Latest from George Anthony 1-2-09 at 11:58 PM

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Probably a silly question ......but
What do they win ?? Or more importantly WHY should they win ??:confused:

This family has done everything in their power to cover up the truth from"Day One" This is not about them.........the family . This is about Caylee a two y.o baby that was tossed in the swamp like garbage !!

PeaHen not directing this to you personally

I am sooooooooooo very tired of hearing how WE Joe Q public should feel sorry for this family because they are grieving the loss of their granddaughter . After all they loved her . Please

They KNEW the minute they opened that car ,cleaned , washed , destroyed evidence , lied to LE , the feds and the public all to save KC . They didn't love Caylee enough then to do the right thing by her .

Please tell me Why this family is seeking immunity if they've done nothing wrong ??

They will get not an ounce of sympathy from me . They had no trouble running to reporters to push their BS stories , trying to create reasonable doubt with anyone willing to buy .

How is this anger going to bring Caylee's killer to justice, though? Is it going to bring her back? No. Caylee deserved better than her mother gave her. Her mother brought her into this world with a promise to love her and protect her. Her mother chose to end her life and then lie about the circumstances surrounding what happened. The person we should be angry with is Casey. She dealt the final blow to this baby who deserved far more than she got, because in the end, a mother is responsible for the well-being of her children. She had it in her ability to care for her baby or hand her over to someone who was a more fit parent (OBVIOUSLY, this would not be the grandparents, as they failed as parents), but instead let greed and leverage overcome her and she took the life of an innocent baby.
Actually, I would not be surprised if we eventually find out that all 4 Anthony's knew about little Caylee's demise before any 911 call. I cannot get Cindy's text message out of my mind where she texts Casey with, "Major problem.....Call me." Also, I find it odd that all of this came down on the SAME day Amy, Ricardo, and J.P. got back from Puerto Rico. I just have a hinky feeling that it was planned to explode on that day. I know I am pretty much alone in thinking this......but I do! I feel sorry for Amy, Ricardo, and J.P. being drawn into all of this. :mad:

For a long time, I've also suspected the family knew long before the 911 call.
I don't even think CA did everything in order to save Casey.She did it for herself.HER image,HER family.It's all about HER.
Usually I am a very compassionate person, but I cannot be compassionate in this case. I am infuriated.
I am so very glad there will be no 'on-camera' interviews so to speak. That will not last long, I bet. There should not be any TV or in print interviews with major witnesses in this case, IMO. I agree with family interviews with victims families if there is not a shadow of any suspicion hanging over them and no lying or coverups.
I have no sympathy for George, Cindy, or Lee because of their words and actions. George wanted to be buddies with LE because of his 10 years in LE. He had been out of LE for so long he did not realize that just about everything had changed. LE is not doing investigations the 'old fashioned' way. Information can be gleaned from many more sources that was not available then. There were no cell phones and pings to trace. Computers were dinosaurs used in big businesses. As computers evolved and just about everyone had a PC, Le and FBI could trace a persons 'footprints' on PC's and glean valuable information from them. DNA research had not yet evolved to the point it is today! George wanted an inside tract and knowledge and just did not get it, IMO.
I think the whole Anthony family have thought they were above the law and could snow LE and the FBI. I think the Anthony's underestimated them. They lied and they covered for Casey. They benefited and profited on their missing and murdered grandchild and pushed her to the back burner.
I do not want to hear or see another interview from anyone in the Anthony family. I want the focus to be back on Caylee and justice for her. I think they are even right now trying to think of a way to make the most of people's sympathy in the loss of their grandchild and neice. They may get lots of sympathy, but not from me. You do not ask for full immunity when you have done nothing wrong. I want anyone who played a part in this whole cover up, or whatever anyone wants to call it, to pay for it. My only sympathy is with the real victim - little Caylee.

So, an 'off camera interview' to say that there will be no 'on camera' interviews is just more Anthony spin and a bid for more sympathy. I think the Anthony's are afraid that LE is going to come down hard on them for any wrongdoing after Caylee's funeral/Memorial Service, and it is advantageous of them to put it off as long as possible.

All of the above is just my opinion alone, and is exactly how I feel! ..........:mad:


I only disagree with the last sentence bolded by me .

