Latest from George Anthony 1-2-09 at 11:58 PM

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Coco, I believe the difference is, you ARE doing something about it. The A's chose to ignore, and be complacent beyond belief. You see your son for what he is, and are getting help. I will not ever say"not my child" as noone fully has control over another persons actions.But, I do have control over my actions and how I handle situations. At the very least, we have to teach our children that there are consequences to things. Once they reach adulthood, those consequences can be severe. The fact that we hold them accountable & responsible does not guarantee that they will be "good kids" or the "best kids one could hope for" But it does make them know that they ARE going to be responsible for their bad actions. Having an unruly child does not make you a bad parent, however making excuses for their behavior or, even worse, covering up for their crimes does not make you "Mother of the Year"
I am sorry you are in the situation you are in. Your son is blessed to have a parent that cares enough to say there is a problem and WE will deal with it. Bless you.

Lisa, We do not know what the Anthony's did or did not do in rearing Casey. For all we know they may have taken her to family therapy, psychologists, individual therapists, psyciatrists, etc. We just do not know at this point. So I also agree with Coco in that why should they be also held accountable due to the actions their daughter, an adult, took? Yes, they coddled her and pacified her and blatantly had some "fear" of her. Yes...not the other way around. Casey may have felt her mother as cumbersome and on-to-her...but I do not believe for a second she "feared her". I believe George and Cindy feared Casey...feared she would walk out of their lives forever and hold their grandchild from them. Hence is more than probably the reason Cindy felt things were out of control and went to therapy and proceeded to warn Casey that they would take custody. There is NO OTHER reason whatsoever that a parent would coddle an adult child except for their own insecurities of what the retaliation could be by that child. Whether it be they would disown their parents, and/or remove their grandchild from them. It's please do not put responsibility on the parents....especially when we do not know all the facts, as yet.
George's statement to LE and the FBI is "Please don't let it be my Caylee." He had no thoughts that it could be Casey.

It's Caylee that they did not hear from in 30 days...not Casey. They talked with Casey all the time while she was always making excuses that Caylee was at Universal with the Nanny, ect. Hence is why George's first thought is the "missing contact" was Caylee.
IMO George was saw something in the trunk when Casey threw the gas cans at him. He caught a glimpse, and in his mind, wanted to convince himself that "it couldn't be possible", then he goes to the tow yard to pick up the car, and the smell, combined with the gas can incident gave him a gut feeling that it was Caylee, at some point in the trunk. I think his conscience won't let him go back to the gas can date, feeling as if he was partly responsible for not acting on what he saw in the trunk previously. He drives the car home, knowing that his worst fears have come to fruition. He can't go there. He goes to work instead, hoping it will all just go away, be one big mistake.

I have seen this type of behavior in a dysfunctional family (my inlaws). They deal with something "big" by ignoring it, not dealing with it, and it eventually will pass. That is the way that the A family dealt with Casey, and all of her lies, crimes, mistakes. Ignore it long enough, and it will go away.

Sadly, it won't.
the whole interview was all about poor George - he cant drive - he has a hole in his heart - whine cry sniff ............

trolling for sympathy -

it still is all about the Anthonys not Caylee

Why didnt he say

We are going to do everything possible to see that Caylee receives justice
Her murderer needs to be punished to the full extent of the law
We support the state and want this horrible crime punished
We want the murderer brought to justice
We are so grateful to all the people who worked so hard to find her

Because I believe both Cindy and George need serious psychological help to get them through this. I believe they STILL are going to be under the spell of Casey and STILL have fear she will disown them should they speak ill of her. Or show support towards the state/prosecution.

They obviously have put forth most of their efforts of love and support towards their children and forgot about putting it towards each other as well. They both apparently have very low self esteems to allow themselves to be manipulated to the point that they have completely lost focus and drove themselves into deep denial when there were blatant clues in front of them that Casey held multiple personalities....and not the medical diagnostic type....and certainly was capable of committing the act that she did. Complete denial. Hence the "Casey is a good mother". They could never see through the act. Casey let them see what she wanted them to see. I believe she was very nasty to Caylee when they were not around. Vindictive. I also believe now that Caylee was growing and communicating that added further frustration to Casey as she knew her own daughter would divulge the truth about her "mommy"...and we can tell from the video's that Caylee seemed very smart and also came across as very determined and independent. A lot like Cindy, her grandmother. Casey, imo, despised her.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you wrote.

