Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.08.17 - Day 12

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Good morning. Early start again today.

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC

We're back at 9:30 a.m. again tomorrow. #LauraBabcock
Millard has nothing to lose at this point by going to the cops and saying that CN knew this and that, and that he would testify against her.

Especially if CN started seeing Boris more often after DM was arrested and he found out.

It does explain DM wanting AM to keep an eye on CN after he was arrested.

Especially if CN started seeing Boris more often after DM was arrested and he found out.

It does explain DM wanting AM to keep an eye on CN after he was arrested.


Exactly, Millard wielded an enormous amount of power over CN, even when he was locked up.
You have seen how incriminating their text messages are, imagine what their actual conversations were like. Millard has nothing to lose at this point by going to the cops and saying that CN knew this and that, and that he would testify against her. There is a reason why CN spent so much time in prison. They were trying to break her.

CN was in jail long before the TB trial. Are you saying DM would tell the cops everything he did just so he can see her end up in jail for 5-10 years max? And he picks up 2 life sentences out of the deal.

Seems hard to rationalize, respectfully of course.
Exactly, Millard wielded an enormous amount of power over CN, even when he was locked up.

Makes you wonder if CN's statement about getting close and spending more time with Rabbit after DM's arrest was by choice?
CN was in jail long before the TB trial. Are you saying DM would tell the cops everything he did just so he can see her end up in jail for 5-10 years max? And he picks up 2 life sentences out of the deal.

Seems hard to rationalize, respectfully of course.

Millard doesn't have to say anything because he knows she won't say anything. Thats the rub. CN is terrified that the truth will come out, so much so that she has fled half way around the world while this trial goes on. There's nothing to stop Millard from cooperating with cops five years from now when all trials are said and done. Paul Bernardo sat down with cops and confessed to a bunch of rapes long after he was convicted, Millard may do something similar. Believe me, it is best for CN to do everything in her power not to poke the bear.
Makes you wonder if CN's statement about getting close and spending more time with Rabbit after DM's arrest was by choice?

If CN had nothing to do with this crime she would have distanced herself from that family in a hurry. TB was a huge horrific piece of news, why would anybody want to be associated with that? Its not like they had been together for decades either. She was tied to him, still is, always will be.
I agree with this 100%. Smich had already been busted for tagging, yet he has a bag full of spray cans in plane view. He had drug paraphernalia sitting out in the open. And, without a job, shows up with a $1000 iPad. This kid was clearly unafraid of any discipline from his mother. She is definitely responsible for not steering that kid straight, or at least attempting to do so, when his life was in crisis. Most of all though, if I were in her shoes, I would not support or have anything to do with my son unless he were to come clean and admit to all that he has done. What he is putting the Babcock through right now, and what he put the Bosma family through previously, are possibly his most cruel crimes to date, and she is enabling him.

IMO, we have no right to judge the parenting skills (or lack there of) from MS mother. We don't know the extent of the family background, whether or not she tried to help him find a job, get addictions counselling. There's too many grey areas to pass judgement, again, my opinion. Was it right for MS mother to lash out at the camera, imo, no. But, acting on emotion, I would likely do the same thing. This trial isn't about her, what she did, or didn't do. Where's his father in all of this...has he passed away...that's another can of worms.
I wondered if that could have been an error... because AC was reporting same time that DM was typing notes on his computer??

It's not an error. MS and DM each have a computer at their respective desks.
I agree with this 100%. Smich had already been busted for tagging, yet he has a bag full of spray cans in plane view. He had drug paraphernalia sitting out in the open. And, without a job, shows up with a $1000 iPad. This kid was clearly unafraid of any discipline from his mother. She is definitely responsible for not steering that kid straight, or at least attempting to do so, when his life was in crisis. Most of all though, if I were in her shoes, I would not support or have anything to do with my son unless he were to come clean and admit to all that he has done. What he is putting the Babcock through right now, and what he put the Bosma family through previously, are possibly his most cruel crimes to date, and she is enabling him.

...and then there was this...looks like she she was using skype on the ipad as well...tweet.JPG
...and then there was this...looks like she she was using skype on the ipad as well...

Proves she knew who it belonged to. SMH
Who said they were breaking up? They were arguing over each other’s infidelities, neither of which have been proven. Certainly the texts show that Millard was doing his best to avoid LB, so LB may very well have been lying in that text to CN. Whether CNs friend actually took her up on her offer is unknown as well. But neither seems to be talking about ending their relationship.

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DM said he was no longer calling her GF
That is breaking up to me

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Lets not confuse spoiling a child with good parenting. What is quite evident with both these guys is that they both lacked an authority figure in their lives. Sometimes a kid needs to be put up against the wall and told "straighten up or get the *advertiser censored** out". That obviously didn't happen for either of these guys.
I'd like to be introduced to one European mother who would kick her kid out.
I have many friends with European backgrounds. I know people who have been unemployed and living at home in their 30s. Mom cooks and cleans and especially coddles the boys. We'll stereotype and call them Mama's boys here. I dated one, it wasn't fun lol
The woman was also going through cancer treatments. Jmo

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IMO, we have no right to judge the parenting skills (or lack there of) from MS mother. We don't know the extent of the family background, whether or not she tried to help him find a job, get addictions counselling. There's too many grey areas to pass judgement, again, my opinion. Was it right for MS mother to lash out at the camera, imo, no. But, acting on emotion, I would likely do the same thing. This trial isn't about her, what she did, or didn't do. Where's his father in all of this...has he passed away...that's another can of worms.
Father was in the media early on. They are divorced or separated. Either way they don't Iive in the same home

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