You are not alone
Personally, I think George, just like his wife, daughter and son is an expert at manipulative "role playing".


:wave: DT
Text messages July 15 from CA to KC:

16:27:41 - Call me asap major prob
16:45:24 - Call me

2.5 hours after the car is picked up from the tow yard.

Evidence page 2872.

I think C & G were afraid the guy at the tow yard might call the police about the smell.
Usually I am a very compassionate person, but I cannot be compassionate in this case. I am infuriated.
I am so very glad there will be no 'on-camera' interviews so to speak. That will not last long, I bet. There should not be any TV or in print interviews with major witnesses in this case, IMO. I agree with family interviews with victims families if there is not a shadow of any suspicion hanging over them and no lying or coverups.
I have no sympathy for George, Cindy, or Lee because of their words and actions. George wanted to be buddies with LE because of his 10 years in LE. He had been out of LE for so long he did not realize that just about everything had changed. LE is not doing investigations the 'old fashioned' way. Information can be gleaned from many more sources that was not available then. There were no cell phones and pings to trace. Computers were dinosaurs used in big businesses. As computers evolved and just about everyone had a PC, Le and FBI could trace a persons 'footprints' on PC's and glean valuable information from them. DNA research had not yet evolved to the point it is today! George wanted an inside tract and knowledge and just did not get it, IMO.
I think the whole Anthony family have thought they were above the law and could snow LE and the FBI. I think the Anthony's underestimated them. They lied and they covered for Casey. They benefited and profited on their missing and murdered grandchild and pushed her to the back burner.
I do not want to hear or see another interview from anyone in the Anthony family. I want the focus to be back on Caylee and justice for her. I think they are even right now trying to think of a way to make the most of people's sympathy in the loss of their grandchild and neice. They may get lots of sympathy, but not from me. You do not ask for full immunity when you have done nothing wrong. I want anyone who played a part in this whole cover up, or whatever anyone wants to call it, to pay for it. My only sympathy is with the real victim - little Caylee.

So, an 'off camera interview' to say that there will be no 'on camera' interviews is just more Anthony spin and a bid for more sympathy. I think the Anthony's are afraid that LE is going to come down hard on them for any wrongdoing after Caylee's funeral/Memorial Service, and it is advantageous of them to put it off as long as possible.

All of the above is just my opinion alone, and is exactly how I feel! ..........:mad:

Very well said and explained, mybrokenwings! I just feel this is exactlty what GA must be feeling. guilt, remorse, about what he knew he should have done earlier that could have prevented this. His interview with the FBI reveals this guilt when he admits he knew something was not right with KC and how she had changed in the last couple of years and how he had suspected she was not working. He knew what he should have done then, yet, maybe b/c of CA, did not take action and practiced tough love as you've mentioned. CA apparently had been advised by the couselor to do exactly the same as you are saying. So, so sad. but I would not want to ever have to be put in that predicament. I feel for you as well.
so sorry for the decisions that you've had to make. Not ever easy, I'm sure.
I'm sure as a parent you always hope the child will change and perhaps this is why some wait too long to do what must be done. GA appears to me to be completely torn and filled with guilt because "he knew" and did nothing when he might have been able to prevent the loss of his grandaughter... At least in his mind.

Thank you Manatee. You are soft hearted and kind.
Oh you are so right about George's guilt. It is something you never get over. I do feel sorry for him. But angry at the same time. That baby was so much more important to protect than Casey.

I guess I am hardened by life and feel that they should all be blamed for what has happened. Not that I don't feel sorry for their pain. I do. And I wish if they wanted to continue to love and support Casey, they would not admit it to the public. It seems by their still wanting to see Casey, and their help in the cover-up, to me that they didn"t learn anything by what has happened.
Also no questions were asked about possibly knowing where Caylee's body was almost a month ahead of her discovery.
No questions were asked about possible pending charges for OJ, acessory after the fact, Lying to investigators, etc.
No questions were asked about the continual string of lies to try and sway public opinion to help their daughter who murdered their grandchild.
No questions were asked about any animosity they may hold toward Casey.
No q's about visiting her in prison, if convicted.

