with Kaine.

It was Nancy G who said he was sent away cos of Kaine.

I beleive the terminology used was he and Kaine were "butting heads". IMO thats not unusual for a 16 yr old and a step parent. Sixteen is a hard age to get through, wanting to drive, wanting a car, and reportedly his grades were slipping, so I imagine that caused some seriously heated conversations in the home and possibly a "You're not my real Dad!" barb thrown Kaines way.
Just speculating, but sending him away was probably a smart idea, all things (that we now know), considered.

Side note- NG also quoted J's age as 11, originally, so what does she know?
Charlestongal I think you are hitting the nail on the head.....but I would also add her son being sent away because he could not get on with Kaine being part of her rage and subsequent fact I think that is what set it all off........affair, kicking her son out and being stuck playing mum to his child.....

and she has that red hair!!! and please before anyone jumps on me for that remark I am a had to mention it....

One thing that really did have me wondering about what type of person she was is the report re her second husband who is not the bio dad of her eldest son but did adopt him from a young age (2 or 3 I think). After they divorced and while she was with Kaine, and a bit further down the track, she took this guy to court to get child support from him and got awarded a backpay.......

I dont know , this does not seem right to me and seems very pushy on her part....I know a lot of you may disagree with me but him adopting her child was a very wonderful thing to do for her and meant he had faith in the marriage and if it ended because of her affairs and she was with another man I dont know........anyhow that is me.......I wouldnt try to get money out of him.....

Does she have red hair? Her DUI pic makes her look like a blonde.
I see what you're saying. And just so you know, yours was not the first post where I had seen someone imply that because she was on her 3rd marriage that means something ominous. I just wanted to point out that it is kind of irrelevant in and of itself. Marriages end for alot of different reasons. Just as NurseBeeMe pointed out, the fact that this is her 3rd marriage combined with everything else makes it relevant to the situation. I just wish Kyron would be found safe and sound, being hidden somewhere. However my gut and my experience with cases like this tell me otherwise. :( I believe TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and I believe he is no longer alive. I just can't see someone holding him all this time with NO ONE noticing or knowing about it. What would be that person's motive for helping TH by hiding Kyron all this time? It doesn't make sense. Although I would LOVE to believe that's the case.....I know in my heart he's gone.

In all honesty...i just wonder ..even if he was alive..after the story came out yesterday about the landscape guy...if anyone was holding him if they would just find it too risky to keep hiding him :(
On that basis..seeing as Kaine is Terris soon to be ex THIRD husband...maybe it should be asked..why do these men become exes?
As for Desiree...personally i think Kaine and TERRI were having a affair at that point even and Desiree was angry. As for the hatred you talk about i really dont see any hatred from her for Kaine. She showed warmth to him wheras with Terri she recoiled from her touch. She filed an order so he couldnt remove the husband did that with his ex...just so they wouldnt disappear.


Looks like none of them were winners...people hooked up with the wrong people. Maybe Kaine is the common denominator in this and maybe he isn't. Terri's now losing husband #3. Looks like she is really "unlucky at love".
The only two "decent" people here appear to be Desiree and Tony. JMO.
Does she have red hair? Her DUI pic makes her look like a blonde.

It was kinda strawberry blonde looking in her bodybuilding pics too, maybe she used to color it. Looks genuinely red to me, now, though.
BBM I have not seen anything that says, for a concrete fact, that J was sent away. The only think I have read anywhere close to that in an actual news report (paraphrasing because I don't know the link) the J and Kaine had been butting heads. It DID NOT say KH or TH sent him away. It DID NOT say KH insisted he be sent away; but, that is what a lot of people have decided to "read into it". The article also stated that J's grades were slipping and it was in his best interest to move.

FWIW, I agree w/ you that this may or may not have anything to do w/ this. It could have been that Kaine got tired of butting heads OR it could very well have been that Terri got sick of the butting of heads. Perhaps she felt she had to much on her w/ the baby and Kyron to put up w/ behavioral issues, step parent issues, slipping grades, loss of control over J, etc.

