Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.15.17 - Day 16

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Medical waste including amputated limbs etc
Is burned on site at hospitals in Ontario. By law, it has to be burned at night because it generates a black smoke and is unsightly. I'm thinking crematoriums operate the same way. I seriously doubt a mobile operation can just park on some urban street or in a parking lot, day or night and cremate pets. I can't wait to hear from his uncle!!!

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Not sure about the method Hospitals use, but the SN500 with the afterburner eliminates much of the unburned gases and particles. The second burner is like the catalytic converter on a car. As Penner testified, the main burn chamber reaches 1300 degrees, and the secondary smaller chamber 1400 degrees. The second smaller chamber ensures the gases and particles remain in the hotter secondary burn for a period of time.

Now with that said, the question is the video of hot embers dancing in the night sky. I believe that was taken on July 23rd, and that would mean the Eliminator was being used. Did they use it incorrectly, and hence the embers? Why did they not ask Penner about the video of the emissions? Maybe they are going to call Cook?

And finally, the propane refill SS was tasked with on Aug 28th. What series of events lead up to a need to refill, and a rotting smell still present? I don't see it being remains of LB, as we have all seen a photo of the burning remains in July that were almost completely burnt. Just bones left. Did DM strike up some business and it was a "pick up"?

Maybe they attempted to use the homemade first, and when it failed, just left the remains in it until they got the SN500 working. And when transferring LB to the Eliminator, they required the board. The tarp would have been partially destroyed during the colossal failure of using the homemade incinerator, it would also explain the stains on the board. MOO
I Am confused again, did the tweets not say yesterday it was late August when SS saw and smelt something terrible in incinerator? This article says late July, so that makes more sense now!

"The mechanic, Shane Schlatman, spent all day in the witness box, and testified about more than what he saw in late July 2012 when he stopped by Millard's farm in the Waterloo, Ont. region, to fill the incinerator's propane tank."

There was a smell too.

"I could smell a funny smell. Like rotting. Not nice. There was stuff inside of it," he told the jury as Babcock's murder trial continued in Ontario Superior Court. "
I am thinking maybe it was July 28th and not Aug. 28th when SS came to refill the propane. Reporter error?
Agree 100%. But wouldn't every single one of us do the same in such a situation. I think yes.

I’d want justice for the victims and their families more.

The fact is, no one committed these murders but DM and MS. I don’t care how awful it makes you look, put your ego aside and get up there and tell the truth to everything you know.
I Am confused again, did the tweets not say yesterday it was late August when SS saw and smelt something terrible in incinerator? This article says late July, so that makes more sense now!

"The mechanic, Shane Schlatman, spent all day in the witness box, and testified about more than what he saw in late July 2012 when he stopped by Millard's farm in the Waterloo, Ont. region, to fill the incinerator's propane tank."

There was a smell too.

"I could smell a funny smell. Like rotting. Not nice. There was stuff inside of it," he told the jury as Babcock's murder trial continued in Ontario Superior Court. "

Lisa Hepfner‏

Schlatman has seen stuff in the incinerator. "Ash and fragments, bone maybe." He thinks he maybe went to the farm to get the generator.

Schlatman isn't sure when or why he was at the #Millard farm. "There was a funny smell from it. It smelled like rotting. It didn't smell very good. was stuff inside so the burn was interrupted or not done right."

"Another dead deer at the farm," #Millard tells Schlatman. "Your mission is to fill the propane tank and bring it back to the hangar."

Those text messages were August 28, 2012, when Schlatman was sent to fill the propane tank. He agrees that's when he saw and smelled something in the incinerator.

Crown is done with Schlatman. Court break.
Welcome, ChairCat! Thank you for your post. Great insight on DM's writing. That one text stood out to me, too, since it is uncharacteristic of DM to make such big spelling errors. And he usually corrects his errors in a subsequent text with an asterisk in front. He didn't do that in this case.

