Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.24.17 - Day 2

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Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago
Millard asks two question: Have we ever met? Never talked on the phone? Dengate says no. That's it. Smich's lawyer now up.

Caryn Lieberman‏Verified account @caryn_lieberman 37s38 seconds ago
Dengate says Babcock told him she was working as an escort. Cross examination done.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 53s53 seconds ago
Dungey asks Dengate about Babcock working as an escort. He said she told him she started doing it to make some money.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 15s15 seconds ago
We're now breaking for lunch until 2;15 p.m. EST

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 38s39 seconds ago
Lunch #Babcock. Back 2:15

Dear SnooperDuper and ILoveDateline,

Your generosity of time and compassion in posting the trial tweet updates is greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much!
I thought the same thing when I read that. Can't imagine anyone would want to associate with these guys. Maybe fellow psychopaths?

Maybe they are former friends who weren't involved in his "missions" and are still trying to reconcile how a person they knew and considered to be a friend could commit such evil acts? I know if someone I was friends with was charged with murder I would want to believe they were innocent if only because I wouldn't know how to convince myself that I'd known someone well enough to consider them to be a friend and in doing so misjudged their character so poorly.
Yeah, DM is debating things not in debate like the date of SL's statement to police.

I don't get what DM is getting from getting SL to admit that DM seemed sketchy to him. Doesn't that work against DM? Anyone in the jury that sides with SL on that one?

I think he was clumsily trying to establish that SL's memory of that day is flawed?
I like that the crown is being honest and bringing forth witnesses that aren’t trying to hide that she had issues.
So it appears both defense teams are going with the "no body, no crime" defense. Although both are probably willing to concede that she is likely no longer alive, they want to raise reasonable doubt that it was either by her own hand or by the lifestyle she was leading. And all the upcoming circumstantial evidence is just a couple of guys being stupid with their code words and BBQ inferences. :rolleyes:

I'm surprised that Millard isn't pushing harder in that direction to tell the truth. Given LBs mental and personal state at the time it wouldn't be hard to sell that she may have killed herself. He could explain that his text about hurting her and making her go away was about breaking up with her. As she called him 8 times, he could argue that he was her last hope, and when he brutally rejected her she jumped in lake Ontario never to be seen again. However, we don't know what hard evidence the crown has that would discount that scenario.
Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
#Millard asked Lerner if he’s Jewish. He is. And whether Laura was planning to convert. She was not, he said.

Trevor Dunn‏ @trevorjdunn
Millard asks if Lerner's background is Jewish:
Lerner: Yes.
Millard: Was Laura in process of converting to Judaism?
Lerner: No

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Back to the Starbucks meeting. Millard says Lerner asked whether he was having a sexual relationship w #Babcock, & #Millard said no.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"I told you I already had a girlfriend," #Millard reminds Lerner, who agrees Millard "vehemently denied" any relationship w #Babcock

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV
Stepping out briefly to file a radio report for noon - remember @trevorjdunn is tweeting + we have a liveblog here:

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Lerner got #Babcock's phone bill from her mom. "Did the fact that Laura's last 8 phone calls were to you, strike me as important? Yes."

Jewish?!?!??? I can almost see the faint rumblings of some sort of point with the rest of DM's questions. But in what world is that half way relevant? Is he next going to suggest that LB committed suicide because she was so distraught that if she converted to judaism she'd have to give up christmas?
What we're not seeing much of, at least in the tweets, is objections from the prosecution. Are they just relying on the judge to keep DM in check instead of interrupting him after every question? Basically letting him hang himself until the judge admonishes him?

I think that is exactly what they are doing. Let him dig himself a hole he can't get out of when the experts come to the stand. These are the easy cross exams character and heresay. Once it is verified by experts with pings, text, video and everything else the crown has none of these early witnesses will matter. Right now he is trying to make it seems like her life choices are the reason for her death
The fact that DM asked SL why he cared if DM gave LB drugs and SL's answer that he loved and cared about her shows the glaring issues with DM. He does not understand that simple concept. He's likely a psychopath. I wonder if the jury is picking up on that? :waitasec:


IMO he's not exactly endearing himself to the jury. My observation was at least one juror with disapproving, raised eyebrows at several of Millard's questions. (Disapproval/distaste would be my interpretation.)
Jewish?!?!??? I can almost see the faint rumblings of some sort of point with the rest of DM's questions. But in what world is that half way relevant? Is he next going to suggest that LB committed suicide because she was so distraught that if she converted to judaism she'd have to give up christmas?