I think everyone in that family loved Caylee (except for KC). I also believe a lot of the defending and placating of KC in the press (KC watches TV in jail) and during their phone visits was in the interests of finding Caylee.

(snipped/bolded by by me)

I totally agree that Casey did not love Caylee. There were pictures or a video of Caylee running in a field with some other kids. Possibly the Oviedo house, Casey is looking at Caylee (while smoking a cigarette) and the look on her face spoke volumes. I will look for the photo and post the link. If someone else can find it, thank you.
Re G&C's responsibility for how Casey turned out-

I agree that nature vs nurture is a grey area. Sometimes great kids come from horrible situations. Sometimes horrible kids come from great families.

However, the parents have a choice when their kids go wrong.

There is such a thing as unconditional love for our children and that is acceptable. People can love their child but hate the things they have done. And they can do this without obstructing justice, lying to law enforcement and the public and throwing innocent people into the mix. They can simply tell their child they love them and make sure that they are helping that child to get the best legal representation and the mental health assistance they can find. With regard to the media, they can either say nothing, express their heartbreak over the situation, and even address the victim's families with words of sympathy- and even apology for the actions of their child.

With G&C it's clear they knew Casey was flawed- very deeply flawed. It's not like they didn't see her all the time or know her mo. They clearly had their own concerns about her fitness and goodness.

The best thing they could have done was not speak to the press or limit their words to hopes that Caylee would be returned alive and unharmed.

Instead they chose the path of changing their stories, blatant lies, and trying to hurt others.

Casey clearly did not deserve such strong and vocal support from her parents.

They made a choice. That choice was to follow the darkness instead of the light. Believing in your child and hoping for their innocence does not give anybody the right to lie and try to destroy the lives of others. All the pain and confusion they were feeling about their daughter and loss of their granddaughter was palpable but they tried to bring that pain and humiliation onto other innocent people. That is inexcusable.

While I sincerely feel sympathy for them in the loss of their granddaughter, I still believe they have actively contributed to the circus that is the Caylee Anthony case. They deserve to suffer consequences for their actions.

They still have a chance to redeem themselves by speaking the truth but they need to do that without conditions. That is the only way I might believe that they were suffering from a conditional lapse of judgement given the horrible stress they were dealing with.
urcting justice

I agree with this. I'll go a step farther - I feel very sorry for the grandparents. I feel this is a very dysfunctional family, which explains alot about why casey turned out the way she did. I feel they are enablers, in denial (cannot accept criticism of their family, cannot accept that one of their is a cold-blooded murderer, could not accept that their precious grandchild is dead), they are spoilers, and in CA's case especially, controlling and, when it comes to the case against her daughter, dishonest. I don't like a lot of what they have done, such as trying to confuse the public, or trying to place blame on others for what their kid did, or possibly obstructing justice by hiding or lying about certain things casey did (CA). However, they are not murderers, casey is. All the anger on the board against two people who lost a little girl they obviously love, baffles me. casey alone is ultimately responsible. The anger should be towards her. These are just poor, misguided souls who lost their innocent grandchild at the hands of the daughter they love.
That's very hard to take. I know parents like them, who will protect their child at all costs, even when it's obvious the kid is guilty. That is wrong-headed and causes screwed up kids. But, although it is very odd, I understand the horrible position psychologically that this kind of enmeshed behavior puts them in. They still love their kid and they can't face that she is a monster, but they know deep in their hearts that she is. Then comes the self-blame as it can't be their perfect daughter's fault. However, the grandchild is just as precious to them and is vulnerable and innocent on top of that. Hence, the strange phone calls and jail visits in which they express love for and faith in casey while at the same time trying to get anything from her through request for information or by working on casey's sense of guilt, in order to allow them to see the truth they cannot face, but must, for Caylee's sake.
It's a catch-22 for them and although everyone has a real problem in seeing how that can be, how they can even think of casey or feel for her if it is between her and little Caylee, they themselves do not truly understand this or that helping casey really means putting her needs above the need for truth and justice for Caylee. They do not see it.
Again, they did not murder Caylee and I really doubt they would ever have covered up the crime such that Caylee ceased to exist to the world, in order to protect their offspring. The jailhouse calls and tapes show that, as did CA's 911 calls as well as GA's LE interviews and GJ testimony. They never would have said half of what they did if their only goal was to protect their kid. Yes, CA called 911 about the car, initially, but regardless of the smell in it, after they found no bodies inside and located casey, I think they could not fathom, nor allow themselves to think for a moment that Caylee has been killed by casey. It seems clear that such a thought did not enter CA's consciousness until casey told her Caylee was missing. Her subsequent and totally panicked call after that showed her true feelings: "There's something wrong. It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car...I need to find her." Not the words of someone who's goal is to protect their kid at the expense of their little grandchild.
My long-winded point is these people have some serious problems and that explains alot of the behavior they exhibit which tends to make it appear that casey is more important than Caylee. But, I don't think that's truly the case.
We must remember that they are victims of casey as well. They have lost their world and must feel guilt that they contributed to creation of the monster who took that world from them. My heart cannot hate them. I have only sorrow for what they are going through and how they are left with the one who destroyed their lives instead of the one who made their lives beautiful.
I pray that little Caylee is now safe and at peace in the arms of our Lord. I have no hate for the Anthonys and I pray for healing for them. I think Caylee would want that, instead of hate and anger towards them.
Anger and hatred? I reserve that for casey, for whom I am sadly not Christian enough to pray.

