Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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Wasn't it confirmed that Kaine was at work that morning and didn't come home until later in the day?

It was I forgot :blush: I meant that day specificly not nec. the morning, its pretty far fetched but hey, gotta throw it out there :)
Hello AbbieNormal,

You wrote:
>>I feel so bad for Desiree, she has had more than her share of heartache with the cheating Kaine, the medical problems she had/has and now her child is missing. I hope she has some good counseling or someone who is helping her through this.<<

I don't think we have had ANY proof whatsoever that Kaine has ever been anything but faithful to his wives.

IF it is true Kaine had some kind of "other" relationship with another woman, intimate, romantic, whatever, then Terri could be said to be quite "vindictive" if she wanted Kaine killed in retaliation for "hurting her".

Now, IF it is true that Terri had a thing going on with Kaine while Desiree was pregnant with Kyron, that sure makes me think this "vindictive" woman is finding out how it feels to be "hurt" as Desiree evidently was when she was 8+ months pregnant.

The old adage "what comes around goes around" keeps popping into my head.

I have never understood women who get involved with a man who is married or otherwise involved with another woman, expect this same man to be faithful and true to THEM. Dumb. dumb, dumb. If a man would cheat on his pregnant wife, why would he then be expected to be faithful to the next woman?

I feel so bad for Desiree, she has had more than her share of heartache with the cheating Kaine, the medical problems she had/has and now her child is missing. I hope she has some good counseling or someone who is helping her through this. :rose:

I am not sure what Desiree and Kaine's relationship was even before Terri entered the picture. From what I have read their marriage went south pretty quickly after being married in 2000, iirc and I guess Desiree tried to stay with Kaine for the baby's sake but found she just could not live with this man any longer so she left when she was still pregnant. Desiree said she did not know Terri then.

I don't think Kaine was married when Terri entered his and Kyron's life. From what I understand Kaine was already raising Kyron by himself and Terri moved in to help.

But women can be the most vindictive gender of the two imo. A woman scorned is to be reckoned with that is for sure whether this was the first affair by the other spouse or not or whether the scorned woman has ever cheated or not cheated in the past.

Now who knows. Maybe Kaine was cheating on Desiree throughout their marriage from time to time but it was not Terri but with another woman.

It was I forgot :blush: I meant that day specificly not nec. the morning, its pretty far fetched but hey, gotta throw it out there :)

Well, stranger things have happened, for sure! Usually when someone gets knocked off, the spouse is "conveniently" out of the house when it happened. I've seen my share of Lifetime movies. :crazy:
From The Oregonian article:

"The landscaper, contacted by The Oregonian last week, confirmed that he was hired to do lawn work at the Horman home off Northwest Sheltered Nook Road. He said he's talked with detectives and could not comment further. His name is being withheld to protect his identity as a cooperating witness in an ongoing criminal investigation. "

Based on this, we can safely assume that the landscaper knows something / witnessed something directly related to the criminal investigation of Kyron's disappearance. Hmmm.....So exactly what does he witness / does he know about Kyron's disappearance?

Who knows. But one thing is for sure...

Whatever he knows...whatever he saw... it was obviously NOT enough to arrest anyone at this point. Or perhaps - he, too, is not telling everything he knows.
Whatever he knows...whatever he saw... it was obviously NOT enough to arrest anyone at this point. Or perhaps - he, too, is not telling everything he knows.

Or he's trying to get some kind of deal so he's not charged with anything when the whole truth comes out.

So sad. What a tangled web. :(
************.com Editorial Analysis

It cannot be a ko ink y dink that this information was leaked to the largest paper in the state, following the snuff by Kaine Horman. The landscaper lover was well known amongst us media folks, but not the plot part.

Where is started to go cattywampus for me was where we see the new John Deere tractor acquired by the Horman’s recently, would seem somewhat unnecessary if they had contracted a landscaper/lawn service.

Another oddity which could be completely unrelated, stays with me.

Intel colleague and Horman family friend Michael G. Roten, was arrested last August on suspicion of menacing charges in Clackamas County the day after an Intel bag with a Sony computer, prescription Gucci glasses was taken from a vehicle on Country Club Rd. It is not known if the 2 incidents are related. Roten posted on Terri Horman’s facebook offering any help they could, a few days after Kyron’s disappearance was made public.