Yep, that was a fine piece of investigative journalism there. Maybe next time they can just send George an email with a list of multiple choice soft answers.
Maybe the questions that need to be asked will come later when the grieving grandparents have had time to absorb their loss. Probably from a SA instead of a sophomore majoring in journalism.

Who knows?

Also, I have seen the rumor about LA's preg. GF a thousand times. Any proof? Links?

I reckon ole Mallory may be getting the house to herself.

I think other questions were asked but George refused to answer them and possibly shut down the interview. There is a correct way to interview and get to the point without putting the person on the defensive immediately.
I believe the reporter never got to the point of being able to ask the more difficult questions about the case.
And, there's always the possibility the reporter's editor directed a slant to the story and the reporter was doing his or her job asking what the editor wanted for the story.
I have taken a lot of flack for coming right out and saying it here early on in this case.

31 Days says it all for me.

The myspace post, digging in the backyard, first phone call b/w Cindy & Casey in jail, "don't worry, I haven't said anything" etc etc have had me wondering from pretty much the beginning too. I've even wondered if this was planned by all of them beforehand for money, fame etc. I know it's unlikely, but it's certainly crossed my mind. Guess I don't hold a very high opinion of that
And, there's always the possibility the reporter's editor directed a slant to the story and the reporter was doing his or her job asking what the editor wanted for the story.


That really does not happen at local TV news stations. It probably doesn't happen on the national level half as much as it's suspected either. With several newscasts airing in one day, there's no time or reason to ask for a certain slant in a story. Reporters go out, do their job, work with what they've got, and go home!
I sort of did the same thing but it was with my daughter. I am raising her son,who I adopted because I have no doubt he would not be alive today if I hadn't. She is still in his life, maybe once every two weeks, but that is her choice. She does not have the ability in her to be a mother to a child. She sees a child as competition, as I think Casey did. But if my daughter had harmed, let alone murdered my grandson I can honestly say, she would be dead to me. I would have no problem in turning my back on her for the rest of my life. I raised her and how she turned out was her choice, you can only do so much. My son is 8 years old now and a very happy, well adjusted child. Sometimes you have to make choices for the best interest of a child. I am still momaw and my daughter is still mommy but he knows who is there for him every minute of every day.

That is wonderful that you took your grandson and are raising him in a loving stable home! I am sorry about your daughter. It hurts. My step=daughter from hell has recently lost all three of her kids to the State. Her mother in law fought for three months to get lisenced as a foster parent so she could have the kids for now. The reason she lost them is because one of the babies got a third degree burn with a iron and had to have a skin graft. I had a dream that she was going to kill one of them before this happened. I thank God that they are no longer in her care. We disowned her before she even had these kids so I had no way to protect them. I have prayed for them all along though.

If my own flesh and blood daughter killed either of my grandbabies, she would be dead to me too. There would be no chance of me ever going to see her or talking to her again. I would even be a witness for the prosecution if need be. If I thought my grandbabies were in danger I would spend ever dime I had to try and take them away. I am back to square one with this family. They didn't ever do the right thing for Caylee.
Funny how I can listen to the same calls and not hear what you hear at all. I hear her adding Caylee being missing as an afterthought...then working herself into that state from there. She called in a rage over the car and money...not a thing to do with Caylee, imo.

This is exactly what I think as well, SS!
I have taken a lot of flack for coming right out and saying it here early on in this case.

31 Days says it all for me.

If you remember, I said it also. I have never thought anything different. I remember you catching flack!
I just logged on and watched the video and the commercial before it was for AMSCOT rental services. Weird
I think C & G were afraid the guy at the tow yard might call the police about the smell.

I think so also, bunnyphoenix1. Maybe that coupled with what they KNEW the smell was is what prompted that text!
For a long time, I've also suspected the family knew long before the 911 call.

It was on the first 911 call that CA was on hold but still talking to KC and didn't realize that she was being taped while she was being transferred to the aprioprate agency.

Cindy Anthony: My next thing will be child's thing and we'll have a court order to get her if thats what you wanna play. We'll do it and you'll never...

{Casey inaudibly talking}

Cindy Anthony: Well then you I'm not giving you another day. I've given you a month.

And then the first week in July she had that post on her myspace about how Caylee was gone.:confused:
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