I also can not forgive them for their attorney's request for immunity or else they won't tell "everything they know." Innocent people don't need immunity. Innocent people would have been honest from the beginning and didn't feel a need to tell conflicting stories. If they want the public to feel sorry for them they will sit down with LE and tell them everything they know because they want JUSTICE for Caylee.

Immunity is a tough one. Because one is now stuck in the middle of the legal process, it would be advisable for them to have immunity...especially when it is their own child they are going to have to provide testimony about. It doesn't always have to do with innocence or has to do with protection from the state prosecuting them for anything that they may bring to the table in the court of law. The prosecutors would more than likely not have a problem with immunity as they may be able to get more compelling evidence from their testimonies....the prosecutors would be against it if they in fact felt the Anthony's were part of or had any certain knowledge of the crimes that Casey is being charged for and withheld information from them.

It could also be trivial...but needed. (immunity) For example, when testifying that they were aware that Casey stole money and did not "turn her in", had she purchased say a new tv for the family room with that money...and at the time they believed she purchased it from "working"...the prosecutor could literally get Casey to admit that the television was purchased with stolen funds, or prove it was purchased with stolen funds, and then they could "legally" turn around and file receiving stolen property charges on the Anthony's. This is just an example...not to be confused with any real situation.

The part about immunity that is troubling would be if it were found out that in fact that Anthony's was aware of Caylee's demise and of her buried remains, then it would suck that they would have immunity and not be prosecuted for their knowledge.

It's also possible the immunity may be in regards to Lee. Something is brewing that they are talking of bringing tampering with evidence and obstruction of a criminal investigation charges on him...thus may be another reason the family is asking for immunity. My guess is that it has something to do with the "secret code" that was supposedly ongoing between he and Casey. don't jump me on this one. What if, again a hypothetical, it turns out that Lee is the biological father of Caylee? The Prosecutors could in fact charge George and Cindy with obstructing a criminal investigation for lying and saying the father was the high school friend that passed away...if in fact Lee confided to them that is the reason he did not want his DNA done and they didn't report or make corrections to their previous statements.

Thus...immunity protects them from ANY potential statement that they told to investigators.

(Example: We all know Cindy has said many things to investigators that was merely repeating what she was told by Casey. If while Casey was in jail and Cindy found out the truth of what she was told and didn't volunteer to go back to investigators and clear up the inconsistencies...she could be held accountable again for obstructing a criminal investigation and it could be something as minor as "the pics were taken when Casey was pregnant...not at a nightclub after Caylee was missing." Even if Cindy knew that the investigators already found out the truth.)

The list could go on and on from trivial matters that could have severe penalties to severe matters that SHOULD have severe penalties. But it's the law and it's there to protect. So they say.
I do have to add this...