Check back to ************.com for continuing updates.

Madeline Tanner, ************.com, contributing editor
Reporter Bailik: "I asked [the sheriff], who's in charge of the case, whether the story will help, or hurt, the search for Kyron."

Sheriff says, "I think, in a sense, it's going to help the investigation." BBM.

My question is, how?

Maybe this will put added pressure on the suspect? Could it be that the DA can use this as a bargaining chip somehow, such as agreeing not to press charges in the murder-for-hire plot if the suspect tells where Kyron is? :waitasec:

In that same video, the reporter asks the sheriff when an arrest might be expected and he says:

"The detectives and the investigators, we're not just gonna work off of a probable cause arrest. It's going to be built on the evidence, and it's going to be factual evidence."
The reporter adds that the sheriff says it will be evidence that "you can hang your hat on and that will stand up in court."

Sounds like they may already have enough evidence to make a probable cause arrest but are taking the time to develop more so that it will be plenty sufficient for a conviction. They may also be holding off on the arrest in hopes of getting the suspect to give up Kyron's location. Once an arrest is made, that possibility is greatly diminished.

Another thought (and someone please correct if I'm wrong) -- I don't think LE or the DA are under any obligation to share information or evidence with someone's attorney unless/until that person is actually arrested. So holding off on the arrest could make sense for that reason, too.

First, it would allow them to continue investigating, unimpeded by any potential defense interference. Secondly, it would allow LE to do some posturing, maybe even some bluffing, in order to make TH worry what they do have in both the solicitation of murder and missing child cases.

Maybe that sort of pressure could result in enough fear that she'd cooperate to some extent? Thinking out loud here...hope it makes sense.
Oh there were more than a few posts commenting about Desiree and her "perm" which I found to be a little passive aggressive, because this lady is truly a victim if her son is dead.

I am seeing this more and more with the attacks on DY done passive aggressively, so as to not be labeled as "bashing". But nonetheless IMO it is downright wrong! This woman is a TRUE VICTIM(no maybes, or possibly nots) she is a victim that has lost her 7yr old son... And I cannot be the only one that recognizes there is no perm. Her hair is naturally curly(look at 1st pic of her&kyron released[IT IS naturally curly]), she has had it smoothed out(flat iron)for several of her appearances. And anyone with naturally curly hair knows that wearing it curly is SOOOOO very much easier than to straighten it and as time has gone on, worn out&tired I could definitely see her just letting it be curly, maybe not even wanting to exert the extra energy to blow out and flat iron it. And as far as the "false lashes",please... When I wear mascara I am ALWAYS asked if I have falsies on. This woman has been crying her eyes out and I'm sure there were other times she did have mascara on but due to crying it didn't stay on long, or perhaps there were times she did not even bother with the mascara(knowing itd be streaked down her face). But for this woman to be in the MOST DIFFICULT of situations that any of us could ever even dream of, and for there to be ppl attacking(passive aggressively or not its still attacking a VICTIM)its unacceptable and especially when it is completely unwarranted and the "reasons"for it are completely unfounded and downright UNTRUE. DY has had no "perm", her hair is naturally curly, nor is she wearing "false lashes" she has simply been shown without and now with mascara..

ETA: This is one area I can say I am more than qualified to make the above assessments concerning DY's appearance. I have been a stylist for 15yrs and have continued education in every aspect available of the industry along with owning, operating, managing, and continuing to be a stylist for a very large clientele in a very successful salon.
maystamper if the link shows up with asterisks we can't post it here.
Hi AbbieNormal,

I wasn't trying to get you to duck :) I just think it would be extremely sad if the victim, Kaine -- whose son is missing, was slain in some way for which we have no real proof.

Even the thought that Kaine "might have" (but not necessarily) done an indiscretion as being the reason why Terri wanted to hire someone to "off him" only means that this was "her explanation," not that there was any truth to that. We do know that Terri's ex-husband said that he was cheated on "by Terri." We know that Desiree was going to end her marriage to Kaine due to "irreconcilable differences" until she found out she was pregant, and then they tried to continue until she filed for divorce when she was 8 months pregnant or so.