I really think he's trying to paint her as a person that had it bottom and simply run out of options. I'm finding a huge discrepancy between what LBs dad's testimony and what LB was telling friends though. Something was going on in that house more than Laura breaking midweek curfews. Arguing all the time? Kicked out by parents? Locks changed? That girl would rather be homeless than sleep in her own bed, something is not right there.
I think that is exactly what they are doing. Let him dig himself a hole he can't get out of when the experts come to the stand. These are the easy cross exams character and heresay. Once it is verified by experts with pings, text, video and everything else the crown has none of these early witnesses will matter. Right now he is trying to make it seems like her life choices are the reason for her death

Agreed. It makes sense for the Crown to let him keep talking and make himself look like an idiot/sociopath in the eyes of the jury. Or, better yet, he might slip up and say something that incriminates himself, or something that conflicts with his own side of the story, should he decide to testify later in the trial.
Replying to @HefCHCHNews
has Judge Code warned Millard about testifying? Some of the quotes seem borderline testimony and not a line of questioning.

I think I'm correct in saying that if DM (as his own client and lawyer) presents testimony, then the Crown gets to call him to the stand. Could be why the Crown isn't objecting to much ;)
So it appears both defense teams are going with the "no body, no crime" defense. Although both are probably willing to concede that she is likely no longer alive, they want to raise reasonable doubt that it was either by her own hand or by the lifestyle she was leading. And all the upcoming circumstantial evidence is just a couple of guys being stupid with their code words and BBQ inferences. :rolleyes:

They could be going with body, but no crime. Laura overdosed, or committed suicide at Millard’s house, and afraid of the fallout they disposed of her remains. It all depends on what evidence they’re compelled to have to explain.
I really think he's trying to paint her as a person that had it bottom and simply run out of options. I'm finding a huge discrepancy between what LBs dad's testimony and what LB was telling friends though. Something was going on in that house more than Laura breaking midweek curfews. Arguing all the time? Kicked out by parents? Locks changed? That girl would rather be homeless than sleep in her own bed, something is not right there.

She was told she could not come home after midnight and you know what - shelters have a curfew too, you cannot just waltz in for the night at 2:00 AM after the bars close and sleep in.

That leaves crashing at friend's places, picking up, or sleeping in the park.

IMO there was nothing wrong at the Babcock house - LB just got into partying and she butted up against rules everywhere.
I'm surprised that Millard isn't pushing harder in that direction to tell the truth. Given LBs mental and personal state at the time it wouldn't be hard to sell that she may have killed herself. He could explain that his text about hurting her and making her go away was about breaking up with her. As she called him 8 times, he could argue that he was her last hope, and when he brutally rejected her she jumped in lake Ontario never to be seen again. However, we don't know what hard evidence the crown has that would discount that scenario.

Not to mention why he never said so earlier. I think he may have a case to say she committed suicide, however, I believe there is evidence that he and MS got rid of the body. How do you explain that? If the Crown can prove what's in their opening statement, they are guilty of indignity to a body at minimum.
Witnesses being questioned by a man convicted of first degree murder. Our law needs to change. His questioning doesn't even make sense. Was Laura Lerner's first sexual partner? Why would that be important??? What a loser.
I never thought I would see the day where I wished NS was asking the questions on DM's behalf.
Shannon Martin&#8207; @ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago
The jury is entering the courtroom after lunch, we should getting rolling very soon.

Shannon Martin&#8207; @ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago
Elisabeth Van Rensburg, 27, is now in the witness box.

Shannon Martin&#8207; @ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago
She's known Babcock since she was born, a family friend. Van Runsberg is now a lawyer herself.

Lisa Hepfner&#8207; @HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Next witness 27-yr old Elisabeth Renseurg (spelling unclear) old friend of Laura #Babcock since birth. Family friends. She's now a lawyer.
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