Yes, I know that Casey was "legally" an adult but she was living under their roof and their money. If Cindy had insurance from her job which I am sure she most likely did... most family insurance policies cover adult children until they are 22-years-old as long as they are still living under the same roof. I am not sure about grandchildren though but I am sure she would have paid for the extra costs to add Caylee to the policy.

It is not known if Casey was getting any kind of Federal help for Caylee and if she was I am sure (with the new laws) that she has been ineligible for some time.

Casey had been a legal adult for 4 years while still living under their roof. I don't know if they had issues with Casey as a minor but I find it hard to believe that Casey became the person she did over night and I am willing to guess that she did have behavior issues as a child that went unpunished.

Depends on the insurance company. My husbands would cover our grandchildren, stepchildren and adopted children as long as they resided full time in our home. (It would not cover foster children)
Welcome to WS Lola and...I totally agree with your post. Also, despite her age, I don't believe that KC was in any way "technically" an adult. She certainly had no responsibilities other than pretending to work and spending time with Caylee day-in-and-out for over 2 years! What else was she doing that could remotely position her as being an adult????

It's the legal system. She is legally an adult. Didn't act like one...but is one. Just as I've always said to my children when they have a problem with my rules..."As a parent, I'm raising adults, not children. When you're on your own then you can stay up till midnite." ;)
After watching the four videos that WindChime showcased on her thread, my sympathy for George has diminished.

First he says the car smelled like a dead body and then said it was rotting pizza along with CA? He is almost gleeful in another video stating that they found Caylee and he's sooo excited? (Couldn't locate link after searching a long time. It was in his driveway with Dennis from Kidfinders trying to get reporter to leave).

Yes, I feel horrible that he lost his granddaughter. However, his actions since Caylee went missing have been to cover up her murder.

How could he?

If you locate that, please provide the links. I too am having problems with George and his entire demeanor from all the jailhouse interviews with Casey and Cindy. George just seemed to sit back bored and then would come on with all his "precious princess" "count my fingers" crap to soothe her. She didn't need soothing. She didn't even mind jail!! She liked the fact that she was only steps away from the front desk under watch by mostly men all the time. She was pampered in isolation without having to be held accountable. She should be in the mainstream prison block...not protected....AGAIN.
I believe it's because Casey has refused to see members of her family.

During the time she was out on bond, she spent as much time as she could at JB's office. I seriously doubt that they were spending 6 - 8 hours a day working on Casey's defense, and I'm sure JB had other clients too. I think Casey didn't want to be cooped up in the house with her parents. Going to JB's office was a way to escape.

After she was indicted and arrested she refused to see her family.

Absolutely 100% agree with you. KC doesnt want to see her family. She could care less. Right now its her defense she is worried about. Saving her own hide.
IMO George was saw something in the trunk when Casey threw the gas cans at him. He caught a glimpse, and in his mind, wanted to convince himself that "it couldn't be possible", then he goes to the tow yard to pick up the car, and the smell, combined with the gas can incident gave him a gut feeling that it was Caylee, at some point in the trunk. I think his conscience won't let him go back to the gas can date, feeling as if he was partly responsible for not acting on what he saw in the trunk previously. He drives the car home, knowing that his worst fears have come to fruition. He can't go there. He goes to work instead, hoping it will all just go away, be one big mistake.

I have seen this type of behavior in a dysfunctional family (my inlaws). They deal with something "big" by ignoring it, not dealing with it, and it eventually will pass. That is the way that the A family dealt with Casey, and all of her lies, crimes, mistakes. Ignore it long enough, and it will go away.

Sadly, it won't.