"meses a largar generator, will talks out that Wednesday"

This also raises an issue that I have often debated with myself in building the timeline: should I copy the messages verbatim, or should I edit the spelling, grammar, and formatting to make the timeline easier to read? I've done a bit of both over time (and not always been consistent), and sometimes I will go back and unfix edits that I've made in order to restore the character and tone of messages, as well as to keep them open to interpretation (very important IMO).

As a basic example, DM almost never capitalizes the first letter of his sentences, and he rarely adds periods to his last sentence. For a long time I was correcting for these on my timeline, but lately I've been keeping the first letters lower case because that's more of a character trait than an error per se.

Some other unique things:

  • MS always capitalizes the first letter, but he never uses apostrophes (I'm is Im, I'll is Ill or Il, etc.) I usually add the apostrophes, but I never change MS's character words like "tryna", "ina", "gunna", and "kno". His writing is colourful in a trashy/uneducated way ("I thought u was gunna be back in like 10 days").
  • CN's writing tends to have decent grammar and style, but her spelling isn't great (e.g. "apperantly" and "presistant").
  • MWJ's writing is just all around terrible. His writing is characterized by lots of run-on sentences and unique spellings like "thow", "hurd", and "stoopid". There's no mistaking his texts for somebody else's.
  • SS asks lots of questions, but he never uses question marks!
  • DM rarely uses "lol", while MS uses it a lot. IMO there's an awkwardness/insecurity behind MS's lols. It's kinda sad and pathetic in a way.

Dunno if any of this is interesting to anybody but myself, but at this point I've copied out so many texts that all the voices are swirling in my head! :gaah:

It's absolutely interesting! Thank you to you and ChairCat for the insight. Re: your thought, "His writing is colourful in a trashy/uneducated way" - I'd be interested to hear/see how MS speaks in person/on camera, not only in text. I recently came across someone who presents very effectively and professionally in person (with very clear speech and a nice tone) but his texts are atrocious, riddled with slang and punctuation errors. The disconnect is interesting to me, and I wonder if any of these characters, namely MS, would be similar.
I’d want justice for the victims and their families more.

The fact is, no one committed these murders but DM and MS. I don’t care how awful it makes you look, put your ego aside and get up there and tell the truth to everything you know.

Touchy ground there. If these people had knowledge of these crimes prior to them being committed (think TB) and they also helped in the cleanup after the fact (think SS stripping TBs truck), then there would be a could chance that they could be charged as accessories to the murders. The problem is, as these people were not key players in the crimes themselves, what they knew likely came from what they were told or overheard (like AM overhearing "Whose truck should I steal"), and as we know the crown's cases have been based exclusively on their recovery of text and phone info. So the only way these people can be brought to justice is if somebody talks. They are all guilty of one thing or another, so none of them will talk. And Millard and Smich aren't going to talk right now either, and I have the feeling that is why none of Millards pals are rolling on him. Its what he might say later.
Agree 100%. But wouldn't every single one of us do the same in such a situation. I think yes.

There are only a small minority of people in society who would have participated in any of the criminal activities / "missions" and the subsequent cover-ups.
So, by extension, most of us would not find ourselves in the same situation. It is very flawed logic to state we would all do the same.

It takes a special kind of stupid for a person to allow their morals to be compromised by (as RB stated) "a sick, twisted prick" such as Dellen Millard. Although we have seen multiple people who did willfully let the allure of wealth, family money to alter their morals, there are very likely a larger group of (silent, unknown) people who steered clear of him once they realized he was an entitled, spoiled, manipulative, jerk.

In this way, decent people were filtered out, leaving the majority of DM's friends, a minority of society. The vile, degenerate scummy circle of friends DM associated with, the ones who overlooked DM's character flaws and joined him, this "cast of characters" in DM's circle are not representative of society, or the members on this board.
There are only a small minority of people in society who would have participated in any of the criminal activities / "missions" and the subsequent cover-ups.
So, by extension, most of us would not find ourselves in the same situation. It is very flawed logic to state we would all do the same.