What we do not have is anything concrete about a possibility that Kaine was out of line in being faithful. Even if we did have that, would certainly be no reason to have someone solicit for your murder or disappear your child.
From The Oregonian article:

"The landscaper, contacted by The Oregonian last week, confirmed that he was hired to do lawn work at the Horman home off Northwest Sheltered Nook Road. He said he's talked with detectives and could not comment further. His name is being withheld to protect his identity as a cooperating witness in an ongoing criminal investigation. "

Based on this, we can safely assume that the landscaper knows something / witnessed something directly related to the criminal investigation of Kyron's disappearance. Hmmm.....So exactly what does he witness / does he know about Kyron's disappearance?

Who knows. But one thing is for sure...

Whatever he knows...whatever he saw... it was obviously NOT enough to arrest anyone at this point. Or perhaps - he, too, is not telling everything he knows.

My understanding is that LE contacted anyone who'd been in contact with the Hormans (doing work for them, etc.), over the last year. (Wasn't it in the Elizabeth Smart case that the man who took her had worked for the Smarts for some period of time?) Anyway, I think when they spoke to him, he told the story about the murder for hire plot. I don't know that they suspect he is involved in any other way, or with the disappearance of Kyron.
I hope they have or get direct evidence. Just seeing the division of opinion of TH guilt on this forum alone (although I agree more people feel she did it than don't), and given who her lawyer is, that would make me nervous.

The sheriff was firm that it would not be circumstantial, they were building an evidence backed case. (i can't remember his exact words)
Hello AbbieNormal,

You wrote:
>>I feel so bad for Desiree, she has had more than her share of heartache with the cheating Kaine, the medical problems she had/has and now her child is missing. I hope she has some good counseling or someone who is helping her through this.<<

I don't think we have had ANY proof whatsoever that Kaine has ever been anything but faithful to his wives.

Hi, you are right, no proof. Just Terri's claims:

"According to sources, Terri Horman had described being in a bad marriage and had claimed that Kaine had "hurt" her by having an extra-marital relationship."

And from Nancy Grace's blog today:

"According to KGW’s source, Terri Horman told the landscaper she was in a bad marriage, alleging Kaine Horman had an affair with his co-worker at Intel."’s-father-killed/

Is NG live tonight?
-Kaine was at work that Friday morning, he said so himself, he kissed Kyron goodbye and wished him luck on science project. He came home later in the day to work from home.

Respectfully edited and BBM. In another high profile case, Casey Anthony had a lot of people convinced that she worked at Universal Studios and, in fact, had her own office there. LE learned as she led them down the hallway to said office that she had no job and no office there.

I know what Kaine has said, and I don't want to think that he had any involvement in his son's disappearance, but for now, we have only Kaine's word that he was at work on Friday morning, June 4. As the case progresses, I'm sure that we will eventually learn from LE exactly where all the key players were and when on the day that Kyron disappeared from his school. jmo
Hi, you are right, no proof. Just Terri's claims:

"According to sources, Terri Horman had described being in a bad marriage and had claimed that Kaine had "hurt" her by having an extra-marital relationship."

And from Nancy Grace's blog today:

"According to KGW’s source, Terri Horman told the landscaper she was in a bad marriage, alleging Kaine Horman had an affair with his co-worker at Intel."’s-father-killed/

Is NG live tonight?

I know that Terri has said this, but she is clearly an unstable woman. Plus, she has to come up with a "good" reason for a murder for hire. She still looks like a nut, but at least she gets some sympathy if she says he was cheating. The "I didn't like him and wanted all the insurance money to myself" would make her look even worse (if that's possible). ;)
Respectfully edited and BBM. In another high profile case, Casey Anthony had a lot of people convinced that she worked at Universal Studios and, in fact, had her own office there. LE learned as she led them down the hallway to said office that she had no job and no office there.

I know what Kaine has said, and I don't want to think that he had any involvement in his son's disappearance, but for now, we have only Kaine's word that he was at work on Friday morning, June 4. As the case progresses, I'm sure that we will eventually learn from LE exactly where all the key players were and when on the day that Kyron disappeared from his school. jmo

Wouldn't coworkers be able to say whether or not they saw Kaine in the office on June 4th (the day Kyron went missing)?
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