It's also possible they were just so friggin stressed out that they just didn't have the energy to deal with her directly anymore. Hence the reason to just remove Caylee from her care before she retaliates and takes her from their lives. You know, I know this is a silly analogy...but going to throw it out anyhow. When my son was 3 years old he was still drinking a bottle. All my friends, family, in laws jumped all over me for it. However, try as I may this child would throw severe tantrums and cry and cry and it was not the normal childhood tantrums. Because my son started having multiple seizure disorders at the age of 11 months...his crying fits scared me that he would be so stressed he would seize. After awhile it was easier to just let him have the dumb bottle and knowing in my head he would not have it in kindergarten. Little did I know at the time, my son was also autistic. It was not until the age of 5 that he was diagnosed. However, point is....I was sooooo stressed with him having grand mal seizures 15-20 times a month and to me one has to prioritize to save their own stress and heart levels as to what is really important and what is not? I believe the Anthony's were so stressed with fear and worry that Casey would take Caylee that they gave in to her actions and even justified them. (ex: well, she stole from us...not strangers. well, she's never been arrested, she doesn't do drugs, she doesn't smoke cigarettes, she is a good mom to Caylee, blah blah blah) See what I mean?
Immunity is a tough one. Because one is now stuck in the middle of the legal process, it would be advisable for them to have immunity...especially when it is their own child they are going to have to provide testimony about. It doesn't always have to do with innocence or has to do with protection from the state prosecuting them for anything that they may bring to the table in the court of law. The prosecutors would more than likely not have a problem with immunity as they may be able to get more compelling evidence from their testimonies....the prosecutors would be against it if they in fact felt the Anthony's were part of or had any certain knowledge of the crimes that Casey is being charged for and withheld information from them.

It could also be trivial...but needed. (immunity) For example, when testifying that they were aware that Casey stole money and did not "turn her in", had she purchased say a new tv for the family room with that money...and at the time they believed she purchased it from "working"...the prosecutor could literally get Casey to admit that the television was purchased with stolen funds, or prove it was purchased with stolen funds, and then they could "legally" turn around and file receiving stolen property charges on the Anthony's. This is just an example...not to be confused with any real situation.

The part about immunity that is troubling would be if it were found out that in fact that Anthony's was aware of Caylee's demise and of her buried remains, then it would suck that they would have immunity and not be prosecuted for their knowledge.

It's also possible the immunity may be in regards to Lee. Something is brewing that they are talking of bringing tampering with evidence and obstruction of a criminal investigation charges on him...thus may be another reason the family is asking for immunity. My guess is that it has something to do with the "secret code" that was supposedly ongoing between he and Casey. don't jump me on this one. What if, again a hypothetical, it turns out that Lee is the biological father of Caylee? The Prosecutors could in fact charge George and Cindy with obstructing a criminal investigation for lying and saying the father was the high school friend that passed away...if in fact Lee confided to them that is the reason he did not want his DNA done and they didn't report or make corrections to their previous statements.

Thus...immunity protects them from ANY potential statement that they told to investigators.

(Example: We all know Cindy has said many things to investigators that was merely repeating what she was told by Casey. If while Casey was in jail and Cindy found out the truth of what she was told and didn't volunteer to go back to investigators and clear up the inconsistencies...she could be held accountable again for obstructing a criminal investigation and it could be something as minor as "the pics were taken when Casey was pregnant...not at a nightclub after Caylee was missing." Even if Cindy knew that the investigators already found out the truth.)

The list could go on and on from trivial matters that could have severe penalties to severe matters that SHOULD have severe penalties. But it's the law and it's there to protect. So they say.

Le certainly knows more about their actions then we do. We are limited to the press and lot of denial going on. IMO

Couldn't they grant limited immunity?
Le certainly knows more about their actions then we do. We are limited to the press and lot of denial going on. IMO

Couldn't they grant limited immunity?

Limited Immunity is also known as "USE IMMUNITY", then there is Transactional immunity.. Use Immunity (or as you put it, limited immunity) is designed to cover all statements presented. Transactional and use immunity are granted to preserve the constitutional protection against self-incrimination. The states grant either form of this immunity, while the federal government grants only use immunity. A witness with use immunity may still be prosecuted, but only based on evidence not gathered from the protected testimony.
the whole interview was all about poor George - he cant drive - he has a hole in his heart - whine cry sniff ............

trolling for sympathy -

it still is all about the Anthonys not Caylee

Why didnt he say

We are going to do everything possible to see that Caylee receives justice
Her murderer needs to be punished to the full extent of the law
We support the state and want this horrible crime punished
We want the murderer brought to justice
We are so grateful to all the people who worked so hard to find her
I couldn't agree more with every word. :woohoo:
She didn't even mind jail!! She liked the fact that she was only steps away from the front desk under watch by mostly men all the time. She was pampered in isolation without having to be held accountable. She should be in the mainstream prison block...not protected....AGAIN.