Let me note that it could also very well be that TERRI used the excuse of butting heads and slipping grades to send J off once she decided to pursue the murder for hire plot. One less person to be watching her or overhearing something. It would also keep him out of danger if the plot had succeeded.

We just do not know. Now, if anyone else has seen anything I missed, please correct me.

the only thing to add here is that Terri was the last person seen with missing Kyron Horman.

Terri Horman reportedly was given two polygraphs.

Terri Horman has a judge signed restraining order against her.

Terri Horman allegedly tried to kill her husband through a second party


The reason I add the murder for hire back in is because it speaks to the levels to which she is willing to go.

What other things was she willing to do?

It was Nancy G who said he was sent away cos of Kaine.


I'm not real familiar with the world of true crime except the Oregon cases (Jerry Brudos, Diane Downs, Ward Weaver--ugh *what* is in the water here?) and true crime shows, but I get the feeling that NG isn't a real reliable source. JMO
oh dear elle.

and one of the articles about it has the uh-no-sorry-not-really-a-hitman saying Terri told him the reason Kaine should die is because Kaine cheated on her, and ... um would that make you ... see straighter?



The article I read said he had "hurt" her...not "cheated." I must have missed the article you are referencing. Can you dig it up for me?

I'm not real familiar with the world of true crime except the Oregon cases (Jerry Brudos, Diane Downs, Ward Weaver--ugh *what* is in the water here?) and true crime shows, but I get the feeling that NG isn't a real reliable source. JMO

Lol she isnt :)
Hi Emma

Just now seeing your post, as someone quoted it. I must have missed it way back when you posted it.
IMO Terri's radar is up. She knows she is in big trouble and is probably just waiting for the cops to come and cart her off. Even if the landscaper had come alone (and wired up, of course)to discuss an event he already declined some 7 months ago, Terri (who is not an idiot) probably would have said "what the heck are you talking about?" to him. To send that guy in to her expecting her to AGAIN discuss having Kaine killed was a stupid move on LE's part, IMO. Shes in big trouble for Kyron, and suddenly this guy from 7 months ago shows up out of the blue to re-discuss plans for killing Kaine? No. no way was Terri going to fall" for that. And the fact that he brought another unknown person (to Terri) with him, should make her even more apprehensive about discussing their conversation from 7 or so months ago.
What was LE thinking?
I am hoping this was one singular stupid move on LE's part and they have a firm grasp on the rest of the investigation.
I picture Terri sitting by the front window in a chair most of the time, watching and waiting for the police cars to pull up in front of her house.


We have to remember that we do not know all of the facts about this either. Perhaps Terri FIRST propositioned this guy 7 or so months ago. Perhaps he agreed and was awaiting a down payment. Perhaps the plan was still a go and the two were still in contact. Perhaps the landscaper heard about Kyron and contacted Terri to see if the plans were on hold or what was up. We don't know when exactly LE wired up the landscaper & UC and sent them out. That could have happened very early on. Point is, we just don't know for sure.

I agree that Terri must be watching what she says and does right now. Everything is being scrutinized. Of course she is not going to trust a new "hit man" that she has never met or discuss anything in front of them. A phone call would have been better. It could also be that LE (or the landscaper or both) did not feel it was safe for him to wire up and speak to Terri alone at this point.

I'm trying very hard to trust in the decisions LE is making in this case.
I echo again:

If she was willing to go to the level of killing her husband... what other levels was she willing to go to?

Certainly makes me wonder.. and I also think this is the holdup in the arrest. They are getting more background since they have not found Kyron yet.

They are building a circumstantial case imhoo...
This is just my opinion, but I wouldn't read too terribly much into J's moving in with his grandparents. I parented a teenager who gave me you-know-what, and she was mine. I also took in 2 boys (no kin to us) who were couchsurfing wherever they could just to avoid living with their fathers and stepmothers. One was actually kicked out and the other voluntarily left but nobody tried to get him to return home either. By staying at our house, they were able to graduate because I insisted they remain in school. Neither were bad kids, they just rebelled - as is natural - against authority in general and their stepmothers in particular. I can see something like this happening with Kaine and J.

Given the totality of the circumstances, it may be more germane to the situation, but just on the surface, I think it's pretty insignificant.
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