Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.24.17 - Day 2

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I was able to take a break from work so I decided to go over to the court and sit in on the trial for a bit. But when I got there I couldnt bring myself to go in. There's evil in that room and I just couldn't do it.

I'm surprised. I went to law school. I don't practice law but I've been to court a number of times. It's not a big deal for me at all but something inside me slammed on the brakes and that was that.

Prayers for strength for Laura's family along with all the witnesses who knew her being called to be there. It would be an awful thing to go through regardless but knowing without a doubt the evil those two are capable of...I don't want to breathe the same air

Sharlene Bosma made a similar observation when she said, "The devil led the vilest form of evil down my driveway, and it smiled at me before taking Tim away.”
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Tuesday's "Day in court with Dellen Millard" has given us a very good glimpse into the mind of this over confident, smarter than anyone else on the planet psychopath. IMHO his dislike for SL started the minute SL asked him about what he did during LB's B-day party, causing SL to dig deeper into DM's "accounting" career. SL held an actual business degree; he was everything that DM wasn't. SL, the man who sat in the witness box yesterday was even more accomplished and from all that I've seen reported, he maintained his composure well. I wonder how DM's lawyer skills are sitting with the Jury?

If DM was attempting to somehow prove that SL was out to get him, IMHO DM failed miserably. Hopefully in a couple months, SL and LB's family can start healing, knowing that just like those who loved TB, there was absolutely nothing that they could have done to prevent her death. SL will go on to do great things in his life; DM will go back to jail forever. MOO
Tuesday's "Day in court with Dellen Millard" has given us a very good glimpse into the mind of this over confident, smarter than anyone else on the planet psychopath. IMHO his dislike for SL started the minute SL asked him about what he did during LB's B-day party, causing SL to dig deeper into DM's "accounting" career. SL held an actual business degree; he was everything that DM wasn't. SL, the man who sat in the witness box yesterday was even more accomplished and from all that I've seen reported, he maintained his composure well. I wonder how DM's lawyer skills are sitting with the Jury?

If DM was attempting to somehow prove that SL was out to get him, IMHO DM failed miserably. Hopefully in a couple months, SL and LB's family can start healing, knowing that just like those who loved TB, there was absolutely nothing that they could have done to prevent her death. SL will go on to do great things in his life; DM will go back to jail forever. MOO

DM's questions to SL will surely backfire. With a very clear, memorable, and easily understood recounting of his meeting with DM, SL established right from the beginning that DM is a liar. DM doesn't understand how important it is to know what answer will be given, before asking the question.

DM is so unconnected to the autrocities of his crimes and how they affect those whose griefs are deepest, that I get the feeling that he is asking them, "Do you like me"? He seems to be looking for approval from his witnesses. I'll be interested if he continues this pathetic approach as the trial continues.
I really wonder what is going on in DM's head.

Is representing himself a way to save money? Is it that simple?

Is representing himself a way to grab the spotlight and "be the man" which is something that is extraordinarily important to him?

Is representing himself a claim that he is smarter than everyone and can do a better job than any lawyer he can hire?

Is he doing this simply because he can intimidate and have a face to face with those that turned on him, in a situation where he is in control (or so he thinks)?

Is it all of the above?

I think it's all of the above and he gets perverse enjoyment out of making people uncomfortable, frightening them, and then there is the thrill aspect of all of this. Is this is only outlet for the thrill that he seems to seek out?

Thanks for the link - it's really useful to be able to see ABro's posts.
many thanks for all the hard work you have done with posting all the tweets - that's some job!


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I know this detail is small in nature and doesn't really make a difference, but Did SL meet LB in the toy store or an online dating site.
says: "Millard delves into their relationship: how did they meet? On an online dating site."

I thought I read in a previous article that He met her at the toy store where she was working and that he thought she was bubbly and asked her out right away.
I know this detail is small in nature and doesn't really make a difference, but Did SL meet LB in the toy store or an online dating site.
says: "Millard delves into their relationship: how did they meet? On an online dating site."