It takes a special kind of stupid for a person to allow their morals to be compromised by (as RB stated) "a sick, twisted prick" such as Dellen Millard. Although we have seen multiple people who did willfully let the allure of wealth, family money to alter their morals, there are very likely a larger group of (silent, unknown) people who steered clear of him once they realized he was an entitled, spoiled, manipulative, jerk.

In this way, decent people were filtered out, leaving the majority of DM's friends, a minority of society. The vile, degenerate scummy circle of friends DM associated with, the ones who overlooked DM's character flaws and joined him, this "cast of characters" in DM's circle are not representative of society, or the members on this board.

...this by far, the post of the day.
Thank you for putting it into perspective like this. I shake my head and find it truly hard to believe that there are *advertiser censored**holes in this world that have the ability to live their life as DM and the gang.
Touch ground there. If these people had knowledge of these crimes prior to them being committed (think TB) and they also helped in the cleanup after the fact (think SS stripping TBs truck), then there would be a could chance that they could be charged as accessories to the murders. The problem is, as these people were not key players in the crimes themselves, what they knew likely came from what they were told or overheard (like AM overhearing "Whose truck should I steal"), and as we know the crown's cases have been based exclusively on their recovery of text and phone info.

I get what you’re saying. However, if LE believed that anyone else was knowingly involved with these murders or the clean up of them, they would have been charged by now. Just like good ol’ CN.

It’s also my understanding that as a witness your testimony can’t be used against you. But regardless, the crown doesn’t want to fry DM’s minions. The crown doesn’t care that they were involved in or knew of the thefts, or the drugs, or the running of a chop shop, especially in relevance to these murder trials. It’s purely about ego with most of these witnesses, and they need to put it aside. I’m not saying it would be easy, but they would be more respected because of it.
Did Millard end up with the 4 full 100 pound propane tanks that were discussed on July 9? Or was some other arrangement ultimately made? Those 4 tanks were supposed to hold enough to burn for 8 hours - 2 full burns, or 1000 pounds. If that is the case, he should not have been out of propane by late August.
I feel like I read a tweet about SS saying something like the "other one i made" Yesterday at some point.
I don't recall there being two homemade incinerators?

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wonder how that all went down
It was AM and other friends that stood lookout for stealing the bobcat. SS removed the GPS on the bobcat AFTER the police came by asking questions as it had been traced to that location.
Hi everyone - I will be available to post tweets and the blog this morning, until about 12:30/12:45. Can anyone take over at that time?
I feel like I read a tweet about SS saying something like the "other one i made" Yesterday at some point.

You are correct, he did say something along those lines. However I think what he meant or what he was referring to was the trailer he built to make the Eliminator mobile.
Hi everyone - I will be available to post tweets and the blog this morning, until about 12:30/12:45. Can anyone take over at that time?

as much fun as i had yesterday...apparently i didn't get my office completely painted and ready for flooring. i have to sit this one out :(
Thank you Velma, for all your help
ABro seems to think the homemade incinerator was broken up and I agree with her opinion:

[FONT=&quot]Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 [video=twitter;931006699351298048][/video]More


[FONT=&quot]What caused Dellen Millard's homemade incinerator to be destroyed? The last time Shane Shlatman saw it, it was intact. Then police discovered it in the barn in pieces
ABro seems to think the homemade incinerator was broken up and I agree with her opinion:

[FONT="][URL=""]Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03[/URL] [video=twitter;931006699351298048][/video]More


[FONT="]What caused Dellen Millard's homemade incinerator to be destroyed? The last time Shane Shlatman saw it, it was intact. Then police discovered it in the barn in pieces

I think that was pretty clear from yesterday's testimony, and Tuesday's for that matter. It was destroyed because it didn't work, simple as that.
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