Patience. She'll be there.
Immunity is a tough one. Because one is now stuck in the middle of the legal process, it would be advisable for them to have immunity...especially when it is their own child they are going to have to provide testimony about. It doesn't always have to do with innocence or has to do with protection from the state prosecuting them for anything that they may bring to the table in the court of law. The prosecutors would more than likely not have a problem with immunity as they may be able to get more compelling evidence from their testimonies....the prosecutors would be against it if they in fact felt the Anthony's were part of or had any certain knowledge of the crimes that Casey is being charged for and withheld information from them.

It could also be trivial...but needed. (immunity) For example, when testifying that they were aware that Casey stole money and did not "turn her in", had she purchased say a new tv for the family room with that money...and at the time they believed she purchased it from "working"...the prosecutor could literally get Casey to admit that the television was purchased with stolen funds, or prove it was purchased with stolen funds, and then they could "legally" turn around and file receiving stolen property charges on the Anthony's. This is just an example...not to be confused with any real situation.

The part about immunity that is troubling would be if it were found out that in fact that Anthony's was aware of Caylee's demise and of her buried remains, then it would suck that they would have immunity and not be prosecuted for their knowledge.

It's also possible the immunity may be in regards to Lee. Something is brewing that they are talking of bringing tampering with evidence and obstruction of a criminal investigation charges on him...thus may be another reason the family is asking for immunity. My guess is that it has something to do with the "secret code" that was supposedly ongoing between he and Casey. don't jump me on this one. What if, again a hypothetical, it turns out that Lee is the biological father of Caylee? The Prosecutors could in fact charge George and Cindy with obstructing a criminal investigation for lying and saying the father was the high school friend that passed away...if in fact Lee confided to them that is the reason he did not want his DNA done and they didn't report or make corrections to their previous statements.

Thus...immunity protects them from ANY potential statement that they told to investigators.

(Example: We all know Cindy has said many things to investigators that was merely repeating what she was told by Casey. If while Casey was in jail and Cindy found out the truth of what she was told and didn't volunteer to go back to investigators and clear up the inconsistencies...she could be held accountable again for obstructing a criminal investigation and it could be something as minor as "the pics were taken when Casey was pregnant...not at a nightclub after Caylee was missing." Even if Cindy knew that the investigators already found out the truth.)

The list could go on and on from trivial matters that could have severe penalties to severe matters that SHOULD have severe penalties. But it's the law and it's there to protect. So they say.

Good analysis!

I agree with most of it, but re the bolded part, I disagree. The SA is very experienced and anyone can see that the As will have zero crediility in the witness box. If the Defence calls them as Ws, the SA gets to cross examine them. I really don't see any motive for them to provide immunity to such unreliable and dishonest witnesses.
A token effort? Give these people a break here. Any family that has suffered a loss of a loved one due to a killer.....there is a grieving period in which the family is extremely under duress, pain, agony, heartache and a lot of times they are medicated, can't eat, can't sleep and just go through the motions clear on past the why do people expect such a rush of expectations that the Anthony's should be any different and be "out looking for a killer" ? I don't think anyone who has suffered a death by the hands of a killer is out looking for the killer the next day. It's not the movies where all has to come to a head within 95 minutes. I can only hope that once they start to heal that they will no longer be in denial and can move forward to healing as they have the double pain in knowing that their own child caused all of the pain and loss they've suffered....and hopefully they'll not still be in denial and believe there is another killer out there.

This family doesn't deserve a break. Period. They knew from "day 1" that Caylee was dead and that KC killed her. They chose to not believe what they knew in their hearts, denial. They can say whatever they want, KC is mother of the year, Zanny did it, Jesse did it, whatever, but they have ALWAYS known in their heart that KC did it. Their actions reflect that fact. For example, not begging for Zanny to return Caylee but rather using that media time to defend KC. What a waste, huge waste. Like others have mentioned, had they REALLY believed that Caylee was kidnapped they would have been screaming at the top of their lungs every single chance they got for the safe return of Caylee. In all the hours and hours of media time they have been given, have you ever heard them do that? Once?
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