I thought I read in a previous article that He met her at the toy store where she was working and that he thought she was bubbly and asked her out right away.

I recalled the same, and did a double-take at the testimony of online. Maybe it's semantics - they met online, but first met up in person at the toy store?
Found it!

"She was at her best with children and worked throughout school at a Mastermind toy store. That’s where former boyfriend Shawn Lerner, 24, first met her in 2010 while looking for a gift.

“She’s just like over-the-top bubbly,” remembers Lerner, who went to school for business and recently started his own company. He asked her out that day. They began a romance."
I meant she didn't have a phone plan with unlimited phone calls, but she paid by the call and that's why they were itemized.

I have an unlimited plan, and all of my calls are itemized on every bill. Bill also shows how many texts sent per month, received per month - but no specifics as to who they were sent to.
It's awesome that's once again dedicated posters are bringing the tweets to one location for a one stop shop - thank-you so much.

The shout-outs to the Babcock family in support of justice for Laura were also awesome as was the reminder of SL's pursuit to find her. The world would be a better place with more men like him.
Was happy to read in the info provided in post #184 (thanks SnooperDuper) that certain Toronto Police officers will not be called to testify. It would have been awful for everyone to see the slaughter that would have produced (the defense does have a job to do).

Hopefully TPS has learned a great lesson and is better for it.
Good morning to all. I am ready to go with the CBC Live Blog if Snooper and others are still covering the tweets. For reference, I'll paste the blog in this colour.
I really wonder what is going on in DM's head.

Is representing himself a way to save money? Is it that simple?

Is representing himself a way to grab the spotlight and "be the man" which is something that is extraordinarily important to him?

Is representing himself a claim that he is smarter than everyone and can do a better job than any lawyer he can hire?

Is he doing this simply because he can intimidate and have a face to face with those that turned on him, in a situation where he is in control (or so he thinks)?

Is it all of the above?

I think it's all of the above and he gets perverse enjoyment out of making people uncomfortable, frightening them, and then there is the thrill aspect of all of this. Is this is only outlet for the thrill that he seems to seek out?


My guess it simply because hes a psychopath. He wants the attention. He thinks he is smarter. He thinks he can control the outcome. He also would be given more time out of his cell for this. Not sure what his prison situation is, but normally an inmate might get an hour a week or two to relate with their lawyer, if you are the lawyer, I would think he gets more. Plus he gets access to all the evidence, statements, etc, and all the time he needs to review it all and build his case. He wants to be able to control what is happening, and with that info he probably thinks he can.
My guess it simply because hes a psychopath. He wants the attention. He thinks he is smarter. He thinks he can control the outcome. He also would be given more time out of his cell for this. Not sure what his prison situation is, but normally an inmate might get an hour a week or two to relate with their lawyer, if you are the lawyer, I would think he gets more. Plus he gets access to all the evidence, statements, etc, and all the time he needs to review it all and build his case. He wants to be able to control what is happening, and with that info he probably thinks he can.


I flip flop back on forth on this a bit, but mostly I suspect that he really sees himself as a brilliant trial lawyer and thinks he will win this case.
Good morning :coffeecup: Please continue Here for today's testimony.

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Thank you
My guess it simply because hes a psychopath. He wants the attention. He thinks he is smarter. He thinks he can control the outcome. He also would be given more time out of his cell for this. Not sure what his prison situation is, but normally an inmate might get an hour a week or two to relate with their lawyer, if you are the lawyer, I would think he gets more. Plus he gets access to all the evidence, statements, etc, and all the time he needs to review it all and build his case. He wants to be able to control what is happening, and with that info he probably thinks he can.

Safe to assume DM MAY have had reasonable access (hopefully under VERY close watch) of the internet.. This may be another reason that he's decided to represent himself .. Which means he MAY have had access to sites like this one. I wish I was more optimistic that something like this COULDN'T happen.. but the guys got some $$ - might be a nice salary supplement for someone to turn a blind eye. Hopefully if he did have access to internet access, it was closely monitored, and or blocking any sites other then the law libraries, or CANLII or the like..
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